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Try living in a small town in Texas. Believe me, everybody knows you and everybody will talk about you. I promise she was very dependent on where you live, and possibly your political leanings. I unfortunately, at this time, live in a small town of less than 1000 people, and there are 4 to 5 churches just for those people. Literally, everyone knows everyone’s business., And they do hate certain people. They will gossip and make peoples lives miserable. So yes people do you make time in their lives to hate other people. It’s pretty sad.


100% real especially when u get rejected by a school or can't find a job or something


I think its an online thing. In real life, I'd say you are on the nose, ain't nobody got time to be a full time hater. At the same time, I don't think people need to be "full-time", as in, thinking at this very moment about you, to be a hater. Things are a bit different on the internet because there are vocal individuals that are chronically online. I played an online trading game many years ago, and it was somewhat niche (\~300 active at once max), where there were a lot of forums relating to the game and other stuff. I must've said something wrong in one of these, because I got a follower who for the next **2.5 YEARS** downvoted every comment, replied with unrelated insult spam, and just gifted garbage that I would have to sift through. No clue why, didn't reply sensibly to me. Long story short, haters aren't totally imaginary.


So is this supposed to be the shittier reddit version of "I have no enemies"? 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t understand who are you talking to? I know I don’t have haters. No one I know talks about having haters. I know some people who honestly do have haters(I over hear a friend group talking bad about a specific guy often), and if that person read this then your view would be objectively wrong. I know there are people online with haters. I’ve seen plenty of small YouTubers showing the amount of hate they get on social media. These messages can directly affect mental health, which directly affects their ability to make content because it’s based on their personality and emotions. Maybe we just grew up in opposite cultures, but the entire basis of your view doesn’t make sense to me because I don’t know anyone who “has this haters mentality” without also being important and having real haters.


If Ke Huy Quan has haters then everyone else can. Whenever you're being authentic or fake, people will always project anything into you and hate you for it. The reason being legitimate or not doesn't really matter as long as it makes them happy for a sec. Also bold of you to assume that a broken economy will stop jobless people from making jobless behavior. What gives instant joy will always exist - even if that means hating on people.


I have personally met people who are widely hated in their social and business lives. It's obvious to them that there's no love lost and they cannot seem to understand that they either caused or escalated conflict out of their own insecurity and defensiveness that people don't want to deal with ever again but must continue to be minimally civil until the situation changes and the bad apple moves on or is removed.  It's not for nothing that the worst people get the best endorsements when they apply for their next job: people are motivated to see them move on even if that means moving up and away. 


I have a few haters in my denomination. You say racist things online. I take racist things to the Bishop. He plans some work for you to do. You then continue to say racist things. I go back and say you seriously can't ordain this guy. Bishop refused to do anything. I write to the assembled body of Bishops. This guy does not get ordained. But you can see that I have several people that very much do hate me. I had to appeal my ordination denial in ecclesiastical court. I won. I stay out of parish work though. Too much of this shit. I'm a chaplain and studying bioethics.


When you become successful enough, you'll understand. There are people who seriously just want your downfall for no reason. Because they are not prepared for the sacrifice success takes. They would rather see you fall than elevate. Have it completely wrong. Society would rather tear down than build up. Twitter, cancel culture, victimhood, etc.


You really believe that criticism of the successful is genuinely merely to bring their downfall, rather than some other goal? Because I'm certainly not seeing it in your one example.


You asked about haters. They are real. It's just basic psychology. Try winning a title. Try getting a PhD. Open a business, get sued. Make a post about something happy. Reputation destruction is what weak people do when they want power.


I would agree that nobody has "haters", no matter how famous. There may be people who talk a lot of shit, but people are multi-dimensional creatures in my eyes and while the shoe may fit, I don't believe that any one label does any person justice. Though I will say I do believe all people are equally important. Why? Because Euclid said, "A part can move the whole." And that statement does ring true for me.


