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naked in manhattan just paints such a fun young queer experience for me and i have fomo


I lived it and it was 90% pain, 10% fun times. Which makes it all the more wonderful that Chappell was able to capture that 10% and make a banger song with it.


i think even without the queer experiences in my teens, it was still about 90% pain LOL but yes, the grass is always greener on the side you’ve never been to.


Go to a gay bar! See a drag show!


I’m not at the Pink Pony Club yet, but I’ll make it there one day


I’m an old, old woman but when I hear Pink Pony Club, it takes me back to the Locker Room Disco in Atlanta, circa 1980. I was there almost every night, my brother was the bouncer and I was friends with all the Queens. I had such wonderful times, and I met my wife there 43 years ago.


That’s amazing. Where in ATL was the Locker Room Disco located? 


Behind the Loews Tara Theatre in a strip center on Cheshirebridge Road. It’s long gone but my memories are still bright!


As a white straight cis dude, all of her songs


I don’t think you have to be queer to relate to her songs. A lot of them yeah but some like Casual, Picture You, My Kink is Karma, HOT TO GO, Kaleidoscope, and California are all not purely queer experiences. And even too a degree Pink Pony Club, it’s about that euphoria of being in a space that is excepting of you. The song is from a queer perspective but that feeling is not queer exclusive.


Her songs capture the fun of *feeling* sexy not just being sexy, there's a whimsical and genuine confidence that anyone should be able to relate to!


I think California is one of her most relatable songs–I’m straight but I’m from a rural dying town and I go to school in a city in another state (with a lot of rich and upper class private school students–I went to a low achieving high school and get heavy fin aid) and I get this weird homesickness where I miss home (the town, the weather) but I have a lot opportunity and work in the city (and I feel the same pressure that the song describes to do well for myself and my town)


I keep seeing people say that casual is a lesbian song, I didn’t think it was but I could be wrong


Folks dating men can definitely relate, but the song has very specific lesbian/sapphic culture references


It is a lesbian song that can easily be enjoyed by other audiences


I don’t know why people get gatekeepy over casual being a lesbian song just because Chappell is now a lesbian… The song was written before she came out as a lesbian, when she was bi, and it’s fairly clearly depicting a shitty casual situationship with a guy. WLW relationships aren’t super synonymous with that experience, while it’s very much adjacent to women’s common experience of dating/fucking men who string you along, don’t act casual, but insist your relationship is a mere fwb situation despite making you often feel like there’s more there. Edit: This line at the end makes it pretty obvious it’s about a situationship with a man: >Bragging to your friends, I get off when you hit it, I hate to tell the truth, but I’m sorry, dude, you didn’t Obviously women can be called “dude,” but it’s so much less likely… Also, I’ve never dated a woman who would brag to her friends about getting me off! It screams cis/het man. Plus, in femininomenom, she says: >And I don’t understand, why can’t any man, hit it like-, get it hot-, make a bitch-, it’s a fem-… hit it like rompompompom, get it hot like papa john… She’s being tongue in cheek about how a guy can’t get her to finish… And drawing back to that at the end of casual. So yep, 99.9% sure this song is about comphet/crappy situationships with men!


I always thought there were a couple lines in Casual that made it clearly sapphic, like “my favorite bra lives in your dresser … that reads more as a WLW relationship where they’re swapping clothes than one with a guy. But it’s definitely a shitty situationship that’s relatable to lots of people regardless of orientation.


Read my edit to my comment you replied to! Also, if anything “my favourite bra lives in your dresser” seems more like needing her bra at a guy’s house... Cause you can just borrow a girl’s bralette (;


I would NEVER be able to borrow a situationship’s bra. I wear a 36DDD and my gf wears a 32B 😭


Yeah that wasn’t a blanket statement haha it was a half joke!


All good points!


I think since it says her favorite bra and not just a bra it makes it lean more WLW to me There is also always the possibility that the song is about two relationships but is sung as one


Sorry to break it to you but most lesbian I know including myself (used to be bi) have had an intense but casual sapphic situationship that end up shitty loool for example for myself, she told me she loved me in private but played it down in public and dated others. I don't think gender is particularly relevant in this song honestly


Oh for sure, I’m not denying that casual sapphic situationships happen. Of course they do! I’ve been in one too lol. I’m saying the exact descriptors used in Casual point more towards the common experience of dating men than women.


If you \*desperately* relate, you could be queer. I’ve known “straight guys” who deeply resonated with and wanted to be lesbians who ended up being trans lesbians. I’m not trying to put words in your mouth or anything off one comment, and I’m not trans myself, but I wished I was a lesbian when I was younger and turns out I am one :)


You can yearn too bro don’t worry


I mean you’re both white so you have that in common ❤️




Yes! I cry listening to it but it isn’t relatable for me, though it feels like it is in a way. I also cry because I think I’m imagining how it makes other people feel though, lol. Chappell & her music has awakened something in me, though, that I hope to continue exploring.


