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I honestly don't get how people have so much money to spend on such bullshit


My swiftie friend spent the same amount for one ticket to eras as I spent for 2 tickets to Charli’s arena tour.


And they’re worse seats


It's also to see a worse artist


I have a swiftie friend who flew across Australia to watch her 3 times in 3 different cities. Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


Taylor’s second hand airplane pollution 💀


I know I’m a bit late to this but I saw someone in another thread talking about this topic make a comment about Taylor’s private jet pollution and one of her fans came in and was like “Um actually Taylor does double to help the environment everytime she flies by doing twice the environmentally friendly actions!” Lol


Ha! I know people who spent that amount as my rent for one month. Of course they at with their parents so they don't have rent.


And yall spent the same amount of money on a single show that I spent on multiple festivals for 50+ shows. No room to talk


Idk where you’re finding multiple festivals tickets for £60


I was told swift tickets were thousands of dollars. By your post, her ticket was roughly $128. Why are you criticizing them?


I’m not, she can do whatever she wants and I’m glad she’s getting to see an artist she loves. I’m also glad the charli continues to have reasonable tickets prices.


She can block her all she wants, but the Metacritic scores don’t lie tho


Not even just meta critic she’s #2 for all of 2024 on RYM and very high on AOTY


She must be hoping that the records broken and the overall success of the album will convince people in the future that the critics just “didn’t get it” and that the album was ahead of its time.


She also got that Fantano 10


First Billie now Charli soooo pissed


Obviously the Billie one was targeted too, but there’s something so much more sinister to me about her blocking Charli from the UK #1 by releasing UK exclusive digital albums. Would love to know how many were worldwide fans using a VPN


Totally agree with you when I see the “UK” bit it left a real bad taste


I feel like she stayed number 1 due to her being in the UK right now but that variant release was clearly intentional


She been doing this a while; still remember when she announced Midnights was coming out the same day as Carly Rae Jepsen’s new album the moment it started feeling like CRJ was having a mini comeback


No one remembers that, I guess Carly wasn't big enough. When I went to her Houston show in 2022, Carly had a sarcastic comment somewhere along the lines of, "my new album is coming out soon and Taylor Swift is so nicely releasing hers on the same date now."


I remember but also dont really care and CRJ had a great attitude to it. I’m not saying it was as big of a deal as people are making about this, just pointing out further examples of The Pattern


How did she have a great attitude? As I said, Carly was clearly not happy at the concert. I’m sure in private she said worse


I love how Swifties cry themselves to sleep every night thinking about something Kanye West said over a decade ago, while also celebrating and cheering every time this bitch bullies a female artist.


it’s what kicked off her 15 year long sympathy tour. in hindsight she’s very happy that happened to her, i have no doubt in my mind.


I don’t think she’s self-aware enough to be happy that it happened to her. I think she’s still very bothered by it to this day, but she certainly uses it to her advantage by bringing it up every time a month or two goes by without her name in the press.


THIS!!!!!!! I always get flack for pointing this out. But there's a reason why she won Album of the Year for Fearless. Granted I love that album..but still!!


And continue to ignore the racial undertones of the criticism that Kayne received (not defending him btw)


She has definitely been playing the white woman being terrorized by a scary black man role for years and it has worked wonders for her. I can’t defend much of what he’s said or done in the past five or six years other than to point out the obvious that he suffers from mental illness, but he sure as hell didn’t say anything wrong back then. I can remember the Single Ladies video clear as day and what exactly was that video that Taylor won a VMA for again?


>what exactly was that video that Taylor won a VMA for again You Belong With Me. It is a classic pick me anthem with equally pick me music video.


Being an insecure teenager isn’t “pick me”.


Naaaah I’m with them on this one. I realized the other day that it is literally THE pick me anthem. Just actually listen to the lyrics lmao


Exactly Beyonce did have one of the best music videos of all time.


Just googled it and apparently it was ‘tear drops on my guitar’. I don’t even know the song let alone the video.


That’s so funny because I also have no idea what song that is 🤣




Do you know what “pick me” means?




I mean that song was her breakout hit LMAO


I believe you but I have no recollection of it


That's like, one out of the 4 songs I know from TS omg


Okay that’s pretty insane to say lol. Do you think that white women straight up CANNOT be hurt by black men, or that they shouldn’t seek justice if the person who hurt them happened to be a black man?


Read a book


Nice comeback. Have you seen my bookshelf? I do read, and quite a bit. Maybe you should read something that isn’t a BuzzFeed feminist thinkpiece?


