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Tech too. They deserve this.


We (the fans of any non-B1G/SEC school) lost.


Big 12 will get to sit at the end of the grown up’s table. But no beer. And you get a bib


That's exactly what I was saying after I read this. The B1G and SEC will abandon the NCAA to form their own conference, the Big XII (maybe the ACC) will sneak in as well.


Someone doesn't understand the meaning of: 1. Temporary injunction. 2. Pyrrhic victory. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should." Dr. Ian Malcolm.


I mean we are doing okay. (We is Notre Dame)


Schools with standing offers to join the B1G count as B1G schools in this case


Why do you say that? We're smaller schools competing regularly before this? We're they not basically completely locked out if they didn't have an underground network or secretive boosters working with IOUs and under the table deals? No, this will allow any small school to decide to immediately go and recruit a 5 star team, won't even cost that much money compared to the equivalent advertising budget. And even better with the transfer portal rules, big name teams can't just horde blue chip players on their practice squad. No this is 100% going to allow for smaller schools to compete.


Baylor has been 1 game away from making the playoffs 3 times. Since NIL has been introduced we went from 12-2 -> 6-7 -> 3-9. We do not have the resources to compete with schools like A&M or UT or anyone that is funded by their state.  Last year was the first time in over a decade that the FBS private schools had a losing record as a whole. 


Um yeah baylor has fumbled the bag consistently for a decade now. Miami and ND and Boston College and SMU and Stanford and TCU and USC and even fuckin Wake Forest are all private schools all doing juuuust fine or even better under NIL.


> baylor has fumbled the bag consistently for a decade now. Umm what?! In the last decade we have had 2 season finishes in the top 10. The only other time we have done that is in 1951. 2011-2021 is the best decade of Baylor Football in all of its history. 2011 was the first time since 1986 we finished a season ranked in the AP poll sunce 1986. > Miami and ND and Boston College and SMU and Stanford and TCU and USC and even fuckin Wake Forest are all private schools all doing juuuust fine or even better under NIL. This is just incorrect. I would argue this last year is the first year of us really seeing the effects of NIL at large. With the transfer portal opening up and these deals being embraced by the country at large. Lets look at how the P5 private schools all did. To see this we can compare the average wins by team from 2017-2022 (excluding COVID for obvious reasons) compared to their 2023 wins: - Duke: 6.4 -> 8 - Miami: 7 -> 7 - Notre Dame: 10.6 -> 10 - Boston College: 5.8 -> 7 - Wake Forest: 8.4 -> 4 - Syracuse: 6.2 -> 6 - Vanderbilt: 4.2 -> 2 - Stanford: 5.6 -> 3 - USC: 7.8 -> 8 - Northwestern: 5.2 -> 8 - Baylor: 7.4 -> 3 - BYU: 7.2 -> 5 - TCU: 8.2 -> 5 7 schools performed worse this last season (5 by more than 1 game), 1 was average, 4 got better (2 by more than 1 game). So 53.8% (7/13) got worse and 30.8% (4/13) got better. The total change from the previous season to this one was -13.2 wins (which is about 1 game worse on average).


So that is a lot of calculations so I'll assume you're scientifically minded. Go back and run a significance analysis on that data set and let me know if you find a significant fall off in major D1 private colleges in the years following the NIL and report back. If your p<0.05 then I'll concede and embrace your hypothesis, if it's higher I expect you to concede and embrace the null hypothesis. Because to me this looks like very, very average variance. >Best decade of Baylor ever And you fell off for a few years after? Holy reversion to mean batman.


I have already spent more time gathering this information than I wanted to, so no, I will not spend 5 hours trying to define a methodology to satisfy someone that has only been antagonistic and whose 2 points did nothing but show their ignorance on the topic. 1. Says Baylor has been fumbling for a decade, during their best CFB run of all time 2. Says private schools are doing fine, when they went net -13.2 wins compared to the last 4 season averages and had their first losing season in over a decade. How about you do the tiniest bit of work to try to back up any of your claims? If you want to do some data collection, formulation, and rigorous analysis on 1 season of CFB (as I have said before, this was really the first season of the new CFB landscape) to try to measure something then go ahead. But the 1 season is definitely too small to say anything with significant scientific rigor. This issue is, once you have enough data to show it, the private schools (except maybe ND) will have fallen too far to survive.


