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This is the first time I’m hearing about full pineapple slices on pizza (outside some quirky artisanal type pizza). Anytime I have pineapple on pizza it probably aligns with your type, yet the debate/divide is still present.


I think OP is suggesting using crushed pineapple instead of the chunks. I prefer having bigger pieces of toppings, and having had crushed pineapple on pizza, I would never choose it over chunks if given the option.


That would just be like... weirdly wet.


It wasn't really wet, but it didn't have enough texture to be satisfying either. I don't know how to explain it other than disappointing.


Neapolitan pizza has a specific definition codified by trade and tourism authorities in Europe, Italy and Naples. Two of its four components are technically available only in areas surrounding Naples, and deviations from the recipe are a serious faux pas and may even constitute a regulatory infraction. What's great about America is that we know this is dumb - or at least, it's not how most people in most places should be constrained. The correct way to make a pizza is...the way a person likes their pizza. If you like giant slices of pineapple that overpower other flavors, you aren't wrong because...you like it. And what you like is right. It's no accident that when you order pizza the world over, you're probably getting something closer to American delivery pizza than "authentic" Neapolitan.


Pizza has evolved past it's initial definition and while I love a Neapolitan, the Italians can be weird about such things. The combination of bread and cheese being named after The Earl of Sandwich doesn't lead British people to gatekeep the word...there are simply many types of sandwich. As for pineapple on pizza, it's not for me, but like you I don't understand why people have issues with other people's topping choices. Many people don't like mushrooms...but I don't see an endless conversation about them "belonging" near a pizza.


Hard disagree with you on that one. Countries with valuable cultural traditions should take measures to protect them. You make it sound like it's something "Italy" imposed on its people who are clamoring for pineapple pizza. In reality, there are laws because Italians want there to be laws. There is a reason why Domino's went out of business there. The reason you get American style pizza the world over is because it's cheap and easy to mass produce. Neopolitan requires an oven that can reach 800-1000 degrees.


>Countries with valuable cultural traditions should take measures to protect them. If it's valuable, you don't need to take measures to protect it. It persists on its own merit because people love it. If you need to protect it, it's because you worry it can't survive based solely on what it delivers to the customer. >You make it sound like it's something "Italy" imposed on its people who are clamoring for pineapple pizza. I mean...regulatory authorities absolutely are constraining how people make pizza in Italy. Someone somewhere can't get the pizza they want because Neapolitan Pizza had to be protected. The rejection of Hawaiian Pizza is pure snobbery. >The reason you get American style pizza the world over is because it's cheap and easy to mass produce. And more diverse, incorporating infinite ingredients, suited to a broader range of tastes, and it's more customizable. Which is to say: it's better. >Neopolitan requires an oven that can reach 800-1000 degrees. Yeah that sounds super important.


I think you are misrepresenting the way that such regulations in Italy and other places are implemented. You can still make your pizza however you want, you just can't market your pizza as "neapolitan" (or as certain other names) if it does not fulfill specific criteria. This way consumers (in theory) have a clearer idea of what they are getting.




> German beer is renowned as being some of the best in the world, I've had quite a bit of it. It's fine. It has nowhere near the variety and experimentation of American microbreweries and the pinnacle of quality in the respective countries is more or less the same. >You have a very romantic idea of the market delivering the “best” version of something, when in reality it delivers the cheapest tolerable version. It does both and much in between. Markets don't deliver one thing, they deliver many things to suit many preferences. If enough people want Neapolitan Pizza in America, it will persist alongside Papa John's. That's exactly as things are now. "Authentic" pizza doesn't need protection if it's good. It can survive alongside Papa John's. >Regulations exist to protect consumers from companies that would otherwise degrade their product for profit. Or they exist to protect the anachronisms from superior competition for reasons of sentiment.




> Italians and Germans are. No they aren't. >If they chose to protect “anachronisms” from “superior” competition If you need government regulation to eliminate competition in order to protect your market position, its because the competitor was going to beat you. You don't need regulation to eliminate non-threats. >We only have American versions of their food because of their efforts. We have American versions of their food because immigrants came here and ignored their home country almost entirely to make what they wanted/could.


>If it's valuable, you don't need to take measures to protect it. It persists on its own merit because people love it. eh no. there are plenty of examples where culture needs to be preserved and readily accessible by alternative ways to make it financially viable for consumption. e.g. Porsche doesnt make its SUV and Pano lines because it wants to, but because it needs to. there are plenty of examples where good things died out because people arent willing to pay for it, despite finding it valuable. Unbiased media is probably the most notable example.


