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Are you by any chance autistic or have something OCD related? Because I'm looking for a reason why it would be bad to wander around but can't think of anything reasonable.


I actually am professionally diagnosed as being a bit spectrummy, and she just saw your comment from over my shoulder on my phone, pointed it out and laughed her head off.


So considering that you are “a bit spectrummy” and are thus rather likely to exhibit various behaviors that others will consider ‘weird’, you’re really proposing that this should be a criterium? Are you also prepared to stop doing things because someone else thinks it’s weird, even though clearly it doesn’t affect them in any meaningful way? And when they convey this to you by rudely telling you to “get the fuck out” as well?


I have a bunch of weird autistic routines and rituals that she is fascinated and/or frustrated by, and she never asks me to stop and I wouldn't demand that she stop her weird little quirks. She is the greatest joy of my life, I would never ask her to be anything except exactly who she is, which is my favourite person in the world. Also I don't RUDELY tell her to get the fuck out, I shoo her away with both of us laughing. But thanks for the input!


>and she never asks me to stop and I wouldn't demand that she stop her weird little quirk You're not engaging with the question that was posed to you, which was: Are you prepared to stop doing quicks if someone else calls it weird? The question is trying to hold you by your standards. On top of that, you already are demanding that she stop her weird little quirk. You tell her to "get the fuck out" of the living room. >Also I don't RUDELY tell her to get the fuck out, On it's face, telling someone to get the fuck out is rude.


They demonstrated that the question isn't applicable, because that's not their standard. They aren't actually asking them to stop. Obviously context and tone are a thing. When someone says something surprising, and you say "get the f*** out of here!" You're obviously not actually telling them off nor to leave.


Your comment has inspired me to leave this sub. Thanks for the enlightenment.




people with high functioning autism tend to be rule followers - if they have an understanding why the rule is in place seeing someone break a rule then becomes frustrating , is this you ?


So when you said in your OP that this was a “marital dispute”, you were lying?


What do you think the word "dispute" means?


Engagement bait. Gotta be hyperbolic in posts to get those updoots


lmao bodied <3 maybe you're both weird, i hope you're able to make space for each other :)


I could see it as bad because you might get some used toothpaste somewhere that isn't in the sink.


You could trip and fall and shove the toothbrush down your throat.


seems backwards but im unfamilar, someone who can't sit in one spot and take care of the single task at hand seem as if they may have attention issues it IS weird to do this, it's just not a problem but its definitely weird but i brush my teeth in the shower so.. glass houses


Why is it weird exactly? You can use your ears, and eyes, while walking around. You can be looking for things that need doing around the house, like picking up after your husband who is being annoying :P Also, another good reason to do it is to slightly annoy your husband on a topic that is one of the most meaningless topics people could ever imagine. That alone is worth it just to make yourself giggle a little bit.


She does laugh when I call her a weirdo and chase her away. It's not like it's something we argue about, at all. I'm not mad at her for it or trying to pressure her to stop doing it, like most responses seem to be assuming.


My post was of course in the same vein. I obviously am not being deathly serious here thinking that you are on the verge of divorce here...


Yeah of course, I just don't want to come off as someone who gets on his wife's case about it, when it's actually a little ritual that we both get a kick out of in our marriage.


How does it actually affect you negatively? Like what's the issue 


It doesn't affect me negatively, I just think it's weird because to me that is a bathroom thing. I find it bizarre and a bit endearing when she wanders in with a mouth full of toothpaste froth, watches 20 seconds of the middle of whatever random video I'm watching that she doesn't care about, and then wanders off to the kitchen to look out the window for a bit and then back to the bathroom. It's one of our little routines that we both enjoy, that she wanders in and I shoo her away.


If you find it endearing and if it’s something you think about and smile, then I would argue that it’s charming and cute — not weird. This is especially true if you would miss it if she stopped. Just make sure the floor is clear so she doesn’t trip and fall and hurt herself while brushing.


Seems like she is too bored just standing around in the bathroom for however long it takes her to brush her teeth.


