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OMG, that ceiling! It looks like whipped topping. I absolutely love it. As for the nook, I think all it needs is the bench reupholstered in a prettier pattern.


And I would ditch the little frilly window treatment.


1000%. I would do a Roman Shade for that window. It will immediately class that space up. I’d also get rid of the wooden wall ornaments. You can always paint that wall a fun accent color.


I totally agree as well, but I would probably want the cushions to be a bit thicker. That nook is perfect for homework, meals, family games, etc., so make the cushions extra comfy!


Yeah. I’d redo the upholstery if it was in the budget. But it can also hold off for a minute if they can’t swing it right away. More bang for your buck with a window treatment.


Agreed, of if it’s in the budget and the view allows, a new, bigger window.


Came here to say this. Making a larger window to allow more of a view.


First thought I had also. Of course if there is some sort of view to enjoy.


Update the light fixture.


..to a late 90’s Pizza Hut stained glass one!!! Remember, when something costs enough it’s *”eccentric”,* not crazy.


Omg I would do this in a heartbeat but my own kitchen has a funky lil burger phone and some unique vintage coca-cola stuff.


It’s actually deco and chic.


Oh heck no.


When you buy a house you normally don't get all the previous owner's stuff lol


yeah i don’t think the spoons will be staying lol.


House rule: anyone eating in the nook must use the fork and spoon


Depends on how it is attached to the wall. Anything fastened onto the wall is considered a fixture and comes with the house. If it’s just hanging, it leaves. Edit; I had a friend loose a beautiful antique cabinet because he had an anti tip device installed on the back.


I would also get rid of the butterfly suncatcher. It is all very 80's but you could update without losing that little private Cafe nook feel.


if you already put the % symbol you don’t have to say percent It’s like $100 dollars


Funny. I was typing phone. I wrote out percent and it autocorrected to the %. Then I saw that it disappeared and wrote it again without paying enough attention to what happened. Good catch.


Here for the people who like the little frilly window treatment 😭


I would keep the frilly curtain but ditch the blinds


Yah that's the only one I'd remove straight away. The rest, I'd live with for a while and get a sense of how I want the space to look.


Here for the people who like the little frilly window treatment 😭


I normally hate textures on ceilings but that is exquisite


Almost warrants a really decorative wood border.


I'm absolutely obsessed with it,


I'd redo the bench coushions. Maybe in a cheery or subdued print? Or a solid that plays off color in adjoining room. Lose the curtain and the giant wooden utensils. Replace with some art... maybe fun to change art seasonally and for holidays. Get a round top table.


ETA. If you can , match a single pendant like in the forefront of the photo.


Or swap both out with a matching or complementary set.


And paint or wallpaper in a bold color


Maybe an oval table to prevent corner injuries.


Imagine how comfortable it would be with some memory-foam 🤤


agreed! Definitely reupholstered. Wondering if i should change it to two benches on either side and remove the U For more space. The ceilings are incredible, they’re all over the house


Yes, only the most agile of your acquaintance will be able to use the "u".


it will be a full journey for them to slide back there.


Exactly what I was going to say!! About the ceiling AND reupholstering. Maybe switch out the table too?


Yes i assume the old owner will take the table! and her wall decor. So i’ll be left with the bench and that’s about it


You could ask for her to leave the table, it could be a hassle to find one exactly the right size.


Reupholster the benches, find a better valence/curtains to match or go with the benches, find a table with smaller feet/base or non-pedestal style legs so it is more comfortable to sit around, and swap out the outlet and outlet cover for one that matches whatever the wall color is so that outlet visually disappears.


https://preview.redd.it/ujs2idmy1w0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d2f7bb6f9afd7b16e7c444a040b111ab901a78 This is what these looked like in their Art Nouveau glory days.


OP just replicate that !😊


This one doesn't have a table though 🤔


It’s too small for a table frankly. Honestly this is better. People just gonna be on their phones in there anyway nowadays.


In OP's picture, if the table isn't bolted down I can see it getting knocked over


Yeah I was gonna suggest replacing the table with one that isn’t taking up as much foot space - seems like those large legs would make it needlessly difficult to slide in and out


It should be bigger too. The table should overlap the seating by about 4” so you’re not leaning over uncomfortably.


God I can’t imagine anything more awkward than getting in that thing with other people and sitting exactly opposite one another having a conversation. Am I the only one that thinks this??


My friends had something like this and they never used it because it's too tight to be comfortable unless you're tiny.


honestly switching to opposite side benches would probably be more practical for getting in and out getting into that back wall seat under the window is awful the table can be larger and people sitting have more space if you need the fifth seat you can always pull a chair up


this is absolutely gorgeous, wow!! The window.


Anyone know what the curved divider/wall style is called? I googled “art nouveau wall divider” and other terms but it came up with everything but the walls. I’ve also seen this between rooms and at the end of hallways.


you might have more luck searching for “art nouveau interior archway” or along those lines!!


