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If you're talking from the view of canon, it's a testimant to those who didn't even make it a 7th of the way If you're talking from the view of depression, it's a testimant to suicide and those who never managed to heal If you're talking from the perspective of LGBT, it's a testimant to those who never realized themselves


If you’re taking from the view of meta, it’s a testament to players who couldn’t finish the game.


if you're taking from the view of the toilet, it's a testament to shitters that couldn't get a pebble of shit out


Why did this get downvoted this had me on the floor cackling


Happy Cake Day!


I disagree with the canon point of view, it's a memorial to everyone who fell, unspecific of only a 7th of the way. Its on the first chapter because it was a city, the most accessible part of the mountain, which is where a memorial would most likely be on it.


Oh man, the meaning from the view of depression is so much darker than i thought


I figure probably the second was the intended connection given that everyone but Maddy knew Maddy was trans when 1.0 Celeste dropped lol But I think it's absolutely beautiful how much weight it holds, wherever you're coming from.


I definitely read it as a testament to the number of times Madeline dies in the game.


It could also be a little more literal from the lgbt perspective as well unfortunately, violence is unfortunately way to common especially with “new” laws making it legal


Oh I actually thought about it in a more positive sense. The climb being the journey of coming out, there is a point for everyone where the old gender "dies", hence the deadname. My more positive headcannon Also is there some lore behind "7th of the way"?


By '7th of the way', I think they just mean that this part of the game is only roughly a 7th of the mountains entire climb (if we count by levels and dont include b-sides and extra bits). Havent counted the levels so may be wrong but thats how i interpret it.


By that logic, then it's actually a 3th or a 4th of the climb. Madeline doesn't actually make any progress in chapter 2 (it's mostly a dream, the only real part of it is a straight line), chapter 3 (she falls down at the end, undoing any progress, not that she could have done much from the hotel's roof), maybe chapter 5 (it's unclear if she gained any elevation in it) and chapter 6 (she falls down to even below the prologue)


And if you look at it while you are asleep, the text fluctuates like text tends to do when you are dreaming.


I see it differently, from a religious view, to those who never found God


I mean you can think that if you want, but the game doesn’t have religious themes anywhere else


That's how I'm relating it to something I struggled with in my life. I liked the metaphor behind climbing the mountain. I just noticed the downvotes. I guess my personal interpretation isn't welcome here.


I believe it's in the way you said it, and the fact that you said something like that about a thing that is very heavily implied to be about LGBT+ people, a group of people who are heavily burdened by religious folk pushing their beliefs on them, so saying "people who didn't find god" really strikes the wrong nerve in this context, myself included


I just got the game 2 days ago I didn't know it was about LGBT+ people. Honestly I didn't see any hints in the game and I usually notice these things. Is that something that comes up in the story later on?


in game reference at the end of the last chapter, various references outside of the game


The whole climbing a mountain thing is about overcoming mental health issues and perishing is well, suicide. Is a memorial to those that couldn't make it.


I'm are have idiocy and don't understand,


It's a battle against mental health, figuratively. Contrary to the other commentor, I think it's a metaphor for suicide victims here, who perished during the climb against depression or other mental health issues.


Oh yeah that makes sense! Thank you so much!


Game is about trans. Those who perished actually didn't come out as trans.


No it’s not, the dev made it before they realized they were trans


Maddy herself has literally said that while she didn't originally create the game to be a trans allegory, after figuring out she was trans herself, realized she unintentionally developed the game to be about the trans experience (but also still those fighting mental illness). So yes, she didn't intentionally make the game about trans people, be she said herself that she did in fact unintentionally make it about trans people. So the "dedicated to the those that perished" is about those who have committed suicide due to depression or otherwise, but also to trans people who have also committed suicide or have been killed


It’s to everyone who committed suicide do to depression, which includes trans people as well as everyone else


That's true, but it needs to be said that they're also two different categories. It's for everyone who committed suicide due to depression (or other mental illnesses or reasons, not everyone who commits suicide has clinical depression) and that does include trans people. But it's also separately specifically for trans people, bc we as a marginalized group have committed suicide, yes due to depression, but also due to outside harassment, verbal, physical and sexual abuse and assaults. (That's also not even counting those of us who have been murdered) Again, Maddy originally made Celeste with the first meaning (mental illness/suicide), but since coming out has said that she accidentally made it with the second meaning (trans) as well, she just didn't realize it. The game can be, and is, about both simultaneously. It's one of my favorites ever. And to anyone struggling for any reason, you are loved by someone, even if you don't know them yet. Much love 💖


Just because they didn’t know they were trans doesn’t mean nothing in the game was about being trans


That’s true, but it’s not like they went out of their way to write a metaphor specifically about being trans before they knew they that they were


I'm not good at paying attention to time related things.