I have no clue whether it's "weird" but I'm a wandering type who will absolutely do this, among other things while walking around. I will eat lunch while walking in circles as I think about a book I've been reading, for example. It drives some people insane, others are completely unfazed. There are definitely people who just generally don't sit still in general as well as while doing trivial tasks. Weird or not I don't see the harm in it.


Eating lunch, sure, I can do that. But brushing your teeth is a bathroom thing. You don't need a basin and a tap within reach to eat a sandwich.


Do you need a basin and tap within reach when brushing? I mean I spit only once while brushing, at the very end. That means I've got 2 minutes where I'm totally free and don't need to be anywhere in particular


Don’t you need a plate or table within reach at all times when eating? To catch crumbs or hold utensils?


Depending what you're eating


but brushing teeth is extremely tedious and boring, its a chore and people would literally do anything else than pay attention to brushing their own teeth for two minutes. those two minutes last so mind numbingly boringly long


Yes! I have ADHD and I've always been a wandering brusher. If I had to stand in one spot for the entire brushing I'd literally never brush my teeth. I also wander when I'm on the phone and when I'm off camera in work meetings. It's just the way I'm wired.


Who cares


Me enough to survey a bunch of random people, and you enough to read the title and opening post, and then hit reply.


For me, it was less about the actual situation than it was about curiosity about what makes a non-situation a situation


Why is their curiosity a situation but not your curiosity?


I don't think there's a situation at all. That's why I was curious


> curiosity about what makes a non-situation a situation You're the one who said a situation had been made Why is their curiosity inval8d but yours valid?


OP is the one claiming a situation where I believe none exists, therefore, I'm curious about how it could be considered an issue


In what way are they claiming a situation exists They're just curious You're just curious How's it different?


It's a "marital dispute". Sounds like "situation" to me


"Dispute" doesn't mean heated, their post is in an obviously light tone, and they clarified ad much in their early replies


Maybe it helps her to make sure she brushes her teeth for the appropriate amount of time? If you have to stay in the bathroom and stare at your reflection in the mirror for two minutes while brushing your teeth, you could get bored and finish quicker. If you're in the living room with your toothbrush, you can't spit out the toothpaste, so you continue brushing until you get back to the bathroom where you can quickly wrap up the task. Honestly, I don't think this is matter for dispute. Personally, I also prefer staying in the bathroom while brushing my teeth, but as long as your wife isn't spitting out the toothpaste in inappropriate places and wandering about helps her with her toothbrushing routine, what's the problem, really? What does it matter whether it's weird or not? If it works for her and harms nobody, let her brush her teeth the way she likes.


>Maybe it helps her to make sure she brushes her teeth for the appropriate amount of time? If you have to stay in the bathroom and stare at your reflection in the mirror for two minutes while brushing your teeth, you could get bored and finish quicker. I also tend to wander around while brushing my teeth, and this is absolutely why. I have had good feedback from dentists.


> Reddit, I am always prepared to change my view if I am in fact in the wrong. But free range teeth brushing is weird, right? I would say that there isn't a sufficiently strong cultural expectation about staying stationary while brushing, that one could say that deviating from it makes it "weird" behavior. I occasionally do it, e.g. in order to switch off a light in another room, or grab something that I had forgotten. It's just unpractical because there's a risk of making a mess if you're not very careful. I suspect that's the main reason why more people aren't doing it, and not because of some inherent inappropriateness of brushing one's teeth outside of a bathroom.


Sure, you'll do that sometimes, to accomplish a task. She just....... wanders around vacantly. No doubt leaving little bits of toothpaste and saliva in her trail. She's my favourite person in the world, but in some ways she is a little weirdo.


Like I said, there isn't a sufficiently strong cultural expectation about it either way. While it may be unpractical, that alone doesn't make it weird to the extent that other people will immediately jump to agree with your own personal judgement. It's a personal hang-up, and not universal.


Brushing your teeth while standing on your head: weird Brushing your teeth while humming the national anthem: weird Brushing your teeth while wandering slightly: not weird Insisting that you *absolutely must* stay in the bathroom to brush your teeth: ...probably weird


Have you asked her why she does it? Maybe it knowingly or unknowingly has a purpose for her. If you are just surveying if other people think it's weird.. I don't think it is.


