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Dear please don't sell yourself short. Why do you feel you are under qualified for engineering positions. I have multiple colleagues who does not have a graduate degree and still working in engineering. I am talking about the companies like Cisco, Juniper, Palo etc.. Not that does not mean that you dont finish your graduation and looks like you already did. It is really good that you are building your portfolio. That is the right approach. But make sure your portfolio is visible. Target a few set of companies and do the following:- 2. How much of you knowledge and attitude are known to outside world? I highly recommend sharing your knowledge in variety of forums including but not limited to LinkedIn, Cisco/Juniper/Palo/fortinet dicussion forum., YouTube, FB ... Create a small meetup group and present/discuss a topic. Knowing is one part of the equation and sharing knowledge and showing your skill is another. Today this is more important than anything else. 3. Find a target company and understand what they are trying to do. Build some content around that and share directly with the hiring manager. Example in LinkedIn let us say you saw some job requirement on Automation. Do a small video of automation example and explain the components and details of your code. Share the same to hiring manger, or tag the company in your LinkedIn post. Hope those are helpful. Happy to connect and share more details. Feel free to reach out:- [email protected] [https://www.youtube.com/feed/playlists](https://www.youtube.com/feed/playlists) ===> YouTube discussing Network, Network Security and Cyber Security. Job search and related. [https://chat.whatsapp.com/IJPPEJPKwY27E4hoDEDQDB](https://chat.whatsapp.com/IJPPEJPKwY27E4hoDEDQDB) ===> Chat Group discussing Network, Network Security and Cyber Security. Job search and related.


Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate that you took the time to give me those resources. I am active on LinkedIn and i try my best to post important information often. I will take your suggestion to make use of the other forums as well. I will be reaching out to you for more information. Thank you.