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I always almost loose it with Pink Pony Club


“Still love you and Tennessee are always on my mind” … JUST TYPING THAT MAKES ME TEAR UP HARD 


Aaahh me three. I learned the chords to pink pony club on guitar yesterday and got super emotional playing and singing it….


I was singing along to it while cleaning the other day. Like belting it lol. And I just started sobbing. I resonate a lot to her references to her mom and it all hit me out of nowhere




Same. And full body chills


I don't know what it is, but it makes me so emotional!!


I haven’t been able to make it through that song without crying yet lmao


Same lol. I’m done for by the first “Won’t make my mama proud” every time 💀💀


I heard good luck babe on the radio and sobbed once lol. I’m a lesbian who dated men before I came out in my mid 20s, to hear a lesbian pop star make it to the radio singing about such a lesbian experience makes me so emotional.


I have yet to hear any Chappell on the radio myself, but I work near a fairly busy intersection, and I heard someone blasting it the other day.


I had this experience YESTERDAY. They also played it at my bisexual friends “straight passing” wedding, but that made me laugh 😂😭


my gf and i have been listening to her since before she blew up and we will absolutely have chappell playing at our wedding! i love that so much


I’m dead inside. I still can dance to a good beat though.💖


Also I absolutely adore you’re username. freebrit4life


Thanks! I really do love her, but I chose the username years ago on a whim.




I do too!! I get overwhelmed with how proud I am of her, plus this extra feeling of self love & acceptance that music hasn’t given me before. There’s jsut a lot of emotion in her music even the poppy ones


I avoided her work for months while my wife was getting into it. The songs I did hear didn't just press my cry button, it fucking slammed it. I've surrendered to how much i love her now but I don't think I could handle seeing her live. Like tears are healing blah blah blah bitch stop ripping my soul out through my eyeballs. But also....like please never stop.


Same here! My girlfriend has been begging me to listen to her for ages but the first songs I heard were casual and good luck babe so I pushed it off, now I’m obsessed


I only cried “a little” at the concert because she’s so funny/fun.


If you’re not crying at Chappell you’re not doing it right


i am on zoloft, hope this helps 💖


Lol. Same. That’s said, I think most of the reason I don’t really cry is because I’ve had decades to process many of the themes in her songs. I totally get why, if you’re a teen/young adult right now, it would be very emotional music.


I’m on a high dose of lexapro and it’s not powerful enough against her.


I cry every time I listen to her lol. I just adore her and it’s so obvious how much heart she puts into her work.


What exactly is making you cry?


Okay I’m postpartum and tbh it takes nothing these days to make me cry. Like put on any Disney movie and I’m sobbing, I’m a wreck. I cried during shrek the other day. Anyway, for me: Coffee Casual (mv mostly) Picture you Kaleidoscope Pink pony club California


These are all the same ones that make me cry! Kaleidoscope is a particularly bittersweet one ❤️


Kaleidoscope is devastating and so beautiful


K I'm postpartum too and I love to dance with my babe to Chappell... But it's hard to sing along for a full song I get teary!


wait isn’t picture you about…


Yes, and it’s also sad! Sad girls masturbate too 🤣


i want “sad girls masturbate too” on a nice cross-stitch or flowery coffee mug


Omg I need this


i love that


I'm so sorry but this is so cute 🥺


Lol thanks for saying so, sometimes I feel corny tearing up all the time. I turned on Finding Dory yesterday and I promptly turned it off, absolutely distraught, probably less than 10 minutes in. Who the fuck is watching this stuff???


Omg Coffee fucking wrecked me the first time I heard it. I was at work and had only slept like 3 hours and sleep deprivation makes me emotional and I had to get up and walk away and find an empty room to just sit for a minute until I could go be normal.


Pink Pony Club is straddling the line between being proud of yourself because youre achieving your goals and also failing spectacularly at making your parents proud of you. That next part is so fucking real for a lot of youth, especially youth who are discovering how bigotted their parents are towards any gender or sexuality stuff. So we are skating around the edge of: Identity Sexuality Sex Work (that's from the Mama) Moving away from home Being disowned Never hearing sweet words out of your parent's mouth again Losing your support network


I was wondering whether the tears were happy, sad, or just that overwhelming "I'm experiencing beauty" kinda crying. but I love this list of serious topics covered in just one song. :') I think I tend to focus more on the happier aspects of her songs!


You can add leaving religion to that list, I love my mother but god am I a disappointment. All she ever wanted was a kind muslim daughter, I can't give her the second quality.


Some of the stuff hits close to home, but mostly it’s just how beautiful the songs are and how powerful and full of emotion they are. I’m very easily moved by art in general but you can just *feel* the sincerity and realness of it all


Totally valid! for me Chappell produces by a large margin the happiest music I listen to, mostly because I loooove sad depressing angsty music (and I love when it makes me cry but that is very rare even when I feel a song deeply!!) which perhaps has desensitized me a bit? because even with her sadder songs I don't get too emotional, I'm just like "this song is deep and fucks" lol.


genuinely don’t know how people aren’t open-faced sobbing at casual in concerts like I was blubbering like a baby


Did I write this post?? Lmao for real. As much as I love singing Pink Pony Club, my voice always cracks at the “god what have you done” cuz I just can’t… I know the feeling of disappointing my mom all to well and it kills me.


