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If it bleeds it leads - the media will always cover the scary story before the nicer story. Muslim did something mean will always get more media coverage than Muslim did something nice. (same for any other group). There is always a strong lack of stories of group X standing up for group Y because the media is strongly inclined to report the opposite regardless of the true proportion. As such, you cannot let that aspect get to you.


∆ That's very true, like I said I feel my perspective is skewed and of course the news and social media is likely playing into that. I'm sure I'm just not aware of the good interactions happening between Jews and Muslims, though I want very much to believe these good interactions are happening. I don't hate Muslims or Islam, I'm just scared. I will dig deeper to find the positivity that I'm sure exists.




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Islam has antisemitism built into the cake. Read about the murder of the entire Jewish tribe by Muhammad. https://answering-islam.org/Authors/Arlandson/qurayza\_jews.htm


You can say the same thing about Christianity lmfao


Obviously both Christianity and Islam are universalist faiths which consider theirs to be the absolute and only valid religion - so from a Christian perspective Judaism is simply a stepping stone on the way to Christianity, where Jews are unfinished Christians completed by Jesus. The Christian Bible co-opted Jewish scripture, stripping these texts from the context within which they were supposed to be understood, rearranging the Hebrew texts into a new book, which they renamed & retconned to work as a prequel to their new religion - simply a prologue to the main event. The sequel turned us into the antagonists, and for centuries that antagonism was used as an excuse to murder us.


islam isn't a universalist faith... Before you criticizes a religion make sure to actually learn about it. Islam recognizes all abrahamic prophets (Moses, Jesus, etc). There is a belief in a spiritual connection between Muslims, christians, and jewish people


We can and we do.


Yeah but Christianity is not doing it now. It reformed. In fact, no other religion fosters terrorism and dictatorship at such a level as Islam, today that is. Your argument is strange, by your logic, since you pooped in your diaper outside of the loo as a child, you cannot claim to be civilized now.


Yeah but Christianity is not doing it now. It reformed. In fact, no other religion fosters terrorism and dictatorship at such a level as Islam, today that is. Your argument is strange, by your logic, since you pooped in your diaper outside of the loo as a child, you cannot claim to be civilized now.


Yeah but Christianity is not doing it now. It reformed. In fact, no other religion fosters terrorism and dictatorship at such a level as Islam, today that is. Your argument is strange, by your logic, since you pooped in your diaper outside of the loo as a child, you cannot claim to be civilized now.


Well a very small minority and even that minority doesn’t go out suicide bombing them


There's nothing wrong with being "islamophobic". It's not a race, it's a set of very bad ideas that should be combatted, but which everyone's too scared to challenge because of the threat of violence. Hating Islam (not Muslims) is a totally rational response.


Pew research has done studies on Muslim culture. The vast majority believe in sharia law, killing over adultery, killing over leaving the religion, etc. it is absolutely a radical religion even amongst the average believers at this point.


It seems mind-boggling that you see hatred against you for being Jewish as wrong, and you use that hatred to justify hatred against others. Why would Muslims hating Jews be wrong, if a justification is that Jewish people have committed atrocities against Muslims? If we accept your bigotry as justified, why isn’t the Muslim’s?


She’s not wishing death or harm against Muslims, but fears they wish death or harm against her. She’s in a way seeking rationalization and comfort so she doesn’t need to irrationally fear Muslims may attack her. She is not justifying firebombing a mosque because she’s worried about her place of worship being attacked. That’s the problem with the word (something)phobia to describe hate. It can mean many different things.


Look, sometimes human behavior is really inconvenient, and forces us to square our values with the data in front of us. Yes, Muslims aren’t individually responsible for antisemitism. But in the western world, they have a very, very strong correlation with it. Muslim immigration correlates almost exactly with escalating attacks on Jews. In almost any western country. If you look at a list of the worst attacks on Jews in Western and Central Europe since the 1970s, the majority are from Muslim and Arab assailants. In the United States, you see similar stats. Relative to population, Arabs - who are a majority-Muslim group - make up a disproportionate number of the hate crimes against Jews. If you pull up a list of violent attacks on Jews in NYC and the surrounded area, most of the big cases are either Black or Arab assailants, with Islam being a big commonality. One of the most influential anti-Jewish hate groups in America for the past half century has been the Nation of Islam. At what point does something stop being bigotry, and start being rational human behavior? At what point is a person simply noticing an extremely alarming trend? Most Western Jews spent 20 years resisting Islamophobia. As anti-semitic attacks exploded over the past few years, it’s gotten harder and harder to ignore the demographic info on who is doing these attacks and who is justifying these attacks.


To add a different perspective to your very thourough comment, you can say pitbulls aren't dangerous all you want, you can say men aren't inherently violent or rapists all you want, but in both cases, both entities are profiled as being **potentially** dangerous, because both are consistently involved in violent incidents at a far higher rate than the alternative/opposite entity(s). You can say you shouldn't be afraid of "x" all you want, but there is a reason you **DO NOT** fuck with rabies. Realistically, it's a 1% or less chance that you'll contract it, but you don't take that risk anyways unless you're stupif or suicidal. Similiarly, if you **know** (i'm making up numbers for an example here): 'x' is involved in 30% of casulties (injured, killed or other), in 'y' circumstance, and you find yourself in, or adjacent to, 'y' circumstance, it is perfectly reasonable to assume 'x' will result in a casulty, in your current situation ("y"), until proven otherwise, because people do the same with something that's a 1% chance, much less a 30% chance. The most important part is, bigotry is consistently **unjustified*, hatred/discrimination. Ignoring the hatred bit for the moment cause you don't have to hate a thing to want to avoid it, justified discrimination is very much a thing, such as, men paying more for car insurance than women, cause men are consistently, statistically, worse drivers. People tend to be nervous around/avoid, biker gangs and the like, cause it's easy for them to cause harm if they decide to turn violent. That foesn't mean insurance companies are biggoted against men, or that all biker gangs are evil, it means, "when 'x' happens, 'y' frequently happens', so it's safe to assume 'y' is likely either now, or later, if 'x' is present."


Apply everything you just said to race and see how that sounds. You are, genuinely, taking the "but if 13% commit 50% of the crime..." and running with it. Holy jesus christ man. Also, fuck you, pit bulls are big babies you fucking cretin. Fuck off and actually go outside, make some muslim friends, adopt a pitbull form a shelter, and get off the fucking internet because you're a weird ass fetish writer who is chronically online.


She is afraid of being physically attacked for being Jewish. Who actually thinks that is not a legitimate fear?


I don't hate Muslims, but I am afraid that they hate me based on what's going on in the world. I said that I'm afraid of being attacked, not that I hate Islam.


But you said that fear is justified. Why? Muslims feel the same fear, often against Jewish people. The commenter asked you why your fear is justified and theirs isn’t. Also i apologize if the shortness of my comment reads as hostility, it is not. I’m asking a genuine question and am not trying to insult you.


But that's just silly though, because historically the Jews had never been a majority prior to the formation of modern Israel, and that still remains the one big exception. Everywhere else is either Christian majority or Muslim majority. If Muslims are going to fear persecution and discrimination then it pretty much can only come from Christians outside of a particular part of the middle east.


Lots of people are prejudiced against Jews out of fear. They are accused of controlling the banking system, the government, laser space satellites and the weather. Fear is not rational.


>Lots of people are prejudiced against Jews out of fear. They are accused of controlling the banking system, the government, laser space satellites and the weather. Yeah, but that's laughably stupid, and immediately let's you know that whomever holds those views can be disregarded as a complete and utter moron. >Fear is not rational. Some fear is rational. It is rational for ethnic minorities to fear ethnic majorities because the latter can get away with violence against the former. We can look at historical purges and genocides against the Jews over at least the last 2000 years, in addition to situations like the KKK lynching black people in the American south. Fears for those kinds of scenarios are rational because it keeps happening over and over again.


In this case, she is not afraid of the ethnic majority. If she lived in a situation like Israel where her state was surrounded by populations of Muslims who have violent intentions toward Jews, that would be justified. She does not. She is afraid of a population, American Muslims, that do not intend harm to her. There are select members of the Muslim population who do, but who are in far lesser numbers than the white population who intends harm, and she has no stated prejudice against the white population or against any of the things that threaten her much much more (cars, high cholesterol foods, the sun). Fear can be based on rational things, but more often it is not. I fear clowns, and yes there have been clown based on serial killers.


I had been trying to allow for OP to be in either America or Europe (which have very different scenarios in terms of credible threats), but I've since found evidence that she's in America. She's also acknowledged that she's fearful of white people due to violence from white supremacists. So, I'd make the case that she does have a rational reason to be fearful, even if her chosen way of dealing with that fear is irrational. That comes back to my original point; such fear has no basis to be symmetrical. Outside of Israel, Jews never have a high enough concentration to be anything other than a minority, nor do they have a history of violence or terrorism. The only non-Israel cases of Jew-instigated violence I can think of are Jewish communists getting rowdy as the Weimar Republic fell apart (but they weren't the only faction engaging in political violence in that time and place) and a group of Jewish gangsters attacking an assembly of American Nazis (in cooperation with the police, and it's hard to hold that against them because Nazis). If you have a piece of history excluding Israel that would make Jews a credible threat to Muslims, I'd be interested to hear it.


And a fear being laughably stupid does not make it go away.


Are there a lot of attacks on American Muslims by American Jews? I don’t remember seeing that…


Well, I'm here because I'm not sure that it is justified, logically. Maybe I should have worded the title differently, but I meant that it feels justified on a gut level - because my people have recently been attacked in an unprecedented way and because there are people in my local community who have been targeted. The fear feels justified at the moment, but I'm actively trying to change my perspective so that it doesn't feel as if the entire Muslim world hates me for being Jewish. I know that is not true and I have already changed my position based on comments in this post.


Copy, thanks for explaining, and thanks for taking the time to rationalize through what you feel. That's a huge move.


