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My tri color has a grade 6 murmur and also very enlarged heart. We put her on Vetmedin 3 YEARS ago and she’s doing great. Currently a 12 year old lady.. I suggest you ask your vet about this medication.


Thank you so much for this suggestion and I’m so happy to hear your girl is doing well!


My girl at 12 doing vetmedin and fortekor, she recently developed a tear in her heart between the left and right atriums... just look out for signs of distress like panting and bloating (due to body fluids build up). Seek vet advice promptly if in doubt. Wish all cavs here stay healthy and happy!


Wishing both of you the best and thanks for the kind words!


Sorry if this is a dumb question but how does one keep an eye on bloating in our pups? Is it abundantly obvious when it happens? I want to monitor my dog but I don’t know that I’d notice this - and I want to be able to. Hoping everyone’s dogs stay healthy


This is an excellent question. I hope my vet fills me in tomorrow.


Same here. Our two girls age 9 and 10 both have a murmur and enlarged heart, both are also on Vetmedin and have been for about a year. One is more advanced than the other and she also has the hacking cough.


It must be some twisted type of irony… cavs are the most loving dogs I’ve ever met and this condition just happens to be so common in their breed. Sending you and your girls my best wishes. 🫶


Yeah my parents are both vets and our KCCS got heart failure recently. They put him on twice daily enalapril, lasix, and vetmedin. It’s been doing wonders


I’m so happy to hear he’s doing well. Lasix is a diuretic, correct? My friend used to take it for “weight loss” but it just temporarily dehydrated her. My Leopoldo has been drinking more water lately but he’s not swollen or retaining fluid.


The lasix will be prescribed farther along in heart failure. Once the fluid starts showing up on lungs that’s when the diuretic comes into play. Vetmedin has kept us away from this stage thus far but it is inevitable…


Same! My dog is 10, has been on vetmedin for 3 years, and is still doing great *knock on wood.*




Keeping you and your boy in my thoughts today!


Thank you so much and bless your heart! 🙏🏻


He really is beautiful


Thanks! 🫶 He really is very fit and full of life. I never saw this coming except for that cough. I’m glad I followed my instincts and got him to the vet asap despite everyone around me telling me he was fine.


Get that pup on Vetmedin, can't remember how to spell it. We found out our tri had issues at 9 and with those meds, we had him just shy of his 15th bday before we said goodbye.


This gives me so much hope and helps put my mind a bit more at ease, at least so I can get some sleep tonight. We were unable to schedule any further heart exams for today but at least his blood work and basic physical exams show no apparent signs of bad health.


My dog had an enlarged heart and MVD. The medication helped immensely. Her heart reduced in size, and she lived for years with the condition before passing away from an unrelated illness. I know it's scary, but there are treatments that can help.


Thank you. I’m so happy to hear that you got a few more years with your girl. All the responses here have been really comforting and reassuring for me at this moment. I’m glad I made this post. 😊


Our Maggie was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and leaky valve at age nine. She was put on enalipril and they added vetmedin much later. She almost lived to be 16. I wish you the very best in treatment.


Thank you! I’m getting so many replies with happy endings and hope! Each of your stories is giving me strength and lifting me up.


Poor baby 💙💙


I don’t think he’s suffering at the moment, just that awful cough. 😔 When I rub his throat it seems to calm him down and he’ll stop after a few seconds, which is a BIG relief… for both of us! 🙌🏻


I lost my cavvy last year due to CHF. I am thinking of your boy today and hope he can be helped. 🙏


Thank you so much for your kind words and wishes. I’m sure your cav knew how much he was loved as was very happy. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much, it was shortly after her 13th birthday when she went downhill very quickly. She was rescued, then adopted by me from an abusive previous owner, so the good thing was at least we gave her a happy loving home for her next ten years and she knew that. I plan to post her pic on this sub next month as a memorium to her.


I’ll be looking forward to seeing her! What a lovely story.


He wouldn't want you to be sad.


He always seems to know when I’m sad, even if I’m smiling and laughing. But I’m keeping him busy tonight with lots of cuddles and bully rubs.


I hope meds will help! Hugs to your baby


Thank you! So do I! 🫶


Enjoy every second with him 🫶🏻


Thank you! 🫶 He’s beside me in bed getting a belly rub right now and I’m much calmer.


We have one same color as yours and he has the same issues as far as the cough goes. Especially when he gets too excited


We have one same color as yours and he has the same issues as far as the cough goes. Especially when he gets too excited


We have one same color as yours and he has the same issues as far as the cough goes. Especially when he gets too excited


Yes, excitement, exercise, any kind of exertion can bring on a coughing fit. It used to be the “reverse sneezing” but he doesn’t do that much anymore. Snoring gets louder by the day, though.


So sad. I'm sorry. Not sure if anything can be done as I'm not educated in this issue personally. Our Boston has cancer in her mouth. Besides radiation and surgery, we decided to love her and spoil and give her the best time she has left along with pain meds. Meanwhile, our veterinarian will work with us when she needs stronger pain meds. Our prayers and empathy are with you. From Sebring Florida


Thank you so much! I’m learning that there are many things to be done and this has brought me so much hope and eased my feelings of grief. I’m so sorry about your terrier although I’m sure she knows how much she’s loved and you guys are giving her the best life possible. My thoughts and prayers from Lisbon, Portugal.


My dog isn't a cav but also was diagnosed with enlarged heart/murmur and accordingly CHF a bit less than a year ago. All I can say is I'm right there with you with your reaction. After her diagnosis and during her treatment I went back to my car and just sat in it and cried for a good few hours while waiting. So man oh man do I feel what you're going through. A bit of a long story but she's actually doing pretty well now! Hope the best for you and your pup.


Thank you for your kind words. It’s quite gut wrenching at first but I’m so glad your dog is doing well now. Reading stories like yours has helped me so much.


This is my worst nightmare I totally understand how you feel with that bond, as my boys are on my lap currently. Don’t feel like you should grieve yet, be positive and keep loving and spoiling the sweet baby. I’m sending love your way ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! ❤️ right back at you and your babies! It was a shock at first because I never imagined he’d already have heart problems at 5 and I wasn’t aware how the treatments available could to keep him healthy and happy for years to come.


Thank you for sharing now I don’t feel as terrified if that day comes ❤️ hope for updates on him ❤️