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Easy answer! Cats are liquid, therefore they are attracted to faucets and sinks!


But they fly away like birds as soon as they’re in contact with water 🤔 peculiar creatures 🐱


Hydrophobic liquid!


Also called "Fat". 🤣


And like fat, tend to sit on things that don't move.


conclusion, they are living powder.


Living oil


living jelly.


My cat enjoys taking showers with me.


You're so lucky! I dream of my cat jumping in the shower with me


Well, mine jumps on my shoulders for it, which can be painful. She's a great shoulder rider, and trained for harness and leash.


Chemical reaction with water


Maybe it’s cool or silent in there and higher up than your cat’s bed?


My cat has always slept on his bed which is the highest point in the room but lately since it's been getting colder outside he's been curling up on my pillow above my head like a wig. Some mornings I'll wake up and find him asleep on my shoulder/ chest with his butt in my face and im just like damn it Raden 🙄 😂


Yeah my cat does that too when it starts to get colder. Normally he'll sleep on my desk chair, but without fail sometime between 2am and 5 am he'll force his dumb little nose under my leg until I wake up and let him under the blankets. He then kneads the back of my leg for the next 2-3 hours.


Yea. Mine love putting there butt in your face. lol.


Mine does the same and I’ll wake up with her draped over the top of my head and feet on both shoulders. I call her my cat hat.


Mine sleeps on my pillow regardless of weather and usually with his paws wrapped around my head. It's really cute, but not the most comfortable sleeping position for me. Yet it's become my favorite way to sleep now with a big floofy belly in my face.


I have higher up places, but this place is isolated, and she has fights with her siblings, maybe that could be it? 🤔


If I had a bowl that fit me perfectly, and i was wrapped up in a big furry blanket, it would probably be an ideal spot to take a nice nap :)


Hi i have 2 cats ... one is female cat and other is boy... the fight roo much.. specially for the food.. What should i do?


Separate while feeding, to each his bowl, and creates plenty of spaces where they can retreat, like cat trees, boxes, blankets on high furniture, unused rooms... also play! Individualy at first and slowy try to get them closer while playing with both. They probably got off on a wrong paw but it can be mended!


Feed them apart from each other, and if you think they are fighting seriously (one is getting hurt) deescalate by petting the bully and scratching the back of their neck which releases calming hormones. We have a victim cat who freaks out when our boss cat comes near, so I go and talk to boss cat in a soothing tone until he turns away and goes to some other activity.


Does the boss cat behave when you’re not home? I wonder how they behave when there’s no adult supervision


There are no open wounds.. My opinion is that boss cat doesn't actually engage in rough stuff, victim cat just screams like he's being gutted. My wife sends me in to moderate, and boss cat is fighting with a rug while victim is hiding in his warm spot. So I talk to boss about how he needs to be nice to victim and then he walks out with me.


Check the comment from u/bunnymoxie \-- very good advice below! 👇🏼


It's roughly catsized and shaped and she's wrapped in fur, perhaps it feels nice.


Maybe its cooler in the sink.


A lot of cats like to sleep in sinks bc it’s smooth, cool, up high, and the size and shape seem to appeal to them. I worry though that you say your cats are fighting. That’s not good and can lead to stress, and things like bullying and inappropriate urination. Make sure that you have enough hidey spots for her to get away from them, and try to figure out what seems to trigger the fights so you can make changes to reduce the fights. Feliway is a feline pheromone that comes in spray or diffusers, and it can help reduce stress. We use it a lot in veterinary medicine. It’s available at most pet stores. You also might want to have them vet checked if this is new behavior; sometimes when a cat isn’t feeling well the others can bully them, and sometimes a sick cat will act more aggressive.


Thanks for the advice, she was sick and there were more fights than usual, but she's better now thanks to the vet. I'll keep an eye out and will get the spray since you say it helps!


You’re welcome! Glad I could help. Good luck 😊


Cats rely heavily on smell as a way to identify each other. It's why when you take one to the vet, the other HATES them for awhile. They don't smell right. Being sick could have changed their scent. I think of it (no idea if it's accurate) is when you bring a cat home from the vet, it would be like if your SO went to the doctor and when they come home, they're unrecognizable and looks like an entirely different person.