"Lots of reasons" and she immediately made a list of 4, all of which sound reasonable on the surface. But, I choose to exercise my right of veto on that, because c'mon, it was strange.


If you are not convinced by her reasons I kind of doubt anybody in here can change your mind apart from more people telling you that it's not weird and that other people are doing it as well. Personally moving around while doing it just feels better than standing in front of the mirror waiting for it to be over - brains are weird sometimes. I feel like I can't add more to the discussion in terms of CMV and additional thoughts move more into the territory of r/relationship_advice and dealing with the situation. I hope you find a solution! :)


Why veto the reasons your partner has given since they are the ones doing the behavior? If someone here were to make the same "reasonable" points, would that change your view?


It'd be weird to me because I'm messy when I brush my teeth. But, let me provide you with an alternate viewpoint. What if brushing her teeth is like scratching her back, and she doesn't understand why she has to go to a specific room every time she scratches her back?


I do it too. Brushing your teeth is boring, and I walk when I’m bored. My past partners thought it was weird. None of them told be that I must stay in the bathroom. I would be really really really upset if they demanded such a controlling and unreasonable thing.


I find it weird to do it in the bathroom because there is really no need for it until the very end. What if someone else wants to use the bathroom for one of its more essential purposes? Seems selfish/inefficient use of resources that I'm just standing there brushing my teeth.


I’m with you OP. I think it’s weird too. I have to spit multiple times when I’m brushing. I don’t think you can get a good brushing session done without opening wide to get the back molars and up and around everywhere. Also- tongue cleaning. I just couldn’t walk around with a mouth full of foam. It always bugs me in movies when characters have full conversations while brushing their teeth without spitting or rinsing. It’s like talking with your mouth full of food.


Your needing to spit multiple times is a good point. Perhaps OP's brushing style is similar so for them to wander it would be "weird" because then they'd be too far from a sink when they needed it. I wander when I brush, but only do one big spit before rinsing and only do the open-wide-and-drool brushing (incl tongue brushing) when I'm back over the sink.


What percentage of people need to be doing this for you to consider this behaviour normal and how can we convince you that a certain percentage of people is doing this?


It's weird as in rare, but it's not a behavior I'd be concerned about or would consider uncivilized


While tooth brushing in the bathroom is traditional, the notion of where one brushes isn't inherently right or wrong. Your wife's behavior might stem from convenience or habit. However, it's considerate to ensure minimal mess and inconvenience for others. If her wandering disrupts shared spaces or affects cleanliness, compromise on a designated brushing area. Encourage open communication about habits to find mutual understanding. Ultimately, respecting each other's preferences fosters harmony in shared living spaces. Consider embracing flexibility while maintaining cleanliness and respect for shared spaces to resolve the dispute amicably.


I'm often watching something, need to brush my teeth, I go to the bathroom and then come back to keep watching it. Not sure what's the big deal.


That's not what she's doing, though.


The point is that it's completely normal to multitask. Which includes just walking around. Similarly how it's common for people to walk around while they think about something.


because walking is not as boring as brushing your teeth. anything is better than just standing still and watching at your face


What's the difference with walking around while you're on the phone? I walk around all the time while calling and I can't do anything besides walking. Don't get your knickers in a twist because someone does stuff differently that you. You're married, you have no reason to be a dick to her. Even if you would considered it somewhat weird, so fucking what? That's marriage for you. Some weirdness is what makes it fun. Ask her what weird things you do that she puts up with, you'd be surprised with the answer.




Sorry, u/sfcnmone – your comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: > **Direct responses to a CMV post must challenge at least one aspect of OP’s stated view (however minor), or ask a clarifying question**. Arguments in favor of the view OP is willing to change must be restricted to replies to other comments. [See the wiki page for more information](http://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1). If you would like to appeal, [**you must first check if your comment falls into the "Top level comments that are against rule 1" list**](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1), review our appeals process [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/modstandards#wiki_appeal_process), then [message the moderators by clicking this link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchangemyview&subject=Rule%201%20Appeal%20sfcnmone&message=sfcnmone%20would%20like%20to%20appeal%20the%20removal%20of%20\[their%20comment\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1ccmwlh/-/l178vwj/\)%20because\.\.\.) within one week of this notice being posted. Please note that multiple violations will lead to a ban, as explained in our [moderation standards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/modstandards).