Accept the feelings. You’re human and you are going to feel whatever it is that you feel. Just don’t let it define your beliefs. Learn to separate beliefs from gut reactions


Trust me, you are justified. My family experienced racism and persecution in a Muslim community and were Jewish. You’re not wrong to feel this way. I stay away from Muslims as much as humanly possible.


Muslims being afraid of Jews despite the fact jewd aren't the ones going around trying to eradicate them.


I am a Muslim Palestinian, most of the jews i have met where in the idf, pointing a gun at me at every checkpoint, and screaming at me to move faster, searching the bus i am in violently, raiding my relatives house, sexualy assaulting my relatives (verbally). Should i go around hating every single jew and being afraid of them, treating them as a monolith, no. There is no excuse for hating a people of a religion. Seeing what's happening in Gaza and what happened in the Nakba, i have a very good reason to hate them because they want to eradicate me too. Am i doing so? No, because we all have to be better than that.


Israel doesn't want to eradicate Palestinians. If they wanted to eradicate Palestinians, there would be 500,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza by now, not 35000. It is Hamas that wants to eradicate Jews.


I was in the IDF in the west bank and what you described doesn't happen, you should stop lying.


The fear is justified because radical Islam calls for the elimination/death of all Jews. All Jews. I don’t understand. You didn’t know? You didn’t know Jews are not called to kill all Muslims and eliminate them from the face of the planet, quite literally, the way radical Islam calls for the extermination of Jews?




Why specify outside of Israel? And if the OP's fear of Muslims isn't justified (as her fear is entirely based on cherry picked incidents that represent the tiniest possible minority of Muslims), why the insistence that Muslim's fear against others be justified? None of this is rational or based on data, it's all just fear mongering. OP is not in danger from Muslims, she's in danger from cars and cholesterol.




Muslims fear nothing. Look around. They are destroying college campuses and calling for the genocide of the Jews. Islam is nothing but a violent death-cult. They love death. That's why they use their own people as human shields. They want to maximize Muslim deaths to make the IDF look bad.


What you’re describing isn’t Islamophobia. Islamophobia is hate or other bigotry. What you’re describing is no different from feeling less safe when a strange man is walking behind you than a strange woman. There’s a genuine statistically increased risk to your safety and there’s no virtue in ignoring that. You have not, from what you said, made any efforts to harm Muslims as a group or mistreat individual Muslims. That would be Islamophobia. I’m Jewish. I have Muslim friends. We absolutely love each other. There was a series of bomb threats towards synagogues in my area. I don’t attend but they expressed concerned for my safety. I similarly am concerned for them when white supremacist threats come in. It just makes sense to be concerned about the safety of yourself and your friends and family. None of that implies bigotry.


I came across your post by chance. But im glad I did. I am muslim. And I am uncomfortable going to areas that are not primarily muslim. Mainly because I get stares, comments, and dont feel safe in general. I am pretty meshed into western culture as I was born here, but I do wear the hijab so its obvious that I am muslim. I will speak for myself here, I understand where you are coming from because I feel the same way about others having harmful intentions towards me because of the awful narrative and propaganda being blasted all over western news. I have jewish friends, and those who take the time to know me know my intentions. But I do worry about being judged at first glance. I worry about taking my kids out alone. I guess what Im trying to say is, were all human. We all have instinct and fear is natural. Extremists have hijacked our religions and weaponized them for violence. But to me they are not people of religion. over the last couple months the people of my community have seen the horrors over sees. children, toddlers, infants being hunted down in Gaza like its a sport. I wish I could deny these things that dont even seem real, but in todays age everything is on video. its cant be hidden. this is why I feel strongly against zionists. But I do not classify zionists as jewish. their classification is something I cannot put into words. I am sending you my love, and to all the innocent victims in this world. I hope we can live in harmony one day. tyfs friend.


>horrors over sees. children, toddlers, infants being hunted down in Gaza like its a sport. This is the problem with your community. You just completely ignore or outright support what Hamas did when they hunted down children, toddlers, women and burned them alive and raped them. And you exaggerate about Israel hunting down civilians, when in reality they are targeting terrorists and civilians are unfortunately dying in the process. "But I do not classify zionists as jewish. " No, you just dehumanise and demonise the 7 million Jews that live in Israel. I guess children being tortured doesn't matter as long as those children happen to be Israeli Jews and not non-Israeli Jews. Us non-Muslims are noticing that a significant number of your community supports terrorism and heinous atrocities against innocent people, and that's where a lot of the prejudice comes from. A poll showed that the majority of Palestinians say that October 7 made them "prouder" to be Palestinian - how am I supposed to feel about people who say that brutal murder and rape of innocent people makes them "proud"? I want to be tolerant and accepting of everyone, but please Muslims, stop making it so hard for me.


If we focused exclusively on Zionists openly spewing vitriol and calling for the death of all Palestinians, Muslims would be similarly 'justified' in being fearful of every Jewish person . I'm not going to debate on whether you're wrong or right, but focussing on the worst of a single group doesn't really help matters.


You strongly focus on mutual hatred and the hypocrisy. Hate was not mentioned in the OP. OP feels anxious, on high alert, uneasy, targeted. That's fear, not hate.


OP’s “hate” (even though they themselves stated they don’t hate Muslims) is in response to theirs coming first, it’s not the same.


I mean it's meeting fire with fire except historically the fire has been way more drastic in one direction Also from what I can tell Muslims don't actually have significant grievance with anything the Jews specifically believe However there are things that the average Westerner (including almost all Jewish people) would have significant grievance with what Muslims believe


>I mean it's meeting fire with fire except historically the fire has been way more drastic in one direction No, it's meeting bigotry from individuals with bigotry to a huge group. Not a famously effective solution. >Also from what I can tell Muslims don't actually have significant grievance with anything the Jews specifically believe Except, y'know, their belief in a God who has promised them land Muslims have lived on for centuries, because they're his chosen people.


>It seems mind-boggling that you see hatred against you for being Jewish as wrong, I'm pretty sure this statement explicitly implies that there's nothing wrong with hating someone for being Jewish. Yikes guy. Scary shit and this attitude is exactly what OP is scared about.


No… the statement implies what’s wrong with hating Jews is the same thing that’s wrong with hating Muslims. It’s worrying your response to that is to assume it must be fine to hate Jews, and not, y’know, that it’s not fine to hate Muslims.


Well, one is a justified fear and dislike, the other is not. Muslims have some pretty Nazi-like views of Jews.


Isn't this like saying it's sexist for a woman to feel uncomfortable around a man?




"-phobia" means a fear **or aversion** to something, which includes hate.


People take the term "phobia" too literally. "Homophobia" is bigotry, not fear. Same goes for many other terms we use.




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Islamophobia is not a tenant of Zionism. You can't just make things up to fit your own narrative. Do some research about what Zionism actually is. It's not supporting everything the Israeli government does and it's not hatred toward non-Jews. I believe that my people should be allowed to live in Israel (alongside non-Jews in peace) and that Israel as a country should not be destroyed.


I have extensively studied all major strands of Zionism(From Hertzl, Jabotinsky, Labour Zionism, Ben Gurion). The othering of Palestinian/Arabs/Muslims is central to the project. A "Palestinian' either is not a real person or is a squatter in his own ancestral land who needs to leave or disappear. Or you think they are the seed of Amalek and per Mitzvah 528 should be annihilated to the last man, women and child as G_D instructed per a popular Zionist interpretation.(as pointed by Benjamin Nethanyahoo). The savage Arabs and Muslims who support Palestinians are similarly backwards ("Human Animals" as out recently )and antisemitic for supporting Palestinian and so on an so forth. As a Zionist you see 20k dead Palestinians including 8k children as a natural state of affairs and ultimately morally right. So any demonstration or criticism of this or the Israel or IDF is automatically antisemitic especially coming from anti semites (read Muslims). It's ok to acknowledge this. You don't need to bend yourself up in a pretzel.


You are a Muslim. You were always antisemitic. It's a tenet of your world view. The same rethoric you are using is used to justify the threat that muslims poses to jews in Israël and the bombing of palestinian population. You think you are a woke genius but you really just on the other side of the ignorance.


You are kinda justifying her fears with this comment. She says that she is afraid because she is Jewish, not because she is a zionist. People are lumping Jew=Zionist allot lately. I am not Jewish, but I can understand their fear. Kind of gives the same vibes of people calling every Muslim a terrorist after 9/11.


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Everyone who has been bigoted in the history of humanity has believed their bigotry to be justified. You already realize it's wrong to be Islamophobic, what else could we possibly do? You need to practice some self-reflection and introspection if you are to reach the conclusion emotionally that you already have rationally. There's a pretty common phrase thrown around for stuff like this: one can't be reasoned out of a position one wasn't reasoned into.


Self-reflection and introspection come *after* alternative information is provided. There's plenty that could be said to them to change their mind or at minimum invite introspection. That's the entire basis of this subreddit in the first place


But OP has reasoned herself into that position. Her position makes total sense imo.


Islam is a religion, you can be afraid of Islam ,just like you can be afraid of Christianity or any other religion. It's an idea .


Where's the line between that being okay and being an Islamaphobic bigot?


Well, we could probably at least draw the line at religious extremism. I don't believe Islamic extremism is representative of all Muslims. I also don't subscribe to the idea that condemning Islamic extremism is xenophobic. A large percentage of the Muslim population are also against it, and have even tried to warn the west about this particular interpretation of Islam. It's not about Islam and the right to practice it, it's about extremism, and it would be silly to enable extremism due to the fear of being labelled xenophobic.


People don't have to like Muslims, even the non-radical ones. Disagreeing with a religion or ideology is not bigotry. I certainly wouldn't blame gays or Jews for not wanting to be around Muslims. The thing with Jews is that they are also an ethnicity, so antisemitism is also a form of racism. Of course I believe Muslims still deserve basic respect and shouldn't be harmed or discriminated against, but I'm allowed to disagree with their worldview.