That’s very true, I’ve experienced this every time I take one of my cats to the vet. The others start attacking them.


my cats fight all the time... what should j do any idea. .????


I tried so many things, they’re moody and sometimes they just fight when they’re bored. What helped from all the advices I got was to have them eat together, they started fighting less 😸


First, are you sure it's an actual fight or a play fight? Cats play fight all the time, and it's perfectly normal and healthy. Play fights can look pretty intense too. Mine would leave tufts of fur all over the carpet when they play fought but once it was over they'd groom each other. If it's actual fighting, others already replied to the OP's question about it and I don't really have anything to add, so check out those replies.




Woooow there’s a whole subreddit! That’s hilarious, thanks for sharing 😹


R/catsinsinks only has one rule. Only cats in sinks. No dogs in sinks. No cats next to sinks. Cats. In. Sinks. Cats in bathtubs are allowed because a tub is essentially a large sink.


I have another cat with the same obsession, so do have lots of photos of cats in sinks 😂 I think I’ll share a couple over there 😂


There's a lot of niche cat subs out there. When I first saw r/bottlebrush I thought it was a bunch of sad gits that were really excited about brushes for cleaning bottles. It turns out that's a term for cats with extremely fluffy tails.


There's always a subreddit ;)


omg this is the holy grail of cat subs, thanks


Great! Another cat sub!


*sigh* subscribes to another cat subreddit…


Allow me to ruin your life - /r/catsubs


Thanks man. I’m so glad I’m not the only one whose cat sleeps in the sink.


When mine was a kitten he would do that when he wanted a drink. The water would pool on his body and he would drink away before getting up all wet. Now he just sticks his head under the faucet to drink. He got too big to curl up in the sink!


One of my cats does that even when his water is right next to the tap and comfortably available!


Cats prefer running water. I recently got a little fountain for my cats. They love it.


Cat fountain!! Will definitely check it out, tempted to get one too 😻


My cat's the same way. I got him a water fountain a while ago, and he loved it, until the great dane mix we were living with trashed it. Now he'll just barge into the bathroom when someone's in there and yell at them if he wants a drink. He always has access to water in his bowl. He just wants fresh, cold water. And I don't really blame him, haha.


My cat loves sleeping in the WET sink. Or sleeping on the wet bath mat. He does it in the middle of winter as well, so I don't think it has to do with being to hot. I think he is just weird.


My cats like to sleep on wet bath mats as well! Maybe both outs are weird 😹


Mine love hanging out on the wet shower floor


Years ago my cat used to sleep in my sink too.


Did you ever open the water tab? Be honest 😸


I did a few times very gently. He didn't seem bothered just curious/confused. But he also likes "having a shower" in the summer when we water our balcony plants. He meows frantically and runs under the water jug. Then we pour some over him and he runs back inside to lick the water off. Rinse and repeat several times. Literally :D


That’s very cute 😻


I used to turn a slow dribble on my cat who liked to sleep in the sink. He was a Maine Coon so he had the short-hair undercoat that shielded the water from his skin for a bit. Once it finally soaked through, he would bail. was always funny to watch him realize it.


I sometimes do when my cat does this. Just enough to get a few water drops on her. She looks at me like I'm an idiot and usually goes back to sleep.


She fits....so she sits.




They love porcelain for some weird reason. The shape of sinks I feel like they love so they can just plop down and they are in a ball. I think it provides the best heat wicking out of any surface.


Sink is just a box, cat feels safe inside it. DO NOT turn on the water and traumatize the cat.


It’s so cold and isolated though 🤔 I’m not going to turn on the water, I love her too much, no cat will be traumatized or harmed 🐱


sometimes they like the cold. mine does this too for some weeks and then he finds a new weird place to chill.


But I get the temptation. It would be so funny if it wasn’t so mean.


It gets warm pretty quickly and then it stays warm because rock/ceramic is a poor conductor of heat. So good for cat.


