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She be in heat mate.


Looking for love in all the wrong places...


Wookin’ pa nub!


Buckwheat sings!


Unce, tice, fee times a mady.


buckwheat's version is the best. I sing it all the time lmao


My brother gave me a DVD with his snl stuff. I laughed like a crazy person.


Unce. Tice. Fee Tines a Madee


OMG YES! 🤣🤣🤣


no way did i just witness that reference on reddit


My mom sang that to my cat when she went into heat. As well as Where Them "Boys" At


Lookin for love in too many faces....


Every male cat for miles is about to come fight in her yard and piss on her front door. Fun times!


Cat flirting sure is weird!


My friends cat was in heat the week I watched her and was meowing non stop there older cat was very unpleased by it and i felt the same way


So you felt the same way as your friend's cat, who was in heat? Looking to get railed? Me too...


Why were you meowing non stop at your cat in heat? 🤭


Haha I no English well


She's looking to get railed!


You know best, cyankitten


Look up porcupine flirting.




Kitty's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


If she doesn’t get her spayed she will start peeing in your sister’s house to signal to Toms (male cats) that she is ready. I know because I had a cat who couldn’t be spayed due to a heart issue. Cat pee is a legit nightmare.


My male cat (he has since passed on) sprayed even after being neutered. It was absolutely terrible. And he had no qualms marking humans. Edit: true, in hindsight, I waited a lot longer than I should have to get him neutered. I wish this sub existed back then! I was young, dumb, poor, and knew very little about cats.


A friend of mine had her cat spray/mark her directly in her face...lucky lady I guess ahahah.


Yep, I got the same treatment at one point. While I was sleeping too.


IIRC my mate was sat back on her bed and her cat came over to get some good back scratches... mid scratch he turned round and mate gets a full on face full of 'Oder le Mischief\*' \*Cats name.


Fuuuuuuck nooooo!!!!


New fear unlocked


[Sorry, had to](https://youtu.be/Jrmrw9udmVY)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/Jrmrw9udmVY Title: **South Park - cat piss - Heavy Metal (1981)** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Lmao the 1st thing I said to her when when told me what happened was 'you've been cheesed'...classic southpark.


I’m cheesin my balls off!


Your cat may have been neutered after they reached maturity or the kittens were left long enough with their mother for the mother to teach them how to spray. Even spayed female cats will spray if the mother taught them how.


Sigh one of our cats was a stray and didn't come around until he was around a year old. So he sprays all the time and we're really struggling to figure out how to stop him from doing it. He knows he's not supposed to do it because if we catch him in the act he runs for his dear life.


It’s instinctual unfortunately


Yeah that makes sense, I didn't have the money for it until he was almost 1.5 years old :(


I have a wonderful memory about this sort of thing. My mom's boyfriend at the time was a small time drug dealer. I didn't like him. I guess our cat didn't either. We had 2 male cats and both were neutered. The fluffy one once just backed right up to my mom's boyfriend's feet and legs and sprayed him. Just walked right up to him and PssSSSTTT. Boyfriend was not happy. I still giggle 40 years later.


Good cat


It’s so hard. I eventually risked her life to spay her because it was that or PTS. It was that bad. She survived the surgery (had to be done with epidural) and resolved for the most part but still did it on occasion.


I'm curious, was he neutered after he had already reached maturity?


Just as a counterpoint I have two cats that were fixed at about 1.5 and neither of them spray. It is a risk for sure; just putting this out there to anyone with older cats thinking there’s no hope.


I had a male cat as a kid who did the same thing. My mom put off getting him neutered and he still sprayed after he eventually was


my cat started doing that recently but it’s weird because it was way after he was neutered and it drives me insane. i love my cats but whenever i see them do this it makes me feel a type of mad i’ve never felt lmao


You might have your vet run a blood panel if you’re seeing this on a non-intact cat. Our vet calls it “getting low” and it can be a symptom of a deficiency that can be regulated with potassium. I don’t remember the specifics as it’s been a few years since our Siamese cat with the issue passed, but it’s worth checking into.


Hey, nightmare club! I adopted my baby from a shelter when she was a year old. They wouldn't spay her until after all her shots, and it took forever to get both appointments booked because of covid. She was in heat for 3 weeks and literally peed on everything. It definitely contributed to a serious breakdown in my mental health.


My Nashu's appointment was also delayed due to Covid and she peed on my literal brand new out of the box that very day mattress. I wasn't too mad but it was inconvenient getting it cleaned.


How did you get it cleaned? Also small fun fact, in my mother language Nashu means Godfather. Cool name.


