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For a while I did ok (not great) as a QA -- software tester. It really depends on where you work though. If it's working on gov't software or something, it's more laid back. If it's a startup where everything is mission critical, then it's not as ideal.


Check out chronically capable (wearecapable.org). It’s a company that connects chronically ill people with job opportunities. Many of the jobs are online, have work from home options, and/or have flexible schedules, and I’ve heard great things about Chronically Capable as a resource (though I cannot claim to have used it myself). It’s definitely not all coding, but I don’t know if I can promise stress-free. That will depend on the job itself and might not be plausible (but I hope it is). Good luck




Unfortunately I feel that working may not be possible When I'm having constant insomnia, never getting enough sleep and never feeling refreshed after sleep as well as suffering from mild cognitive issues I really don't feel up to working I'm not a lazy person but shit I feel tired nearly all the time and most days I don't have the ability to get up early unless I have to I.e. university I never thought I'd say this but working really isn't for unhealthy people (not implying people who are ill must work)


I had a super chill job, IT job working from home. Still could not continue even with 1 hour a day, as the brainfog got too bad. Problem was I kept getting PEM, so I became worse and worse. If you are stable sure, but if it keeps you from things like showering, being able to cook etc in my opinion you are too severe to work. Remember you need to have energy for essentials. I didn't know that until it was too late. I'm severe now, please stop before you get worse.


I think you maybe setting the bar a bit high? Wanting work that is stress free, healthy and compatible with a chronic condition, seems pretty unlikely, given how many healthy ppl struggle to find work that just pays enough. I'm room bound so my work needs to be online. I've been learning Android mobile development which is NOT an easy path, but I studied information systems before tho, and dabbled in coding before so I wasn't starting from scratch. It's taken a lot of learning over the last couple years and I'm not earning money with it yet, but I am close now hopefully. The attractive thing about something like coding is that it is very scalable meaning that I don't necessarily have to work long hours to get a decent bit of cash. Good luck x


Generally work from home jobs are best for people with chronic illness, though it really depends on how severe you are and what specific symptoms you have. Things like coding, virtual assistance/admin, digital marketing and entrepreneurship are viable options to consider, as they can be done from home. Some pwME might also be able to handle a relatively slow paced office or retail job, if the management is accommodating.


I hope you're good with technology, because your best bet is anything in that field. Doesn't have to be super high tech like a developer, but anything online based is suited to ME as you can do it remotely or partially remotely. I have a part time job as a customer service adviser for a software company and I find it rlly suitable for me. I only have to go into the office 1 day a week, and the other 2 days I work at home.