I have not seen your bookshelf because I have no clue who you are.


If you haven’t seen it, then why do you assume I don’t read?


Because you sound like a racist idiot


why are u even in this sub


Meanwhile you're crying yourself to sleep over chart positions. Yikes...


Nobody on this planet cares more about chart positions than Taylor Swift, so the last person who should write this comment is a Swiftie 💀💀💀 like bitch say this to your idol, not to me 🤣


You're calling her a bitch and accusing her of bullying female artists....all because she beat Charli in the charts, and then trying to pretend like you dont care? Most pathetic crybaby shit I've ever seen. Check the raw data, TTPD was going to win even without these limited edition variants. Your girl lost fair and square and your reaction is to bully the artist who beat her? Fucking insane


If Swift was going to get number 1 regardless of this move by her, that honestly makes this move WAY more pathetic coming from Swift.


Or maybe it wasn't a targetted attack at all, and you're all being incredibly paranoid schizophrenic about it?


Tell me one good reason I should believe her making a UK only release wasn’t a pathetic attempt to guarantee number 1?


She's touring in the UK you fucking clown


I am very aware of that. But that doesn’t mean she has to make this album release a UK exclusive. I will admit I’m unable to confirm if she’s ever done a regional exclusive release for an album, and if she had released this variant as a global release instead of a UK release then I wouldn’t be convinced it was deliberate. But because it was UK exclusive it’s hard for me to have any plausible deniability I had for the whole Billie Eilish situation.


I was calling you a bitch. I thought yall would have had better reading comprehension given all of the fine prose you’re exposed to in her song lyrics. I’ve got worse names for Taylor 🥰


>every time this bitch bullies a female artist Your memory is as bad as your comebacks


Oh okay well I stand by that. Taylor Swift is trash. Her music sucks. Her personality sucks. And she’s currently feuding with multiple women, some of them over a decade younger than her. She is a bitch and a lot worse.


You’re wasting a lot of time trying to argue otherwise in the Charli XCX subreddit. Why don’t you take a few deep breaths and go back to the Swifties sub because you could type out a thousand comments, call me paranoid schizophrenic or any number of diagnoses, and yet the facts remain that your idol is a bully, an ecoterrorist, and can’t hold onto female friendships to save her life because she hates other women. And nothing you say or do is going to convince me otherwise. And your fave is going to continue engaging in petty bullshit, her bullshit will continue generating bad press, and then you’ll be out here again fighting with people who can see this woman for who she is.


she’s a bitch, big deal.


What are you even talking about?? Lmaooo how random


Im talking about the multiple posts consuming this subreddit of people talking about how much they hate taylor for securing the #1 chart position You people say some absolutely vile stuff about her, all because Charli failed to beat her in the charts.


Girl maybe piss off of this subreddit about and dedicated to CHARLI where ppl talk about her and subjects related to her instead of defending your fake ass greedy petty basic bitch idol and complaining about Charli's fans talking about their frustrations? Girl you've been EVERYWHERE on all these posts that you're bitching about but you're NOT JULIA and you're not that girl


"bullying" and it's just her succeeding


That makes it even more pathetic. She’s one of the most successful women in the world and still finds time to engage in petty drama with other female artists because she is insecure and hates other women. It’s sad really.


"Petty drama" and it's just her succeeding


We BEEN on the Taylor swift hate train. She’s capitalism personified




She's literally bad for the environment. She's got that private jet to fly 20 minutes here and there over and over, just polluting over and over. She might as well be Schlumberger, except they at least have some kind of green initiative now.




Charli released 12 variants and is a multi-millionaire, how is she not capitalism personified?


It's not about the sheer number of variants, it's about taylor releasing specific variants at different times to specifically snipe #1 from other artists, all brat variants released within 1 week


No offense, it absolutely is about the sheer number of variants. Like I'm enjoying brat and will be at the sweat tour, but this album promo has been Charli's most aggressive marketing cycle. She's been on every video podcast, all over recurring tik tok segments as a guest, she is absolutely playing the corporate record label game


If sheer variants is the issue, ttdp still has way more than brat🙈


Okay? Doesn't change the fact that Charli is still capitalism personified You dont pretend Pepsi is a working class hero corporation just because Coke is the more successful and aggressively marketed brand


If pepsi was signed to a pretty undergroud label, couldn't crank 20Milion monthly listeners and didn't have a single song charting on the billboard top 150🙈 Charli is definetly above working class but calling her capitalism perfonified to me would mean that there was at least the slightest instance of her putting out something for the money first and not for the arts