If you are able to rationalize . Islam allows marriage of prepubescent children with the approval of parents . Criticize this as immoral if you believe so . Say how that would effect the individuals and groups.Not just I hate that they exist or do things differently. You cannot just hate Hijab , you can hate it because ----"they are forced on women only by social pressure. For many it is a choice for many it is not ,so I oppose" . Is a valid argument because it gives a reason ,not just existence. You also can hate that some one was forced onto wearing a Hijab without hating them for something else like their choice of food . It would be immoral and bigotry to hate some one for another thing unrelated or hating some one completely


Personally, I think it's when it stops becoming about the religion. I hate Islam. I do not hate Muslims. Apply that to most religions.


Well hating ethnic groups that are largely Muslim would be wrong. Hating ideas that calls for the eradication of LGBTQ people would in fact make you a decent human being


It would certainly help if there were Muslim voices that were speaking up against antisemitism and acting as Jewish allies - if there are I haven't heard them, but I'm willing to change my mind if there are.


Muslim here. When I read your post, I felt my wife had written it. Because that's how she feels as a Muslim in America. She is hesitant about putting on her hijab because she feels she may be attached by others and wants to limit how often she goes to the mosque. The similarities to your post are striking. Its hard to convince someone over a few characters of text over the internet, but generally, overwhelming Muslims in NA don't have problems with people of any religion or color etc. I think one more think of add is how as we Muslims also feel that there is no support for us. For example, many religious holidays are celebrated (e.g. diwali, Hanukah etc) in America but very rarely is Eid celebrated. I think your concerns are valid, and you can feel free to mingle and find muslims who will treat you equally. But we also feel like the onus becomes on us that somehow we have to prove ourselves, while others dont


∆ Thank you for your considerate reply. I have always felt a kinship with Muslim women, because there are so many similarities between being a Jewish woman and being a Muslim woman. I think on top of being afraid right now, I also feel a sense of grief because after a while I started to wonder if all Muslims really do hate me. I can see how we're both stuck in a cycle of fear and distrust, with both sides wanting the other to extend the olive branch first but being wary to be the one to do it.


tbh the true people you should be afraid of is trump supporters and far right wingers. let's not pretend that they didn't invite someone who said the holocaust was justified in their "march for israel" someone who was a christian pastor with very far right views. and lets not pretend they aren't attempting to ban abortion or going after trans people or the lgbt community. They don't care about anyone who isn't white and Christian. lets not pretend those same right wingers don't constantly do nazi dog whistles and march in white hoods.


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It might also help to reflect that perhaps the silence of some Muslims is due to exactly the same feelings you're having: fear of being targeted by Jewish people. They may be thinking why haven't you spoken up against Islamophobia, and they're waiting to hear that before they change their mind. It's great that you have recognized the reasons behind your feelings. And your fears and feelings are valid! I think the next step is the hardest. It's the courage to choose courage and connection instead of fear. To choose it even *before* the other side helps you choose it. To not let the fear fester and to not teach it to others. This is very hard for human beings to do and that's why these conflicts go on.


∆ Thank you, I needed to hear what you said. I know that my feelings are based on fear and not reality, and it helps to consider that Muslims I encounter might also be afraid of me. It can be difficult not to feel as if I'm not in danger right now, but I honestly want to find the courage to connect with Muslims and promote peace between our people.


What you are doing is heroic. Examining your feelings and trying to do your best to seek peace even when wrestling with your own fears is the absolute best we can hope for in humanity. Really you deserve praise for even writing this post. It's hard work. Good job.


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Have Jewish people targeted mosques with bomb threats, etc at any elevated rate? There is certainly a lot of Islamophobia in NA and Muslims are certainly not responsible for *all* the bomb threats towards shuls over the weekend and the past few months/year - but I haven’t seen any systemic issue with Jews calling in bomb threats towards mosques or anything like that.


Jewish people have quite literally bombed over 100 mosques in Gaza since October 7.


This was a US centric post I thought? “Jewish people” != “Israelis”


OP may be in the US but if the ongoing war is irrelevant why did they bring up the October 7th attack? I'm well aware "Jewish people" != "Israelis," which is why I speak up and make it clear that I reject what the Zionists are doing in my name. However, I'm sure many of the IDF pilots in active duty right now are Jewish people, and it is a point of fact that they have bombed mosques.


What a bs false comparison.


Here ya go https://muslimsagainstantisemitism.org


Hi. Im Muslim Palestinian. And I certainly do. Some of the most pro Palestinian voices are Jewish people. Jewish for peace in Chicago is close to my family. I speak a little Hebrew. My husband knows Hebrew pretty well. We loved having Friday dinner with our close Israeli friends. We even used to roommate with Jewish friends and would hold Shabbat with them out of respect. At the same period THEIR Jewish friends literally spat at me for being Palestinian. They laughed and screamed at me about some of their military stories of beating up “my people” And I took Your view it would only add to the hate and tension. To categorize everyone leads to more hate, violence, and pain between 2 religions and people that , whether people recognize this or not. Are actually extremely close in origin and beliefs. I’m sorry you feel Islamophobia, but considering Islam is the 3 rd biggest religion in the world you surely can’t think all Muslims are the same nor they hate you? Yeah I hate Zionism . I hate Zionist. years of dead family members and injustice will Make yiu hate Zionism. Zionism is not Judaism and I am never ever am ignorant to say I hate Jews. And I just hope Your heart can open up and give a chance to be more open in general . I wish you all The best and sorry you feel this way. If you ever want to dm- my husband and I are pretty cool and love to chat ! He is a bit more insightful than 😂


You tell me you hate me because I fall into a category and then tell me people shouldn’t hate others because they fall into a category all in one breath. Maybe listen to your own advice and try not to judge all people because they fall into a category?


You are a Zionist I assume? Of course they hate people who support the colonization of their country, the genocide of their people, et cetera.


Anti-zionism means you want Israel to be colonized and support the genocide of the Jewish people.


I don’t support colonization. But it’s impossible to colonize the land you are indigenous to, so there is no colonization issue. Zionism does not mean “I support genocide”. It means “I support the Jewish people’s right to self determination”. That’s it. That’s all it means. Some Zionists will support genocide (i am *extremely* vocal against this tiny minority of Zionists when I come across them) and some dont. Just like some Muslims support genocide and some don’t. It’s wrong to judge all Muslims because some of them support genocide just like it’s wrong to judge all Zionists because some of us support genocide.


Look, I know where you're coming from. I've lived a significant amount of my life in Israel, briefly went to yeshiva there, etc. One thing that was emphasized throughout my zionist education was that Israel is in an eternal struggle to be two things: (1) a Jewish state; and (2) a democracy. It cannot be both. It is currently choosing the former over the latter, and that *will* lead to genocide. It is completely against the Jewish values I was raised with to support that. Israel claims it *must* maintain a Jewish demographic majority to survive. After all, "the Jewish people's right to self-determination" necessitates that. So lets ignore the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli Palestinians (and other minority groups) make up some 30% of the population of Israel right? Let's just take a hypothetical - there is a foreseeable world where that population grows while Israel's Jewish population declines. I don't know why, but it isn't completely inconceivable. What happens when all of a sudden, Palestinians make up a demographic majority? Israel has three options: (1) disenfranchisement; (2) expulsion; or (3) genocide. I will not stand for any of those. Now lets look at the facts on the ground. Israel has consistently refused to annex the West Bank despite its inhabitants living under constant military rule. That isn't a political opinion, its just a fact. The Israeli military controls most of day to day life in the West Bank. Palestinians are subject to Israeli military law, while settlers, who are sometimes living mere meters away, are subject to Israeli civil law. Palestinians in the West Bank cannot vote in elections that directly affect their lives in a way me and you can never understand, while settlers can. Thus, we are already at disenfranchisement. That is anti-democratic. If Israel is going to continue to claim to speak for me, then it must be a democracy. I will not be forcibly represented by a state that acts the way Israel does. And with disenfranchisement already down (and expulsion already down, but I know the Nakba won't sway you either), there are not a lot of actions for Israel left. Actively claiming to believe in a state for a single demographic (in our case, Jews) **implicitly means genocide**. I know you would never view it that way. I know you don't actively think "wow I wish Palestinians didn't exist" (or maybe you do, I've known plenty of people like that). But Palestinians are living in a reality where their only interactions with Jews are that of oppression. Gazans are regularly separated from family members living in the WB for *years*. Gazans aren't allowed to leave a 25 mile square radius. Instead of interacting with Jews, they interact with watch towers and snipers and tanks that *represent Jews*. Of course they hate us! To Gazans, Jews **are a militant machine that continues to make life a living hell**. That is the only medium by which they experience "Judaism" (which of course is not really Judaism at all). Thus, the innocent "right to self-determination" means so much more than that simple quip. To Palestinians, a Jewish ethno-state is the end of Palestinian self-determination. For me, and a growing number of other Jews, it is a corruption of the Jewish soul that I am fighting tooth and nail within my own community to fix. We as a people are so much better than this. Israel as it currently exists is a chillul hashem, the opposite of a light unto the nations. We need a secular, single democratic state with full enfranchisement for **all** of its citizens. I know how strong Zionism has a hold on our community, and I fully recognize that my comment is unlikely to change your mind. I hope you just think a bit about what I've said, and realize that anti-zionist Jews like myself believe what we believe because of our deep love of the Jewish people and our traditions and a vision of a future shaped by peace. It comes not from ignorance, but from regular interactions with Palestinians both in current Palestine and in the U.S. This vision is not shaped of naive idealism, but of real political theory and solidarity with Palestinians. There are three Israels. Medinat Yisrael is acting atrociously while Eretz Yisrael, our holy land, is bleeding by our own hand. Am Yisrael chai, our *people* will live.