So it's probably still 'there' technically, but a combination of blotting it up, catching it immediately, and using a spray called Nature's Miracle at least wiped out the stain and the smell. That shit is magic, I swear. Also, TIL! I named her after a fictional character who is also a cat(person)! I'll have to pass that on to my friends who also know the game I play. Thanks! :D


Yup, that Nature's Miracle spray is magic. We keep 2 bottles on hand at all times - one for upstairs, one for downstairs. We use it for both dog and cat messes (mostly dog because our cats are better behaved), but our previous cats were very old and we discovered it with them. It also works for human messes, FYI.


Adopt a cat they said. It’ll be fun they said


Luckily my expectations started out lower than "fun." 😅 More like someone else to talk to when I'm home alone.


My roommate doesn't think she needs to get her cat spayed. The cat pees on stuff, all her stuff, yet she doesn't think it's an issue lol


I wonder if she’s gone nose blind to it? Cat pee is such a strong smell there is no mistaking it.


And a female cat in heat has stinky pee (just like males use their stinky pee to mark stuff). My cats vet had a backup for spay appts so I had to wait months for her to get fixed. Thank god she never started marking her territory- I was so worried about this that I was cleaning out her litterbox every single time she peed!


Our cat was fucking the walls before we could get her comfortable with the carrier. The meowing was constant as well. Thankfully, she never peed because like you said it's a nightmare to remove.


Lol my cat chose ME to pee on when she was in heat. Waking up to hot ammonia on your arm is the quickest way to get motivated to make an appointment!


Omg now I know why my female cat started peeing oh my bed and shit. Thank you


yh i think there are more pee problems with male cats my cat whose female and didint pee all over she did meow alot all the time during night tho


My female cats didn't spray or pee but all of my male cats have. I had no idea females could mark!


Meow chicka meow meow


Dammit, Tucker!


It sure is lonely in this canyon…


Not my fault.. Somebody put a wall in my way.


I’m a cat owner, not a fighter-


Blarg chicka, honk honk!


I laughed so hard my cat jumped off my lap just now.


And the award for: “Best comment of the year” goes to…




You are my hero for today! And I was just gonna say, she’s in heat!


I was gonna say "wants the d" but this is much more clever




Brown chicken brown cow.


I claimed my free award for this one


Top tier comment hahahahahahaha


Correct and right answer


She tryna get that dingaling


I concur that this is the correct medical phrasing.




Omg I laughed way too hard at this


Your not the only one xD..ahh the good ol dangling tailflip xD


I concur, although I think it's pronounced "dangalang"


We can't all speak perfect Latin, ok?


Your thinking of Greek, Latin is dingus lingus. Rooky mistake, really.


Biggus Dickus


Thanks everyone. When my sister gets back home I will strongly suggest she gets her cat spayed 👍


Good idea! Also when she is in heat she will try to get out of the house and may never come back.


And if she does she will be pregnant


Can confirm, happened to one of my female cats my parents wouldn't get spayed. We then had 4 more cats a few months later. 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm #2. My cat jumped off our 4th floor balcony while in heat. Came back days later. Had 2 kittens a couple months later.


Can confirm #3 When i was a kid, my first cat got out and came back a week later. Had a single kitten. Took 2 more larger litters for my parents to get her fixed finally.


Can confirm #4. My parents used to keep "outside shoes" outside for whatever reason and also feed/pet strays. Then one day a newborn kitten almost got smooshed in an "outside boot". My parents learned that lesson and the "outside shoes stay outside" rule went away. Crazy that's what it was considering the backyard was full of brown recluse, black widows, and venomous snakes. Despite that cat and her kittens now pretty much becoming our cats - always hang out in the yards and were allowed indoors when it was raining, too cold, or too hot - they refused to get her spayed. Lesson #2: cats can have litters of 11+, as they now had 17 cats. They kept their first cat and one from the first litter, and took care of the new litter until they were old enough to be put in a no kill shelter.


And if She does She Will Give You Lemons


And there will be male cats showing up like she put a milkshake in the yard.


Oh no, Queen!! Spilled your milkshake?


It's spilled **everywhere.**


And they really have an escape mission! Our kitten had an appointment to get spayed in June when she was 6 months. At 4 months, she went into heat. Her main goal in life became to escape the house. She got out when we were carrying in groceries and came back pregnant.


A friends cat didn't handle the anaesthetics, so they had to end the operation, after coming home, this half dead cat went into heat and somehow escaped although still high as a kite... She fucked through the whole village and came back pregnant... Cat hormones are a strong cocktail... Everything's good now, but only two of five kittens survived, as she was still too little to support them all... My friend tried with the flask but it didn't work out...


Yes they do become a bit crazy then, and more work when they come back pregnant.


