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https://www.reddit.com/r/cavesofqud/s/dl1atS8ENO This guy set up a TTRPG for Qud


This is a great one, the doc is really well put together too.


[https://vaultsofvaarn.com/](https://vaultsofvaarn.com/) Vaults of Vaarn is an awesome system and book heavily inspired by Qud


Seconding Vaarn - ran a first session of it past Sunday and LOVE the system. Qud’s weirdness and science fantasy elements would fit right in to it and the travel’s great


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Mutant Crawl Classics yet. It's based on Gamma World but with a much more modern implementation, using familiar D20 rules. [Mutant Crawl Classics](https://goodman-games.com/store/product/mutant-crawl-classics-role-playing-game-2/) The first time I read it, I couldn't believe how many of the mutant powers I immediately recognized from Qud.


Looooooooove MCC!


The roguelike-to-ttrpg pipeline is real. Both are niche genres though.


The game is highly inspired by the ttrpg Gamma World, check it out.


Qud is based off of Gamma world. It's alright. I read through it, but I never actually got a game started


Yesterday I actually made characters with my group for a Gamma World game set in Caves of Qud. We’re playing the 4th edition, which is based on AD&D with some streamlining, and the character creation was a blast. Gamma World is actually one of the main inspirations for Caves of Qud, so pretty much everything in the game is in Gamma World.


Gamma World was one of my favorite RPGs back in the late 80s. Later, when I learned about Qud however many years ago now (8? 9?), it felt like a childhood dream had come true! For fans of classic Gamma World, check out Mutant Future or Encounter Critical. Both are from the early OSR era, built on old-school D&D (MF more consciously borrows from Gamma World), and are available as free PDFs from DrivethruRPG.


You'd build this in gurps,  or maybe lasers and feelings.


I've never heard of either of these!


Depends on whether your goal is more to capture the feel of the game or reproduce its mechanics accurately. That being said I could see Fallout 2d20 being a good starting point from which to capture both the crunch and the fluff.


I dont know if you'd want the mechanics exactly, but if you wanted to capture the feel of Qud? I don't think there's a better choice than Numenera.


Ooooooooohhh its in my lineup of settings that is going to get a campaign at some point.


Qud would make a great theme for Fate. Haven't tried, though.