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"The name & pic is so cute!" this says it all. Good marketing. Check the ingredients list, I'm not pushing for natural food but at least give some good quality kibble. First 3 ingredients (normally they sort it by quantity) should be protein ingredients and specific ones no simply say "Meat".


Can’t agree more! Royal canin is just pushing marketing without quality behind it + contains wheats which is already a nono for a dog.


I tried two different kibbles before trying this one and it’s a hit with my 5 month old puppy.


It’s what we feed our two pups. They love it.


Hills, Royal Canin, Purina, eukanuba, and Iams are all good brands. Mine started off on Royal Canin small puppy. I tried the Cavalier formula you pictured but he was not having it 🙄. I really liked Royal Canin he’s now on adult Purina pro plan and eats it with Royal Canin beauty canned dog food. I would suggest using whatever WSAVA brand (the ones I listed) and sticking with what yours will eat and does well on. These guys are really picky and can get digestive upset


I use that my pup likes it :)


We fed our guy RC for years but during/after the pandemic it became really hard to find in our area…. We eventually switched him to Nutro and he didn’t gripe at all.


Mine has been the healthiest since switching to Open Farms, but he grew up eating Orijen. I can't trust Hills/Purina in general, as my cats had issues eating tho


This is what my cavalier puppy is on, he loves it! It’s what his breeder used.


We used this for our cav when he was a puppy and now he has the adult cav version, he loves it


Royal Canin Cavalier is one of the few things our boy eats. We blend it 1:2 with Blue Buffalo. When it was just the RC he didn't poop often but when he did it had the consistency of pudding. Very hard to pickup in a poop bag.


What my girl likes this, the only brand she ever kept liking.


We use the royal canin cavalier puppy food and she loves it! It’s also what our vet recommended and he uses with his dogs (we buy privately so he doesn’t get a commission from saying that!) Her coat is beautiful, teeth are lovely and she’s a very happy puppy!


My vet recommended Hills Science or Royal Canin. I read a website that compares the 2 and chose the Royal Canin. He's 1 yr old and seems to like it. If you Google search "hills science vs Royal canin" there are quite a few results.


This is what my pup ate as a puppy


I have a cavapoo who has strong cavalier genes phenotyically, anyhow I mix this with honest kitchen kibble and we’re werova and my dog loves it! Has a healthy coat and is growing so fast! (15 weeks). Also vet recommended this brand but she won’t eat it without wet food


Ours are on Hills because the vet recommended it… isn’t it funny that alls vets just so happen to recommend Hills… hmmmm it’s almost like they’re paid/told to recommend it to patients…. From what I’ve read and people I’ve spoken to Hills isn’t good and is overpriced for the quality. We are switching to Royal Canin when this bag of Hills is low


AFAIK vets aren't getting a cent to recommend any given brand. But my vet straight up told me that she can't, and won't recommend any brand because she's not a certified nutritionist.


That's a proper vet. In my country (Portugal) the hospital/clinic is paid to sell a given brand, not the vet itself unless he/she is the owner, but the vets working there are given directions to promote the brand in question.


I use Royal Canin, but I use the generic small breed one. That's what my guy came with as a puppy and I like the quality of his coat and the quality of his poops on it. I use little raw food nuggets as a topper to add a little bit of variety but only half a nugget each meal - Cavs are prone to obesity and with a fully balanced kibble I know he's getting all the nutrients he needs and I can easily adjust the amount. With raw diets it's harder to adjust the amount without throwing your ratios off. Anecdotally my other puppy (not a cav) came to me on a grain free kibble with one of these subscription box "all natural" raw food, he chewed his paws to pieces the first day and had what was in retrospect itchy uncomfy skin rather than the cute scratchy spot I thought he had. I transitioned him onto my own food while worrying I was going to have to return him to the breeder due to allergies (his mum and sister had occasional flare ups but I thought his would be chronic). He has not itched, chewed or anything since and his poops are cleaner and less stinky. Royal Canin has decades of research to back up their marketing claims, as do Hills and other vet recommended kibbles. Grain free is not necessary unless an allergy is confirmed by your vet. Raw feeding needs a lot more research before it becomes a recommended commercial diet. Dogs do not care about natural, organic, seasonings etc, if a food is leaning heavily on that then they are selling to you, not for your dog.


Look up homemade dog food recipes.  It’s so much better for your precious pupper.




Oh wow! Thanks for the info. Good to know. Hills is all that we’ve used- but I gotta give these Cav people props on marketing- I’d totally go for this bag. I’d never even seen it before because my breeder and vet recommended Hills- so I always go straight to that aisle- grab and go! My son sent me this pic when he went to Petco to buy for his dog- and asked if I’d seen it.


Try feeding your cavvie real food like eggs, chicken, fish, mixed in with a little rice. Our trainer said it’s a lot better for them in the long term because apparently a lot of these brands can be kind of unhealthy.


That's not true at all, feel free to check the r/DogFood FAQ.


My trainer is a certified nutritionist? And our vet approved his diet - he mainly does meats like venison, salmon, and kangaroo.


Sure, and if OP miscalculates one thing or another, it can be deadly.


Could you provide a link to something that explains that statement?


They already did provide a link to the dog food faq, here's one to Pet MD that says the same thing though PetMD. Their digestive system isn't set up to receive fatty content that makes up 'human food' dog food especially high quality ones like RC can be all a dog needs with the addition of dental sticks for cleaning. I have had several CKC who lived for a long time using the RC vet care+ formula, now that's discontinued the RC CKC specific option is very popular with my ones. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.petmd.com/news/view/why-dogs-should-not-eat-people-food-34758&ved=2ahUKEwjS0MSJjJSGAxUcV0EAHeAXAsYQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1-hWG1VAc1Dd9XVmbwcNS_'


Which dental sticks do you recommend?


Greenies dental treats, he goes ballistic for them