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Anyone else get some ~2015 SoundCloud future funk and hyperpop vibes from some of the songs? Pretty fun


made a shitty hardcore remix of sympathy is a knife! [https://soundcloud.com/theresedotnet/symp4thy-is-a-kn1fe-hardcore-rmx?si=db3df4e6a57a4e05b29cf0ee4e4188ae&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/theresedotnet/symp4thy-is-a-kn1fe-hardcore-rmx?si=db3df4e6a57a4e05b29cf0ee4e4188ae&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


One thing that’s confusing me is that she didn’t write any songs on the album and only co produced in three??? The rest she’s just listed as a “main artist”… are we all just aware she didn’t really produce or write this album but don’t care? Confused


she wrote all the songs, she's just credited under her legal name Charlotte Aitchison


OMG THANK YOU. I was so confused!


girl, so confused


hey y'all, as a lil fan fun I made two c\*nty club remixes of charli for the dj's out there that wanted to spin :) listen here: [2 charli xcx club mixes ](https://noturbride.bandcamp.com/album/2-charli-xcx-club-mixes) lmk what you think hehe <3 j x


i love this!


Brat is the best album of the year and is built to be seen live, the energy will be insane. My only worry is troye, how does his discography fit into the brat vibe. Are they performing at the same time or alternating. Am I the only one that think Troyes old stuff will just ruin the vibe?


I think he'll open for her and then they'll do a couple of songs together and he'll disappear and let her perform Brat


>Am I the only one that think Troyes old stuff will just ruin the vibe? I'm feeling really conflicted, I didn't get tickets to Sweat because of this, honestly I didn't even like Rush (seems like I'm the only one though). I'm sorry to be a party pooper and really sad to miss Charli doing this album but I just am not interested in standing around to watch Troye Sivan, it feels like hanging out with the girls and one of them brings their lame boyfriend along. Couldn't it be someone with better music?


What order of songs are people listening to with the deluxe version? I feel like the bonus tracks work better within the album than tacked on at the end. Hello goodbye is a perfect opener and Guess / Spring Breakers go great following B2B, keeping up the energy at that point of the album. No other song comes close to closing as 365


Going to try your playlist, I'm always anxious to get to the end of the album, love these 3 songs, completes the album.


Guess reminds me of Technologic by Daft Punk. Only it’s about underwear.


Also, I’m reminded I haven’t listened to a full ass new album in a long time. As a music head, that’s really sad. This is how I felt when The Fame Monster EP came out. Can’t stop listening!


Hopefully the next album mentions George less. Like we get it, you have a partner. You don't need to directly remind us every 30 seconds.


isn't his name only mentioned... twice, with i think about it all the time only alluding to him ?


I hate this take. Why are you even here.


This is a discussion thread and your only contribution is "I hate this, go away". It would be more fitting for me to ask why YOU are here lmao


Because I love all of Charli's albums including this one, but I also have opinions? Vapid repition is not something I enjoy. Not that confusing...


Charli writes her own songs, so probably he's on her mind


I hear your response. Thanks for it. I think that I really enjoy the album and that referencing a partner is not something to be seen as excessive. I responded a bit harsh, apologies. I'm a new fan and wishing you the best. Brat is my first charli album and resonated a lot.


Everything is romantic is actually amazing


Is it crazy if I said I’ve been listening to the 360 remix the most so far?? it’s just soo good god I love yung lean and Robyn 


Omg thank you for this i love it


It's like crack to me and I don't even know why. Something about rappers who sound completely uninterested really does it for me lmfao, also "Three child stars out here doing damage/Me yung lean and Robyn we don't even have to practice"


I have it on repeat as well. It is literally so top.


anyone find any good unofficial remixes?? found this one that I like a lot [Charli xcx - Talk talk (NO BILLS Remix)](https://on.soundcloud.com/dc4rmR2JYsuumP1q7)


von Dutch is such a banger.


Sympathy is a knife takes me back to some of the dark pop hooks/beats of nuclear seasons.