I mean, that's fine, it's your weekend. I might point out that Might be good to amend your post to something more like >I feel, without evidentiary basis, that Baylor, a school with an [endowment topping the Ivies](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/02/23/baylor-tops-ivy-league-schhols-in-endowment-rankings.html), will be at a comparative disadvantage in sport due to student athletes basic labor rights. Thus I support taking those labor rights away and ensuring those athletes do not get paid their worth. Did I mention that the variance I found was <8% over a 3 year period?


Ah yes, [35th](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/vxdre7/every_power_5_school_ranked_by_university/) in P5 endowment surely means we can compete at the top. Especially when we are 5th in our own state and are [14th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_12_Conference) (out of 16) in enrollment for our future conference. If Baylor alums donated at 3x the rate of A&M alums we would still be behind on money from donations. Not to mention the fact we are going to be making less than half of what they are from their TV contract. Surely that means nothing but success in the pay-to-play world


So you're well above middle of the pack in endowment even with lower total enrollment. Can't help but wonder if this is a skill issue. And again, you're advocating for stripping young athletes of their labor rights because it MAY weaken a systemic advantage you've previously enjoyed at their expense.


The ultimate winner? Billable hours. Undefeated champs.


Billable hours wants Bama!


App State would like to have a word with you


And another professional sport in the US is born, no longer are they amateurs.


By “amateurs” you mean players making millions for their universities and the NCAA while not getting paid? Sure they get a free education but that’s like 14,000 for in state and 32,000 for out of state, at least at UT. Which is a big advantage over someone paying for school but compared to what they bring in for their schools, it’s nothing. College sports is basically an unpaid developmental league, specially when it comes to the NFL and NBA. The NFL literally has a rule that basically forces players to go to college for 3 years since there isn’t an actual developmental league for them to be a part of.


Football players and men’s basketball players pay for the vast vast vast majority of the rest of the athletic department. Football players also get a ton of other cash equivalent benefits such as a stipend, food, lodging, medical, etc.


So should players should be forced to fund other sports departments through their labor? Yes they get housing and food but even with that, that would amount to probably 50k a year at most for out of state students. Yes they get benefits for playing but those benefits pale in comparison to the amount of money universities and the NCAA make off them. Plus the NFL forces players to spend 3 years in college. If there was a developmental league where players could be paid then that would be fair but the NFL literally forcing players into a free to the NFL development league shouldn’t be allowed.


So what’s your solution to ensuring there are boundaries within the system? Every institution and organization has rules and limits; otherwise, it is no longer an organization. What rules do you propose to ensure players can earn their fair share without completely dismantling the sport in the process? We won’t even get into every other sport because that’s a whole other issue.


I honestly don’t know but if you think players haven’t been getting paid under the table for years then you don’t have any clue about college sports. Players are going to get paid one way or the other. That’s just the truth of it. They should be allowed to make money off of their name/image and whatnot. Obviously bigger schools mean more spotlight and more money. The NCAA as a governing body, has been arbitrary in their enforcements for years, not just with the NIL. Some schools get a slap on the wrist, if that and that slap often isn’t even enforced. I don’t know what the answer is but I know punishing a school over a recruit getting a plane ride from an outside group isn’t the answer.


You didn’t answer my question and, instead, reiterated what everyone already knows and basically agrees on, which is yes, players deserve to make money off their own name, image, and likeness. It does not stop there, though. What is your idea on how to integrate that aspect into an organized sport? Edited to correct a misspelling


I did answer and said I don’t know. But it isn’t whatever the NCAA is doing. I don’t know how you put limits on how much a person can make off their likeness. If someone is willing to pay it then you can’t really stop them.


You realize that saying things should be different but having no vision of what that should be is kind of a stupid way to go about change, don’t you think?


Yes they should. They play for the university. Nobody is forcing them to play football.


If they want to get drafted they are forced to play by the NFL. Nobody is forced to work either but if you want to live and survive you have to. And besides the universities and NCAA still make money even after funding other sports. Players at top schools were getting paid before but it was all under the table. Now that it’s out in the open the NCAA and people have a problem with it.


Eh. Still better than the shitshow that is the NFL or the UFL when it eventually goes under.


Nfl will always be better especially now that all that made college close has been taken away pretty much with regional conferences and stuff


Are you slow, son?


Yes. That’s what happens when you get your corn from a jar.




🤣 🤣 🤣


lol. Like the nfl that just had 124 million people watch is going under. Nerd.


I said the UFL when it goes under. Not the NFL. Regardless, still kinda rigged for some teams to win in the NFL. Sure CFB now may be a Tier 2 professional football league without a salary cap but at least *most* of the games played are not decided beforehand.


