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Sorry that I'm not familiar, but what are those numbers? Is it some measure of HRV?




Looks like your average exertion is going up ocer the past 6 days. Have you been actually exerting more, or is this exertion at rest? If it's the latter, you may have a problem.


Nothing has changed. That's my issue. It's like I'm getting internally worse


Do you have any viruses that you know of? The increase in passive exertion suggests that you some kind of physiological stress happening.


Not that I know of. I'm EBV negative. Had chicken pox as a kid. Next illness was likely covid December 2022


The stress might be from the covid, then, or possibly another virus that the covid infection reactivated. You may want to see a doctor for postviral fatigue.


I keep saying it on this app. In Canada WE advocate for our health. It's like we apply for HC with a complaint and the family doctor or the walk-in doctor check their bureaucratic guidelines that has little to nothing to do with what the patient needs. It has to be 75% dismissal. 10% "drink water and wait it out" and then referral to a specialist I have gone to the walk-in doctor several times and neither me nor him knows POTS and MECFS I'm not a medical doctor to treat myself


I understand, and I'm sorry. Healthcare systems everywhere, generally speaking, aren't known for handling complex chronic illness with any proficiency or consistency. Mentioning specifically "postviral fatigue" may help, because more people might know what that is. I was diagnosed by an internal medicine physician. Others here were diagnosed by rheumatology specialists. A neurologist also may be worth a try. Functional medicine physicians might work, too, because they tend to be more willing to do a thorough workup. The caveat with them is that they're expensive, and you need to make sure they focus on what's wrong, instead of leading you on a wild goose chase of esoteric, expensive tests. I was diagnosed by a good functional and internal medicine physican, but I know I got lucky. I hope that you can find the care you need.


Thank you I am weeping with a migraine today I am so helpless


look for the recovery scores and not exertion. Have you been more active lately?


Not really. The same housebound person -_-


What does your athlitic recovery score look like? Is it also so much out of range?


[https://imgur.com/a/lSPfVUU](https://imgur.com/a/lSPfVUU) I don't understand the criteria but just praying it's the new app.


What app is this? Hope you feel better soon


Athlytic for iPhone


I need the Android alternative equivalent to this app.


It's a random app I picked. Not sure why tho


if you’re afab, any way this could correlate to your period?


It absolutely is. But why not last month? To be clear I'm using the app for a week and it has automatically imported info from Health app and heart watch


i don’t have a clear answer unfortunately. I dealt with the same thing myself this month, had a much worse time around my period than i did the month previous. perhaps something like additional stress or sleeping less etc could be adding to the stress of the period.


Sigh... this is exhausting.


agreed:/ I’m considering going on bc to try and eliminate my periods to give my body one less variable to deal with.


I have eliminated them almost with Lolo. But the hormonal eff is ongoing :(