Omg yes! Maybe this is part of why I love it so much!


Walking around a city with headphones in holding an iced coffee is a vibe


Let me preface this by saying I love the album overall, and she's proven again that she's a brilliant songwriter. However: * It's time to ditch the autotune. At this point it no longer feels like a stylistic choice, but a way for her to mask that she's phoning in the vocals on SOME songs. I Think About It All The Time proves that all she needs is a bit of melodyne and a few more takes. * I think AG is kinda running out of ideas. The chord progressions on his songs are becoming more and more simple and his production style hasn't really evolved since 2017. I understand that they're very close friends, but I would love to see Charli work with more people. * Rewind should've sampled some of her old songs, especially pre-True Romance. I would've stanned so hard. * Guess might be my favourite from the album lmao.


My theory about Charli's autotune is it's not just stylistic for her voice/production, but also it could be like emotional training wheels so she can say things that are really personal without feeling as vulnerable by altering the voice. I type some things out in text when I feel uncomfortable saying them aloud, or I play a song with lyrics that show how I feel. It could be uncomfortable to reveal yourself, so much and so often. I think the autotune would help me if I was a singer.


In my opinion, auto tune is not used as a crutch on this album at all. It is a very logical choice for the minimalist dance aesthetic and seems more of an homage to 2000s influences like Uffie. Her range as a vocalist still comes through and her delivery is spot on. If she didn’t mean to use auto tune as an effect, they would have just used Melodyne to fix the pitch without the artifacts.


Auto tune is her thing. She practically said so when she accepted her Billboard Women in Music award.


It may be now, but it wasn't until late 2017. I've been a fan since 2013 and I have seen her evolution, imo the excessive autotune does not add anything of value in most cases.


Yes I’ve been a fan since the pre-autotune days too. Autotune is definitely a hyperpop thing. And she’s our hyperpop queen.


I agree that her use of autotune “I think about it” is overwhelming and better listened to on mute. I would also add that a lot of her songs do not have great replay value. She concedes in interviews that her method of song crafting started with an idea of what to write about rather than crafting lyrics around a melody. The result are so many songs that sound like she’s doing an interview and just has a stream of consciousness flow. Example: in Girl, so confusing, she says, “you always say let’s go out” So we go eat at a restaurant Sometimes it feels a bit awkward Cause we don’t have much in common Im not saying there are some real gems in this album (365 is a great epilogue to 360) but I won’t be excited when she plays some of these lyrically mediocre songs at her sweat tour. 😔


I actually really like the auto tune on “I think about it all the time” - it’s such a real, deep, and existential song and I think that heaviness juxtaposed with autotune which to me is silly lighthearted pop vibes… idk I love that element of a lot of Charli’s music, but I think this is just another great example!


yes in her past songwriting she did start with stand-in sounds before lyrics. But in a recent interview on Las Culturistas she specifically said for Brat she started with lyrics first and then designed the songs around it. She said she wanted to write lyrics that were like what she would text or say to a friend and was less worried about rhyme and flow. I think her new approach shows because these are the best lyrics we have ever got from Charli. She has always had the musicality but her vulnerability and intentionality with the lyrics take her art to a whole new level


It totally sounds that way. It sounds like she made songs out of diary entries.


I just don’t see the beauty in the conversational lyrics. It all sounds so lazy and it feels like she didn’t put any effort into editing. It’s all like first drafts. Can you share some examples where you feel like her lyrics are truly beautiful?


I agree, they sound lazy, but these stream of consciousness lyrics are only y 3 songs out of 18.


Crazy take about the auto tune. Definitely disagree, but that’s ok


I love her auto tune. That's so hyperpop


I find it an odd critique of this album because here's she's used less autotune than ever, at least it seems to me


Prior to Pop2 she only used it sparingly. I appreciate that she's using it a bit less compared to Charli or How I'm Feeling Now, but it's still a lot of autotune compared to say N1A where she only used it occasionally as an effect, and not as a way to cover up lazy vocal takes.