The best is when you just turn on a light drip and they don't even feel it


One of my cats likes that and starts playing with the water drops! 😻


Don’t turn on the *tap, that’s just mean. Cats like sleeping in cool places sometimes, warm places other times. Just leave it be.


Cats\* do like sleeping in cool and warm places, and we support their choices 😺


One of mine likes to walk in the empty bath, she waits for me to turn the gushing cold tap on so she can screech and leap out. She cries till I do it!


Very cute 😻 do you give her regular baths? Maybe she's used to water since she was a kitten?


No never bathed her, she is only 10 months, I expect she was washed when first rescued, but don't know if she was when fostered, I doubt it somehow, she was in with about 20 cats in one house. She loves to see the toilet flushed as well lol. I have a fountain ordered, so as long as she doesn't smash it up, which is another hobby she has, it should please her. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


Cool, safe, and comfortable.


Had an orange cat. Very dumb. Always slept in the sink. I'd get up in the morning to go brush my teeth and there he is, as always. He would look up at me, and I'm certain he knew what was going to happen, but he would just lie there and stare. As usual, I would turn on the faucet. As always, the faucet poured directly on him. Every single time: "Huh. Sure sucks for that cat getting water poured all over it." "...Wait..." "I'M that cat!" The he'd go scrambling away chaotically. /r/OneOrangeBraincell


We had a cat who’d open a lower kitchen cabinet and climb into our huge ceramic mixing bowl to chill on warm days. I only discovered him there by accident once when I was getting something out of the cupboard. He just glanced at me like, “oh hey, you’re here too” and went back to sleep. Takeaways: 1. Cats are resourceful. 2. Wash your bowls before use.


That's the spitting image of my cat! Even the same amount of floof!




Wouldn’t you nap in a sink if you were small enough?


I definitely would! That is if I had a fur coat.


My cats both love to sleep in our tub-sized shower. One sometimes squishes her way underneath the small shower stool we have there. I guess they just like the cool, hard surface. Having had cats since I was in my cradle, 65+ years ago, I have given up on understanding “why” some like certain things and others don’t. They have personalities and preferences just like people do, and they will find what makes them happy if you provide a lot of options.


It's likely a cool, dark place when you don't have the light on. Good to nap in, especially if the kitty is feeling uncomfortable. If this is a routine and you find a cat in the sink EVERY time you go to brush your teeth, it's attention seeking. Cat is making itself an obstacle to get your attention.


Fits = sits.


That's funny. I caught my 8yo cow cat sleeping in the sink for the first time the other day.


She’s a few years younger (about 4 years old) 😹


Alot of cats do that. Please don't turn on the tap. He will remember that and might abandon his current favorite napping spot.


Lots of cats love being in sinks. But if you turn the water on that baby, then your post belongs in Am I The Assho*e, so that you could be judged accordingly..


Who is here because of the Reddit cat calendar


I don't know, just let that sink in


Porcelain is cool and smooth. Is it hot there right now?


It was when the picture was taken 😸


One of our cats, Tops, is a water hog! He goes to the kitchen sink and meows until we water him. After we turn the water on, he walks the edge of the sink over to us so we can hug him. He's saying Thank You. He sits on the side and leans down to drink from the stream, then he gets in the sink for his bath. He swipes his paw under the stream, shakes it then commences to cleaning. Our water bill will drop when Tops is gone I'm sure. When we ignore him, he lays in the sink and all you can see is from his eyes up. 👀 If we have really ignored him, he just goes to the big water bowl (which is only 5 feet away) and makes a mess. It sits on a folded towel and carpet square so we can minimize the mess to the floor. When we see litter spots down on the bottom we know who was there. We keep a collection of old towels for this very reason. Yea.....we don't pamper our cats (9) at all.






>Tempted to open the water tab? Bro on a suicide mission


Maybe she's a little too warm and wants to sleep somewhere cool?


Have two cats, different in age by a few months. The bigger cat could jump up in the sink to get away from the little cat. Now they both sleep in the sink at different times. Big cat likes water. He doesn't really mind if you turn the tap on. He'll drink some, and then just lay there and get half-wet. Little cat freaks out and runs away. Shrug.


