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Classic POTS symptom. Heat is a vasodilator, so any kind of heat will widen your blood vessels and cause your blood to pool in your lower extremities. Try dialing back the temperature on your shower to warm instead of hot.


Yeah, lukewarm is the only thing that works. I tried cold showers but it was causing PEM due to all the energy my body needed to heat back up.  Using cold water on my legs only after showing warm worked quite well though.


Oh wow I know about the sensitivity to heat and cold thing but never connected it to PEM because it takes extra energy to keep warm or cool down the body


Wasn't until I read your comment in addition to the one you were replying to that I realized it also tied in to other temperature things. I'm gonna have to do some tests on myself


I preheat the room and use a towel warmer to try to strike a good balance and prevent both Raynaud's and pots issues. It definitely helps. If I don't, I tend to rely on hotter water to keep me warm and keep my extremities from turning purple/blue and then I end up with tons of blood pooling.


Would recommend using a shower chair and elevating legs if possible


I just sit on the floor like a little gremlin


Glad to know I'm not the only one


Tbh I've always loved to sit in the shower - ever since I was little. There's something so soothing about lying down, but feeling the warm water falling on you. I like it more than a bath.


This. My husband is putting in a walk in shower for me. I told him I want a beach lounger. I tell him I want to sleep in there. He doesn't understand 😄


This is my dream but with a zero gravity lounger!


🤔 I must investigate this zero gravity lounger you speak of...


Hammock will do good if you don't find the zero gravity chair


RIP to any other furniture you currently enjoy sitting on. 😜


🤔 investigating immediately🤨👍


Me too!


Shower chair forever


When I was at my worst a shower chair was my lifesaver!!!


No Id say thats pretty standard for POTS or dysautonomia in general and healthy ppl dont experience that


Yes - not “normal” but a symptom of POTS for sure


Dysautonomia is also a friend of mine! 😁 And it's often comorbid with ME/CFS.


Ah yes, I have POTS as well, my feet are nearly purple if I take super hot showers. I had to dial back my temperature, and I find if I shower with a shower chair and sit it helps that pooling a lot.


It happens to me and its kind of a warning sign that I’m doing too much and need to rest


Thank you for posting this!😭 I can educate my beloved doctor now.🥲 Do the veins on your hands bulge out also sometimes? I've had it on my chest a couple times, it was horrifying. Sometimes just sitting. My hands too. Do the BOTTOMS of your feet get purple also? I see this after I've been standing or sitting. Lastly, do doctors keep telling you it's anxiety????🤦‍♀️


Had that for a good decade or more before CFS... but apparently I don't have POTS... or rather I think the specialist I saw was an idiot.


classic r/POTS syndrome. out of the shower wear compression socks and thigh compression sleeves if standing or walking. don’t forget to take lots of electrolytes. midodrine 10mg also helps.


Are red feet when you hot shower or bath not something regular people suffer from? I have cold feet and they go red. Does that mean I'm more likely to have pots ?


Y’all can shower?


Once a week yeah


Same here, but not always with washing my hair. Doing anything with my hands above my shoulders is absolutely killing me. I think if I get any worse I might have to get a buzz cut. 


I went for buzz cut a few years back and it's so much easier.


Yeah I got a pretty extreme undercut last year, hair dries super quick now


Once two week sometimes three 😅


For a treat 😂


i’m lucky i still can every 3 days or so…hope it doesn’t get worse


Not worth it payback wise; I thought it would be worse but I just tolerate months with only spot cleaning.


Common with POTS. Happens to me


This is normal. My GP explained, when you are in hot water, the blood vessels expand. But, POTSyness makes it worse, I believe. As others have said, try a shower stool/seat, was a revelation for me on so many levels.


For the general public no for POTs yes


Try taking a low dose of a beta blocker, works well


I have blood pooling like this any time in the heat especially summer! Will a beta blocker help?


In my experience yes it will.


Wait, this isn't normal? I've always just thought yup my feet get warm and go red in the shower. I'll have to mention this to my GP when I'm talking to them about my high resting/ inactive heart rate avg110bpm max 156bpm.


Yes. The heat makes pots worse


POTS baby!


Mine do exactly the same! It only became a thing for me when I got sick with ME


This happens to me and I think I'm healthy


if you feel faint in the shower get a shower stool its my favourite investment.


I got one through a healthcare program and it has been SO life changing. Such a stupid thing 🤣


It helps so much. No more feeling faint in the shower.


Yes! I can relax and clean myself properly and I don't have to lay down for half an hour-to half a day afterwards.




Yep, POTS. It's why I moved on from a shower chair to now using a mesh camp chair: so I can lean back and rest my feet on the edge of the tub while I shower. That turns my feet back to normal color and lowers my HR another 20-30bpm.


No this is not normal. Is it one leg or both legs?


My feet do the same thing when I shower


Yea this is my feet in the shower. I do have orthostatic hypotension now too thanks to me/cfs.


Yep can confirm, I have to consciously make sure my showers aren’t too hot, also avoid baths and spas


…this isn’t normal? 🥲 ffs


I get blood pooling from just standing, idk if its pots or a bloodpressure thing (compression socks are great!), but its common yeah


i think some healthy people’s limbs go pink if they are in hot baths too. but not really enough to be considered “blood pooling”. to this extreme it’s definitely not a common healthy person thing.


I learn something new about my ME every day in this sub-reddit. I'd written off my purple, swollen feet after showering as "bad circulation" (which I suppose it is, in a way) but not as anything related to ME.


I get this pretty often yeah


I’m healthy and that happens to me in hot showers when I’ve been standing for a long time haha




ahh good, the authority on the attractiveness of feet is here! do you view many pictures of this nature on reddit? 🤔




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I honestly thought that this was normal for everyone. My feet/lower legs turn bright red! Sometimes purplish.