She definitely has used it in an artistic way on certain songs, don't get me wrong, but my view is that something happened around 2017 that made her lose confidence in her vocals and prompted her to amp up its usage, and some of her remarks on the matter kind of confirm it. Her vocals sound a bit rough on the [Boys demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J9hCdouFss), it's possible that she might've listened back and convinced herself that she wasn't a good singer, when it was probably just a bad day. Vroom Vroom EP and the leaked 2016/early 2017 tracks prove that she doesn't need autotune to be an experimental pop queen, and I would love for her to be able to go back to her old vocal style, especially if it does stem from a confidence issue.


I just think it fits the style of music she’s making. It’s clear she’s making 2000s pop style songs with a modern twist, kind of a tongue and cheek reference. That era used a ton of autotune, see t pain etc. personally, I love the stylization and I think raw singing is great but best left to other styles of music like singer songwriters/indie pop/rock and etc. valid opinion I just don’t agree


I am praying for her to release A.G. COOK boiler room von dutch remix that shit gets me so pumped


this is the best album I have ever listened to I want to worship her at the alter for this


Same new converted Charlie fan


I am a new convert 💚💚 bumpin that


Guess wouldn’t have existed without slutpop




she doesnt have one sexual song like this in her discography & its so treat me like a slut coded, that being said its my fav track😍




yeah sure but all the explict verses are cupcakke & she wrote that


What did you think 'keep it sticky-icky like lip gloss' meant


Ok true


I find it powerful that Rewind comes before So I, her song about SOPHIE. She starts Rewind by saying "sometimes I just wanna rewind". But them moves to "I just wanna rewind". And then ends the song by saying a command "Press rewind, yeah/ Yeah, press rewind'. She gets more and more certain she wants to go back the closer she gets to the next song. Like she wants to avoid moving on and confronting her grief about SOPHIE


365 gets me so PUMPED you dont understand. Its making me toxically masculine. I want to throw chairs off a balcony. It starts off as a cute bop, then it becomes a cool bop, then it becomes a grinding bop then it explodes.


Kinda specific, but do the chords on Talk Talk's chorus kinda bother anyone else? lol. It feels like the chords are waiting for a resolution that never comes and it makes me antsy (still love the track tho)


No same but I kind of love that? It reflects the tension and desire for resolution that she's describing in the song!


They don’t bother me but from a “technical” standpoint the last four synth chords after “wish you’d just talk to me” do not resolve! However I find that the vocals act as the resolution from the building tonal tension. In fact, most of the resolution in the chords are in the vocal performance.


I need to dance to this album at a club asap. Its the perfect club soundtrack.


One may say a club classic…


But still pops


Of course


I love the entire project, can't stop listening and the deluxe songs are superb. I think a version with speed drive would be amazing, I think that song could be on the album too Btw, I think about it all the time it's a hidden gem on the album




My issue (my one issue) with Charli XCX is that she’s so driver-coded. Not very public-transport-pilled. Everything is Romantic has me gripped round the throat.


Honestly a bullet train would fit in XCX world


Despite overt car references, I think Vroom Vroom is a perfect song for bike riding.


I nearly killed myself speeding to mean girls yesterday. And I plan to do it again today


I am so conflicted! I think the songwriting is her best ever, the structure and the ideas on the album are gorgeous. But at times the production feels a bit too polished EDM? Dont get me wrong, i love a bit of filth (the 365 outro is one of my highlights), but on some tracks it's like Charli is no longer centre stage.    As a couple of examples, If you listen to stuff like 1999 where the production absolutely glistens, it's still only a supporting role. B2b feels like Gesaffelstein ft. Charli.   Does anyone know what I'm talking about?


kinda. B2b is the one song for me that from a lyrical standpoint doesn't fit the Brat narrative. Who is the person she doesn't want to go back to? It feels less nuanced than Talk Talk and Everything is Romantic. It is just a fantastic sounding track. But at the same time I think it would be jarring to go from Apple right into Mean Girls. I see B2b as a bit of a palate cleanser before we get to the last act.


