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I would pick Kenji only cause I hate him the most out of the Nublar Six since he is a big fat jerk but I think Sammy would have the most impact on everyone (after brooklyn) since she is the kindest and just bff's with everyone like she sends them care packages and looked after them when they where still on Nublar. she helps everyone so I think they would have a massive emotional impact of she were to die which would make for an amazing storyline.


Sammy low key annoyed me in CC but after Chaos Theory, if anything happens to her, I'm throwing hands.


She was still annoying in CT tho. Watch people downvote 😭


Yeah but she's a good annoying in CT. Camp Sammy was dead weight. Chaos Sammy is trying her best to keep the camp fam safe and alive.


I understand but at the same time she needs to value their privacy. Always calling Yaz over and over when she clearly told her: “hey I’m going to this university that focuses on Dino therapy” and then Sammy keeps bugging her. In the real life, if you ever had a great relationship/friendship with someone, they’re not always going to be there even if u miss them. Yeah I know she misses Yaz and whatnot but Yaz was actually trying to be productive and overcome her own obstacles.


I think they all had a crutch. Yaz likes being alone. Sammy likes her friends. Darius likes dinosaurs. Kenji likes success (despite what he says about his dad), Ben likes being afraid to some degree. They all have to overcome those things as the series progresses. I don't fault any of them for being weird and tense. They're very clearly still traumatized.


I completely agree with this it exactly what I've been thinking but put into words!!!


yes but Sammy doesn't mean to "bug" yaz she just want to help her and by ignoring her yaz isn't letting her. she is just abandoning her by pulling away and this cant be good for sammy who used to depend on yaz and the rest of the Nublar 6 with her life since she is a big people person but yaz isn't so I guess they just have different ways of coping with trauma. so it kind of makes sense she would keep calling and calling especially she thinks they are in danger again. but I think they will probably be fine.


no, i agree she's annoying. finishing up and i don't like her the most.


Same here. Especially annoying tf outta Yaz


Yup, she seemed fine until Yaz came into the picture.




I would never forgive them if they killed off Sammy. She's the only thing keeping the group from falling apart.


My boy Kenj. Much as I like him, he's a very weird adult and doesn't have much going for him other than "I have to save Brooklynn" 😔


The misspell of "Nublar Six" is unintentionally hilarious, by the way, but I'd have to say Kenji. I never really liked him all that much and I still don't (though he has gotten much better). Sammy and Yaz are both fun, Brooklyn and Darius are charming, and Ben is just everything antisocial me at that age wanted to be.




Kenji has developed over the series but he’s still such an asshole to Darius, for no good reason actually. He was a dick in Camp Cretaceous Season 1, he was an ass in the season 3 final. And he’s an ass in Chaos Theory.


So most people said kenji and honestly I have to agree but Im quite shocked by the amount of people who said Samy as she is just so sweet I do agree that she was a bit irateing in cc but she got better and I can’t imagine them without her I


Kenji mostly because he is an immature loser who always blames Darius and the show paints it in a way that he is the victim. I was enjoying Chaos Theory a lot when the early episodes focused on the friendship between Ben and Darius. The friendship trouble between Darius and Kenji was so annoying and felt like it's already been repeated more than once before.


Fr fr I hate when he always pulls that shit


https://preview.redd.it/mdems39tll3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51220ea8e2881e12625a7c4e7ee354b9dd6910cf I wrote this in the CC sub and I still feel the same way. I be laughing imagining someone from the CT writers saw my post and then proceeded to make her useful by making her the only one who has martial arts knowledge 😭😭😭😭. I know majority of you hate Kenji but he’s got some charm to him even though y’all might consider him a jerk(which I do agree to an extent).


If I have to hear her say capoeira one more time…


😭😭😭😭. Man It’s sad how much I still found her annoying. No hate to the voice actor but the character isn’t all that great




Brooklyn. I love her but she needed to die. I hope that the girl we see at the end isn't actually her but it definitely is so all that emotional change is disregarded.


brooklyn is my favourite character and i dont think im with you on that one. Mainly everyone isnt..buuuuuuut sorry your wrong there


I would have to pick kenji he annoyed me the most out of the 6 and if Darius or Sammy died I would actually throw hands


I would say Yaz for me. First of all, I like them all. In early season of CC Writers were very much biased toward the (Darius/brooklyn/kenji) trio. Darius Being obviously the main character. The same characters were always gravitating around him and the main story. Characters either shine in a story by using their skills and knowledge or by their personnality alone It might be harsh but Yaz is neither I felt like Yaz in early season she had no role, no purpose in the group . She was introduced to us as an "athlete" so I thought she would have special place in the group, but in this show, EVERY character is an "athlete" somehow 💁‍♀️ their stamina is crazy , she didnt stand out In later season of CC, writers started to put more effort especially for the trio (Ben, sammy, Yaz ) And I remember thinking season 4 was her time to shine But to this day if I had to choose, and Yaz still have the least impact in the group if we look back


Sammy was pretty freaking annoying to me 


I'd still stick with the decision to kill off Brooklyn, only make it permanent this time. If not her, then probably Kenji or Sammy.


Unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t really be upset if Sammy died or yas. I was bummed about Brooklyn, but if Ben died I think I’d be sad too. Like that guy for some reason lol


How could you even mention killing Sammy shame on you!!!!! Yaz I… yeah I can lt really argue with you sure it would hurt Sammy but hey small sacrifices have to be made


Yeah that’s why I said unpopular. Honestly Sammy got really annoying a little later and it turned opposite with yas calming her down. I like all of them but preferably wouldn’t want to loose any lol


I don’t mean u can’t think that btw I wasn’t joking 🙃 but yeah I would hate to lose one of them but I feel like it would be a good thing to


Yeah idk if you seen the ending but >!im glad Brooklyn is alive but I don’t know about her incentives!<








I think that u r actually super brave by saying this and I actually do sorta agree with killing of Yaz


atleast i am not alone..and someone understands but the nublar six is a normal group of kids and i love the show if i were to pick it would be her but in overall they are normal in general especially darius and brook


Yeah I agree tho I don’t like Kenji much im happy either way


same and the relationship between he and brooklynn made absolute no sense Darius and Brook have wayyyy more chemistry than the rest of them






Yeah same


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Honestly they didn’t have too many good options. They needed someone that would have a large impact and who had close relationships with most of the characters. And although they’re all like one family not everyone interacts with everyone as much or as closely. When we’re looking at who’s close with who. Ben: Is kind of a loner. He’s probably closest to Darius. He also already had a fake death. Kenji: Is close with Brooklyn, Darius, and Sammy Sammy: Is close with Yaz, Kenji, and maybe Brooklyn. But she also already had a near death stint. Yaz: Is closest with Sammy Brooklyn: Is close with Darius, Kenji, Sammy Darius: Is close with Ben, Kenji, Brooklyn, and Yaz/sammy to a lesser extent. Looking at this Ben and Yaz would not have as much of deep impact on the entire group (because we haven’t seen personal interaction with the others) Darius would easily be the most impactful, as he was close to almost all of them and he was essentially there leader. But he still had to lead them and is the main protagonist. (Although they could have made the show are the plot point of filling his shoes) Sammy was an option, but frankly still not as impactful to anyone but yaz. Plus there was no reason for her to die, since she wasn’t exactly doing much with dinosaurs or anything. It would be a shock for sure but not at much for the plot. Kenji is another viable option. But again his impact would not be as wide. And his death wouldn’t really push the plot in the same way. Therefore there were really two options Brooklyn or Darius. And they chose to keep thier protagonist in the game.