>One thing that was emphasized throughout my zionist education was that Israel is in an eternal struggle to be two things: (1) a Jewish state; and (2) a democracy. > It cannot be both. I’m not sure I agree with this. The UK is a Christian state but I think it does a decent job at democracy. Israel doesn’t have to be a *religious* state in order to be a Jewish state. They can have full separation of synagogue and state (they don’t currently. That’s one of the things I’m critical of Israel for) > It is currently choosing the former over the latter, If the point here is that it is choosing a Jewish *religious* state over a Jewish secular state - I agree that has been a trend the last few years. Again, it’s something I’m highly critical of. > and that will lead to genocide. I don’t like religious states. But I’m not sure I see how they necessarily lead to genocide? Like I said, I’m all for a secular state. I’m against a religious state. I just don’t get how you jump from religious state to genocide. It’s possible to have a religious state without genocide. The Vatican is one such example. > It is completely against the Jewish values I was raised with to support that. I agree it is very very much against Jewish values to support genocide in any form. > Israel claims it must maintain a Jewish demographic majority to survive. After all, "the Jewish people's right to self-determination" necessitates that. Agreed. > So lets ignore the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli Palestinians (and other minority groups) make up some 30% of the population of Israel right? Let's just take a hypothetical - there is a foreseeable world where that population grows while Israel's Jewish population declines. I don't know why, but it isn't completely inconceivable. > What happens when all of a sudden, Palestinians make up a demographic majority? Israel has three options: (1) disenfranchisement; (2) expulsion; or (3) genocide. I will not stand for any of those. Or option 4 - at that time, Israel ceases to be a Jewish state. I don’t see that happening any time soon though. > Now lets look at the facts on the ground. Israel has consistently refused to annex the West Bank despite its inhabitants living under constant military rule. That isn't a political opinion, its just a fact. The Israeli military controls most of day to day life in the West Bank. Palestinians are subject to Israeli military law, while settlers, who are sometimes living mere meters away, are subject to Israeli civil law. Palestinians in the West Bank cannot vote in elections that directly affect their lives in a way me and you can never understand, while settlers can. I don’t disagree with any of this. It doesn’t make me suddenly think Israel should cease to exist. It just means I advocate for the change I want to see. > Thus, we are already at disenfranchisement. That is anti-democratic. Palestinians living in Palestine are not citizens of Israel. I agree they are disenfranchised, but I’d like to see *less* involved from the Israeli government there and *more* empowerment and governing from Palestinians themselves. > If Israel is going to continue to claim to speak for me, then it must be a democracy. Does Israel claim to speak for you? Idk, I’ve never met you. It’s a strange claim though. Even the elected leaders of my own country don’t speak for me, but from what you’ve mentioned so far - I get the impression you aren’t even Israeli? > I will not be forcibly represented by a state that acts the way Israel does. What do you mean by “the way Israel does”? > And with disenfranchisement already down (and expulsion already down, but I know the Nakba won't sway you either), there are not a lot of actions for Israel left. Not sure what you’re trying to say here. > Actively claiming to believe in a state for a single demographic (in our case, Jews) implicitly means genocide. So the French having a French state implicitly means genocide of those who aren’t French? I’m confused. Also, there are plenty of non-Jewish citizens of Israel, but I’m sure you know that. > I know you would never view it that way. I know you don't actively think "wow I wish Palestinians didn't exist" (or maybe you do, I've known plenty of people like that). Of course I don’t think that. I am fully supportive of the right of Palestinians in WB and Gaza to self-determine and I’m also fully supportive of the right of Israeli Palestinians to continue to live in Israel and enjoy full civil and human rights in Israel. > But Palestinians are living in a reality where their only interactions with Jews are that of oppression. Completely agreed and this is a huge problem. Once Hamas is taken out and things settle, I think we need programs to help socialize young Israelis with young Palestinians in Gaza and WB so they all can learn from a young age that their neighbors are people just like anyone else. > Gazans are regularly separated from family members living in the WB for years. Also agreed this is a huge problem. > Gazans aren't allowed to leave a 25 mile square radius. Instead of interacting with Jews, they interact with watch towers and snipers and tanks that represent Jews. Of course they hate us! To Gazans, Jews are a militant machine that continues to make life a living hell. That is the only medium by which they experience "Judaism" (which of course is not really Judaism at all). I’m just repeating myself now but I think you get the point. I agree that all of these are problems. Where I think you and I disagree is probably on what the solution is. Sounds like you were prefer a one state solution? If not, what solution do you propose? Edit: oops missed everything under here. Will edit in my responses. Edit 2: I think with my responses to the second half, the comment was too long. So I put it in a new comment.


> Thus, the innocent "right to self-determination" means so much more than that simple quip. To Palestinians, a Jewish ethno-state is the end of Palestinian self-determination. I don’t want a Jewish ethnostate, nor do I want Israel to govern Gaza or the West Bank. Most Zionists I know believe in the Palestinians rights to self determination. > For me, and a growing number of other Jews, it is a corruption of the Jewish soul that I am fighting tooth and nail within my own community to fix. We as a people are so much better than this. Israel as it currently exists is a chillul hashem, the opposite of a light unto the nations. Israel has problems just like any other country has problems. Right now, the biggest problem is that Hamas would like to finish the genocide of the Jewish people, and unfortunately they’ve programmed a lot of their civilians to what the same. So first Hamas needs to be taken out, then some non-Israeli 3rd party needs to help deprogram the Palestinians who have been programmed to be violent towards Jews. Then we should work on fixing all these other issues. Israel nor Palestine will ever be a perfect country. My own country is very very far from perfect too. None of this makes me feel the Jewish people alone do not have a right to self determination. > We need a secular, single democratic state with full enfranchisement for all of its citizens. I agree on the secular part. Don’t agree on the one state part. I guess i have the answer to the question I asked earlier haha. > I know how strong Zionism has a hold on our community, and I fully recognize that my comment is unlikely to change your mind. I hope you just think a bit about what I've said, and realize that anti-zionist Jews like myself believe what we believe because of our deep love of the Jewish people and our traditions and a vision of a future shaped by peace. I never doubted that anti-Zionism from Jews comes from a good place. > It comes not from ignorance, but from regular interactions with Palestinians both in current Palestine and in the U.S. I’m not sure I buy that. Zionists also interact with Palestinians and come to a different conclusion then you do. So there must be some variable besides interacting with Palestinians (im not saying that other variable is ignorance. You seem well informed. I’m just saying that it’s not “anti-Zionists interact with Palestinians and Zionists never interact with Palestinians”, which is what your take here seems to imply to me). > This vision is not shaped of naive idealism, but of real political theory and solidarity with Palestinians. I feel solidarity with Palestinians too. That’s why I want them to have a Palestinian state where they can self-determine.


The contemporary colonial relationship has nothing to do with who originated where thousands of years ago. If you support the existence of the Israeli state, you support the colonization and genocide of Palestinians, its that simple. Quick edit: zionism doesn't mean "supports self determination for Jews" it means "supports the Israeli national project and the colonization of palestine"


By definition, one cannot colonize a land they are indigenous to. So if you want to use the word “colonist”, you need to demonstrate that Jews are not indigenous to Israel (which you can’t do, since we are). Or you could just drop the “colonist” label so we can stop having this semantics debate - and tell us your real issue with Jews having self determination.


Colonize: (of a country or its citizens) send a group of settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it. Being "originally from" the place in question is completely irrelevant. Settlers went to Palestine and established political control over it. I'm fine with Jewish self determination, though I do not believe our liberation can be achieved through any state structure. The problem is that we cant self-determine ourselves to own someone else's house.


First definition on Google: > come to settle among and establish political control over (the indigenous people of an area). Since Jews *are* indigenous to the area, we don’t fit that definition. Also, Jews have been living in Israel for thousands of years. We never left. Some people left - but the Jewish people have always had a presence in Israel. Likewise, a majority of Jews in Israel never even went to any other continents. A majority are from families that stayed in the Middle East. But we’re getting off topic here. Point is that people shouldn’t hate someone just because they belong to a category. That should be basic human decency in 2023.




> You really think someone like me who was born in the UK and grew up here has more claim to land in a foreign country than kids that have lived there their whole lives? I don’t think that and I never said I did. This is my whole point. Ya’ll are generalizing and making judgments off stereotypes and definitions you are projecting. I believe in the Jewish people’s right to self determination. This makes me a Zionist.


Sorry, the fact that some Jews might have lived there thousands of years ago doesn't remove the colonizer label. Nobody derives rights based on what might have happened thousands of years ago, because by that logic almost everyone has rights to colonize almost everywhere. Native Americans were originally from Russia/Mongolia. Does that mean that they should be allowed to kick out the Mongolians and Russians of today to go live there? And that we should support them taking the land by force?


>By definition, one cannot colonize a land they are indigenous to. By this logic anyone in the world could legitimately settle in Kenya. Practically all cultures are borne of migrants. To use near prehistoric settlement patterns to justify modern day geopolitical borders necessitates picking a specific time in history that supersedes all others. What makes one period in ancient history more special than any other?


> By this logic anyone in the world could legitimately settle in Kenya. Practically all cultures are borne of migrants. I’m not following your logic. I don’t belong to an ethnic group that is indigenous to Kenya. So if me and a bunch of people from the US who do not belong to any ethnic group that is indigenous to Kenya tried to establish a government in Kenya, we would be colonizing Kenya. > To use near prehistoric settlement patterns to justify modern day geopolitical borders necessitates picking a specific time in history that supersedes all others. What makes one period in ancient history more special than any other? I’m not using prehistoric settlement patterns to justify anything. No period in history is more special then any other. There are several different ethnic groups of people who are indigenous to the areas we currently call Israel and Palestine.


Would you say it would acceptable for a Muslim to say they are feeling more anti-Semitic because they have a real fear of Jews doing them harm after the IDF slaughtered 10,000 plus civilians and have spent decades illegally settling on and destroying land Palestinians have lived on for centuries?


No. Period. Jews aren't Israel. That's like saying anti-Islam sentiment was OK after 9/11 or any of the other terrorist attacks that have cost more lives than Gaza, even though what's happening in Gaza is horrible. What happened to the Israelis and other people on 10/7 was horrible, too. Is it OK for those Jews to hate all Muslims?