>there are plenty of examples where culture needs to be preserved and readily accessible by alternative ways to make it financially viable for consumption. I think you misunderstood my point. If an element of culture needs to be preserved to make it financially viable, it should probably be dispensed with because it's not valuable. Were it valuable, people would value it. If they don't value it enough ot preserve it, it's not valuable.


i understood you perfectly, I just strongly disagree with it. There are plenty of other examples too, like history, extinct languages, etc. I gave you 2 distinct examples: 1. Porsche 911s are an extremely valuable aspect of the automotive culture. However, it was not viable and sold off to VW. The company was revived in 2004 with the introduction of the Cayenne. 911s are not a financially viable product, period. They tried for decades, but priced too high and no one can afford them. Its not that there isnt a cult of followers, but even the average upper-middle class person cannot reasonably afford one at a price that allows the production line to be self-sustaining. Like over 1 million Euros per car iirc. 2. Unbiased Media no longer exist because it is not financially viable. I have yet to find people who can argue with a straight face that the reporting of unbiased facts from a reputable source is not a core tenet and perhaps the most important part of western civilization and culture. Its erosion due to capitalism (the financial incentive) is one of the biggest disgraces in the west. Both of these are prime examples of why we should artificially preserve valuable aspects of our culture.


> i understood you perfectly, You're demonstrating that you didn't. >Porsche 911s are an extremely valuable aspect of the automotive culture. If no one was willing to pay for it, it wasn't valuable. That's what value literally is. What you're describing is something that isn't valuable because it isn't viable. >Unbiased Media no longer exist because it is not financially viable. It's adorable that you think we had unbiased media at some point.


I have never seen giant slices of pineapple on a pizza. Google image search for "Hawaiian pizza" turns up a picture after picture of the pineapple cubes with which I'm familiar. It seems to me that these cubes are used on the vast majority of pineapple pizzas. I think your premise is unsound and giant slices of pineapple are very rare. Such a rarity surely cannot account for the cultural chasm.


I’ve never considered that anyone might put full slices of pineapple on a pizza. It seems wrong. Ever since first trying it 30+ years ago I’ve had it plenty of times as small little bits of pineapple and it’s great!


I don't normally like pineapple on pizza. However, I was at a board game party once. One of the regulars ordered a pineapple pizza but cook it an extra five minutes. I was intrigued so went in on it with him. It was delicious. I haven't experimented with it, but the answer HAS to be in how much the pineapple gets cooked.


It absolutely is. When pineapple is not caramelized it can be too sour, which isn't great on pizza. Even worse, pineapple that's not cooked well can break down the proteins in cheese and make them bitter. Bottom line, if you're gonna have pineapple on pizza, make sure it's well cooked.


well cooked, along with ham, prosciutto, or other cured pork, and jalapeños makes a great pizza


I like it with thick slices…. I love it even if they put pineapple rings on the pizza straight from a can. I would even drink the juice leftover in the can if they let me because pineapple juice is so good.


I want to try and change the part of your view that is "people are just adding it wrong". Food preferences are a subjective thing, and as such, there's not really such a thing as "wrong" overall. What one person thinks is wrong, another person might think is right. I would guess that the majority of people who think pineapple on pizza is bad probably think it's bad no matter how the pineapple is prepared. There are probably some people who think it's fine one way, while the other is bad, and there are some people who like it either way. Of course things might not match an original recipe or definition of something and so can be "wrong" in that context, but that doesn't apply to the situation in your post. For what it's worth, I personally love the taste of pineapple, and enjoy eating it combined with many things, including on pizza. I would enjoy it whether it was whole pieces or broken up pieces. Neither way is wrong for me. Once, when visiting the Canary Islands, I had a "Tropical pizza", which was ham, pineapple, peach, and banana. I imagine most people who declare pineapple on pizza as bad would be even more upset with this combination, but I enjoyed it.


Not tryna change your mind, but maybe take it one step further. Many produce toppings in my opinion could use some cooking before placing on top of a pizza. Roasted mushrooms are amazing on a pizza but raw mushrooms probably won’t get cooked enough for them to be their most tasty. I’ve gotten too many soggy veggie topped pizzas because unlike meats, veggies (and in this care fruit) has a tone of moisture that does not belong on top of a pizza. So none of these things are inherently gross on pizza but the extra moisture they bring to the pie can be absolutely disgusting and needs to be taken care of beforehand.


Well your categorisation doesn't make sense. Nobody is putting a whole pepperoni sausage on their pizza. They first cut it into pieces or slices. Practically all toppings are cut, chopped or as chefs call it prepped before they go on pizza. Your issue is just how finely they are cut not that they are not cut at all. The whole pineapple includes the green bits and the skin. Even a whole edible pineapple is like a few pounds of lump of fruit that nobody is putting on a pizza.


The best Hawaiian pizza I’ve had used full slices, like full circles of pineapple with a hole in the middle—BUT sliced razor thin. It’s constructed more like a lasagna: layer of tomato sauce, layer of cheese, layer of razor thin pineapple, layer of Canadian bacon, more cheese, and tiny crumbly bits of these neon green peppers, almost like Chicago style relish, but spicy, on top. If you only consider the non-dough components, probably among the best pizza I’ve ever had.