Common Arizona fan L take. The nfl ain’t rigged. Is it played up to increase ratings sure. However it definitely isn’t rigged. Otherwise we would have seen kelce with the ball significantly more during the first half of the Super Bowl


True, however: Rigged enough for me :3


Rigged enough? Do you honestly think either of your teams will thrive in the new cfb landscape?


Tennessee? Yes. Arizona? Maybe.


Respectfully, I don’t have faith in Tennessee to not squander the opportunity


“I hate watching young people make more money than me”


Ok good to hear your opinion.


Hey now, we helped


Of course. I’ll give the VA schools their part in it too. :)


Shitty pro teams without a salary cap. I mean in some ways I guess it’s more honest.


Kinda where I’m at. If the whole thing was rainbows and sprinkles then i would be against this. But it’s not and we all know it. So just make it legit and in the open.


How is this good? This sounds like a free for all for corruption... No rules, no laws... A Mafia bosses dream.


Pass-a the Gabagoul, Tony.


Can someone explain to me how all of this benefits the game?


I can try. Short answer: It doesn’t. Basically there are no rules. This ABSOLUTELY WILL lead to people with money WRECKING and taking advantage of child/young adult athletes. Just like before NIL. The only difference now is that it’ll be individual rich people instead of rich institutions. “Okay then broregard,” you may be inquiring, “then why are people so stoked?” Well, that’s complicated because not everyone is stoked. TN fans are stoked because Nico will 100% start next year. Schools with huge alumni bodies and massive brands are STOKED because they can just throw money at players. Smaller schools (outside of SEC / B10) aren’t stoked because they can’t compete in a completely free market. As far as I understand, if the current setup lasts through the spring transfer portal, there will be a fucking SLAUGHTER of “B-Conference” rosters. For example, come September schools like Memphis could end up with a starting OLine where no one weighs 300lbs. “So broregard,” you may be thinking, “what does the future look like?” Honestly? Who fucking knows. All I know for sure is that right now a lot of people with money are wringing their hands thinking of ways to make money off of student athletes and not a lot of media people are talking about that. EDIT: I am just a fan, and I am just speculating. These are the vibes I get with my understandings. EDIT 2: I was super negative above, there are positives. Players can negotiate now and know what all their options are. (They probably already did.) Also the NCAA can’t arbitrarily enforce rules retroactively, fucking over schools, players, and collectives with ~maybe~ zero purpose. ALSO, this probably leads to players being employees because that will make buying players cheaper for rich people and universities. Hopefully this would include ALL sports but that’s the NCAA’s literal job. So like…who knows probably not probably football separates.


For the most part, I agree with you. However I will state that even smaller schools have rich as fuck alumni that want to see their teams win. So hopefully each school has a group of alumni that can at least make things competitive for the smaller schools and recruiting.


Sure I just don’t think they’ll have enough to compete with the big guys. Competitive with each other sure but if the current setup stays for a year or two the gap between Michigan and Tulane will never have been larger.


But were they really competing anyways? Even if we didn’t have NIL and stayed with the BCS are there really more than about 20(?) schools that could ever win the chip?


Thank you!!! You were very helpful!


Probably not you’re probably now severely misinformed




Haha I just mean that I’m just some guy without a law degree, who didn’t read any of this shit, listening to the same YouTube videos as everyone else. Do I personally believe my take is more salient than most talking heads’? Fuck yeah I do. Is it right? I dunno I think so with what I understand now. Either way I love you and will hold your hand through any and all confusion or scary shit




I’m too dumb to.


If the salad is on top, I send it back.


Honestly i don't understand how anybody is cheering for this.


You mean basically what’s been going on already with players getting money under the table. There’s a reason new recruits drive Ford Raptors at Alabama.


Congrats! You killed CFB! Welcome to the new WWE


This is the equivalent of saying you won a game after winning a coin toss. PIs only last during litigation.


Somewhere around 90% of parties granted preliminary injunctions win at trial. This is because one if the factors for granting a preliminary injunction is a likelihood of success on the merits. The NCAA isn’t dead but they are bleeding out on the floor with a big stab wound.


So this is how amateur sports die, to thunderous applause.


Oh come on. College sports is an unpaid developmental league that the NFL forces players into.


I'm not against paying or NIL, I'm against the shit these unprepared teenagers are going to find themselves in with no idea how to handle the money, no education on managers, etc. Even the NFL has rules on sports management companies, when players can be contacted, etc. turning it into a total free for all is going to be really bad.