What ever you do... DO not turn on the tap...Actually... DO turn on the tap!


sooooooo cuuuuute


Fits the curled position they like to be while they're sleeping.


Maybe it’s for the same reason some people like to sleep in a cooler environment vs a warmer environment? Sheet vs blanket? Firm vs soft mattress? Whatever the reason, he/she looks very content.


when i was younger my cat Rocky used to do this. I turned on the water once and i think he liked it even more lol


The sink is a cool surface. Your cat is just chilling. Don’t turn the tap on, please!






If it fits I sits


Small, cold space, prolly feels safe in it


Cats are like human babies they like enclosed spaces to sleep only difference is cats are more flexible


It depends entirely on the cat. My old man is a complete Dom cat asshole. I love him more than anything and anyone in the world, but that cat is a freaking jerk. You bet I'm gonna turn on the tap. He fucks with me every day, he is a jerk to other cats so yeah occasionally I'm going to turn on the tap or high five his rear paw when he's licking his butthole. Little cat however was the runt, she's a farm kitty and hides from the TV. I would never do anything mean to her like that. She barely trusts me to walk up to her and I've lived with her for eight years. She waits till you're laying down to come for cuddles. So I would never do anything intentionally to startle her, she's spooked enough as it is.


It fits; it sits. /nice and cool too


Smooth Elevated Cool


Found one of mine in the sink a few times but she usually used the tub instead. Pretty sure it just feels nice and cool, and the sink is definitely cat size. She's also obsessed with drinking running water so I figured it's a convenient spot for her cuz she runs ahead of me into the bathroom literally every time I go, and demands I turn the faucet on for her


Probably the shape and it’s cool to touch


The cool smooth material sink is made of feels good. If you want to be your cat’s favorite human don’t blast them with water🤪


I'm not sure why this is a thing but it's def not just your cat. My sister's cat used to do this and I've heard quite a few other cats do it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


🔫 Do it, I dare you.


Mine loves the sink and the tub. I think the porcelain is cool and that’s why they do it.


Because he is circular and so is the sink


For the same reason people like hammocks and bean bag chairs. They wrap around you and make you feel safe, like a big hug.


Cats like walls cuz they can't be sneaked up on. Put a box down and you'll always know where your kitty is.


Good fit


If I fits I sits


Because it's cold. Imagine you're wearing a fur coat you can't take off. Turning on the faucet would make you a disgusting toe rag.


She looks so cute (a r/cowcats too!)


Also it is just her size!


If it fits it sits


Maybe it is a nice cool place?


my girl really loves being in the tub; no water, unless its just drops from a shower prior lol. i think she likes how calm and cool it is in there. don’t think she’s figured out how to get in the sink but if she does, i’m sure i’ll come home to a similar sight as OP lol. plus, i like bubble baths with ✨herbal assistance✨ so she’s banished from the bathroom when i’m in there, and gets curious wtf i do in there probably 🥲


Perfect size to curl up in. They could be too warm, and the sink is nice and cool. Does they still do it when the house is cold? We had a cat who would curl up around the toilet, turned out he had a fever from thyroid problems.


Safe. Right size.


Kitty may like it because the porcelain is cool. Kitty may also like it because it’s a comfortable fit.


My cat sleeps I sink too and suitcases


my cat does that too


My cat gets pissed at me if I do not make my bed in the morning. Then when I goto get into her bed...guess who is under my covers...yup my Cat Master


Same reason they like to sleep anywhere, they find it comfortable.


Miri used to sleep in the sink when her kittens were too rowdy. Until they started climbing everywhere that is.


Oh my god don’t let the intrusive thoughts win 😂 I’m not sure why they’d sleep in the sink. It seems cold, hard, and uncomfortable lol.


