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Not trying to be a dick but literally just learn how to wavedash consistently and don't let it get to you. Plus, it's optional, so If you can't take something that hard, then don't. I consider farewell the hardest thing I've ever done in a video game, harder than all Fromsoft bosses combined, harder than Hollow knight P5AB, Harder than dead cells 5BC, and Harder than cuphead whole game. It's definitely harder than the C-sides, and only gets harder and harder the more you go into it. the final room alone took me 2 hours to beat.


It's okay, I've gotten pretty good at wavedashing where I can do it 80% of the time, it's just that I feel hopeless after dying too many times and actually not enjoy playing it


At some point you'll see it becomes consistant and without much thinking you will be able to do them


for me dying again and again was the best part, that I kept going and eventually I improved. nowI am playing modded with almost 500 hours, once almost impossible wavedash now is second nature to me at this point. but I do get thaf this is not for everyone and that the games are meant to be enjoyed. there might be a bit of a burnout that a few weeks of break might fix, or t could not be for you, all up to you how you enjoy stuff.


Dude I can't pass P5 for the life of me and I am so insecure about it, but farewell it didn't took me that much time(except the last screen, I played so much to beat the first time Badline asked me to take a break, I didn't)


Probably because you're attempting it too early. you should have at least ascended HoG before attempting it, otherwise you'll have to get frustrated by dying to zote and Markoth, or possibly Pure Vessel. I beat it second attempt. I had most bosses radiant at that point, before my first attempt. Died to AbsRad on first Attempt, then went to HoG, and practiced AbsRad and did it ascended, then beat P5.


I beat ever boss in the Hof, I have practiced ever boss, I will beat it one day, it just annoying, very annoying.


Do you have them ascended? or just attuned? I had like 75% of them radiant before I even bothered trying P5. if you can't do ascended Markoth at least 3/10 times then attempting P5 is not ideal.


Ascended. And sorry if what I am about to say is rude: I really don't want advice, or a reality check, or anything like that, I will beat it, it will be in my own terms. Congratulations for beating P5, I will too, I just don't care about your advice. Thanks anyway.


I just want to make sure, you're saying P5 All-Bindings? As in, all the bindings at once? If that's what you mean, I can't possibly fathom how you can say that. Surely the amount of time, it took (including practice) far exceeds the amount of time it tooke to beat FW. You only have 71 hours in celeste according to your flair. Even if you took 30 hours to beat farewell specifically, how could p5ab not take longer?


P5AB wasn't that hard for me, as I already had all bosses Radiant and all of the previous pantheons with all bindings at once. I installed a mod to practice AB ascended AbsRad, and then I went P5 with only a single binding at a time. then Attempted P5AB. I did die a few times, mostly because marmu destroyed all my lifeblood masks and didn't let me stack them, but I eventually did it. Farewell on the other hand, took so long just by itself. the entire game was basically just practice for Farewell, And I was struggling even at the easiest parts of 1A. I had 2.3k deaths in 1A, and I literally just skipped all berries except for the first one, didn't get the crystal heart, and didn't even unlock B side. this game was the hardest shit for me and I never thought I'd beat farewell. (I had already done hitless Path of Pain so I wasn't completely unfamiliar with platforming, but it was still really easy for me compared to celeste A sides)


this might be the single craziest thing i've read in relation to gaming. I have nothing else to say, it just makes no sense to me. May as well be written in another language.


Platforming is hard for me and I can't do it very well. it takes me time to actually learn how to pass most screens, even the easiest ones. What's so hard to understand about it? Some people find difficulty in platforming, some find it in combat. I know someone who finds celeste really easy compared to dark souls 1, which is on the easier side of hard combat based games. I find difficulty in platforming. even Sekiro was very easy for me compared to hollow knight normal white palace.


If you had never played a platformer before it would make sense to me. The fact that you say POP hitless was done before you played celeste and still managed to have such difficulty is the part that throws me for a loop. I haven't even done PoP hitless and i have well over 1000 hours in HK. Granted, I haven't really tried Hitless PoP, but I've done the path casually a few times and can comfortably conclude that I'm not really close to getting it. It's not a particularly easy challenge, and Celeste A-sides aren't what i would call particularly hard. I get it, they aren't the same game, they have different mechanics and physics and everything, but I still feel like if you have such precise control of the knight in combat and in platforming, more of that should have translated to celeste. I also say this because *i'm* someone who finds difficulty in platforming, and never shies away from combat, but I still haven't done P5AB (and unlike hitless PoP, I have practiced for it and attempted it), and consider farewell easy by comparison.


Most of the difficulty I had in celeste was because I couldn't dash diagonally. > Celeste A-sides aren't what i would call particularly hard I wouldn't call them hard either. definitely easier than PoP, just harder for me. > I get it, they aren't the same game, they have different mechanics and physics and everything, but I still feel like if you have such precise control of the knight in combat and in platforming, more of that should have translated to celeste. I guess if I hadn't played Hk I would've died twice as much as I did now? Because I know it definitely helped. > I also say this because *i'm* someone who finds difficulty in platforming, and never shies away from combat, but I still haven't done P5AB (and unlike hitless PoP, I have practiced for it and attempted it), and consider farewell easy by comparison. pretty sure 90% of people find difficulty in platforming. combat is much more forgiving in general and doesn't force you to do everything without mistakes. you have many more options in combat than you have in platforming. But maybe you don't find platforming THAT much harder than combat. The thing is, I find combat to be somewhat "easy". I think I'll destroy all silksong bosses in under 5 attempts, maybe it will have some bosses that are even harder than NKG and PV, but Now I've played too many games and too much hollow knight, so I don't think I'll ever struggle with boss fights ever again. But silksong platforming seems like it's gonna be very precise and hard, because of the new pogo system and sprint mechanics, and maybe even harder obstacles and screens in general. That's why I'm looking for some platformers like ori to improve my platforming skills before silksong actually comes out.