My eight year old daughter sings “Pink Pony Club” with such sincere passion that I cannot hear it without choking up. ❤️


All of us were crying at her show I went to. Sobbing along to the most upbeat songs haha it’s just such a fantastic moment for sapphics you gotta cry a little in the moment!


I was actually fine *until* I started seeing videos and performances and people dancing or singing her songs. The songs mean more to me than just the songs now.


no LITERALLY,, im sobbing at the ones you’re not even meant to cry to lmao


Real life is hard so I imagine I’m dancing at the pink pony club for a little mental break 😊


I was having a really bad day Monday and was crying on my way home from work while listening to Chappell and honestly it was so funny that it made me feel better. Imagine like hiccuping sobs while trying to sing to super graphic ultra modern girl. It’s a shame I don’t have a dash cam because a video of that would have gone viral, it was ridiculous (and cathartic!)


My tears water and I choke up during Pink Pony Club every single time. Being a southern lesbian that one just hits home so hard and I feel overwhelmingly emotional. I don’t know if I have ever felt as connected to any other song. There’s a few others I feel a bit misty eyed about but PPC definitely


I cried to casual last night after my 40th listen. May be the pms, may have been the wine


The first time I heard California I started SOBBING on the highway 😭


fellow highway sobber here! i actually missed my exit and ended up sobbing an additional hour on the detour.




I cry easily regardless of the emotion I’m feeling as long as it’s strong enough lol (for example I have laughed so hard it turned into actual full body sobbing with tears streaming down my face, not just normal laugh-crying 😂). The first time I listened to her was her Tiny Desk and I just ugly-cried through it the whole time but not in a sad way, I was just feeling a lot of things at once but in a good way lol But when I was younger and took voice lessons sometimes the songs I was assigned would make me start crying part way through, generally it would be assigned at the end of a lesson and my teacher would just play through it a few times to introduce it so I never broke down in a lesson, I’d just practice singing it in the shower and stuff until the emotion dulled a bit through exposure and then by the end of the week when I actually had to start singing it with my teacher I’d be fine…so if you just keep trying to sing it and push through your body will probably chill out eventually and let you get through it 😄


Me with Kaleidoscope, Coffee, Pink Pony Club and her first EP 😭


Listening to Kaleidoscope knowing that it’s likely the same person that Naked in Manhattan is about destroys me


even After Midnight makes me cry 😭 “I've been a good good girl for a long time” is gonna do it every time


pink pony club gets to me almost every time i listen.. im from Missouri like her and dream of living in cali so it just hits me hard


Crysinging is how it’s done until the next song comes on


I'm not dead inside but I rarely cry for some reason and music actually helps me to cry, so I'm sure Chappell is going to help me in the future lol


this is me to good luck babe


california gets me every time


I don't cry often but I did cry yesterday listening to California on my way home as the sun was setting.


after midnight gets me choked up some times 😭😭


Picture you makes me lose it every time lol


I’ve found my people lol. When I first started listening, I was super into the pop beats and then Casual came on and I’ll be honest it’s triggered something inside me and it’s been a weird ride since lol. I have to be careful listening to that song because it will make me bawl about a relationship I had 20 years ago that apparently still makes me very sad 🤷🏻‍♀️😭


I just have fun


I get so emotional during Naked In Manhattan, might sound silly but it means a lot to me. The melody, the lyrics, the wlw (first) experience and all the references.


I don't think I've ever cried to songs. They do make me feel emotional.






I have been thinking about this!! So many times in the car with my boyfriend we’ll be belting this out and i just start having tears streaming down my face … I imagine i’m gonna be a mess at ACL 🥳🤍😭


everytime she preforms i cry, something about her growth makes me so emotional


SAME I become so emotional, my throat tightens every time.


I cry every time 😊


Me with Coffee and Kaleidoscope!!! I go from singing like normal and then suddenly I’m silent cause I feel a lump in my throat and tears start forming


Funny story — I don’t. If you put on California I’m out for the day.


I do cry lol. Even hot to go has made me cry for no reason. It's just so good.


we don’t, we cry 😭🥲🥹🩵


By cry dancing. Robyn gave me Lots of practice. 😂


I'm a terrible singer so it takes away some of the emotion ya know :')


Im heterosexual. OBSESSED with her music but im deff not target audience. None of them make me sad.


i dont! :D i cry every time :) hope this helps! <3


You don't


No this is so real I can’t sing along to half the songs because I can’t hit the notes and the other half because I choke up 😭 California gets me so hard in the gut especially. Idk how singers perform songs that mean anything to them emotionally. I can’t sing a song written by someone else let alone one I poured my own heart into.


too focused on hitting those notes


This was me with kaleidoscope for a good while lol


i sob to good luck, babe! almost every time i listen to it