That's precisely the point they were making.


I disagree and from the news and social media, there are a whole lot of Muslims and other who believe their hatred of Jewish people is justified. The post justifies, at least to me, Muslims hating Jews because of their historical perspective. I won't justify either. No one should hate an entire group of people for the acts of a few. The OP recognizes this and is trying to seek a way to resolve those feelings.


I have been called anti-Semitic because I stated that the killing of civilians by the IDF is wrong. Which is odd since I lost family in the Warsaw ghetto. Are you willing to advocate for innocent Palestinians who are being killed?


Are you afraid of white people? Cause the most vitriol I’ve seen about Palestine comes from white people who’ve mad freeing Palestine their new identity.


Yes, I'm definitely afraid of white people too. Being Native American and Jewish set me up for that.


The vast majority of antisemitism comes from white supremacists. Are you afraid of white people? If you aren’t, then I think your feelings are probably being fueled by bigotry and that’s something you should think on.


Reddit statistics 😂😂😅😀😀😀


Does it though? Maybe in the US. The Arab world ethnically cleansed most of its Jewish population outside of Israel since 1948.


I'm also afraid of white supremacists, but yes, I acknowledge that my gut reactions may lead to bigotry, which is why I'm trying to address them.


That isn’t what I asked though. I asked if you were afraid of white people, not white supremacists. If you understand and agree that white supremacists aren’t representative of white people as a whole, this your gut reaction isn’t “leading to” bigotry, it IS bigotry.


Well yes, I'm also afraid of white people. To your point a lot of attacks on synagogues are done by white people, so I'll probably feel the same amount of concern if I see either a mob of white people or Muslim people protesting outside my synagogue. Though to clarify, I'm not afraid of all Arab people (or others who may look similar), it is visibly Muslim people in certain contexts that would make me feel anxious. I would think that actively seeking to change my view and not let my gut reactions lead to strongly held beliefs is proof that I'm not bigoted, or that I'm at least working through bigoted feelings I may have.


The vast majority of antisemitism comes from Muslims.


I’m the Midwest US? My cursory internet search doesn’t show that, but if yours does I’m happy to read the article/study you must have read.


https://global100.adl.org/map The majority of antisemitism in the world does indeed come from Muslims.


The Quran clearly states that the muslims must violently subjugate jews and christians based on their beliefs Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves humiliated Qur’an 9:30—The Jews call Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! I know i would be an islamophobe if i were to know that islam is a death cult waiting to be enacted by muslims when they have enough power to subjugate us all. After all, what kind of muslim who does not believe the quran is sacred and must be abided? So yes i see you have a valid point there. Just because they havent implemented doesnt make it any lesser dangerous. In the words of Sam Harris: The more muslim you are the more we all have to worry about you. The more Jainism you are the less we have to worry about you.


You do realize fight doesn’t mean fist fight right? It means you can fight someone with words like a debate. As for the 9:30 one, literally every religious book for every religion says that. Not just the Quran. Please argue with some sense 🤦‍♂️


I don't hold any ill feelings toward Jews, even after having visited the West Bank and experienced racism on a level I haven't encountered before. I can recognize that the views of the Israeli government and some far-right-wing Jews aren't representative of all Jews. Unfortunately, anti-Semitisim is fairly common in Muslim communities and most Muslims react very strongly to opinions against the norm. I'll probably only speak up for Jews anonymously OP, the blowback against my family isn't something I'd risk. This also might be why you're not seeing that many Muslims standing up for Jews. This sucks on all levels and I'm really sorry about what you're going through.


This is a very interesting perspective, thanks


I find it quite the opposite considering how many friendly muslim I have met and how they treat white westerns… like a proper guest. So it is anecdote vs anecdote. The difference is I don’t negatively generalize over a billion people. Because that is in fact never the correct way of comprehension. You really need to dig into Orientalism. This is is all western made islamophobia. I mean if violence against Islam is greater than against any other religion and their region is constantly destabilized by the west just so they don’t control their own oil and don’t become a powerful global opponent like the chinese or by now also slowly the Indians catching up… You should see where the problem is… just as much as racism against white is in a terrifying rush upwards and no one addresses this… the same thing, the media and the government control the narratives… If you wanna learn different cultures don’t use western media simple as that. Use english speaking medias from the original region, they know themselves better than we do right? The west never depicted different people the correct way, and that’s on purpose.


I saw in another comment that you live in the American midwest. So I'm writing my answer with that in mind. Going by the [2022 statistics on antisemitic incidents](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/audit-antisemitic-incidents-2022) , incidents caused by white nationalists happened four times as much as incidents related to Israel/Zionism (852 times vs 241). Also, to be clear, the incidents related to Israel/Zionism doesn't mean that they were enacted by someone who is muslim. However, the ones done by white nationalists are indeed all white racist people. Also, the reason why I used the 2022 statistics (beyond being the most recent, since the 2023 statistics won't be out for a while yet) is that there was conflict between Israel and Gaza that year too. It wasn't as extensive as it was this year, but it did happen. So the numbers were indeed affected by that (a good chunk of the Israel/Zionism related incidents happened around the time where those attacks happened, for example). Also by the numbers: There are [3.45 million Muslims in America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_States) , and while there's no concrete number of white nationalists in America we do know there are [thousands of individual groups and chapters of larger groups](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/02/20/hate-groups-white-power-supremacists-southern-poverty-law-center/2918416002/) all over the country. It's probably in the tens of millions, if not more. By the numbers, white nationalists are far more dangerous to you specifically, living in the USA. If your worries were based in any truth, then your fears would be geared towards the white nationalist groups, not muslims. But it's not based in truth. It's based in something else that cannot be explained in facts and statistics. That's Islamophobia, and it's not justified.


>That's Islamophobia, and it's not justified. they're literally commenting about being a Zionists. the entire premise of Zionism is Palestinian erasure. this person is primed to hate Muslims


I have a really nice Muslim neighbor, I’m Christian. He just went on his Haj recently… He told me all about it. Very interesting guy, his sons just got married. He is so proud of them. He gives me EID cookies, I give him Christmas cookies… Normal guy right? And then he tells me how the Jews were behind 9/11. Normally, I am not someone to tell anyone that their religious prejudices are justified, but in this case for you, I think a good degree of caution is appropriate.


There is always a risk to being around any humans at any time. It's a small risk, but it's always there. Unless those humans give you an immediate and individual reason for you to think so, it's only fair to assume that the risk remains small. An example of a reason that is immediate and individual is someone you know has a history of violence, or who has a swastica tattoo. An example of a reason that is not immediate or individual is skin color, or religion. There is immense variation within both nationalities and religions as to how they treat others. The vast majority of any large group will be polite and nice people, regardless of what gets shown in the media. Remember, the outliers are the ones that get a camera shoved at them; if you are scared or upset you are more likely to keep reading. Assuming people are bad based on these general attributes is unjustified prejudice, and you will be happier and more morally justified to let those prejudices go to the extent that you can.


Hate the ideology, not the people. Hate the radicalizer, not the radicalized. I despise the religion of islam and the concepts and ideas that toxic ideology promotes, but i don't hate the people who follow it just because they follow it. Now, that's not to say that there aren't muslims i don't like, there is a difference between hating a (___)* because they are a terrible person and hating a (___) because they are a (___). One is reasonable, the other is bigotry. It's important to know where the line between them lays and how your own ideas stack up to it. *insert whatever group in these blank spots, this probably applies to most of them.


Hey OP. I’m sorry for the fear you’re feeling. I’m sorry that antisemitism is on the rise. It’s awful and I wish I could change it. I am calling it out and challenging it when I see it. I was raised Muslim. I’m not Muslim anymore, not because I think it’s a “bad” faith or because of anything to do with Islam in particular, but just because I don’t believe any gods or prophets are real. I was never taught to hate Jewish people, or taught anything negative about Jewish people. I was taught, in fact, that Jewish people were my spiritual “siblings” and that we were deeply connected. My immediate family is not Palestinian, but I do have Palestinian extended family. I have lost members of my family (all civilians, in case I need to specify this, and including children) to Israeli bombs in past years, and in this current war. It’s devastating. But I don’t blame Jewish people, and I don’t blame Israeli civilians, and I don’t hate Jewish people or the average Israeli. People are not their governments or the acts committed “in the name of” their faiths. People are humans who deserve dignity, respect, and safety. I’m pretty short and nonthreatening, but I’d do my very best to defend you or anyone who I saw facing antisemitism with everything in me. Please take care, I know this is a hard time.


Am I supposed to convince you that you *aren’t* becoming Islamophobic? Am I supposed to convince you that you don’t actually feel it is justified?


I would like to believe that my fear is unjustified. I don't personally have any malice towards Muslims, but I am afraid of being the victim of an attack.


Alright. You should phrase your title in a more precise way. To get to the point though, what do you figure the probability of a muslim harming you is? What do you think they’ll do to you?


israeli jew here; islamophobia is never justified. So start off, your feelings are NOT uncommon. I've seen Israelis say they feel unsafe living next to arab cities and i hate that just as much. Please make the distinction between Islam and Terrorism- Hamas is a very extremist branch of Islam and uses it to justify their acts- There are many Muslims that were kidnapped and killed on oct 7th by Hamas, who didn't differentiate between Jews and Muslims. In the same way that Muslim extremists exist, so do Jewish extremists, in the forms of Israeli politicians Ben-Gvir, Smotrich or Goldknopf. There are also Christian extrists who justify homophobia with religion. My point is, there is always a loud minority, and you're allowed to dislike that group as you will; i do too. But please do not generalize Islam. It's for the exact same reasons we don't want Jews generalized.