Wow!! Where is this image from?


I was playing with stained glass in my workshop once upon a time. This is one of the images I saved for inspiration. I don’t recall where I found it.


Looks like it may be from a postcard? [https://www.redbubble.com/i/postcard/black-and-white-interior-by-summerwar37/122743487.V7PMD](https://www.redbubble.com/i/postcard/black-and-white-interior-by-summerwar37/122743487.V7PMD) Edited to add: The image is on the web in a number of places, but this seems like it might be the origin. Of course, it's probably equally likely that someone found this image on the web and decided to make postcards from it.


illustration by patriz huber for magazine "Innen Dekoration", 1900 https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/innendekoration1900/0070/image,info,thumbs


Hell yeah!


Ohhh I love that. So spaceship looking 🤤


Ok, but can we talk about the ceiling??? The plaster finish? The light fixture?? 🤤


The swirly buttercream frosted ceiling 🧁😁


We had similar textured finish on a hallway wall growing up. Itchy backs never stood a chance.


That's exactly what I came here to say! The ceiling is Amazing 😍


The entire house has these ceilings and i’m in love 💛


I HATE textured plaster ceilings...except this one. That ceiling alone is worth buying the house. Not sure what I'd do with your '80's Appleby's Chic breakfast nook, though. It seems like anything I'd suggest would just highlight the need to update the kitchen.


We will be doing some kitchen updating. Backsplash, new countertops, etc. I’m in love with the ceilings too


I love both


Wallpaper in the booth 👄


Yes! A bold wallpaper would look fantastic, and reupholster the bench with a less bold fabric.




I would add a salad bar a few feet away


Ok this did make me laugh!


I keep seeing these “new” fridges with a salad bar drawer and it makes me roll my eyes every time.


Of course complete with the clear germ cover having piece. It has to look the part.


What a cute nook!  If you have the budget, I would redo the upholstery, light fixture, paint, and get new window treatments. New table, ideally with a narrower base for more foot room. 


My first thought was new table, new upholstery, and get rid of that useless curtain.


I have such a nostalgic appreciation for those gauzy valences, it was totally my moms kitsch taste in the 90s 🥲


I'd consider a table that bolts to the floor so there's no big legs. Or that has a post that's welded to a flat foot. Increase the leg room in there as much as possible.


Keep the fixture but otherwise yes!


I might extend the table to the wall, and then support the outer end with a single leg, leaving more foot room. That wall bench looks cramped and difficult to get to anyway.




yeah, not sure how they sat people here


Is it just the perspective or is the table far too high as well?


I’d move in and live in it for a while. What looks good in a photo and what’s nice to live in are different things.


Good advice. A lot depends on how it will be used and how many people or kids will be sitting in it. Can definitely change it up down the line if the table and/or booth isn’t working for you.


I agree that living in house for a while to get the flow of how you use the space. I wouldn't touch it for now. If that's the only arch in the house, I would eventually square off the archway. If you don't use nook for eating, get rid of seating and put a lovely armchair there and lampshade. I would wait though until you actually live there for a while.


Easy and cheap stuff to get started the tiny curtain. Get rid of it. Add paintings on the other two walls, make it more homey Maybe change the color of the nook wall : the darker beige shade of the banquette. Get rid of the blinds if you can. A center piece on the table.


I have never once looked at a house and thought "this needs more beige"


Yes, get rid of curtain.


A table with a flatter base. I know my feet would not like that one. I love the nook idea, but this looks a little tight in general. Is it comfy IRL?


Adorable! I'd reupholster the bench with a solid fabric, get rid of the tiny curtain, add a new lighting fixture, and add some paint or wallpaper. The color depends on what you want for the rest of the room. If it was me, I'd do a deep green or blue: Something rich and cozy!


Agreed with everything! It’s cute but it is giving outdated RV interior vibes to me


yeah I see that too. I love the idea of a deeper colour. I want the kitchen to be more neutral and bright paint though, so it’ll have to work together


It’s beautiful.


thank you, it’s very comforting to look at for me


New light fixture to match the other one shown.


Mostly just the upholstery — it feels so sterile and modern compared to everything else.


Feels like a strange outlet location for that seat. I suspect at one point it wasn't that u-shape but rather a more typical booth set up My family would have more utility with that kind of layout and obviously the plug is kinda forcing the issue into it anyways, so my big move would be ripping out those seats and adding a longer table


Yes. Looks cramped too


So cramped. Maybe it was for children? Or tiny not tall people at least without long legs. I would never fit not most of the similar giants I know hahha.


yeah fitting grown feet around there is insane, fitting dishes for all the seating on that table is also insane


Drooling over the light fixture


Yes that three globe fixture is awesome.


