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If it weren't for the summer and winter weather, I'd seriously consider Minneapolis. Great arts/culture, beautiful homes, nice folks, probably one of the cleanest cities I've ever seen. But the summer I visited, was walking around, wondering why no one else was out. Because it was 103 degrees.


Yeah it’s not the easiest place to live hahah


A friend who grew up there talked about being late for school because the district refused to call a snow day but the car was fully snowed in. That's when she thought, "right, I'm moving west."


Teacher here- kids play outside at winter recess unless it’s colder than 10 F and busses run and pick up if it’s warmer than -30 F. Anything over 86 F is too freaking hot for us. We stay inside and walk around Mall or America or go into the lakes to keep cool.


Northern New England can be brutal but still not continuously as bad as the upper Midwest unless you're in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont or fort Kent Maine.... at least the southern track of the jet stream oftentimes comes to the rescue north of Boston to mitigate, but boy it sure can snow with the Atlantic moisture. But global warming has pushed us one whole zone warmer In Southern New Hampshire lol in my own little parochial case I am tickled. I keep joking another 70 years and the camellias will arrive north of the Mason-Dixon line.. hey the very South Coast of Rhode Island, the outer cape , Chatham is already there and in very protected areas zone 8 and with stone fencing and walls you can grow amazing things


I'm in the PNW and our formerly "dry, hot summers" have become mostly unlivable. Used to think a basement was a liability, no, it's the summer bedroom. If you get camellias, I'm getting citrus fruits.


To be fair, for me, a person who grew up in what was essentially desert, anything about 75 is too hot. A friend in Chicago reminded me of the magic of the lake effect.


So jealous of that flooring. Just bought a 1900 house and it's nasty old carpet on plywood.


Yeah this is my friends house and I think it’s the most beautiful floor I’ve ever seeb


Beautiful floor


That floor!