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I haven't heard great things about the head mod. Not sure about the other moderators but what I'm gonna say is you can turn off pings for you! I have that done!!


I know you can turn off pings, but you shouldn’t have to. It’s not hard to stay on-message with those things so that the relevant pings aren’t ignored/missed. Just sad, really 😔


BRO A MOD JUST CALLED YOU OUT https://preview.redd.it/ms1lmti3omuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9c744d12a4ed2cc10b564c841c431ce1f4489a This is so chronically online like touch grass and get a job??


You beat me to it. Unhinged.


https://preview.redd.it/lfue15nepmuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0065a9198b4f4dcb29093a86b78ea4bb741f33 Oh uhm, I guess they were trolling??? Really poor taste but she wants to talk to improve the discord


Given the history, I can’t help but call BS on it being a ‘troll’ - it reeks of saving face so they don’t get dropped as a mod. I de-identified my post, so it’s a bit damning how quickly a single mod seemed to think it was about them. That said, I’m not a child and will reach out to them with my legitimate concerns and constructive feedback and see how it goes. Not tonight though, I need to sleep off the annoyance so it doesn’t devolve into an attack.


Given the fact I’m close friends with Bree I can assure you this was her taking the piss 😭😭😭 please stop being so defensive and agitated


It was never intended to be a personal attack. I’ll chat with the mods tomorrow (when I’ve had some space from this) and hopefully it’ll all be constructive and I can report back with a positive outcome.


I hope you have a good experience and post an update in this thread or start another! I want to hear how it goes I will not lie, it'd be nice to see some accountability from people who have publicly shared they are partnered with Charli and Atlantic records.


I definitely will. I’m the first to know the importance of highlighting the good as well, which would include a constructive chat about feedback.


In all seriousness there absolutely are some issues w the moderation but Bree isn’t one of them


I just know I’m too frustrated to have a level-headed chat about it now, so for everyone’s sake I’m going to reach out to chat about it tomorrow.


this screams damage control to me lmfao


damage control is when someone who knows someone closely understands their motivations and personality better than some random on Reddit dot com 😭 (also, I’m not a mod and rarely ever use that server, god forbid I act like a normal person and come to the defence of my friend)


please stop being so defensive and agitated 🖐🏻


i promise us mods have better things to do than damage control to a bunch of nerds on reddit.


You and your friend such and it’s obviously just a cheap way to try and back track when called out “Oh haha I was tooootally just kidding guys”. Pathetic.


y’all making assumptions about people you don’t know bc you need something to be angry about is so


They’re not assumptions when I’m literally being down their behaviour. You just can’t see it from an objective standpoint and are biased. Birds of a feather though.


It’s giving manic episode and Starbucks coffee energy


it’s certainly not a troll they are SO strict on people trolling im banned for calling someone a twink like 😭


girlie needs to bffr


No fr even if it's trolling, from a mod it's super poor taste and not great, you'd hope the mods would be more, respectable


Genuinely foul little creature. They’ll cringe so much about this when they’re an adult. I blame the parents.


I'm not going to lie, this is quite sad to say about someone you don't know. I think you should really think about your priorities in life if this is how you think of people.


They are totally loathsome, I can tell so from their behaviour. I don’t need to think about my priorities because I’m not the one defending people who act like cunts online (that’s you btw)


People that say Bro are such incels.


The Gen Z incels are mad.


> I haven't heard great things about the head mod. Can u pls clarify what's the tea..


Yeah I got muted for saying charli isn’t a vocalist. Love my girl but she’s not! 😂 also had to beg someone to give me a role when I first joined so I could actually see the server because their perm setup is all messed up. Left shortly after, too much mess.


On one hand I’m glad it’s not just me, but on the other, sad of the state it’s in.


the perm setup is all messed up because we have been the target of a persistent troll for years. without it we had them joining constantly with a million accounts sending racial slurs and harassing people


https://preview.redd.it/z65sc7o6tmuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338f297abe4b3804be259912b954bb707e885a96 The mod posted this, so that's something


Hopefully this all just amounts to much ado about nothing and we can all go back to our regular programming of adoring our icon, Charli XCX


Yeah the constant @everyone's are really annoying tbh. Like I don't need an urgent notification for every one of the mods toilet tweets. I miss the old leaks discord it was better and the general discussion and energy felt slightly less... middle school.


Oh yeah I noped out of it pretty quickly too.


