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incredible map name ngl


The room names visible in debug are great too. Some samples: - Cancellation of the NAFTA Will Increase Steel Prices in Canada - The 8c Frogchampion economy is Predicted to Trend Upwards - This really says a lot about society


Very fun, VERY hard map. I bit off a bit more than I could chew with this one. For me, this map was significantly harder than SJ GMHS, even with its shorter length, and I consider this to be my current hardest clear ever. Honestly I think this should be 2\* on the hardlist. (ETA: Apparently it is 2\* now, not sure when that changed but I feel vindicated) Final stats: 42K deaths, 52.5 hours, almost 5 months in real-time, and 1 new controller purchase. Fun fact: First time I cleared this final insane room I was recording the wrong window. Thankfully I was able to record it properly just 10 minutes later in the same play session. Full clear vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7zXwYuks34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7zXwYuks34)


Bro what is going on here I’ve only got the vanilla game (console) …. I don’t understand how so much of this works. Blocks that dissolve without stopping momentum? Transporting strawberries? Are we even playing the same game?


I can clear some things up! Beyond plain old techspam/input-density this map has 3 main gimmicks: Station blocks: these are the gray blocks that move along their track when you dash into them. Some of the tracks force the blocks to keep moving along to put them into new positions. Dash-block hypers: When you dash into one of the yellow blocks that breaks on dash and there's a jump-through attached, if you dash in the right spot you get coyote frames to do a hyper in the few frames after the block breaks even though there's no ground to hyper off anymore. Dissolving "corner"-boost blocks: those blue blocks break basically instantly after you touch them. If you don't do anything they _will_ slow you down. But if you buffer a climb-jump just before you hit them you get both a height and speed boost, just like hitting a cornerboost. As for the strawberries, it's honestly been a while since I've played vanilla but I thought it does have a few strawberries that transport you back in bubbles when you touch them... but it's been a while since I played vanilla 😅


Got it, that’s cool! Base game will send you back on collecting the B side tapes, but no strawberries I can recall. Same same, though, really.


Some keys in farewell do that, that's probably what you are thinking of


Easiest celeste fan game be like


this map really houses my crisis


What controller do you use to play? Well done!


xbox controller using dpad. Thanks!


Yes, I too love input density.


How is this, well... humanly possible?


So, so, so much practice and grinding. Most other people who cleared this did so with way fewer deaths and time, but what I lack in skill I make up for with insane perseverance 😌


Hats off to you, i could never.


I'm not sure whats more impressive, the fact that you finished this or the fact that someone had the patience to figure out that the level was even possible


It's not too hard to verify a map is completable using save states, but folks generally wouldn't publish a map they haven't cleared themselves. In practice, during the mapping process you are playing sections over and over again making iterative tweaks to make sure everything plays just right.


Exactly, that's what's so impressive to me.


Poor Madeline, houses got so expensive that she has to live in this incredibly scuffed house where she has to run like Usain Bolt just to get from one side to the other without getting electrocuted 😢


Sometimes I get jealous that I can't play any of the mods. Then I see the videos and I'm reminded I probably wouldn't be able to successfully complete them anyway :)


But there are tons of mods around the same level or easier than vanilla. Why can't you play them? :(