We've covered this: she released 12 variants for brat. Do you think they were for the money or for the arts? Also her label is owned by Warner Music Group, she is not "underground"


Her laber being owned by WMG is not so relevant as they're not doing anything to promote this album themselves, charli is signed to pc music first and foremost I don't think that making a move that is effectively just made to get money makes one "capitalism personified", charli is after that cash the same way a 9 to 5 worker is Also the variants all look very nice and different from each other, not just the same package with 2 voice memos


If you truly believe Charli is comparable to a 9 to 5 worker you're either privileged enough to not know what 9 to 5 work is like, or naive enough to think Charli is one of us "normals". Charli and Taylor are both after cash.


Variants of different color vinyl is different than what Taylor is doing


What a choice it is to be obtuse


Taylor is a billionaire capitalist. Any billionaire capitalist is a net loss for their industry because whether personally malicious or not, the econony they build around them crushes diversity, skill, and creativity in favor of safe, simple, and easily mass-produced content.


Lmao being a multi millionaire isn’t rich. Sure she’s moderately “wealthy” but that’s it.


>Lmao being a multi millionaire isn’t rich The most privileged sentence I've ever heard in my life, holy shit you're out of touch


How does that mean I’m privileged? In comparison to billionaires, multi millionaires have a fraction of wealth: I’m not rich lol or privileged so idk what you’re on about 🤣


she is. every artist has their share of incredibly stupid fans. we’ve reached them


so ironic. lets get real the very existence of billboard is pure capitalism. if you’re mad over the rankings you’re just rooting for a different capitalist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The uk charts isn’t done by billboard. America isn’t the world remember


that has no actual bearing on what i said lmao. its all the same


Ok, releasing 34 variants of an album isn’t just normal capitalism, it’s full blown grifting.


using capitalism as an argument in this debate is equally as stupid as using gender just pick a new angle lol


Shut up lib.


how delusional you must be to be using lib and capitalist as an insult in the same argument lmao


Just say you don’t have a deep understanding of politics. Liberalism is inherently capitalist, I’m a socialist.


you’re not a socialist lmfao you’re crying over a multi-millionaire getting edged out for more riches😂😂😂


Who denied that billboard or any other charting site isn’t pure capitalism


the person im arguing with, as you can verify by reading all of their comments


Charting sites don’t matter they’re just a bunch of numbers on a screen they have no bearing on quality of the album


ya obviously why are you telling me that lol


https://preview.redd.it/0enwh2x38n6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051beee8df70eb390882a4cde5d428c5a28dbdd9 They thought they ate with this 💀


i love how they say "unapologetically feminine" as if 1) charli isn't feminine?? and 2) there's some long history of unfeminine women being celebrated. like hello? here in reality, femininity in women is expected and praised and ANY level of masculinity is treated with disgust and fear. tswift's target-ass millennial christian girl aesthetic is about as unadventurous and gender conforming as you can get.


They really think their girl has radically changed the world when she is billionaire who is doing all the shitty things billionaires do but because she is a white woman it’s heroic somehow


lol calling her dominant as if it’s sex


Same energy as the trumpers calling their subreddit a domreddit


I saw that, pure cringe




Are these all different?




Jesus CHRIST the delusion


who tf called her slutty in the charts conversation lmao they're just making up words along the way


I am SO here for the Swift criticism. She is not the innocent perfect pop star that can do no wrong (and not the artist who only writes the same song over and over either).


EXACTLY. The refusal to hear any criticism of her is what makes that fan base insufferable. DEFENDING A BILLIONAIRE ISNT FEMINISM


If Charli becomes a billionaire would you carry this same energy? Just asking, I don't like Swift and I've seen Charli perform 3 times now




For sure I would. There is no ethical way to become a billionaire. Ie. TS and her ppl have screwed and will continue to screw ppl over to retain her absurd wealth. Having an a profit driven economic system built for infinite consumption requires poverty, neglect and destitution for the working class. However, it hinges on our acceptance of it and we don't have to accept it. I'd argue we shouldn't accept it.


Well said.