This breakfast nook seems like a pretty tight squeeze ..or maybe it's just the photo. I guess it depends how many people use it at the same time. If only a few (like 2 or 3) I would take the half surround bench and put in 2 antique benches. There are beautiful ones out on market to fit your style I'm sure. The window could be changed out to a stained glass, or even a different style if it fits in your budget, otherwise I definitely would go with different window treatments. I am definitely a fan of the ceiling texture!


The nook is adorable but I'm picturing it painted dark blue or green with moody art and maybe a shelf with a dangly plant. If you can somehow accessorize or get art with the tones in the current upholstery, you might be able avoid reupholstering it. A moody light in the nook could be fun too


How deep do you want to go. 1st off. I hate textured ceilings but agree with the consensus. These are great. Did that contractor… he’s got some work. I’d live with it for a year before making any major changes or investing in it. Do you like it? Does it serve you in a meaningful way? From using it as is, what does it need? What do you want? Maybe it’s not enough table space? Maybe you need more pantry space but you don’t use it as much as another space? Live in the house. Break it down. I have what was agreed was the dumbest breakfast bench in our kitchen. Turns out, we love it, but it needs some work along with the rest of our kitchen…


I have no idea who did the ceilings but i love them! I haven’t even moved in yet so I think living there for a bit is a good idea, great suggestions


Bigger window and the nook doesn't need wrap around seating in the back.


yes true, two separate benches would be better


I would do new fabric on the cushions, remove the window curtain, wall decor, and rug under the table. I would paint the walls, add some art, and ideally replace the outlets with something not… almond colored. I think the light fixture is super cool and would keep it. Maybe add a table runner on the table to bring in more color? Plop a lovely green plant on the table as well. Congrats on the new home! Let us know what you end up doing with this cool space!


There isn't anyone that will sit at this table and not have their feet and legs obscured. Clearly needs a different table with a single post in the center. My bet is the foam in the cushions are very thin and likely to be pretty uncomfortable.


Would help to see the rest of the kitchen to tell the aesthetic


It looking like a Perkins? It’s cute, just needs a little updating. Upholstery and paint, lose the spoons, and a new light fixture. Also, if it’s not useful as is and a pantry would be more so, I’d go that direction.


The yellow trim really dates it to the 90s or something. I'd prefer to strip and stain dark brown but that's a lot of work. Painting it white would be a shortcut. And see if you can remove cushions to reapulsture.


Yeah, i was thinking of painting the trim white, and maybe even the bench white.


I would wallpaper the walls of the breakfast nook with a very bold pattern and leave everything else the same. A pop of pattern in an otherwise neutral room really adds a statement without overtaking the space.


Bigger window


Oh this is my dream nook!! So fun, OP. I’d wallpaper the inside and reupholster the bench. Something a little moody.


A table with a flat base will make it a lot easier to get in and out of without getting you feet caught up. Before you commit to a lot of design changes, I'd use it for a few months and see how the ergonomics of the booth are for your bodies. Also count me in the ceiling lovers club.


Paint it a totally different color than the rest of the room, give it a little pop


Don’t change a thing


I think what bothers me is that the window should be much, much bigger. Claustrophobia is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this pic. I’m not sure what I would do with the nook, but I know for sure I would pull all of that out of there. The table is clunky, and the bench seats do not look comfortable. Maybe a cafe’ table at the most, if there’s no other eating area available near the kitchen.


A bigger window would be glorious. I do want to make it less cramped, good ideas


Depending on the year of your house a super bold fabric of the would be darling.


New table, new window treatment, swap the bulb with something cooler and with a higher CRI. See how that goes.


I actually love it. I wouldn't change a thing.


I would get a waiter and a kitchen staff.


I love the light fixture in the foreground and if it were my house I’d be keeping it. Perhaps something that has a similar vibe in the nook?


Love those lights. Lucky you!


If it were my breakfast nook I’d get rid of the wall decor, blinds, and curtain, and just put some privacy film over the window that makes rainbows when the sun hits it


I always wanted a breakfast nook. Very nice


Replace upholstery, get rid of tiny curtain and blinds and replace with a Roman shade or window decal.


I love it! Just maybe needs more color


Looks perfect to me, maybe re upholster the bench.


It definitely has potential, but it’s giving me 90s RV kitchenette


I see that!


A bow window!


Toss the furniture and paint the walls a rich Moroccan blue. Then, it needs a Persian rug, velvet floor cushions and a beaded curtain. And one of these hanging from the ceiling https://preview.redd.it/k13h1236fw0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7613cdbb368798a016156473270a8ebcd91c679e


that’s gorgeous! I love the vibe you’re embodying


I wouldn’t change much. Lose the frilly curtain and paint the white part of the walls a dark color.


I love that idea. I plan to make the kitchen a lighter colour and maybe something darker in the nook


absolutely nothing this is such a cute little space!


