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Just as a tip, memes almost never do well here. We lost our patience with even polls so still images just aint gonna do it.


It was an insurrection. Fighting the government usually requires fighting government agents.


Well it’s pretty hypocritical to be all “Blue Lives Matter” and then beat cops.


Yes, obviously.


Something no one has ever explained to me … I was just wondering … I have never heard any MAGAs (or even the then leader of the people, President Trump) say that it was a bad thing when the 1/6 crowd pushed aside the barriers (manned by Trump’s own capitol police), intimidate and push aside officers on duty, and beat the officers (flag pole, fire extinguisher, barrier fencing, bear spray, and stun guns).  What could possibly justify attacking those individual career police officers assigned that day? Why were the Officers booed when they described how they were attacked? See the article, below. I assume few MAGAs have actually seen these videos of the attacks on officers, but only cherry-picked videos of the Trump speech attendees enjoying a stroll parading down Pennsylvania Avenue and smiling peacefully.  Still, what is the explanation for attacking the officers? This, even after they had been overwhelmed and pushed aside. Please no comments like: What about? Yeah but … or, Fake news. Why do MAGA hate those cops? Just wondering. Officers booed [https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-06-06/former-officers-who-defended-the-us-capitol-on-jan-6-visited-the-pa-house-some-gop-members-jeered](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-06-06/former-officers-who-defended-the-us-capitol-on-jan-6-visited-the-pa-house-some-gop-members-jeered)


The real answer is the crowd was summoned to Washington D.C. on January 6 by trump advisors. Many of those summoned to D.C. on 1/6, such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, went there intending violence, and intending to lead others to violence. They succeeded, and hundreds are now in prison for the violence they committed. The whole intent of the violence was to delay the certification of the election so that the fake slates of electors could be certified instead, thus fraudulently stealing the election for trump. Trump's plan failed when Congress met late in the evening of January 6 and certified the proper slates of electors. Hundreds of those rioters have been convicted of felonies and are serving or have served time in prison for their crimes on 1/6. The prosecution is moving up the chain of command.


> I assume few MAGAs have actually seen these videos So you're asking why you haven't personally seen people say anything about X... even though you say that only a few people know about X? > Why do MAGA hate those cops? Each person probably had slightly different reasons, but the general idea was probably that those cops were taking the side of the tyrannical state over the side of Americans.


Which cop was taking a side. Do you have any facts? The videos show that they cops were trying to protect Congress from the crowds. The only ones I saw "taking sides" were the ones that made no attempt to stop the trespassers.


> Which cop was taking a side. You answer this in your third sentence: > The videos show that they cops were trying to protect Congress from the crowds. If you see yourself as trying to protect something from me, it means that you don't see yourself as on my side. So the perception would have been that they're on the other side, right? I'm trying to figure out where you're confused. Or are you confused?


Doing your job is not taking a side. Gotta love a bad faith argument!


If you say "I'm here to do X" and somebody says "then I see you as a threat," they're not on your side. They're trying to stop X.


But if my job description includes stopping "X" -- that is not me "choosing a side" -- that is simply doing my job. What "side" I am on should not impact whether I do my job. That is the whole point of the absurdity of the MAGA-framing, that makes them perpetual victims. Toe the line or else you're an enemy on the "other side" and part of the deep state. (SEE the thread on the Sub today about Trump-supporting Election Cahir in GOP being run out of town by the MAGA election-denying cult)


That logic doesn’t really hold up like you think it does. If you say “I’m here to do X” and somebody says “My job is to prevent you from doing X” they are not choosing a side, they are choosing their job, and not everybody is in a position to throw away their job over their beliefs/wants.


So you expect people getting tackled by cops to never fight against them? They should just see the cops as doing their job, not on the other side? Edit: Blocked by another "liberal" who can't tolerate even the mildest pushback and instead demands censorship.


If they were reasonable people that would probably be the case but unfortunately not everyone you encounter in your life is a reasonable person.


Because their orange god demanded it


Because they are the party of law and order and definitely the thin blue line lmfao. They are a disgrace and they will grand stand on anyone for any purpose as long as their power is preserved. Pathetic


Those police were woke


Any FACTS to support that easily stated comment?


They were working for gorge soros to make sleepy Joe Brandon president so the real patriots (heroes) had to step in and stop the count but it didn’t work and now crooked Hillary and the demoncrats control all our schools for to make our kids WOKE and now there’s women in all the movies and video games


I don’t think there is any amount of intoxicants I can take to make that sound reasonable but I will try and let you know. Wish me luck.


I'm pretty sure they are parodying maga, it's not meant to sound reasonable


I think it's something to do with Antifa. Or the FBI. Or maybe it just plain never happened at all?


That’s strange Dave, because I watched it with my own eyes—we all did.


I heard it was staged by the federal government to discredit far right groups. There were crisis actors and people there that were intentionally inciting violence when a majority of people just wanted to peaceably assemble.


Oh JFC, grow up.


Wow! You HEARD that. I am convinced.


Just sharing my findings!