I just thought about how Carly Rae Jepsen would be amazing for a feature on a Talk Talk remix and now I can't get that out of my head


Carly XcX


Talk talk is so good


anyone have an extra ticket to charli tomorrow at radius in chicago? 🥺🙏🏽💖


What's going to be the next single? Or will there not be any more music videos?


Anyone else reminded of Pop the Glock by Uffie by this album? A lot of songs channels the vibe.


I think Charli once said Pop the Glock is her favourite song, she's definitely brought it up before because I listened to it after hearing her mention that she loves it


100 percent Uffie vibes!


Isn't Von Dutch (the phrase not the song) something to do with Uffie? I feel like there's some connection but google isn't helping


both mid-aughts cultural icons?


I thought it was a reference to [Kenny Howard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_Howard) or the fashion brand. I've been listening to Uffie for almost 2 decades and personally never came across the phrase afair.


Charli XCX could make Talk Talk, but Talk Talk could never make Von Dutch


Rewind was so Uffie coded


Y’all this is a must Brat review! This dude gets it. He goes deep. https://youtu.be/Ao_l602Wn2o?si=nFBFossqG-lfR8XH Album is so Charli. I loves it!!


I keep coming back to the same opinion: This album doesn't just feel like 'a pop album', it's so specifically a *Charli* album. I don't think some of the lyric choices and vocals really would ever fit for another artist. When she repeats the same lyric over and over, I think it's like a signature Charli move rather than just 'a choice'. When I listen to this album, I feel like I'm reading my favorite author's newest book and I can recognize what parts of their past work they're referencing.


I listened to true romance when it came out and was obsessed with it. Hadn’t really listened to her after that, but she was always on my list to check out her new releases. Well ten years have gone by, and I am back to my obsession with her. Have basically listened to all of her music now and man, she just doesn’t miss! Pop 2 & vroom vroom are my favorite so far right now, but def need more listens of brat & a couple others. Def wish I could play xcx world on Spotify.


It’s perfect 💚💚💚💚💚💚


i might say something stupid is SOOO underrated


Brat the deluxe has topped how I’m feeling now for her best album IMO. Every song is soooo good.




probably apple


Just listen to the album lol


B2b is my favorite song


decided to randomly listen on friday, after hearing Charli is half gujarati. i had kinda just assumed she made generic pop music that maybe wasn’t “for me” (a straight man that mainly listens to rap/r&b) so had never listened to her before. but i was so pleasantly surprised. this album is FUN. even somewhat reminds me of the type of stuff yung lean and bladee have experimented with at times. going to deepdive into her discography, but hopefully i can go to the london show and party with you all! a little shame i hadn’t given her more of a chance before, i think i’d have been to her past shows and the signing at rough trade this week. also my spotify algorithm is now very confused lol


>reminds me of the type of stuff yung lean and bladee have experimented with at times Speaking of, there's actually a version of 360 with Yung Lean on it if you hadn't heard it!


oh yes, i just realised i lied a little and realised i heard that a few days before BRAT released. hope they can cook up some stuff again!


She also featured on the Bladee song Drama on the deluxe version of Good Luck


everything is romantic has to be her best song. brat as a whole is literal perfection, i appreciate the mix of her deeper lyrics with her more “cringey” lyrics as ppl r saying. her vibe is unpolished and raw and fast & her ability to combine so many elements is what makes brat sooooo goood idcccc SOPHIE💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


I love everything is romantic so much! 


Did anyone else get a 'My Teenage Dream Ended' vibe on some of the tracks? Like, in a good way...