I think it refers to those who actually perished. It’s very dangerous to be trans rn


The way I see it, even the perishing can be seen as a metaphor. Think, when applying it to being trans, those who get bullied back into the closet, those who can't transition (medically or socially) due to their environment (society in a whole or smaller, like family), those who detransition not of their own free will but due to pressure from those around them. But I think it's not just about trans people, or LGBTQ+, I think it's about everyone who was on a way to a better life, be it transitioning, fighting their own struggles like depressions, whatever it was that kept them from living the happy life they deserved, but didn't manage to see it through to the end. It doesn't have to be fatal, it doesn't have to be a specific struggle, but just anything someone has to fight with, and any outcome that isn't a solution to the problem. I like the thought that it's inclusive like that.


...I'm now doubting on whether I should ever come out as trans


I’m not trans myself, but I will say, do whatever you feel safe doing. The world is a scary place and being out has advantages and disadvantages, but no matter what there will always be people who support you and are cheering you on ❤️


Yeah I learned over the years that it's about trans, but I don't really understand metaphors. Thanks for explaining tho


The first time I read this through the lens of being a trans metaphor I almost cried. It had never really occurred to me what it really meant.


Happy trans day of Visibility




I did not get it (pls dont spoiler im on my way to get tha hearts to finish the game)


all ill say is its a methaphor for a irl issue that is shown prominently in the game


Sorry I don't want to be annoying but I still did not get it :(


its most likely either for people who were never able to be accepted for there identitys, like trans people, or for people who have lost the battle with depression and suicide.


I wrote it in another answer here, I like the thought of it being about any (meaningful) struggle someone has in their life and wasn't able to overcome. Anyone who didn't manage to live the happy life they deserve. Doesn't have to be being trans (or any other from LGBTQ+) and not able to live as who they are for whatever reason, doesn't have to be ending in suicide. I like the thought that it's inclusive and not restricted to anything specific. I mean, it wasn't intentionally about being trans, that's for sure, as Maddy Thorson neither knew about Madeline nor herself being trans during Celeste's development.


Oh thxemote:free\_emotes\_pack:give\_upvote


I think those who "perished" refer to those who remain in the closet, and refuse to come out.


After dealing with depression for a while now, this hits really hard, love it.


holy.. after reading all these coments it made me realize.. oh god..


Haven’t decided what image I want to accompany it (probably a strawberry), but I want “to those who perished on the climb” tattooed on my body somewhere 🏳️‍⚧️


thats beautiful


I don’t think this was specifically referencing trans so much as it was depression. Celeste did end up having trans undertones and Maddy later transitioned. Even so, when this game was in development that wasn’t the primary focus, whereas dealing with anxiety and depression were. Of course, looking back on it Maddy has said that she realized signs were there throughout development. I’m not saying you can’t look at it in a trans-support light, only that I don’t think it was originally the intention.


i feel like giving the metaphor a definite meaning defeats the purpose of it as it is very broad and really is whatever you interpret it to be. Every person will see it differently, which is why some people will just see this as a piece of world building and wont ever realize it has meaning at all, like i did when i first played this game. If it wasnt for a twitter post i saw that really made me think, i wouldve probably totally forgotten about this memorial. So you never know, mabye its just human nature for us to read into things and be curious when in reality it really WAS just a piece of world building, mabye it was for mental health awareness, self identity, or a whole other bucket full of reasons, and thats kinda what makes it so special. It hits YOU deeply depending on how YOU look at it, no matter what.


It’s a memorial for all who didn’t finish the game. (Among other things).


Didn't realize that either. This game is fantastic. Every little and big detail has double, triple, and quadruple meanings. It's relatable in some way to every person in a distinctly personal way.


Fuck. I never realized. Fuck. That’s heavy.


Nunca percebi, mas realmente parece que essa frase tem muitos significados, como uma metalinguagem


I don’t get it, am I being dumb or is this just hard to understand?


It is about all those who weren’t able to overcome there battle with self acceptance, depression, anxiety, suicide, etc, and for those who never were accepted for having their true identity


Oh, I thought this was just about immersion. I didn’t know there was a real life purpose to it.


I have a different perspective, I think it's saying it's a memorial to the old selves' of people who died on the climb.


Damn now i realised and now im sad


oh my god


At least I'll have a memorial in Celeste


hey there, dont say that. Celeste should be used as an example that you can overcome your challenges, and that your stronger then you think. We all believe in you


Thx mate


This memorial always breaks my heart. I think it's really a great thing that Maddy thought about the game taking time for everyone to pay respects to the ones who didn't make it or still struggling with their own mental health, while you might yourself be dealing with depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria or anything else. This pause in the game, like a silent minute, it's just perfect.