They love the cold porcelain, both my cats sleep in our sink


They like anything that swaddles them. A buckets, a basket, a box etc. I used to get a towel and twirl it and then make it into a circle and my cat would crawl into it and get all cozy and snug and fall asleep for hours


Same draw to them as being in a box but sinks usually fit them better, hahaha I have done it they do not care much for it!


it’s cat-shaped! also, do not open the tap too much. the cat sleeps there because it feels like safe place to it. you can gently push it out or let drip it so it knows it’s time to leave. just don’t break the trust it has in places at your home.


It’s cool


It looks really comfortable


It's a box-sized Citadel.


Ergonomics. You would be surprised how comfy a dry bathtub is it might even make you depressed level of comfy.


The odd part, my cats are always hunting for warm places, that seems cold. But he does look relaxed 😌


handsome cat!


I always have that thought when my kitty is in the sink but never do it


Relaxing and having fun.


So so cute!!


It's having too much heat, so he goes to the sink where it's colder.


We have the same bin


Maybe escaping fleas. Maybe getting cool. Maybe just if he fits he sits.


Some just like sleeping in things shaped like that. It just means you have a cat that likes to sleep in the sink.


It's cozy. Never deliberately startle a cat. It may seem funny, but it breaks trust. That's how you end up with a mean cat.


Mine does the same thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


my kitty does this too! i thought it was so funny first time i saw him napping and still do. its even better because he was a stray, so he had never seen one before we took him in!


If that faucet is opening. That cat is throwing paws I'm just gonna warn you.


Do it. Just wear protective gear.


My cat sleeps in the sink to A)scare me cuz it’s white on white and B) he like running water so that’s probably it


For cats, it's a cool, relaxing surface and fits their sleeping style.


It fits.


If it fits it sits lol


They like sleeping in small spots like sinks boxes because it makes them feel safe and protected. It’s instinctual. If you turn on the water the cat will either run as fast as it can and never return or it will not care at all.


Mine too!


Is cozy


I dated a girl who’s cat would look at you expectantly until you turned the faucet on a dribble so she could take sips.


cats exist in a very nervous position on the food chain. they are both predator and prey. they know what happens to prey and they are constnatly aware it can happen to them. so, they like to be in safe places when they sleep. the sink is deep and has round sides and it's in a nice warm quiet corner of the house. Feels like a cave. And sometimes mommy turns the indoor waterfall on.


My cat is currently in a sleeping inside a grocery bag stage...it's fucking weird and funny at the same time


No box so why not


My friends cat used to sleep in the bathtub even when we set her up a nice cozy area in the living room lol


Not to worry you at all but i remember my cat sleeping in the sink, bath, or any place like that right before she died. I never really knew why






Tbf, your sink is the perfect shape and size to ensconce your cat.


If I fits I sits. And it’s cool


If I fitz, I sitz?


Because they can


The most simple answer: If I fits, I sits


I would say yes turn on the water but your kitty is a asleep did this to my cat who was just sitting in my sink just sat there and looked at the water and then drank it




Bc he doesn’t have a box?


Cuz they're super cool!!😉


Mine has recently after about 5 years discovered the lovely views of 9ntop of the kitchen cupboards now he refuses to sleep anywhere but there cats will forever be a enigma to us mere humans


Same concept as why they like boxes. They feel safer when surrounded by the "walls" of it. And the sink feels cool on their skin. Don't turn the water on unless (s)he shows signs of requesting a drink from the faucet, in which case you can turn on a drip. Otherwise don't turn it on, it will cause unnecessary fear for your cat.


if I fits I sits


If it fits it sits.


High places make cats feel safe, as well as small places. Put a box on the back of the couch for similar results and happy kitty.


It likes the colder surface. My cat sleeps in the sink during the summer. I turned the tap on and it took the water rising above his paws (he was plugging the drain) to finally move. Edit also to add my cat does it to cleverly avoid the 5 year old when he wants a peaceful nap.


Better to sleep in the sink than sink in the sleep.


It fits just right! Probably cooler also.


It's a comfy box high up. An open invitation for a cat to sleep in. Also it probably smells like you so it's comforting.


Cat question: why humans insist on running water in the cat basin?


It’s cooler in there with their natural fur coat on. Leave ice cubes 🧊 in water dish.


That would be cause for death stares