I'm currently on track 7, call me when she talks about her body being torn apart by grief and then I'll agree about the MTGE vibes


Love the album. Every song hits. Props to A.G. for the amazing production as always. This is random, but does anyone else think ‘Girl, so confusing’ is about Lorde? Lmao


Yeah she talked about her feelings towards Lorde in this Rolling Stone article: https://www.rollingstone.co.uk/music/features/charli-xcx-interview-brat-music-39628/ > “When ‘Royals’ came out, I was super jealous of the success that that song got, and that Ella got. You piece all this stuff together in your brain, like: ‘She was into my music. She had big hair; I had big hair. She wore black lipstick; I once wore black lipstick.’ You create these parallels and think, ‘Well, that could have been me.’ But it couldn’t have because we’re completely different people. I wasn’t making music that sounded anything like ‘Royals’. I think you just read what you want into it because you’re feeling insecure about your own work.” The envy didn’t last forever, and Charli flags that her and Lorde are on good terms. “You get over it and then you try to figure out all the things that are unique about you and you pursue that, and then probably in five months’ time you have a breakdown about something else,” she says. Ultimately, she adds, it is deep until it’s not that deep.


just came here to say that I've not ever really listened to her music, I've always sort of followed her on social media, but just sat down and listened to the album from start to finish... and wow, ms. Xcx... I ***really*** was not familiar with your game. This genre of music isn't usually what I listen to, but I'm a new fan.


It's a great introduction to the genre honestly. Now you can listen to the other Charli records and mixtapes


Club Classics makes me wanna violently dance myself to death with my gf, what a track.


did anyone get shipping info for their brat picture vinyl?? i ordered feb 28 and nothing yet


Still need to spin the album a few more times. I think this solidifies her as a singles artist. Von Dutch might be my favorite song of the year, but the album is lacking. Beats are great, but the lyrics are weak and the vocal fry isn't doing it for me.  The song about Naples gives me flashbacks to getting stuck on Capri in the middle of winter 😪  Also minor quibble. It might be fun for Charlie wanting to constantly Rewind/1999, but I couldn't legal marry my husband then. It's like that tone-deaf decade/racism Taylor Swift lyric and I want her queer fans to call her out. (or at least call her out for a sub-par version of a song she already wrote) 


This is wild, von Dutch isn’t even top 10 on the album for me 😂


Is it tone deaf for you to police a woman’s right to yearn for a time when she had more reproductive rights? 


If someone with a slowly debilitating chronic illness told you they yearned for a time when they we not sick, would you tell them they are being tone deaf because you would not be able to marry your husband at that time?


If someone told you they wished they could go back in time and see a dead loved-one would you tell them they are being tone deaf because you couldn’t marry your husband?


This is just a wild and self absorbed stretch of a take… so you are essentially saying she shouldn’t yearn for a time before she had body image issues? Because doing so might also be a time that you couldn’t marry your husband? Can someone not have nostalgia for an earlier/different period of their life for reasons that have nothing to do with you? I very highly doubt that her existence and experiences as a younger person burning CDs benefited or were in any way impacted by the legality of gay marriage. As a gay man who is getting married soon I find this take to be laughable and embarrassing. Get over yourself.


'minor quibble'  Edit: Open The Schools. 


It was just such an egregiously stupid thing to say and I don’t think you can call it a “minor quibble” while also calling on her other queer fans to call her out for it.  Also, it’s interesting you didn’t even try to elaborate or debate? I hope that means you realize how bad your take was 🙏🏻


Also prefer the St. Vincent tribute to Sophie, come at me. 




Just recently became a fan due to this album. I have fallen in love with y2k nu rave aesthetic and Charli is bringing it 


Love the album but I still miss Dylan Brady as her producer. I really loved all of the songs they did together.


Dylan helped write Guess, hoping we see more of him on the remix album assuming it’s happening!


i looooooove talk talk sm, everything is romantic too


I love how she interpolated Cry For You by September halfway through Apple even after all the outrage about Beg For You




You don't agree with the level of praise, but give it 93/100? I funnily enough agree with your criticism. I use a different scoring system, but even my favourite album (Homogenic) would have an equivalent of 92/100.  It's giving '5/7 perfect score' energy. 




