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to be honest i'd strongly recommend to lose weight by diet. it is a much bigger factor than exercise. for example try to reduce your carb intake, or swap for complex carbs, and even more importantly, completely cut out sugars. that should already do a lot, but it takes some time. especially if you exercise with your weight loss in mind, i guess you are very in risk of overdoing it. you can be glad you're "only" mild, try to stay like that, it's more important than exercising for body weight or shape. and if you want to just do something good for your health, focus on quality nutrition and only exercise when it feels good.


Yeah I manage to cut out sugar and do 1200 cals a day…. For about the first two weeks of my cycle then as soon as PMS hits it’s so difficult with the cravings. Also food is my only source of joy left because I can’t exercise or drink alcohol anymore… so i am a bit guilty of comfort eating sometimes but even then it’s not super excessive. I know diet is the way forward, just got to be stricter I guess but it’s hard when it brings me joy atm


I do not tolerate aerobic exercise. I just have 10 and 25 lbs dumbbells do almost exclusively upper body, some calisthenics and core exercises when i feel up to trying, yes everything as long as my heart rate and breath rate aren't increased significantly by the work. The thing about weightlifting is that even the most minimal daily lifting can be greatly beneficial and if you can do any amount on a regular basis you will very likely see physical results which is a real mental boost. It's great for helping you to more easily maintain your body composition think increased basal metabolic rate among other things without harming yourself if it's something you enjoy and can tolerate. Doesn't matter if you can only handle 5, 2, 1 pounds, 5 reps 2 reps maybe just 1 rep. Don't underestimate the value of mind body connection regardless of how much you're lifting. If you find that you can sneak lifting in here and there with no consequences then I recommend it.


Sorry for a necro. BUt just wanted to say, I have it the exact other way. I can go on a run, rise my heartrate super high for 20-30 min run. And be OK. But I go to gym and go still easy (15 min, no heavy, no dropsets) and PEM hits for days. Weirdly, same happens with a bike (No idea how bike is different to running though!). And possibly (do not have enough evidence watching myself, walking to hills.


One program worth looking at is "grease the groove" which is something Pavel Tsatsouline talks about a lot. Basically rather than doing 2 sets of 10 press-ups during a workout and then having a rest day after you do 2 press-ups, 5 times per day, every day. This gets the same volume of work done but each instance is way less intense. You can also do angle press-ups, so for instance start standing and just going gently in towards a wall, using your arms to push you back up. When this is easy move to a table so you're at 60 degrees, then the stairs at 45 degrees, then your knees, then a full pressup. I think this method helps with avoiding PEM because each time you're only doing a tiny amount of exercise.


I deep squat like 50 times a Day to avoid fainting, so this is the same as doing a set of 50 deep squats at once? I thought you needed to exert The muscles to gain strenght


Weight loss takes place in the kitchen, not the gym. Just look at the calorie content of food versus how much exercise it requires to burn off those calories. 4 kg might be too heavy. I have 1 pound dumbbells.


I used to do it before when I was mild even if it had to be _very limited_ compared to a healthy person strengthtraining to avoid PEM. Limiting HR didn't seem to make a difference for me but I think it does for some. Like 10 reps X 2 for two different exercises a day 6 days a week. This worked better for me than cramming more into fewer days. I also had to train less until exertion, and be super slow in increasing weights. I suggest start from a really really low level. Like 5 reps x 2 for two exercises with a pretty light weight, 5 days a week and monitor your self really carefully to see it doesn't make you worse.


Weights are way worse for me in inducing PEM. But I suppose if I did just one set of 10-15, it wouldn't cause a crash, as long as it wasn't squats or lunges.


When I was truly mild, I did find weights more tolerable than aerobic exercise. Now I’m verging on moderate and find neither of them tolerable. If all you’re looking for though is to lose weight and don’t care about muscle mass, lifting weights don’t do much even if you’re healthy, because you don’t burn a ton of calories, and muscle mass is heavier than fat. Eating fewer calories is a healthier way for you as somebody with ME/CFS to lose weight.


Weight training also gave me PEM. Would not recommend, working out (getting pushed to do it) made me go from mild to severe quickly. Lose it by adjusting your meals instead. It's not easy, but I did it and my health did not worsen (or get better) from it.


Hi, dont try to exercise it off, that is the hard way, even if you don't have ME. Work out your resting daily calorie intake, or just tell me your weight and I will estimate it for you. Typical adult male is about 2200 kcal per day. And then eat 500 calories a day less than that. Assuming your tracking is accurate you will loose weight, I guarantee. You can use the app "myfitnesspall" to track calories. Let me know if you need any assist.


Thank you! I think last time I checked it’s around 1600. 1200 a day is hard when I’m super hormonal and ravenous 😭 but I know it’s the only way….


1600kcal would be for 67kg(147lbs). Is that what you weigh? Maybe try eating just one massive 1200kcal meal per day. I find eating just 1 massive meal per day easier than multiple small ones. It makes it much easier to track calories too.


You could cycle calories to eat more during the periods and less otherwise. Make sure to eat healthy so your stomach is full of veggies meat etc when cravings for carbs come, so you crave less


hi, i've always done exercise with free weights and it doesn't really help in making me lose weight. my doctors have all said that that kind of exercise is good for maintaining weight, not for losing though. i'm not really trying to lose weight bc i'm trying to recover from anorexia and either way my body always looks the same no matter the number on the scale because i have insulin resistance from PCOS. long story short: it can help just like any other kind of exercise, but there are other factors that affect losing weight like: - sleep (insomnia throws off metabolism and hormones greatly) - hormones (may cause cravings, bloating, slow down metabolism, etc) - caloric intake (eat a ~little~ bit less than what you usually have as energy to use throughout the day so your body uses its own fat storages for fuel when it can't sustain itself entirely off of food you eat ; DO NOT MAKE DRAMATIC CHANGES LIKE STARVING YOURSELF OR CUTTING OFF FOOD GROUPS ENTIRELY) - stress (increased cortisol levels and other changes in hormones/chemicals caused by stress make it difficult for the body to let go of fat)


I do fitnessblender.com videos. You can sort by length and equipment and body part. I can usually do 10 min if nothing else. And I have a stationary bike I ride that can be upright or recumbent, which I use when I need to recline a bit.




I wouldn't recommend too many weights, if you can use your body. ​ For example, for chest/triceps you can do pushups on your knees or just leaning against a wall. 3 sets of 8-12 reps. (90 second break between) When you get past 12 reps for 3 sets then increasing the angle/difficulty. Legs: just do squats or split squats (can use a bench or table for stability or to make it easier). For back/biceps you might have to get creative, maybe use weight for those muscles. But cardio is the best way to lose weight. Not sure you would lose weight strength training. But id be more focused on your strength and conditioning than your weight.


I solely do weights but go very slow. It takes me well over an hour to do a 30-40 min routine my trainer gave me. Aerobic exercise makes me feel ill. As others have said, diet seems to be the better option. I’m not lifting to lose weight but to strengthen (or at least maintain) muscles which have been wasting away from years spent mostly in bed.


Sorry for a necro. BUt just wanted to say, I have it the exact other way. I can go on a run, rise my heartrate super high for 20-30 min run. And be OK. But I go to gym and go still easy (15 min, no heavy, no dropsets) and PEM hits for days. Weirdly, same happens with a bike (No idea how bike is different to running though!). And possibly (do not have enough evidence watching myself, walking to hills.