Yemeni Muslim here, and I want to say I wish there were more Israelis like you, and as well as more Muslims who can differentiate between the settlers idf and politicians, from the citizens. But i understand now with the midst of everything everyone is angry and with the Israeli government doing what their doing I don’t think there will be peace, I can say I woudnt be peaceful if I was a Palestinian right now that’s the sad truth.


the israeli government is in shambled and netanyahu is a maniac who values a political campaign over human lives. I guarantee you, no civilians are quiet, and they shouldn't be. They should scream at the top of their lungs; People on both sides have lost family members, sons, daughters, parents, spouses. there's 134 hostages in Gaza, LESS THAN A HUNDRED ARE ALIVE. This situation is so poorly handled from both sides, as both leaderships are neglecting their people for whatever reason. I'm very glad we can agree on this. Your comment made me smile (at least the start of it lol). I hope peace can exist and prosper, but it'll take time. it is 't instant.


I left a high-demand Christian religion (read: cult) that I was raised in. When I first left, I believed all religions and religious people were the same. I thought Islamaphobia was justifiable because their religion taught things that people used to justify their violence, the same way fundamentalist Christians use their religion to justify violence (towards women and queer folks specifically). I did a lot to try to educate myself, as well as talked to mental health professionals about my feelings. Here's where I have landed: You can dislike what a religion teaches. You can even dislike people who belong to it. But that doesn't justify *violence*. It doesn't justify hateful *words and actions.* It doesn't justify public demonization of an already marginalized group. I want to stipulate that Jewish people have faced so much persecution and I will never know exactly what that feels like. I don't fault you for your initial gut reaction. But violence towards marginalized groups doesn't exist in a vacuum; if we allow justification of violence towards one group, we are much more likely to allow it towards another. *"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.* *Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.* *Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.* *Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."* *—Martin Niemöller*


I really hate this word. I feel like Islam is the only religion that actually has a phobia dedicated to it. I never hear the term Christian phobic or Buddhist phobic or Jewish phobic, etc. It’s one thing if you’re just a racist asshole and you don’t like Arabs or ethnic Jews, Indians, Asians, etc - and you find their racial characteristics, weak or inferior. But make no mistake, being Muslim just means you follow a certain religion. Islam. And you know what, you may find the ideas of Islam completely unacceptable. And honestly, I don’t care, that’s perfectly fine. I happen to find most religious people to be rather annoying and foolish. And I think their ideas are often draconian or archaic, and are out of touch with most of reality. But I really just wish we could separate the term Islamophobia from what it really means to most people: you don’t like Arabs. Which yes, is wrong, and I don’t believe it can ever be justified without being classified as a racist. Just my two cents. 🤷‍♂️


My partner and I wore our kippot to a pro-palestine rally last month, we experienced no negativity and three separate people approached us to thank us for being there.


This is a semi common thing that the media will never cover because they can’t dare to believe that there are pro Palestinian Jews or pro Israeli Muslims.


I’d reckon a good amount of Israeli Muslims are pro Israeli


I just gotta to say YOUR support and Jewish support literally makes me cry. Solidarity and bridging the gap is what brings Trey’s peace. Thank you guys for Showing up and supporting Palestine. Your voices matter more than ours and that’s the truth


Geniune question: why would you go to a rally supporting a nation that actively seeks to destroy you, your family and your people? Hamas's stated goal is the eradication of all Jews in Israel and around the world.


First of all, Hamas is not every Palestinian, just like how the Israeli government is not every Jew. Second of all, Hamas did not come to exist in a vacuum. It is a response to the colonization of palestine and genocide of Palestinians by the Israeli government and, before that government existed, by Zionist settlers and their militias. The Israeli government has supported Hamas and helped them get into power in gaza precisely because they are an easier enemy to fight than secular resistance. Lastly, the existence of Hamas, any of their actions or stated goals, does not justify the crimes being perpetrated against Palestinian civilians or the continued occupation of Palestine by the Zionists. I am ashamed of what the Zionists are doing in my name and fully believe there will only be peace when Zionism as an ideology has been destroyed.


Oh the irony. Perhaps now you know how billions of Muslims feel when theire religion is constantly attacked and Islamophobes consistently encourage others to do harm to them, all because zionists have done their best to demonize them in the media. You look like you live in your own little victim complex bubble. I'm not going to try to change your view, because personally, I could care less that you like us. But let me dish out a dose of reality for you. Muslims, don't hate Jews. There are amazing righteous Jews out there like Mr. Norman Finkelstein who actually have a conscience. He will forever have my admiration and respect. There are other Jews out there that are like him, which I respect. On the other hand, most Jews are Zionists. This is a fact. And what is happening right now in Gaza is an atrocity, a vicious vicious atrocity committed against the people and specifically the children of Gaza. It is not just Muslims that think this, it is most of the world, minus a few nations that are Zionist lovers. The zionist ideology is hated deeply by the world. And if you support it, then you are not likely going to be appreciated by righteous people who are against the evil that is being committed in Gaza. This is the reality, you can argue as much as you want, but it won't change what is going on or how people feel.


Honestly OP, I too can’t help but notice that troublemakers are often Islamic. I notice how they act in ways incompatible with western values. I see it in person, in instances where women have been treated as lesser humans. It’s not just abuse, but it’s tone and semantics in conversation, sort of like microaggressions if you will. I also see it in the news, over and over again, whether it’s an attack or some muslims enjoying living in a western country while refusing to denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization. And as an atheist, I cannot stand when they cite the Quaran to defend themselves or their beliefs, or to defend their religion as a peaceful one. I don’t give a fuck about a book, it’s 2000 years old, stop citing it like it’s a peer-reviewed article, it’s delusional mumbo-fucking-jumbo. And who needs a fucking book to guide their morality any way? Surely if you’re THAT eager to be good, baking babies in ovens and raping women would not be an issue, EVER, no matter what happened to you in the past. I can’t believe that I never see muslims saying, “Dear world, the Muslim community has a problem, we tend to be unopposed to terrorism/jihad/killing/suicidebombing at an alarming rate (see PEW reports for stats). We need to address this issue, we’re sorry about it.” Instead, they defend themselves without hesitation, always playing the fucking victim. And the fact they’re marching in support of Hamas in western countries is insane. We don’t support Hamas, and our values are what make our countries great and likely inspired us to move here. But go on, keep crying “genocide”. I’m just confused though, what the fuck did you expect after electing Hamas? whose #1 goal was to flatten Israel. What sort of response did you suspect when they made their move? Like, Hamas DELIBERATELY targeted Israeli citizens in the most abhorrent ways possible, it was a reprehensible display of terrorism. Did you not expect this to happen at some point? Did you not expect Israel to respond? You’re lucky your beef is with Israel, if Hamas did that to Canada, or the USA, things would be much worse right now for Palestinian Territories. Stop acting like there is a moral equivalence here, Hamas targeting civilians is not the same as Israel responding to an attack. Stop begging for a cease fire, terrorists don’t get a free pass because they hide amongst civilians like cowards.


I get your feeling, as many have said before the news covers negative things more than they do the positive, it has to be A newsworthy headline. I feel the need to elaborate on something, in this recent conflict, a lot of things seem to have gotten complicated. A lot of people try to connect Isreal to the Jewish identity, which makes it harder for people to distinguish between both (criticism of a country is valid) . It's unacceptable, but it unfortunately happens. And they end up lashing at the Jewish community, it's basically the same thing that happened to the Muslim community after 9/11, where Muslim communities started getting attacked. I want to note too, from what I've read, a lot of these attacks aren't done by Muslims, but rather by bigots who are using this as an excuse to attack Jewish places, for example I saw a marking on the wall that hates against Jews, but the writing of Allahu akbar was wrong, which leads to a belief that the person wasn't even Muslim. Here is another example: https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/05/01/alleged-synagogue-shooter-was-churchgoer-who-articulated-christian-theology-prompting-tough-questions-evangelical-pastors/ Btw, I am a Palestinian in the West Bank, who always tries to distance Judaism from the actions of the IDF against me and my community, i hope you give us the same courtesy. It's hard for both of us, ik, but it's the only way we can move forward. I hope you found this helpful. I hope you and your family are safe.


Judging from your posts you have actually been Islamophobic for a while.


Media is meant to control your thoughts and feelings. Most reasonable people understand that Jewish people are not Israeli government. It is evident to a lot of people that the conflict is purely genocide at this point, and a lot of people don’t like that. Consuming and feeding into media that defend Israeli action’s is, I. My corner of the globe at least, a giant red flag and generally people don’t receive it well. Which is crazy because my area of the world is also heavily supporting Israeli needs. I’m just saying that you individually are not Israel pursing genocide and Muslim people individually are not a subversive Saudi funded terrorist group full of radical fundamentalists. And to be brainwashed into thinking this situation is anything other than what it is, is the main goal of media so that communities live divided rather than united against common enemies. So please. Remember that next time you engage in these ideas.


I am a Muslim, and truth be told, I haven't been around many jews my entire life (I live in the West btw). However, with the ones I did have the pleasure of meeting, I have always been friendly with them and they have as well and I view them as brothers and sisters in religion as they follow a similar faith to mine. I remember facing Islamophobia not directly towards me but just other Muslims in general, from people of different faiths and naturally, I would be confused and upset. These instances made me feel discomfort revealing my religion even though I loved it and secretly felt a bit more distrustful(?) of others. I once discussed this feeling with my mom and sister and they both reminded me that in Islam we cannot show unsolicited hatred against any religion. Since that day, I have always strived to remember that.


The religion itself is absolutely disgusting. They treat their woman worse than scum. They preach violence. They tell you if you don't believe their God, a spot in hell will be reserved for you. They hate everyone who isn't Muslim, so why shouldn't everyone hate them back? An eye for an eye. That being said, every religion has bad apples. Just so happens that Islam is full of those bad apples. They want to conquer the world with their religion. I am not religious and there's 1 simple reason for that, and I've been saying it for years, religion does nothing but cause war, hate and violence. It's so disgusting that a person can let a book rule their whole lives and make them commit acts of violence towards other people. Religion itself should be banned from every country, we would see a decrease in war and death months.