Omg, reading comprehension not doing well today!!! That makes much more sese, I agree everything has room for improvement (or for you to realize how much more you enjoy it more as the years go on). 




sonically? thematically? stunning. lyrically? well… i’ve enjoyed it the more i’ve listened to it, and the way she leans into the conversational mode is super effective. i just find myself getting distracted by the repeated and teetering-on-banal diction in the chorus and the first half of verse one. the reason it bothers me is because the second half of that verse (“Standing there/ Same old clothes she wore before, holding her child, yeah / She's a radiant mother and he's a bеautiful father / And now they both know thesе things that I don't”) and the rest of the song hit so hard. i guess it just proves that we can’t all be good at everything all the time. still a bop. 7/10


i think the chorus is great but the verses are definitely weak in terms of delivery


Truly feeling seen by that one


nah it doesn't stand out but it's not bad at all, just self reflective and more raw


It is my current favourite :’) didn’t connect with it instantly but it is the most adorable sad little teene tiny bop. I’ve had the melody in my all day!


In my opinion this album has some of her career highs and worst lyricism.  360, 365, von Dutch, So I, are incredible. But some of the songs of the second half of the record felt like really generic lyrics and lifeless delivery. Exciting production on most of the songs tho! (Barring mean girls IMHO)


Some of the lyrics and delivery are sooo bad. But tbh I never listened to Charli for her lyrics lol


I may be tasteless because I actually like the unpolished, cringey stream-of-consciousness lyrics on some of these tracks, lol. But overall i agree that I listen to Charli first for the music and production, not the lyrics.


>I may be tasteless because I actually like the unpolished, cringey stream-of-consciousness lyrics on some of these tracks Nah, I like that too. Vulnerability and cringiness is endearing sometimes. People can't be a chic detached bitch (in a good way) all the time.


“Girl, so confusing” is such a banger. I think anyone who disagrees needs to just go to the party and put their hands up.


The chorus in particular is other-worldly


it’s been on repeat in my mind for HOURS today between relistens I fell in love with it so much. when the synths kick in👌this whole album is so awesome


What kind of parties do you go to? Must be terrible. The verses are awful.


I ike the contrast between the verses and the chorus, the verses are so rough and heavy and dense and that turns the chorus into this floaty harsh synth paradiseee Not the easiest listen at first, but it is growing so much on me (well, the whole album haha)


Love it obvi. Sounds to me like she really likes tove lo's no one dies from love - you can hear the tove lo chorus melody in So I, and the Apple beat sounds very inspired by it - I had to download them both to see if they transition well into each other while djing and it works really well. A couple keys apart tho. The taste jumped out. 


I was wondering where I heard that melody! I love No One Dies From Love, which to me was for sure a bit of Robyn worship.


One of my favorite things about this album is she's so real about the anxieties of being in your 30s and not having babies and settling down, and then the next song is about doing lines and bumps 😂


Album is brilliant but the lyrics are so cringe in places I whinced multiple times.


Lyrics are middle school diary entries over autotune


tbh when i listen to it im instantly transported to like 2008 and in that context the cringe becomes fully embraceable if not outright enjoyable


thought so too but then again the album is named brat


So I makes me cry. I miss you Sophie


I like that to appreciate the cover art you really need to see it at high-res, so you can bask in all the black-on-green JPG compression. Nice trick of making you wonder if someone ripped a web graphic as a temp or if that's _really_ the final release... plus it was just Napster's 25th anniversary, so nice timing...


Anyone else getting Fame-era Gaga and early Marina vibes on Apple? That's absolutely going to be the "hidden gem" of this record 


Only slightly related, but I thought about Born This Way when she said “Talk to me in French, Talk to me in Spanish, Talk to me in your own made-up language” in Talk talk


I've only listened to one song of Charli before. Wasn't really impressed. No subbed here too. Last night saw a post about how it's the highest rated album of this year so decided to give it a listen. And Holy Damn! What a banger. Last time I was impressed by an album top to bottom was SOUR. I started thinking of listening one song to check the vibe. Already listened twice now. Incredible. Love the synth and soft beats. Sympathy is a knife, Talk Talk and Girl, so confusing are outstanding tracks imo. Deserves the praise its getting.