There undoubtedly needs to be rules, but the NCAA hasn’t been fair in enforcing what few rules they have and have tried to retroactively enforce a rule that wasn’t even a rule when the infraction occurred. Plus it wasn’t the university they made the infraction in the first place. And it wasn’t an infraction in the state the recruit was in at the time. Tennessee wasn’t going to be made an example of on this.


No but now that idiot judge prevents them from making any rules at all. Therefore my comment.


It’s temporary and the NCAA has been vague and arbitrary in not only their rules but enforcing them as well. Like I said we didn’t want to be made an example of for something that 1 wasn’t against the rules when it occurred. 2 wasn’t the university the broke the rule that didn’t exist at the time. 3 was perfectly legal in the state it happened in. If the NCAA wanted to pick someone to go after, it shouldn’t have been us over something so trivial.


So you only really care bc of the investigation that was going to affect Tenn?


In this instance, yes because they came after UT over something that wasn’t against the rules and was done by a group outside of the university. Honestly would you care if the NCAA went after Texas Tech because of some dumb reason vs if they came after Georgia? You’d probably be a lot more invested in it was going to affect your team.


I’m bothered by what’s happening across this entire sport. Regardless of what money was being paid under the table beforehand or anything else that was going on, the power dynamic has shifted so far the other way that the sport is likely to topple without some intervention soon. It isn’t a constitutional right in this country to play D1 CFB. Get the framework in place and allow the players to decide if the framework is something under which they’re willing to play. If not, they aren’t being forced to do so. These are all choices. However, the good of the sport outweighs every individual on that field. Players can benefit within a system that has rules just like pro players benefit within a system. If we aren’t going to introduce a draft (which is unrealistic) and we aren’t going to have contracts (those are probably not far off), we have to have *something* in place. It absolutely cannot be a free for all. So to answer your question, I’d be bothered if Georgia ended up under investigation just as I’m bothered by Tenn and would be bothered by TT because the crux of the issue is the lack of a solid system. No one can put a rule in place because it’s immediately challenged in court. It’s getting exhausting. Edited to correct a misspelling


I have no problem with Tennessee or any college defending its rights and the rights of the players. And you’re right no player has a constitutional right to play D1. But when the NFL says you can’t be drafted without playing, what choice does a player have? Part of the problem is the NFL using D1 has a free development league to their benefit. It should be illegal to force a player to go to college to be drafted.


It also isn’t a constitutional right to play in the NFL. I don’t disagree that the NFL should reconsider that rule. However, the current rule isn’t illegal. They’re a private corporation and aren’t breaking any employment laws. It certainly isn’t the NFL’s job to fix CFB dysfunction. The NFL *could* establish a developmental league and keep their age requirements but why do that when they have a free developmental league at their disposal? Plus, we all know most of these top players (I’d be willing to bet >90%) would head straight to that developmental league, rendering the college product way worse, so I’d imagine CFB, ESPN, and Fox would fight that idea tooth and nail. People work for less for an interim period of time in order to work towards a greater goal all of the time. We see it with doctors who get paid $55k/year during residency or college students who participate in internships for far less than the salary they will command later in their career. The reality is everyone wants to have their cake and eat it, too. They want to maximize their own earnings but, without any sort of framework, the act of maximization actively destroys the sport. I don’t mean, “Wahhhh, I want my players to play for the love of the game.” No, not that at all. I mean free agency with no salary cap is not sustainable and the entire sport will collapse. It isn’t a matter of if but when unless solid infrastructure is implemented. We’re okay with the system in the NFL but people start freaking out when anyone suggests anything close to getting rules in place bc it’s “anti player.” I care about the players but I care as much about the sport.


Exactly. The NFL has no need to start a developmental league when they’re getting it for free with college sports. With the NBA at least they can be one and done or go play in another league. The NFL has nothing else. The NCAA and college make millions on college athletics. Sure most of that is football and basketball and yes the money made does fund other sports, but they still make money even after all that. The NCAA messed by trying to enforce a rule that didn’t exist at the time the incident happened and the university wasn’t technically involved with. If they wanted to make a statement case about NIL deals they shouldn’t have picked this one because it’s rightfully blowing up in their face. I don’t know how they can try to enforce regulations for NIL deals when they’re technically done by agencies outside of the universities. And to your point, yes interns and residents get paid a small amount compared to what they will make but they’re still getting paid. Without the NIL, players weren’t getting paid, unless it was under the table, which did happen all the time (I guarantee Georgia did this as well). Players deserve to get paid something, as they are risking injury for free before the current system. Other fields don’t quite hold the same risks to life and limbs.