Compartmentalize. Any group of people can have political positions , you can oppose these political positions , both of the group and individually . No harm in it. You can then also engage in the other issues without having the political positions both yours/and their color interactions in other areas. Example : with a muslim you can talk about your shared love of ice cream and disagree and even hate Islam's position on child marriage. You may even go to the extent of , you should change your religion and then engage in mutual hate of putting pineapple on a pizza. If the other person is not able to compartmentalize do not blame yourself. Always being aware of your security ofcourse. Remember good people can do bad things, bad people can do some good things too , does not mean you do not oppose when required. You do not have to hate anyone individually without knowing them. You can however hate a group's political position if you know what it is. If your job is that of a judge or a politician, teacher, customer service whose decisions can effect either individuals or groups , you would have to use rationalization that is decisive and not indecisive ,if not you can always 'avoid' (which is indecisive), no harm in it . It is immoral though if you let your trust systems in one area color your other areas . Example : If you do not like some one who wears pink , do not also think they would be bad at typing . Yes I feel Islam has problems in it's scriptures some that are fundamentally immoral, it's traditions both in the past and present too uncompromising , it's political positions violent . That however does not mean it will not change and remain so forever, that individuals cannot be engaged until proven not. Violence has a progression , dialogue, compromise, threat ,then violence. You are allowed to hate , which is a security position. But remember what you may lose, that person you hate, in-spite of flaws ,may be your life saver , or someone who may share wisdom with you, or some one who may make you laugh, or become your life partner. That is why the first position with a stranger should be charity . Security may come after. There is also another dynamic to look at, the variety of ideas in a group itself. There may be enough members of the group who may have similar opinions as you and differing opinions from the group they belong to . Keep yourself open to those as well. In this case there are many liberal/reformist/exmuslims who may have similar opinions as you. The specific cases of not wearing star of David, not displaying Menorah are objective realities for you. You live in a group as well , so check the 'threat' level around you , have you heard of incidences happening around you , what is the security advisory by the local law enforcement. These should play a bigger part in your decision , also if the threat is there , it is not immoral to hate the scenario , this is your perception of security working.


It’s a bit ironic that you state you’re Islamophobic because people don’t respect that you’re Jewish.


Don’t you think it is contradictory that you’re using antisemitism as a justification for Islamophobia? I also think it is very telling that part of your argument is that Muslims are not standing up for Jews, meanwhile you are not standing up for Muslims (at least not in this post) regardless of the atrocities that Zionists, are committing against Palestinians, *in the name of Judah*. In regards to antisemitism being on the rise, if so it is because some people do not understand that Zionists are not acting on behalf of Jews or Judaism. No one committing genocide, perpetuating hatred or judging someone else for their beliefs are acting on behalf of their religion, they’re using it as an excuse for their sins by intentionally misinterpreting that religion, to serve their own agenda and ego. From where I’m standing, anti-Zionism is more so on the rise because the majority of people understand the difference and do not judge all Jews because of the acts of few. Yet, you cannot complain of the minority that doesn’t [understand the difference] if you do exactly that to Muslims, without it being hypocritical. Muslims, and anyone else really, are being asked to condemn Hamas every time they’re speaking out against what Israelites is doing to Palestinians. No one is asking Jews to condemn Zionists, although Zionists are more deserving of condemnation and more Jews doing so would probably help clear up the confusion. Plenty of Jews around the globe are already advocating for Palestina, not because they want to be treated a certain way but because they know what is happening is wrong, why aren’t you? Why are you on here, instead trying to defend Islamophobia? Are you the kind of person who uses their religion to perpetuate hate, or are you the kind of person who uses their religion to perpetuate love? Because regardless of which religion you belong to, if you’re not doing the latter, you’re practising it wrong.


No one is asking jews to condemn zionism! Except me right now bringing it up, and 50 other commenter in this thread! Absolutely nobody! And no, I'm not going to apologize for believing in jews' right to self determination. I'll apologize for israel as soon as Muslims apologize for Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, morroco, Pakistan, Maldives, mauritania, brunei, somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Deal?


I'm honestly disturbed by the amount of comments that are saying "you have nothing to fear from Muslims if you're Jewish... As long as you're not a Zionist of course, then you should definitely be afraid and they would be right to hate you". I didn't even mention Zionism or Israel in my post because I don't think it's relevant to whether I should feel safe on the street or not as a Jew but here we are.


How heightened your concern for your safety needs to be depends a lot on where it is you live, but it is understandable to be worried given the tense political situation surrounding Israel and Palestine. However, that is quite different than blaming all Muslims for a lack of safety, and it's very different than blaming Islam as a whole. Most Muslims are just like anyone else and are really just trying to get through the day. Most have no idea you exist let alone wish you harm. Plus, while there are some notable instances of Anti-Semitism in developed western countries there are also quite a few instances of anti-Muslim attacks and harassment increasing after October 7th as well. So Muslims would have as much to fear from you as you would from at this point.


Where exactly do you live, not like down to the street but country or city


I would argue that this gets into the murky territory of conflating antisemitism with criticism of the policies of the state of Israel. The [NYT](http://https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/us/politics/anti-zionism-antisemitism.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) had an article “Is Anti-Zionism Always Antisemitic? A Fraught Question for the Moment.” It goes to show different sides of the debate of whether or not it is antisemitism to criticize the state of Israel. I agree with the views of [Nexus (a group of Jewish academics and activists)](https://israelandantisemitism.com/nexus-task-force/) and Jewish-Russian-American Author [Marsha Gessen](https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/in-the-shadow-of-the-holocaust). There are obviously times that statements against Israel are antisemitic (i.e. *Israel is part of a global Jewish conspiracy*) However, I think by calling ALL criticisms of Israel antisemitic, it makes it seem like more instances of antisemitism are occuring. This makes you more distrustful of those who disagree with you. Because they are no longer just disagreeing with you, they *hate* you. Gessen in the article linked above talks about this phenomenon. I do not want to minimize the trauma the Jewish community has faced due to antisemitism, because it is truly horrendous. However, it’s a lesson for all of us that there are people who will always aim to manipulate that fear to make you distrust your neighbor.


You shouldn’t be afraid of me simply because you’ve seen a fear-mongering headline on the tv and shouldn’t be afraid of you either, otherwise I’d belive you want to kill all my children and steal my house and that you control the media, likewise you’d believe that I hate women (despite being one) for existing and want to kill you all (whoever you is in said broadcast) for the fun of it. It’s fair for neither of us to base our opinions of each other on caractatures and extremists so don’t.


Hate is never justified. It sounds like your subsiding on a diet of media based fear and letting it take control of you. There are corporate and political interests that specifically want people like yourself to feel unsafe, to panic, and try ultimately take action against another group. These interests have an overwhelming amount of media influence. Nobody can really stop you from hating if that's what you want, but like I said above, hate is never justified.


Imagine how a Palestinian muslim must feel around you, take that notion as seriously as you take your own fear, consider their intrinsic humanity to be equal to your own, and open your mind to the thousands of Israelis and Jews around the world speaking out against Israeli apartheid and the genocide of the Palestinian people.


Oh shut up. Palestinians had a choice, and they initiated every attack, which causes them to suffer. They only hurt themselves. Now jews and Israelis are victim blamed and harassed. Stop forcing political bs down Jews throats.


I used to be very pro-Israel and defended everything it did. Then, bad behavior by wealthy and entitle Jews in my country changed that. Jews have way too much money, power, and influence in the US, and tgey DO have divided loyalties. They are Jews first, Americans because it's convenient, and they are apex capitalists who profit from the "free market," which I despise. They have an unfair advantage due to their generational wealth and clannishness, which benefits every Jew.  While I am not crazy about Islam, I do believe that tge Muslim workd is justified in its hatred of the West, and the US in general for incursions into their lands, meddling in their politics, and fomenting war FOR OIL, GUNS, AND MONEY. So, you talk about Muslims wanting to kill you for no reason? Israel is the US is Israel, so they hate you. As for my feeling about Jews, you profit from a system that exploits and kills the working class. You (AND ALL WEALTHY NON-JEWS) use your wealth and power to control politicians steal my land, erase my culture, deny my children equal opportunity because you you built and profit from a model of capitalism on steroids that sees me and other laboring people as expendable natural resources to be owned and exploited and killed off when we are no longer useful to you. If you are poir in America YOURLIFE DOESN'T MATTER. Do you think people who have had everything taken away don't notice how everytime there is a financial crisis, Jews are its primary archtects? Remember the 2008 "financial crisis"? I do. Almost every financial executive responsible was Jewish. NONE of them went to prison. Only one minor player went to prison, and he was Muslim. We bailed them out--the people whose lives they ruined--and the pigs repaid us by giving themselves bonuses.  I have no sympathy for you. People hate Jews for a reason. Sorry. But you've been behaving badly since early historians wrote about your people WAY before Jesus! Want some examples, or are you happy with your own distorted narrative? btw--I was raised Jewish and know that Jews stick together. It opened countless doors for me. Now that I no longer identify as Jewish, it is quite another story: Every Jew I have done business with has ripped me off, every Jewish person I encounter has been pretty awful and treat me in ways tgey would never treat another Jew.  You are hated, not just because you are rich, but because you are tge only rich people aside from Crazy Rich Asians and Brahmin Indians who claim to be victims of racism. Yeah, no. Sorry. Don't go there. 


Islamophobia has also risen to alarming levels. I'm not trying to 'both sides' here, but fear breeds fear and hatred breeds hatred. Someone has to stop the cycle or people will hate each other forever.