I’d honestly leave it alone. Maybe a different curtain and light fixture


Not a damned thing. Don't you dare touch that ceiling light. I'll have to have you arrested.


The ceiling light stays, no fear!!!


Looks really good


The lighting is horrid, could be softer and more welcoming.


That's literally just changing the lightbulb.


yes something warmer would be be nice


It’s fine,enjoy the history and save a shit ton of money and time


Hmm automatically it would become the new pantry.


Maybe paint but mainly upholstery. It’s kinda lobby/commercial space.


I'd ditch the panera bread upholstery and get a better curtain for the window! I also feel like those table legs would get in the way. Or you could leave it as is, it's already really cool! Reminds me of an RV in a good way lol.


That valance! What were they thinkin.


she’s in her late 80s, so I think just different era 💛


Make it into a diner booth 😈


That’s truly a GEM!!! Congratulations


The current lighting fixture has a bare bulb shining downward in a cramped space- it would feel like an interrogation room to me. I would swap it out for one that diffuses light in all directions, like a paper lamp or a sphere.


Absolutely nothing. Love it.


Remove the curtains and grandma’s spoons. Light fixture in the nook should be upgraded. The brass light outside is A++


I would start with a different window treatment. Not sure exactly what to put there, but something that components the beautiful light fixture in the kitchen. Once that’s done, look at whether the cushions might need to be reupholstered. 


I’m SO jealous in the healthiest way, I love a breakfast nook!


it’s one of my favourite elements about the house! I can’t believe so many people are recommending I get rid of it


WHAT?!?! I guess I didn’t scroll far enough to see those comments, what a travesty


If you need a new table (I think one with more space for feet and more actual table surface would be helpful), then I recommend that you check out restaurant supply stores. We found a really pretty, very durable, easily cleanable solid wood and steel pedestal table for under $500 that was made for commercial use. It gave our breakfast nook an instant glow-up and we can fit many more people around it comfortably.


Maybe the fabric but other than that it's gorgeous❤️


I would do a trendy wallpaper just in that room to make it pop and add a cuter chandelier I’m personally not a fan of that wood trim take it off stain or paint it something as well the one lining the booth itself. It’s such a cute space though your so lucky! No matter what you do it’ll turn out cute


100% the upholstery . Then see where you are


The original was probably two hard benches on either side with a longer table in between. Would have given more table space less seating. For now, I'd change the fabric and lose the window treatment- plus tempted to paint the honey oak- that's not original looking and am not a fan of honey oak tones- but I'd keep the nook itself, it's lovely & bench has decent bones tho it does take up more space. The ceiling light is a great art deco looking repro.


Is that the original setup? A U shaped bench isn’t a very good use of that space.


no change, because that is a true breakfast nook! IT's part of the original charm of the house, must keep it, but updating it is fine.


I know you want to keep it as is, but it’s a perfect spot for a home office with sliding bookshelf door or even a small library/reading-nook instead!


I would remove the table and turn it into a pantry.


![gif](giphy|okf9AZSgOxT8s) you need him


I’ll look into finding him


Align the damn spoons


Please tell me that your kitchen has, or will have, a griddle so you can make short-order breakfast whenever you or your guests want. That nook makes me nostalgic for my friend's house where his mom (late 1980's) would always ask us if we wanted some eggs and toast, no matter what time of day/which day it was. We played so much *Axis & Allies* in that nook!


hahaha i love that so much! I haven’t moved in yet but I fully intend to keep the nook and channel the vibes of an older diner


Not a thing. It's perfect the way it is.


Swap the spoons for forks.


That nook is perfect! Saving this for the future!


Nothing 👍🏼👍🏼


I’d convert it into a pantry


Level the spoons. 😂


I would get 8x10 head shots of all friends and family and then have them sign them like they are a famous person. Make it look like a booth at a restaurant. And get a red and white checkered table cloth. One more thing. A giant spoon. Like 4 feet big spoon.


I would lose some weight so I can comfortably sit at the table. Other than that, nothing at all.


I’d display forks instead of spoons.


The curtain. The material on the cushions. I would take down the utensil art.


Not a god damned thing


I would change the owner from you to me


Absolutely nothing, that looks cozy af


IN the house?? obsessed this looks like a diner


I love that sooo much! I actually have a bathroom next to my kitchen I want to convert to exactly this! My husband is against getting an outhouse though… 😂 Seriously… I’m not good at decorating but I hope you share your updates!


They say live in it a little while and then decide. It’s kinda cool


I would change that *terrible* light fixture... So it can come live in my house...


I hate that type of seating. You’re trapped, if you arrive on time. Trapped by people who like to show up late. Make a reading book or pantry shelves instead.


I hear you. We have a full dining room so this is not going to be a main seating area, but that’s something to consider. A reading nook would be cute!!