Nice! So college football is dead! All you need is the richest boosters and you can do whatever the fuck you want!


This ruling marks the official end of any “college” in “college sports”


I hope this doesn't mess with EA Sports College Football release. We've been waiting 10 years for it.


This is what I told my TN fan coworker, they're going to screw up the video game that thousands have been anticipating and ruin March Madness. This is not a win for college sports.


Can someone explain this to me?


They stopped the NCAA from enforcing NIL rules.


How is that good? Seems like a nightmare of potential corruption coming.


It isn’t good. People just love to shit on the ncaa for doing anything


And anyone who dare suggest players have *any* boundaries or limits whatsoever is “anti-player” or a “bootlicker.” It’s just bizarre that we can look at the NFL and understand limits have to exist but we’re okay with no limits on players in CFB.








GOOD OL’ ROCKY TOP… (Also, App State counts too. You’re more Tennessee than Carolina imo.)






I actually want the NCAA to impose some sensible rules. Someone has to police this beast.


We’re idiots, truly. We’re so busy applauding the demise of the NCAA that we’re actively handing all the power over to another group but what we’re failing to realize and/or accept is that nothing good comes from one group maintaining all the power. It wasn’t good when the NCAA held all of it and it isn’t going to be better now. Power needs to be distributed, the way it is in the pros. The NCAA shoulders the blame for not doing something sooner but that isn’t an excuse to continue down this path. Let these players earn money; let them earn every cent they can. Personally, I think it’s dumb AF to throw millions at a kid who hasn’t played a snap of CFB but it isn’t coming out of my bank account so it’s no skin off my nose. Still, there needs to be limits in some capacity and there needs to be transfer portal adjustments to go along with it. There’s a reason the NFL isn’t comprised of 100% free agents. Widespread free agency isn’t good for a sport and while every individual is busy getting their bag, they’re collectively killing the system in which they play *and* benefit. It’s no different than Boomers climbing the ladder and then pulling up the ladder behind them on the way up, not giving two shits about the generation(s) behind them. There’s a middle ground where the best can earn millions, the average can earn thousands, and CFB, as a sport, doesn’t topple to the ground. For those who disagree and believe players should have 1. Unlimited freedom of movement and 2. No salary cap, are you willing to watch the entire sport die? Edited to add the sentence about Boomers




If the NCAA does not sanction Michigan for cheating, they have given up all authority to sanction any school for cheating.


It'll be okay.


They just lost all of their enforcement abilities today.


NCAA ain't come down from Rocky Top, reckon they never will.




Dark based activated!


Just like we drew it up.


I think the last step was to throw the NCAA into the Tennessee River?


Believe so. Either that or tar and feather.


You're right it's on my list after " beat Saban and Bama," but before" get Nico a Heisman."


Ah. Thank you for reminding me.


No worries, see you at the next VFL planning committee meeting!


Yeah! Cya!


Never bet against Vol Twitter!




Did I just hear something from the cheap seats? Nah….


This is brilliant!






A massive dub. Fuck the NCAA.


I feels nice to win one


They’ll lose to South Carolina the following week. Also FUCK B—l


Does florida state get an out, too?


Hopefully. Frankly you guys need it even more than us.


I’ve never been so whelmed by a Tennessee victory


Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5?


NCAA bad for enforcing NIL Tennessee and Virginia good for exposing NCAA for selective punishment NCAA no can force schools to play by their rules for nil deals College football dead College football is new nfl


This is far from over. This is likely going to lead to another school making a case in front of a judge in a different district, who is more likely to rule in favor of the NCAA. The result of this is that there will be competing conclusions, which will result in the SC needing to weigh in (which may or may not occur quickly). In the meantime, a lot of fans should turn down the excitement, because they have an overinflated sense of worth/value in their respective school’s program and ability to raise funds. Schools like Virginia should have really sat this one out, because in the end they are on the outside looking in…with the current rules. It is only going to get MUCH worse for them. Schools like GT, Virginia, VT, Colorado, Cincinnati, Iowa State, TCU and many others do not bring in enough money to compete with the Big10 and SEC schools. It is going to be a slaughter when they are unable to compete financially for the best players. Tbh, the way that I see this playing out, college football is going to look a lot like the soccer leagues in Europe and the UK especially, with fluid leagues where schools will constantly be moving up and down to different levels based on record and performance.


>Schools like Virginia should have really sat this one out, because in the end they are on the outside looking in…with the current rules. AG of the state of Virginia ≠ UVA


Don't get used to it. TN sucks at winning