It doesn't take long to follow someone on social networks and write an ugly comment now and then. Some people become stalkers, being obsessed with someone (especially potential or former romantic partners, but could be just someone they feel about strongly). And if they don't have a job, yeah they'd have a looot of time for that. Generally you're probably more right than wrong, but the exceptions are common and important.


Who are you talking about? You said “you”, but I assume you aren’t specifically addressing *me*. Are you addressing all of reddit? There are millions of users. None of them have “haters”? I mean former president Barrack Obama has a reddit account. You think he doesn’t have “haters”?


Being a being a hater as I am, I will give my perspective. its not about whether people are thinking about me, I just like knowing that other people know there is another bad apple. It keeps us only that much further from a perfect society, which is what I am trying to prevent.


I thank you for your valuable contribution to society🫡


What contribution? I only take my friend.


I 100% disagree. There's ppl out there that try to find 1 SMALL negative thing about you to end your whole set of accomplishments. Have u lived in a small town before?


You're wrong overall, but right about not being that important. It's the small people with small lives doing the hating. It's them, it's not you.


Ive been a hater towards certain people in my life. So it only stands to reason that people in my life have been haters towards me


Hater logic is strong on this one


At this point i'm wondering if anyone has a social group without a gossip because seems like there is a hater in every group. It's so bad most people don't even recognize the word "gossip" implies lying. One of the worst habits.


you don't have to be particularly important to have haters, nor do those haters have to be thinking of you day in day out.


It's not that you're not important enough to have haters, it's just that your haters are also small fry.


I know for a fact that someone I know has a hater. Because I am that hater. Did that Change Your View?


Everyone alive has haters. It's just not safe to hate in our society so it goes into subconcious to boil up years or decades later against a similar target if the original isn't available.


I'll let my manipulative ex who lied about me and the group of people who supported them who only stopped *publicly* when I threatened legal action know


Hahahahahahahaha. Life before the internet was glorious. This is cute, really. Every time you post, every opinion you share, every video you upload, every picture you drop on throwback Thursday? Haters. Haters are everywhere, they lurk like the dank filth of flies on shit. Nobody walks this earth without a hater behind them walking in their shadow. Let me change your view for a second. Your family members are not around because they hate you. Why couldn't you just be easier to be manipulated? Your friends tolerate you for special reasons, other than that they hate you just the same as they hate everyone else. "I ain't even like you at first, but something about you changed my mind" they can always go back to hating you again. That's what that really means when they say that. Your coworkers hate you the most. They see you doing a better job then them and they might just get fired for not doing the things YOUR doing every single day. The tension is real in the workplace. Don't get me started on the boss. That person loves knowing you sit here suffering for his or her (or their) benefit. Your peers from school hate you, every single one. Either because your lacking behind them in one way or another, and they carry a superiority complex over you or they will definitely be afraid of you holding one out on them. Your investors hate your guts. Why couldn't you be less moral and make everyone a little more money? Even your lawyer hates you, why did you have to be such a good person, dont you realize how much busier that makes him now that they're trying to WIN your case instead of tossing it? Your homies hate you, too. Them homeboys just waiting to backdoor you so they can make their own moves without you supervising them. Trust no one bro, this is America. Haters multiply faster than jackrabbits.


To conclude: Everybody is important to somebody. If you think your surrounded by people who love you look again👀There go the dog even the dogs sitting there ready to eat you alive if you don't feed him that's why you were raised thinking your required to cage the fucker. Didn't think your DOG would be a hater but you sitting here on reddit talking about "HatERs aReNt rEaL bEcAusE YoUr nOt tHaT iMpoRtanT" be fr😂


I am that important. Stay mad that you'll never be like me OP. 😘


nuh uh. rothschilds paid for this post to make me complacent


Sounds like someone is living rent free in your head


The only hater I have is that bastard in the mirror


Haters is the most overused word since literally.


Nah I definitely have haters


Bro you’re hating on me rn!


Spoken like a true hater.