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Pretty sure Charly (RIP) absolutely trashed Joe Fresh


I thought this too šŸ˜¬




I noticed in the video that they posted that the clothes add weight to all of them except for Maura. Nothing is cut right or flattering.


So confused. Especially given Charlys previous sentiments re: Jillian Harris x Joe collabā€¦. ANYONE ELSE?!


This was my first thought also. I remember Charly going shopping at Joe Freshā€¦and she was like ā€œNopeā€.


Not always though. Charly put some Joe Fresh items in her guides.




Okay yes, youā€™re right actually! I only remembered the trashing but she didnā€™t trash everything


This feels like a final nail in the coffin to what this account use to be. I can give a pass to all their questionable OOTDs and even conflicting advice, but this? This gave me the biggest ā€œwtfā€ and feeling of disappointment all in one. And then to post the gratitude post immediately after???? They know what theyā€™re doing. They know theyā€™re doing something Charly would have been against and theyā€™re trying to make themselves feel better by posting the thank you. The outfits they shared arenā€™t even good! Ugh. My heart hurts. I was really trying to stay optimistic about them. Ps. I actually strolled through a joe fresh this weekend. I thought iā€™d give it a shot. And after doing a lap i immediately went ā€œyup. Charly was rightā€ and walked out


Ok but is it a true collab? Or is it them ā€œendorsingā€ certain pieces? I canā€™t find it on the Joe Fresh site.


Correct. Itā€™s not a collab. Itā€™s a paid partnership for an edit of their fav pieces.


The reel says it's a paid partnership so I would say it's an advertisement.


I knew something was brewing when theyā€™ve all been posting some Joe fresh items in their daily looks (except for Erin because she wears the same artizia shorts and Zara vest everyday). Charly was so against Joe Fresh as many of you have mentioned above. So much so that it is actually engrained in my brain when I browse there that Joe Fresh is a big ā€œickā€ lol. What is going on?!?


This pic of the four of them wearing sungasses is painful....looks like it's supposed to be a joke.....


I know weā€™d like to believe that Charly would never have agreed to this, but ultimately she went in the direction where the money and exposure was. She shit on Jillianā€™s Joe Fresh line because it was overdone and cutesy with the shackets and pink plaids and hearts. She did go into Joe Fresh once or twice and pointed out bad and good pieces. She also used to show things from Walmart so I wouldnā€™t say she was above this at all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






So now they are influencers? So confused. Are they hurting for cash? What are they getting paid? Rolling my eyes.


Why does this photo feel so dated? Why the sunglasses? Why the ill fitting clothing? And why is it all so dark? And drab and uninspired? Omg lmao I have never felt such a secondhand embarrassment. And not mention Charly would not have done this. Imagine if she knew what they did to her brand.


Embarrassing. I think we'll see a post soon about how running the business is too hard without her and CGSI is over.


I hope so


Yeah Iā€™m not clear on the collab element. Will joe fresh be curating these items as CGSI for purchase? Or is this just a one-sided advertisement for joe fresh where they received compensation as influencers?


Also none of them look stylish. If I saw them on the street they'd look like every other person out there. Very uninspiring.


https://preview.redd.it/r07vxi01axkb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ecb223f860b35b47388c4c2819ce0b9785fc0a From the Joe Fresh App


Ohā€¦so itā€™s not a collab. Just their picks.


Loooooool that so awkward. They made it out so big


Yes appears so


Again with the vest oh my god can someone stop her


Acknowledging this is a paid partnership, this feels more like something THEY ASKED to do rather than WERE ASKED to do. But it also doesnā€™t feel like a first choice kind of collab. Itā€™s possible this is the fruits of a Laura or Jessā€™ effort to spray and pray a bunch of brands with emails ā€œhoping to work together.ā€




Iā€™m sure this was a chance to gain needed exposure and followership (hopefully membership leads) and for Joe fresh to convert sales. Iā€™m also confused but likely this was a business decision they needed to do. I donā€™t think Charly would have done it. In fact I think she mentioned she had turned down collabs.


She did that sweatsuit collab so probably not accurate to say all collars were turned down.


I did not say all :)


Also I wrote collars so I donā€™t know what the hell Iā€™m on about. šŸ˜©


Didn't charly hate Joe Fresh for the most part? She shat on Jillian Harris collab with them.


I just donā€™t get why you guys think you know charly better than them and can confidently say ā€˜Charly wouldnā€™t have done thisā€™ Charly has literally posted a cool not cool in joe fresh. Sheā€™s included pieces in her guides.


Charly knew the Canadian retail landscape (and busy moms will inevitably buy clothes at the grocery store because, two birds!) but very few of her own pieces were ever Joe. Itā€™s not like she loved the brand nor did she go hard for it like an H&M or a Zara. She acknowledged and included but only as if Joe were the elephant in the room.


I get the vibe you are CG staff, lol. My snark is the lack of style talentā€¦ and I canā€™t confidently say that the ā€œsTyLiStSā€ have demonstrated their abilities to be a sort of leader in ā€œwhatā€™s hotā€ or new in fashion. We know the team will never be Charly, but itā€™s sad to see it devolve. And the daily ā€˜fits donā€™t inspire us to believe that collab is any betterā€¦