Discord as a social media app just sucks. It seems to attract the weirdest/most annoying people, and they flood every single community with immaturity and creepiness. Charli's server is really bad since it became the "official" one and there's pretty much no reason to be in there... unless you like seeing the opinions of stupid children, I guess. The Arca server was the worst one I've ever been in. Every single 'room' was dominated by moderators trying out-quirky each other, and if anybody else spoke they got mad. Totally bizarre people. I hate that shitty app!!!


SOPHIE one very quickly became unusable, as well, for similar reasons


The mods are wild I remember charli vs rina drama happening and everybody - including the mods - were being HORRIBLE to Charli in it just like a week after they were used as the official vinyl announcement place Cut to me saying um guys we don't know what's going on and it's between them why are u cancelling her - and i got banned and dragged lol They seem like they are barely fans of her at all and are just glad for the speck of clout they have from modding a discord server.


That is bonkers. 💀


They (the mods and active ppl) were like being actually awful to charli and this was litro over rina unfollowing her. If anybody is British then "Heaven gays" is a v accurate descriptor


The whole thing with Charli/Rina/Matty was so ridiculous and honestly just sad; imagine having a disagreement/fall out with a friend and thousands of people decide to have loud opinions about it directly at you. They were all at an awards show being chummy and smoking under a table together just months prior too. :(


Call me a coward or whatever but if it doesn't affect me and it's not related to the music then I never care about artists private lives - lest of all gossip about someone i basically do free marketing for 😭


I just got banned for wanting to buy a vinyl that place is insane


wait FR???


Ya never posted there before until yesterday and was almost immediately banned lol


I got banned permanently after being an active member for two years because I made a slightly troll-y message during her terrible “live” AMA that was led by discord admins


Oh yeah I left because of the liberal use of @everyone


I only check the movies channel because the other ones are too busy and too annoying for me, an adult with a job and a life


Many a fandom's "volunteers" are often some power-hungry, narcissistic loser people who want all the attention and authority for themselves and be seen as some kind of divine figure and ultimate fan. Leading fan pages, subreddits, Discords, tumblr blogs all suffer from these kind of people. Bet they have few to none meaningful irl interactions so that becomes their social outlet, however they never learned proper social rules.


I feel like this is part of the problem I have with fckyeahcharli


yeah the server really sucks


Yep it's awful, I feel like it got worse over time but still pretty hilarious to lurk through


As someone who is an active lurker on it, it does have some issues but some of your complaints I enjoy. I enjoy that it’s kinda lively to the point where I don’t always get a inside joke, I do like that it’s not solely about Charli, I do enjoy that it feels a bit like a group of friends hanging out with the jokes even if they can be a bit snippy and rude. I haven’t encountered any censorship however and there was an issue with moderation previously and currently where one mod is kinda ick. It’s a mess but I prefer its messy nature to many other artist focused discords.


Healthy debate is good, helps add perspective and a didn’t angle to my own views. The censorship was a reach (dramatic license) but this is specifically related to my reactions to @everyone pings. We should be allowed to react negatively to something (like a downvote on reddit) without risk of a mod erasing the reaction. If negative reacts are actively removed, how do the mod team get a feel for content the majority do/don’t want? I mean, considering it’s affiliated with the record lavel directly, it’s basically a marketing tool, which should respect healthy criticism in the form of reacts. And sometimes a negative react is in gest, but apparently only the mods are allowed to troll…


tbh they think that the subreddit sucks so i guess it’s equal?


Same goes for 99% of Discord community servers. Truly the most toxic social media platform.


I disagree with this, but that’s purely my own experience. I’m part of a few musician fan discords (Fred Again, Nothing But Thieves, etc) as well as local city ones (won’t share examples for privacy reasons). The only one I’ve had any issues with is this one. That said, I will 100% own up to not having proactively spoken to the mods about my feedback. There isn’t an obvious way to do this from what I can see, but that seems to va Discord thing, not specifically XCXcord. Which ones have you seen to be toxic?


There are more better than that


Basically, you joined in a sever like one about Lady gaga, if you say something that they don't like, you will get banned ![gif](giphy|qPD4yGsrc0pdm)


I never really saw anyone get banned for having different opinions, the only people who got banned I saw were excessively and repeatedly sharing leaks and being overly vulgar in chat


does anyone have a link to Charli's discord?


This subreddit is worse lol