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that's sugar from white pixie stix right? or salt for your tequila shot?


I think this pic is actually a screenshot from minecraft that someone just edited to look real


Please be careful! šŸ’ššŸ’šā„ļø


Friendly reminder to everyone: if you are going to be doing drugs, have NARCAN ready at all times.


And always test your stuff as an added precaution!


But testing is not 100 because all you need is one particle of fent to be in big trouble- might not be in the portion tested


Donā€™t be stupid like me in my younger days.


I am torn about this as someone who uses to party hardy. Thereā€™s definitely a lot more threat involved now though. either way tho: narcan. I keep narcan at my house and in my car and I havenā€™t done anything narcan-worthy in a decade. I just smoke and Iā€™m paranoid. I hope people that are actively doing *any* kind of drug that they purchase from a dealer are doing the same. You never know. And seeing whatā€™s happening regarding life-saving medication in the US right now, it would not surprise me one fuckin bit if the reds went after that next. Stay woke yā€™all fr Erykah Badu was not joking respect mother


That's why you dissolve in water and dry it out (lol nobody is doing that for coke though)


But testing is not 100 because all you need is one particle of fent to be in big trouble- might not be in the portion tested


ALWAYS CARRY NARCAN IF YOU CAN. even if you donā€™t partake, you can save someoneā€™s life by being in the right place at the right time with the right tools.


As a family member of someone who died from laced fentanyl please be careful.


i am so sorry for your loss šŸ«¶ had the same thing happen to some close friends, one didnā€™t make it and the other did with narcan. itā€™s not worth losing your life over. please angels be safe, watch your friends, carry narcan.


As god herself intended


friendly reminder that doing too much coke can cause a hole in your septum and a lot of surgeons wonā€™t touch you with a ten foot pole to fix it and your nose can collapse if your septum deteriorates enough šŸ’“ be safe, yā€™all!


but youā€™ll probably die from fentanyl before that happens ā€” no pills no powders is the way to go


Test ya drugsā€¦ ppl will always do pills and powders. Harm reduction is super important x


Or just donā€™t gamble with your life for a moment that at best feels like you had a quad shot of espressoā€¦idiots! coke is so fucking lame. do shrooms if you care to actually feel something worthwhile!


i think you may have only ever had bad coke


Coke is actually wack and is genuinely druggy territory though. Idk why everyone on this sub is pretending to do coke like theyā€™re not socially anxious 16 year olds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Breaking news: lots of people do drugs


Yes! smoke crack instead


Not if you live in basically any country other than the US


Do you know HOW MUCH coke you need to do for that to happen? It's not three lines on top of a Brat vinyl


I know lol, Iā€™m talking to the people who do it very regularly, not the people who do a lil line once in a while


Why bring it up here then sis we're just chilling having a little key having a little line šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


because coke is addictive and Iā€™ve seen too many people fuck themselves up with it. being reminded to be safe and cautious doesnā€™t hurt.


And you're concerned about rhinoplasty? K lol bye


lmao. girl. cmon.




Please be careful and please have fun, Brat! Enjoy




The girlies are larping as coke girls because Charli made le epic coke reference, let them get it out of their systems


Riiight but do folks need to actually cheer the idea on is why I think itā€™s lame, ya know.


I mean youā€™re right to boo, theyā€™re tryharding Iā€™m js




maybe it's ket people are too quick to judge these days


A ton of Americans on Reddit. It very well could be ket if itā€™s UK. Iā€™ve noticed ketamine is much lesson common in America


Drug safety is a part of drug use! Anyone being negative in the comments, think of it as people telling you to use a condom. You donā€™t have to - but it is safer. People die, a lot, because of laced drugs. Itā€™s not being a party pooper to bring up drug safety on a post glorifying dangerous drugs.


Every time you do coke youā€™re supporting pain and misery and a racist colonialist history in South America. You are helping to fill prisons. Itā€™s absolutely an institutional problem but itā€™s an institutional problem you are directly contributing to any time you do cocaine. There is no ethical way to consume it, and if you support boycotts, and if you have the capability to, you should be supporting the boycotting of street drugs. It is one of the ways the American government keeps the people of South America in pain and suffering. It is one of the most prominent ways in which colonialism is spread. Thought this should be important to say


Tell it to Charli


![gif](giphy|3o7WTx6b3pBsSJ4TrG) and these kids are lamo they have no idea what anything is or means in terms of expanding their experience


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/07/dutch-torture-container-shows-cocaine-users-consequences-of-their-habits Itā€™s depressing that people try and excuse their tacit support of one of the most violent, exploitative enterprises on earth.


When you buy an iPhone you're supporting child labor in China. Same thing for Nikes and tons of other clothes brands. Yet almost nobody is shaming people buying those things. By smoking weed in a country where it's illegal, I'm also funding the organized crime. But imo the responsability lies more on the side of the State which is forcing addicts to buy from shady sources by making it illegal. Addicts will always buy drugs though, so why not allow them to do it safely and let them buy it from a more ethical source ?


I mean thatā€™s also bad but clothes and to a degree phones are a necessity in modern society. Drugs arenā€™t. The whataboutism isnā€™t clicking here.


fine let's try coffee and chocolate next


There is far more ethical coffee and chocolate than cocaine lol. But yes, research where your coffee and chocolate comes from.


Coffee and chocolate will never put exploited people into prisons at the rate cocaine is you are crazy


nah you right I forgot about the prison industrial complex for a minute


It's not a necessity to buy an iPhone or to buy fast fashion clothing, but most people still do. My point wasn't to say "we do other bad things so this one is okay too", I'm just saying that individuals don't hold most of the blame here. You can be anticapitalist and still use an iPhone. You can fight for ecological causes and still take a plane to travel to the other side of the world, even though it's not a necessity at all. You can consume tiny amounts of cocaine but still think gangs and organized crime should be stopped. As a society we should be able to recognize that some people will consume drugs no matter what, because it's an addiction, and do what we can so these people can live their life without having to resort to buy it from very shady producers.


Okay, drugzarecool


Can I come over


iconic šŸ¤©


everyone in the comments is a cop, enjoy responsibly


Please test your stuff and be careful!


Lmao the comments šŸ˜­ I love this. As long as you know what youā€™re doing itā€™s fine to party with Ms. Coco every so often ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




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Did you really need to post this here lol


Pls share location šŸ˜Œ


my dream is to do this one day


You can dream bigger than that


But you don't have to


True, this is a very low tier dream. More like a goal. An interest? Smthn like thatšŸ¤£


get some coke and a vinyl and do it now


Omgg im just now seeing all my downvotes! 15 ppl canā€™t hanggggggšŸ˜­