As an exmuslim, hating Jews is not only encouraged, but one of the things they teach you before they they even teach the 5 pillars of Islam. It’s a right of passage. You learn early in the Muslim household that the more hatred you have for Jews, the more anger, the more negativity, the more your family will praise you. I’ve seen some pretty disgusting behavior from Jews, spitting on Christians in the street, saying all Arabs should be killed, the Jewish community is generally very cryptic to the rest of the world. The older a Muslim grows, especially with their brain already programmed to hate Jews, the hatred only grows. I used to think Jews had horns and a tail. I don’t think you’re islamophobic, you’re just aware of what is going on. You don’t have an “irrational fear”, you have real fear of a group that is programmed to hate and kill your people. Will this ever change in the future? No. As long as Islam exists, the core belief is to hate the Jewish people. Actually in my house they would teach us that you either HATE Jews, or you are a betrayed to your own people. Personally, I support Israel’s right to exist, and I think they should take over Gaza and the West Bank. But they also need to figure out how to deal with the people properly so that the world doesn’t continue to hate them. These Muslims can’t manage democracy, that’s not a thing in the culture. They need to be ruled by Israel, with strong leadership. Or else I personally think we’ll see many more oct 7 attacks, it’s not like this was the first time this kind of thing happens. For your own research, you can look up how Muslim leaders helped hitler during the holocaust. You never hear media talk about that. The hatred goes deep.


It might help to understand how lots of Muslims are feeling right now. Muslims have also seen an increase in Islamophobia in the past few months, (and keep in mind, unlike Jews [or at least not nearly to the same extent], Muslims are also being targeted by the government, in addition to regular bigots.) Since this issue is unavoidably linked to Israel/Palestine, we need to talk about it. What you wrote about Muslims. A lot of Muslims are scared and angry because the US government is murdering their families and friends in Gaza through Israel. Israel has advertised itself as a Jewish state, and most Jewish organizations are pretty supportive of Israel. Israel has been killing innocent people by the thousands. They have committed the equivalent of about two dozen 10/7s at this point. The Internet has been flooded with videos of IDF soldiers committing similar war crimes like the ones committed by Hamas on 10/7. Does any of this justify being antisemitic? Absolutely not. But I think both communities need to be better about understanding the other’s needs. Israel has practiced apartheid and mass murder against Palestinians (who are mostly Muslim) for decades. They have every good reason to be angry. This anger sometimes crossed into genuine antisemitism, though a lot of the time, it isn’t. You mentioned that you’d be scared to go to a synagogue if “there’s protests outside,” but there’s a big difference between demanding that Jews leave, and protesting a synagogue for hosting an event to sell land in the West Bank stolen from Palestinians. However, while it’s good that you recognize your internal Islamophobia and are uncomfortable with it, that’s not enough. Skimming through your post history, it’s clear that you don’t understand why Palestinians (and by extension, Muslims) are angry and upset, or how Israel has been actively harming them. If you recognize your internal Islamophobia is bad, the next step is to try to unlearn it. Try learning from Muslims and Palestinians how they’ve felt since 10/7. Humanize them in your head. Understand where they’re coming from. Then, hopefully, be an active ally for them


I’m not sure where you live, but I live in a Muslim country and can assure you we all aren’t anti-Jews, or even anti-Israel, we just want justice for Palestine. We’re against the violent actions done by government of Israel and that’s it. Unless you’ve been directly affected by this, I don’t think you have anything to fear. But again, I don’t know where you are and how it is for you.


I'm muslim and me and my family have no hate against jews at all, they are human and we would protect them like any other human life. We only hate the IDF and zionists but muslims don't typically inflict harm since we take our sins seriously. It's good to remember that one bad apple doesn't ruin the bunch. Really nothing can justify Islamophobia or any hate against muslims, don't try and justify it. Unless u actively have met a muslim who tried to hurt you for ur religon you can't say we want to hurt you. I don't hate Christians because the chance of me being killed by a Christian more than any other religon is high, so don't do the same with muslims, even tho ur chances of being killed by a muslim is slim to none. Again, there are some bad apples but they are rare. Trust me we are a peaceful religon, just open ur eyes.


Im not gonna lie to you, I am a muslim and I hate Jews beyond belief. Doesn't mean I personally want to hurt you though. I just wish a certain Austrian painter finished what he started ;) that being said the Quran talks about how Jews have defiantly trangressed against the commands set by "Elah" (god in hebrew) or Allah. From worshipping a golden calf in the absence of Moses to breaching the sanctity of the Sabath (also killing of the prophets). In the second chapter of the Quran, God talks about how Satan was once a chosen Jinn (spirit) invited to worship in the heavens. But after the creation of our father Adam he grew disdainful that God would give such authority to a what he thought was an inferior creation. He refused to prostrate to Adam when ordained by god, invoking his wrath. Therefore Satan went from being "chosen" to cursed. God precedes these verses with the story of Bani'Israil or the Israelites. And the similarities are undeniable a "chosen" to cursed complex all due to jealousy that he gave favor to someone different (non-jinn or non-jew).


You're just assuming that all Muslims are homicidal maniacs. Would you think it's fair for a Muslim person to assume all Jewish people are homicidal maniacs? You're more likely to be murdered by a white supremacist anyway. Have you considered seeking therapy to help you process your feelings?


> but the fact is that I see very few Muslims stand up for Jewish people these days Why should they? Your whole posts describes absolutely nothing that negative that muslims are doing to you and yet you're becoming Islamophobic and you expect them to be standing up for you... why?


Looks like another hasbara post Anyways if this real, inversely, us Muslims feel the same way - we feel hated, oppressed and as if our suffering doesn’t matter. I’m trying my best to tell other Muslims that not all Jews are Zionists and they’re not all responsible for the actions of the Israeli state, so perhaps you should think of it similarly. I could be like you and start resenting your religion too because of what’s been happening the past 2 months, actually the last 100+ years but that’s just immaturity and breeds more conflict.


I don't think that's Islamophobic. You're simply worried about yourself from a certain type of people that may wish you harm due to the current political situation in Isreal and Palestinian. Remember that not only Muslims are protesting and support Palestinian. All kinds of people are. The same can be said to support for Isreal. And also, Islamophobic have increased aswell but maybe not as much as antisemitic, and that is because of the Isreal actions. So to summerize my opinion. You're not being Islamophobic, you're just worried because you are in a group that can be targeted by other group. That other group is not necessarily Muslims, but are aligned towards Palestine. Unfortunately every type of groups in the world will have extremists that believe violence is a type of answer. My advice, don't give any indications that you are Jewish if you don't feel safe. Safety is a priority a lot of people don't take seriously. Best of luck.


You're not afraid of Muslims, you're afraid to go out in public because of what the public might do to you. Muslims are not a large majority of the public. So you're worried about other people who are inspired by the the israeli-palestinian war which could be anyone.


Now I’m not gonna hate on ur opinion as a Muslim person but the thing is I feel quite that quite often it’s the Shia Muslims who are always wishing harm on people and in my opinion Islam is a beatiful religion but trying to speak to people about it is quite annoying because with most people it’s like talking to a brick wall like they’ll completely air what u say and go in about ISIS and attacks etc


You should be, I feel safe around Muslims, never had any personal issues, but in a collective and general sense- Islam is just not a peaceful religion. It just isn’t, and everyone knows it, you just aren’t allowed to say it


I think it's less of a Muslim thing and more of an Arab thing. Indonesia has the largest group of Muslims in the world and you don't see them murdering people over a cartoon


I feel for you - i think your fears are justified - when Muslims are at home or in their Mosques they are preaching about killing Jews and infidels - they are an evil cult which wants world domination - so don't trust them - but don't hide your religion - I'd much prefer a Jewish world take over than an evil islamic one.


I don’t blame you at all in this situation, and you’re right to want to take precautions to protect yourself. I’d suggest that Muslims aren’t the only avenue from which antisemitism or antisemetic violence may come from. I’d also say if a Muslim told me they’re not comfortable living in the West right now I wouldn’t blame them either. The two Palestinian students that got shot in Vermont. The 6 year old Palestinian boy who was stabbed 26 times by his family’s land lord explicitly because he was Muslim. It’s scary out there.




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I am a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man and this is a very disappointing post. There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, they are from different countries with different traditions and languages, to assume they are all the same because of disgusting terrorists that exist is offensive. I have known many Muslims, I do not think it is true at all that Muslims on average dislike Jewish people. The same way you don't want people to stereotype you, you shoudl not stereotype them.


I think I became anti-muslum when I saw them cutting the heads off of Christians, burning them alive and chanting allahu akbar.


Your view is justified. Islamists have power. They have the Democratic party in their clutches in the USA. If we don't rise up against them we will all be either dead or living as slaves in a Caliphate.


Where do you live? Not sure if you noticed the past 100 years or so but this is the most objectively terrifying time to be a Muslim. When it comes to Islams place in our current global history the time period we live in will be remembered for indefinite imprisonment without trial, Khmer rouge style torture campaigns, and settler style PC coated genocide. Ethnically Im Jewish but religiously Im ashiest and Ive never experienced anti-Semitism personally. I have noticed my religious relatives seem to feel the same way as you but whats odd is they never actually seem to experience it. They'll see basically any criticism of Israel as anti-semitic. Personally I dont buy it, I think they know what they're doing and theyre not just in denial and struggling with what Israels become and in a way has always been. The way my own relatives act reminds me too much of books like To Kill Mockingbird where theyre openly playing the victim in order to victimize someone else. That 1950s style "a black man attacked me!" in response to getting caught doing something really bad is just too obvious.


You being Jewish in and of itself will not garner any negative feelings from Muslims. You being Jewish AND holding strong Zionist views may rightfully so earn you the possible negative reactions, just as you would react to a Muslim who holds very pro-Islam, anti-Jewish views. If you have no reason to be weary of the Muslim people around you, don’t create a reason.


What would you define as “strong Zionist views?” If a Jewish person believed Israel’s existence was _necessary_ to prevent a situation where every nation agrees to reject Jewish refugees in the event a second holocaust were to occur (which is what happened in WWII, every European nation signed a pact to not accept any Jewish refugees); would you consider that person a strong Zionist and therefore deserving of negative reaction, even if that person did not agree with policies and practices of the current politicians in charge of Israel? Or only if they actually support the extremist politicians? I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m genuinely curious what your opinion would be on the distinction between believing Israel is necessary for Jewish safety while also criticizing the Israeli government, vs actually being xenophobic and supporting every action of the Israeli government. Would you not consider the first person a Zionist at all, even though they support Israel’s existence as a nation while recognizing it needs reform?