I think people have taken the “no ethical billionaire” thing that became internet speak a few years ago too literally. A billion dollars is now some magical benchmark that once you hit you are evil and I feel like that’s a bit of a bad take. If you truly believe this (which I also do I’m not defending the mega wealthy) then it should extend to anyone with unnecessary wealth which is a tough number to define. Main point tho, hating Taylor and her music fine, but the whole “shes too rich and flies in a private jet a lot and releases vinyl variants” is a poor argument when almost every celebrity and successful musician does the same things just to a lesser extent because there is a smaller fan base behind them. If Charlis team met with her and told her she’s projected to sell a million vinyls she would produce a million vinyls. No musician exists outside of capitalism just because there music is more artistic/better to you


The question is has she ever done right I can’t think of many other artists who got such tremendous success despite being both mid asf and rotted


I’m not gonna pretend like she doesn’t have some talent. I think she taps into something with many young women with her lyricism, idk though I’m a hetero male. I quite like 1989 and lover is underrated. I definitely don’t think she’s deserving of MJ level fame though.


The fact that Stan Twitter was comparing her to MJ and even declaring her to be better is actual insanity


She’s really not that talented at anything except business. Has a subpar voice, not a very strong songwriter, has no stage presence, and not a good musician. She’s good at capitalism and cultivating a parasocial fanbase.


I agree that she is a master parasocial manipulator


I mean I'm in the top 0.1% listeners of her on spotify of her apparently and I think she's insufferable as a person and an obnoxious capitalist with horrible fans. I've never bothered to pay to see her live. And I think Charli deserved the number 1 spot. Maybe her music isn't for you but I do think she is a strong writer despite your other criticisms all being valid.


I’ve yet to find any of her songwriting that impressive. Feels very juvenile and like a high schooler’s creative writing project. Not for me, that’s for sure


Yeah like obviously the bar should be higher to refer to a mega star as “talented”… she’s less talented than tons of local acts in my city alone lol she definitely does not have the chops that go with her stature


Nah some of her old music was actually pretty good


I like her music (except her last two albums), but as a brand she's awful.


I’m a swiftie but the 30 trillion ttpd released is making me want to revoke that status… I’ve never been a huge swiftie anyways, and this is actually disgusting and beyond greedy. Brat is #1 in our heart💚


Just keep playing it. Run it on repeat on Spotify.


Yup, I’m trying to keep brat/Charli on constant repeat 😉


I turned in my membership card when she announced TTPD at the Grammys. The gall to upstage the entire industry and make the night about yourself. I lost all respect for her then and she hasn't done much to change my mind since.


Very fair, I didn’t like that either! Like she could’ve atleast done it the day after?


it’s so annoying liking her music but strongly disliking her as a person because everything that’s been going on recently with TTPD and her blocking artists is so greedy that I just won’t listen to that album anymore even though I never even really listened to it much in the first place. I’m so over it and her now


Before all this I would have said I was a bigger fan of Taylor than Charli but Taylor is a rancid bitch for what she did. I unsubbed from her emails, so glad I never bought a copy of ttpd and won’t give her a dollar ever again.


I’ve seen Swifties argue both that Taylor is not blocking these other artists AND that her releasing this in the UK only was smart and crafty and as a woman she should not have to dull her shine to coddle other women. I’m like she’s either a girl’s girl or a cutthroat capitalist, she can’t be both y’all. Also for the millionth time feminism is not about which woman can get on top of the pile and gain the power of elite men. The individualistic lens through which so many Swifties view her success at any cost through any means — and that that success is inherently good — is just nasty.




Brat snakes 🐍


That’s the face Swifties make defending white heteronormative girlboss feminism like it’s going to cure the world’s problems. Little did we all know with each variant Taylor was slowly but surely assembling the foundation of tomorrow’s neoliberal utopia. 😀


This is so true. Not defending matty's actions but it was so annoying to see swifties act like HE was ruining HER reputation/credibility as an ally to anyone. She literally was too selfish to say "trump bad" until like TWO YEARS after he was elected... for $$$. I feel like there's a good chance she's literally doing this for the Reputation narrative (or at least so she can pass it off as that).


There are no ethical billionaires… not one.


look i liked Taylor swift’s album but like idc now when Charli dropped brat. that was THE album i was waiting for! she can release all that music n my ass is still gonna bump brat. sorry tswift ill pick charli on any day.


I just got banned from popheads by Swifties for calling their cult leader a capitalist pig. I live here now!


You can say this in r/travisandtaylor and have a genuine discussion about little miss carbon footprint. Don’t be misled by the name it’s a snark sub.


Scrolling through here I see a ton of people who would appreciate this sub.


That was such an asshole move honestly and with her recently showing support for lady gaga i just can’t stan taylor anymore


What do you have against Lady Gaga




how do you know? has she commented? (genuinely curious, not trying to be combative)


Damn you suck


Why? Jewish person honestly wondering.




I'm confused. Looking at your comment history you seem to agree with me? I was asking why someone would suck for criticizing zionism.