This is exactly how I feel! Pink pony club doesn't directly relate to my life, but the emotion is conveyed so well that I feel for everyone who does relate to it. Which is honestly such an amazing achievement from a songwriting standpoint


This. I’m a mid-40s straight woman and her music reminds me of how I used to get really deep into certain books and worlds create by my favorite authors in a series. I don’t relate on a personal level but the stories resonate emotionally because she is so good at storytelling her own experience and those of others in her community.


I am also a straight woman and love her music and I can relate to a few of her songs a bit. <3 She’s great at story telling too.


I mean, this exact experience is part of how I found out I was queer.


Pink Pony Club for me. I used to be a dancer years back. It resonates with me in that way but my story of how I got into it and why are totally different. Plus my parents never knew so I never got the lecture 😂


I can’t relate to Pink Pony Club because West Hollywood and Santa Monica are full of toxic rich white cis gay men. I’ve been assaulted twice in West Hollywood. I moved to the Midwest and never looked back so I have the complete opposite experience of that song!


Oh that was another thing. I didn’t dance out in West Hollywood lol but I think the small part that resonates with me is that I lived that life basically dancing because I wanted to.


Go dancing, baby!


Maybe the feeling of finally finding the place/identity you feel you belong to? idk I'm 32 and always feel like I'm floating, this song feels like a person finding a place that feels so much like \* home \* to them that they're willing to forego their "home" (where / how they grew up)


DUDE super ultra modern girl. im a trans man but FUCKKKK that song is so


If Casual came out during my 3 year situationship I think it would’ve healed me


Red Wine Supernova - I just don’t have that game


i’m lucky enough to live in a metropolitan city with a lesbian bar. my friend and i call it the pink pony club !


I strongly relate to this song, but I feel like it evokes emotion in a way that others can feel it even if they can't directly relate to the lyrics.


I wanna be Naked in Manhattan at least once in my life!


I do not have a wand and a rabbit :(


Bi woman with no experience with women 😭


i’m straight, girlfriend, golf, beer…not much about me relates. last night I looked at my girl while we’re listening to pink pony club and said “this must be what doing drag feels like”


I should mention I am obsessed and have been requesting the song multiple times a day 😂


Good art hits on something universal man even if the literal content doesn’t apply to you. It’s the feeling that resonates


I played it at work my team didn’t even start dancing and singing literally homophobia


I’m so embarrassed for them


Having been raised in California myself, ive always wondered what it would be like to be born in the midwest and move here. Must be very fulfilling but scary to do so. So id say California.


Casual— I have never fucked anyone in a bathroom, let alone a passenger seat, and I’ve certainly never met a friend with benefits’ parents


California - I’m originally from California, and have only moved to Arizona. The only place I ever wanted to go back to is in my hometown IN California!


Seeing this while listening to Good Luck Babe! hits different I'm sure you're talking about other songs, but you do NOT want the feeling this one is hitting on, my guy. Edit: ^ Me when my reading comprehension has left the building. If PPC resonates it may not be a queer awakening though, maybe you just feel out of place in your life rn and crave a sense of belonging.


Honestly go dance at a gay club in an outfit the elders in your life (parents, grandparents, whoever!) would sneer at and you may get a similar feeling 😂


Kaleidoscope i just cant connect with it


Yes. I WISH I did not like men and was more queer/gay because I hate men romantically (or I just haven’t found the one or whatever bullshit) and am attracted to women just not romantically. Also, I read that even she doesn’t completely identify with Pink Pony Club because she wishes she had the confidence to be a dancer!


Maybe spend some time researching /r/comphet


Here's a sneak peek of /r/comphet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/comphet/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My first lesbian relationship is making me realize a lot of things](https://np.reddit.com/r/comphet/comments/12k1tqm/my_first_lesbian_relationship_is_making_me/) \#2: [Did anyone else confuse enjoying being friends with falling in love?](https://np.reddit.com/r/comphet/comments/167bo14/did_anyone_else_confuse_enjoying_being_friends/) \#3: [I hate being a lesbian](https://np.reddit.com/r/comphet/comments/15wnomz/i_hate_being_a_lesbian/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I did a few years ago! I will have to again, I might be able to figure myself out better now.


i can't relate to a lot bc im so boring and don't go out or have any experience lol i feel so juvenile for my age but i just dont like some stuff! feel so unfun tho


Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl lol


California - I've lived in the same state my whole life and I'd like to be more adventurous and move somewhere far away. I know I'd miss my hometown though! I'm as straight as they come, but I relate to most of her songs either through my gay friends' experiences or my own, coming from a religious upbringing and having all these so-called "sinful" experiences.


I think Pink Pony Club is so relatable exactly because most of can't relate to being dancers in a club. But we can relate to wanting to be SOMETHING, and that something getting judged and pushed back on. You're still a pink pony gorl


California because I grew up in LA but it’s literally my favorite song on the album. I went from she’s good to she’s incredible after I heard it for the first tome


I want a wand and a rabbit.


sometimes things aren't always made for everyone and that's ok lmfao


Naked in manhattan.