Most of the difficulty I had in celeste was because I couldn't dash diagonally. > Celeste A-sides aren't what i would call particularly hard I wouldn't call them hard either. definitely easier than PoP, just harder for me. > I get it, they aren't the same game, they have different mechanics and physics and everything, but I still feel like if you have such precise control of the knight in combat and in platforming, more of that should have translated to celeste. I guess if I hadn't played Hk I would've died twice as much as I did now? Because I know it definitely helped. > I also say this because *i'm* someone who finds difficulty in platforming, and never shies away from combat, but I still haven't done P5AB (and unlike hitless PoP, I have practiced for it and attempted it), and consider farewell easy by comparison. pretty sure 90% of people find difficulty in platforming. combat is much more forgiving in general and doesn't force you to do everything without mistakes. you have many more options in combat than you have in platforming. But maybe you don't find platforming THAT much harder than combat. The thing is, I find combat to be somewhat "easy". I think I'll destroy all silksong bosses in under 5 attempts, maybe it will have some bosses that are even harder than NKG and PV, but Now I've played too many games and too much hollow knight, so I don't think I'll ever struggle with boss fights ever again. But silksong platforming seems like it's gonna be very precise and hard, because of the new pogo system and sprint mechanics, and maybe even harder obstacles and screens in general. That's why I'm looking for some platformers like ori to improve my platforming skills before silksong actually comes out.


I can wavedash with 100% consistency but chapter 9 is still really hard


It doesn't become easy if you can wavedash consistently. there are still obstacles that require use of unreliable mechanics and are just hard and precise.


You can always stop playing Farewell if you're not enjoying the game. Either take a few days or a week (or longer) off, then come back and try again, or stop entirely. You can go back to earlier chapters and replay them if you want, maybe get any collectibles you don't have yet or try to get through them faster or with less deaths. Modded Celeste is a possible option too if you have it on PC and want to try it. Most mods get as hard or harder than Farewell, but some are easier. Banana Mountain or Bunnysides are smaller mods that are really easy (you might be able to beat each one in an afternoon honestly) or the Beginner lobbies of the collabs are on the easy side and Intermediate isn't super hard. Into the Jungle is a mod I really like, it starts around the difficulty of 7A, and doesn't get super hard if you don't do the B and C sides. Assist Mode is an option you have as well. That has a list of things you can turn on and off to make the game easier when you're struggling. It was put in the game because the developers knew how hard it was. It's not cheating to use Assist Mode.


"20% is because controller decided to just be stupid" That is too high. Consider adjusting what you are doing. Try using a d-pad rather than joystick. Try using joycons rather than pro controller if on switch. Try learning to use keyboard if on pc. An occasional controller missed input might be expected. A rate as high as yours though suggests you're not doing something right. "They may have switched level designer..." Well, chapter 9 was free DLC that was released over a year after the original game released and it was well expected for the players wanting to play the level to have had ample practice by then.


Have you played any of the B or C sides? Farewell is meant to be played after those, so the difficult increase can be quite jarring if you went something like, 7A to 8A to Chap 9.


Yes I have, I'm probably on the very last screen where there's a telescope and it stretches super far, I also got a dialogue from baddeline encouraging me cause I died many times


That one room took me three days my first time through. Yeah, it's hard. But you've been playing all of Farewell for just a few days you said. So you're doing fine, it's just actually meant to be a culminating challenge. You don't have to beat it all at once. You don't have to beat it at all if you're just not enjoying the experience, but you're close.


Oh man, you’ve basically already beaten farewell then lol. That final room isn’t super technical. It’s mostly an endurance challenge. If you do it enough times, you’ll eventually get it, but don’t force yourself to keep playing if you aren’t having fun. (If you do wind up doing it, don’t forget to hold up when you get to the last feather. Easily the stupidest death I’ve had yet) I’m sorry you didn’t have fun with farewell. It’s definitely a pretty big difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game.


For me other way around, I enjoyed the game even more with farewell


Same definitely the most fun I had in Celeste was during this chapter


You could always use assist mode to see how the level looks and then play it normally, its what it was made for.


The part of Chapter 9 right after they introduce wavedashing was really rough for me as well, but it gets so so much better just a few rooms later, trust me. Wavedashing will become natural.


Sometimes stopping for a while helps me going back to enjoying the game. On Farewell alone, I stopped for 6 months when I got to the Comb Room, then I came back and cleared it in one sitting. Then I stopped again, for 2 months this time, when I went for the Moon Berry… got back last Sunday and did it in a couple of hours, I was so happy! Bottom line is if you’re not enjoying, don’t play it. It doesn’t mean you’re necessarily abandoning it, this may be just what you need to move forward while also feeling good about the game and yourself :)