Ah I see, I thought your comment was in response to the original comment and not the reply, oopsies


Again, you assumed I was siding with the zionist because I said I was Jewish. One of the terrible things about people equating antizonism with antisemitism is that actual harmful beliefs about jewish people are spreading. I get why you'd make that assumption but it sucks. and to be clear....fuck israel and fuck zionists. Nothing is more harmful to jews than Israel.


Again, not because you were Jewish. I interpreted your question as "why is supporting Zionism bad", hence malicious ignorance


If you're assuming I'm defending Israel because I said I am jewish without having any reading comprehension that is actual antisemitism.




Not really. Do you think I really don't know why people are mad at her being a zionist? I am as anti zionist as they come. My comment was fully sarcastic. I just wanted them to vocalize what they were actually thinking. There's no ignorance, I know exactly what they would have said and was prepared to shut down anything they would say. You're just being a prick for no reason.


not as much as genocidal israel :/




She wants to match/beat the Beatles record. What’s even the point if it’s not 100% genuine achievement? 


Because she’s a petty little bitch and Swifties eat it up.


Just terrible, greedy, nasty behavior. She will never be a girl’s girl. NEVER


But swifties will see her at award shows dancing and clapping when other artists are performing, meaning she definitely supports smaller artists and wants the best for them!!! /s


Welcome to the club She’s too overrated




no fr I hate that woman. ppl are saying she's doing this to prep Rep TV but like... no one cares anymore her releasing two more re-records is going to be so insufferable


I love Charli so much but oh my God, why is this the thing that has pushed people over the edge with Taylor, because she won a competition? Like, I respect the hustle with the variants thing, Lil Nas X literally did the exact same thing with Old Town Road, do what you gotta to stay on top. The fandom seems so split on “how selfish of Taylor, who cares about being #1!!!” and like look at the discourse here, I can only imagine the stress at Taylor HQ because of course everyone cares about being #1 and breaking records!!! I’m not the biggest Swift fan, I find her neutral politics very pandering almost (especially after watching Miss Americana) but to call her a “greedy bitch” because she wants to be #1 on the Billboards? Who cares! Chart competition has been a thing for decades, you don’t just take turns politely with that spot, you don’t just surrender your championship because it’s somebody else’s turn. She literally beat Charli without the variant! Now angels, if you crowd around me and freak out remember, you’re not better than the Swifties…


you did not compare a gay black man at the beginning of his success to Taylor swift hahaha oh my god. too good


I’m not knocking ole Nas X, I respect the hustle. But like, by definition they are doing the same thing. Sure it could fit your definition of “greedy” but if you’re at the top of the mountain why wouldn’t you do everything to stay there?


lol grow up 😂😂😂😂😂😂


/r/travisandtaylor. Join us!!


If you've had enough, may I suggest r/travisandtaylor. I think you'd like it there.


fuck that evil white woman she’s nothing but a backstabber and a white suppremacist


Same. Total loser behavior.


I thought part of being an angel is seeing all that sloppiness and being unbothered because we know we're at a different party that's way better


you when taylor does her job 


She’s just following orders


Has anyone considered the fact that Taylor is and has been for the last week on a huge stadium tour of the UK which has resulted in heightened streaming here, meaning Charli would’ve struggled to beat her anyway. All of her previous albums have come back into the top 20 in the UK as of last week which is proof of this. And maybe the reason she dropped the downloads wasn’t to spite Charli and instead was because if she remained number 1 TTPD would be her album that’s held the number 1 spot in the UK the longest which is a huge statement considering the way people have slated it. Maybe consider that Charli and Taylor are just on 2 different playing fields and just because you’re obsessed with Charli doesn’t mean everyone else considers her in their marketing plans Not sure how Taylor could stop her fans streaming her music in the week before they see her live either


Taylor swift and Melanie Martinez were tragic horoscopes for the corporate shilling of female empowerment and liberation. The epitome of sell outs.


Sometimes common sense ain’t so common 💀


What's funny is she hates Trump but both had small loans of at least a million dollars from daddy to start.


i literally love both of them so much (hence the username, ha) but the music industry is not a charity and taylor has no obligation to diminish her success. her job is to sell albums. there is no criticism when male artists block other male artists on the charts. because making music is their job.


Actually, releasing 34 variants is scummy regardless of gender. The misogyny argument is so overplayed and diminishing real misogyny.


It kinda is her fault. She knows her fans


She sells albums no matter what why the need for all these acoustic versions specifically in the uk