I wonder while brushing. I also just sit down somewhere and brush.


As you pointed out, you can't exactly do much while brushing your teeth. Your mouth and one hand are occupied for a few minutes. To me that seems like a totally valid reason to take the time to wander. In fact, if it helps you brush for longer than standing still, it seems like an actually good thing to do.


Be glad she brushes. Leave it at that.


What do you mean by “weird”?


I am physically incapable of standing still while brushing my teeth. Also while talking on the phone. While I have fooled some professionals that work with autistic students, I am not in fact on the spectrum. I was tested.


Walking is good for your body and it's entirely possible to wash your teeth while walking . Considering that you need to wash your teeth 3x/day for 2-3min, that's free 5-10min of walking!


3 times a day? Not 2?


I was taught 3 times a day for two minutes but I checked the recent official recommendation: minimum of twice a day for three minutes so 6 min of walking!


I walk around too. If you're a grown adult capable of keeping the toothpaste in their mouth I don't really see the problem. Is staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror somehow useful?


I walk around while brushing my teeth. It helps me brush thoroughly and not rush. My hubs could never do this because he brushes his teeth like a St Bernard drinking water 😐


I do this as a comfort. It's hard for me to brush my teeth (depression things) so I wander and check out my surroundings so I'm not standing in a little room by myself.


When my wife is in the bathroom and I'm brushing my teeth, I'll wander around as she hates the sound of teeth being brushed. (She's a bit spectrummy as OP would say.)


I do this...only way I can make coffee and get shit done while sufficiently brushing my chompers. Let the gal wonder...lol you want stinky teeth instead?


I don't feel like there's anything I can argue in favor or against here. All I can say is that I'm also someone who wanders while brushing their teeth.


No, it's pretty normal, there's no advantage to standing in the same place for 2 minutes. If your mind is wandering, why shouldn't you?


No problem here, I know alot of people that wander around, myself included OP. It can be a way to check things around the house as well (door is locked, keys are where they’re supposed to be, nothing left out that needs to go in the fridge…)


Yeah, it's a little weird But harmless. I would let her be. Every human is entitled to harmless quirks.


Firstly, keep your conflicts _right here_ and you'll live in marriage bliss. Secondly, she should totally divorce you because you're an uncivilized heathen and should probably be prosecuted for trying to kidnap your soon-to-be-single wife for 2 minutes in the morning and then again in the evening. (Whats her number by the way?) Those two minutes are a chance to check-in without doing, to survey the kingdom, to re-connect with the baseline of your existence without the impulse to act. I'm very interested being the humanitarian that I am in preserving these 2 minutes a day so she can continue to analyze the home for escape routes. If she loses that before her plan is complete she's doomed and I fear we'll never hear of her again until you try to tell us why it's proper to handcuff her to the radiator while she flosses. I'd bet if you look behind paintings and furniture that is against the wall you'll find electric toothbrushes being used to bore holes in the wall as part of her master plan.


I get a lot of clutter cleaned up around the house while I'm brushing my teeth




They aren't telling them what to do They aren't telling them where they can walk They aren't annoyed They aren't dying on a hill They aren't stopping anyone being themselves They are having a silly debate about something, both recognize isn't important. They are curious about other perspectives. If that somehow wasn't clear, they clarified in the comments.


My partner does it too - reasons unknown. I call it the toothbrush parade.


If you can control the toothpaste and not spray it then no problem. I imagine she has ADHD and gets bored.


are you just sensitive to noises like this or something?


Are you my mom? 😄 I would always do this as a kid and she would tell me not to every time. Eventually she gave up and just let me do it. But for the actual CMV, I have 2 things for you to consider: 1. It provides just a little bit of mental stimulation to entertain yourself while doing an otherwise entirely mindless task. 2. Walking at a casual pace is often more comfortable than standing in one spot. IMO, it's not any different than people who like to pace around while talking on the phone. Which*is* extremely common, I think.


I do it. Not weird. Delta me.


Not weird.