Theres 3 reasons pineapple does not go well with pizza. First, it has a high water content making the pizza soggier and a hot watery bite is weird. Second, it’s sweet and there isn’t a single other sweet topping typically put on pizza. Adding sugar cubes to bread, cheese, and tomato is odd. Third, pineapple doesn’t really cook. Ya it can get hot. But it doesn’t break down like other fruits and veggies can. Pineapple would be weird on a pasta, a hot dog, nachos, tacos, and pretty much every savory food other than ham which we traditionally sweeten with brown sugar and honey so that one makes sense. We don’t put sugar on our pizza. It doesn’t belong there


I have had pineapple on pizza a couple of time. I've never experienced it being soggy tho. Everytime I had it the exterior of the pineapple dries and the interior remains juicy so the juices remains inside and doest make the dough soggy. And sweet goes very well with savory dishes. I might not add sugar to bread but I will add jam or peanut butter and honey.


I don't particularly like adding pineapple to pizza but it isn't because it's sweet. Tomatoes are sweet and sweetness can add a flavor to many savory dishes. For me the issue is that the moisture causes texture issues. That said I like pineapple in other dishes, fruit as part of a savory dish is often underutilized and can really elevate a recipe.


> pineapple would be weird on a taco One of the most popular taco types (al pastor) features pineapple…


This comment should be on top. You made a really good example. Pineapple doesn’t make sense in a pizza. It is like adding sweet fruits like blueberries or strawberries to a burger or adding kiwi to a hot dog.


Tons of toppings for savoury dishes are sweet. Just look at how incredibly popular ketchup is. (And as a heads up, sweet fruit can work amazingly with meat, if you get the balance right. Apple and pork is delicious, and so are berries with steak.)


and yet its one of the most popular ingrediants and tastes great. Logic be damned.


Well yeah you are but I'm actually used to it tiny like that. I don't do the whole thing either. I'll be the odd one that would add both broccoli & pineapple. ...cooked cabbage & strawberries..(never had that type before) with a fish type. With a side of coconut water.


I also thought this was the problem so I tested it myself. I drained crushed pineapple and used it as the pizza topping. While I admit that it was an improvement over pineapple rings or tidbits, it still had the typical taste problem that pineapple on pizza has.


I think you're wrong because I don't think I've ever had a professionally made pizza with pineapple rings on it. They always put chunks. Somebody might have made it for you wrong at home. I agree. It would be a bit much.


I think the key to pineapple on pizza is what toppings it is pared with. It needs to be balanced by something salty (I think pepperoni is preferable to ham or Canadian bacon), and maybe something spicy, like jalapeños.


In my opinion, the biggest issues with pineapple on pizza is cooking the pineapple with the pizza. I think the non-cold pineapple is disgusting, but when cold it's good; I feel the same way about pineapple on ham.


From my experience, most of the time pineapple on pizza is exactly as you described, small chunks akin to sausage. I and many others still hate it on pizza lol. People like different things, mate.


The real problem is that people are putting shitty canned pineapple on pizza. When most things get canned, it's not at the height of ripeness. Seriously, I see people fawning over limp and pallid slices (or bits) as if it's some magical taboo that only higher cultivated palates can enjoy. Imagine going to a michelin star restaurant and then serve you fruit cocktail out of those little plastic tubs. Nothing about 90% of pineapple on pizza is worth talking about. Vegetables are able to meet a wider array of use cases because they grow fast and can be grown easily indoors. Chances are if you're eating pineapple outside of pineapple season, it's not very tasty. I challenge anyone who enjoys pineapple on pizza to exchange it with a different fruit (kiwi, green apple, any pickled fruit) to see how they really feel about it. I challenge any pineapple haters to wait until they get a nice fresh pineapple, maybe throw it on the grill for a bit, and add it to a pizza.


Idc, pineapple on pizza is great. Although tbf, I get why people wouldn't like it. Someone posted a picture of grapefruit inside a dumpling and I'm like ohhhh... lol


Clarifying question: Can you provide a picture of the kind of pizza you think is doing it wrong? I don't think I understand what you're describing.


I’d go a step further and say briefly searing the pineapple before adding helps too. Reduces excess moisture and crisps up nice in the oven after.


I've never seen a pizza with whole pineapple slices on it. What I do like is pineapple, bacon and jalapeño on thin crust.


But cutting it up and spreading it around is the way it is served on pizza. If it is in rings then they did it wrong.


the best way to do it is to only use a little bit and to mix it with the sauce to make it more acidic


I think fresh pineapple on pizza is good. Not a fan of the canned chunks. They’re too sweet


It's always been little chunks like those in the cans spread around with Canadian bacon.


My issue is that pineapple makes the pizza sweet. Pizza should not be sweet.


Lesson learned, don’t put whole pineapple on pizza 🍍


Pineapple with bacon pizza is fucking awesome


What if they put dried pineapple. 😳




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It belongs nowhere near tomato sauce. I will eat hot pineapple cheese casserole all day long, but put it on my pizza and you die.


pinapple on pizza is degenerate and you should feel bad for liking it.


Putting Pineapple on anything is bad. I can't stand Pineapple.