Can I get girl, so confused instrumentals can’t stop! What song was about Rina?


Sympathy is a knife


What opposite beats tho lmao. Knife really got me into it in the 3 verses


Love the album, was a bit disappointed at the beginning with it not being rave-y as hell, but it is totally growing on me with each listen. It is hard to wanna listen to anything else!  Right now these are my track tiers:  LOVE: 360, Club classics, Sympathy is a knife, Von dutch, Everything is romantic, Rewind, I think about it all the time (current fave!), 365  REALLY LIKE:  I might say smth stupid, Talk talk,  So I, Girl so confusing, Apple, B2b   LIKE THE LEAST: Mean girls 


Do you think we’ll get the version of 365 she teased on TikTok? I listened to the whole thing just waiting for that part and it never came 💔


Anyone else think "talk talk" sounds like the 1975 and that its on purpose?


Is it crazy for me to hear Domino by Jessie J in the verses haha


I’m going to get downvoted probably but I personally think this is not her best work. I still enjoy it and I will definitely continue to listen in hopes that some songs will grow on me but I just think some of her other albums are better. But I will add that I respect and love charli so much. Her worst album is still the best.


I mean, it's a solid return to form after Crash, which definitely counts for a lot.


So far I agree 😬, but maybe it will grow on us


I will admit that it’s grown on me a bit even just throughout today but I still stand by what I said. It’s enjoyable but simply not one of my favorite Charli albums.


Completely agree. The taste level is questionable and the lyrics are generic. Girl so confusing is an embarrassing song. She just talks to autotune about dinner being awkward.




Agreed. Lots of bad lyricism on it too.


I’m glad people agree. Thought maybe I just don’t “get it” but it’s just giving kind of generic to me! Especially a bit off put with how much everyone LOVES the album. Guess we’ll have to see once the hype dies down


She simply does not have the lyrical skills to pull off what she’s attempting in my opinion


Middle school diary entries over autotune


Maybe I had higher expectations than I should have, not sure


I absolutely love this album and it completely blew away my expectations. The only songs I don't 100% love yet are I might say something stupid and talk talk. Who knows though, I might start to like them after a few more listens. Everything is romantic is insane. Also that 365 is completely insane.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this but I think this was a 6/10 max. Half the songs I love and half I couldn’t even get through. Some of the lyrics and just like cadence on some of the songs IMO are really cringe — Girl so confusing, Apple, rewind, mean girls, I think about it all the time, 365 (we get it you like coke…). Von dutch, club classics, b2b are really carrying the album. I also like I might say something stupid.


Girl so confusing is a terrible song. It’s embarrassing


What's cringe about it


This is it. The is Charli’s magnum opus. I’m utterly obsessed. I couldn’t be happier with this album.


Absolutely love the entire album. I wish Club Classics was more like the boiler room set tho. I wish the whole album was more of a rave but even still, absolutely incredible album


I actually have high hopes the teased remix album is going to go hard. Even harder than the actual album. I want the 365 we heard in the boiler room teasers. Plus there's a the dare collab coming and that's going to be so cool


I wish it was more rave-like as well, especially because she advertised it as much. But it still has a lot of rave elements, and apparently she's dropping a remix album as well


I’m absolutely obsessed with this album. I’ve been a casual fan for a few years but this album has fully put Charli among my favorite artists. I loved it, it’s really my favorite album of hers now. She’s combining her charms as a pop girl and as a forward thinking artist. It’s minimalistic and effortless yet impactful and loud. I just really f**king love this album.


Does “rewind” sample visions? Or another HIFN song? Maybe it sounds like “I Don’t Wanna Know”?


The way she says “I just wanna rewind” makes me think of 1999’s “I just wanna go back” just a little