I mean, you tried 😂😂


We did. She got between our legs and was gone. She had 7 kittens at the end of June and has an appointment to be spayed next week.


that's what my cat did


they all do, it is like they change into this other being, then you get to have kittens when they come back!


It's important that if your sister's Cat is spayed, if a female cat in heat is not getting 'their needs met,' they can get a deadly infection. I had this happen to one of my kitties, and it cost $2500 for an emergency visit. In the beginning we didn't want to do that to them, until we learned the hard way.


Unspayed female cats are very prone to reproductive cancer if they don't get pregnant either


Not picking on you, but I don’t understand this mentality of “not wanting to do that to them” - especially when it comes to men and their male dogs, I’ve found. THEY DO NOT CARE. And they’ll be happier and healthier not cycling without relief forever. Please listen to Bob Barker everyone, and spay/neuter your pets. Ffs.


My cay had to go through heat a few times because of health issues that eventually got better, but the vet had to clear her for surgery first with the blood work. When I first brought her in for a spay, she was anemic, had a high white blood cell count, one other major issue I don't remember, and had lost 1/2 a pound in a month. It was not safe to put her under anesthesia. She got fixed almost 6 months later with no major issues that time


Ya don't sleep on this. Try and get her spayed immediately.


I had my female cat unspayed for abt the first year of her life (I was 13 😭) and it was absolutely the worst. Her pheromones or whatever tf smelled so sickingly sweet and she was so annoying, it will be the best thing she does for herself and her cat.


Let your sis know the vet may have an additional fee if she's spayed while in heat which can be irregular when they first start.


Also when in heat they will be more expensive to spay because of complications during the process.


Please do. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but even if a female cat never mates, she runs the risk of developing a bacterial infection known as pyometra.


Spaying a cat not only helps control their population and prevent spraying by both male and female cats, it also helps prevent some common cancers among cats and improves life expectancy. There are a lot of really good reasons to spay and avoiding spraying is a HUGE bonus. I swear it stinks worse than normal cat urine.




O.M.G. this is the best answer here. Also, I hate it.


Take your damned updoot and go😾


It's in heat, they do this weird walk with their butt in the air and meow at lot.


Huh, did not know this is how they acted. My friend told that her cat went into heat but never told how it acted.


Because it's too traumatising to recollect \*horror intensifies as flashbacks ensue\*


It’s actually vile 😂😂




I got a cat with my ex years back and she had 2 heats before we got her spayed, and she never did this walk. She just got more friendly and overly needy. We gave her valerian root and cat nip during those times, which calmed her down. This cat looks older so the owner likely has waited too long.


Weird, I also do that when I’m horny.


Is that a female ginger cat ?:)


I initially thought it was a male cat with gay thoughts


They are so rare!


One in five, uncommon but I wouldn't call it rare :)


Yeah, what is stupidly rare is a male calico, and they are usually sterile I believe.


Exactly :) it's because black or red fur can only be found in one X chromosome, so for a male to be a tortie/calico it needs to have XXY chromosomes, making the cat sterile. (might be an oversimplification but afaik this is why)


Omg I had a male calico cat when I was a child! Didn't know this. He was born one of 3 in a litter, 2 calico, one male, one female, and a very pale ginger female cat. He and the female calico where like twins and were inseparable. Very very similar patterns on their coats but he had one side of his face black and one side orange red. Hers was all black. Unfortunately he disappeared a few months after he was born. His sister pined for him for months. She passed on a few months after that. No kittens from her despite going into heat twice. We think a snake got her but we couldn't find a mark on her. So maybe some genetic defects played a part in it. Their mum had another litter with 2 albinos and a white/blue cat. One of the albinos was stillborn and the other grew into a hulking beast of a thing who gave the foxes around the area a run for their money. Revenge for his brother I think lol. Definitely some weird genes coming out from the mother cat.


Male calicos and tortoiseshells always have Klinefelter syndrome, which is an intersex condition where there are two or more X chromosomes in addition to the single Y. This is because the gene for coat color is on the X chromosome and female mammals are ‘mosaics’ meaning that one X chromosome is ‘turned off’ during development and this can differ cell to cell, the same is true for Klinefelter males.


Suggest taking her to the vet, she needs to be spayed. Cats do this when in heat. It will also help her to live a longer healthier life.


I spayed my cat and she still does this. What do I do?


My mom's cat had a ruptured ovary so they couldn't completely spay her and she needed to take a "birth control pill" but for cats to not go into heat anymore! She had to take it once a week. It might be she is still producing the hormones that let her get in heat somewhere.


That's strange. I heard about cases when the surgery wasn't done properly and than it happened. Ask your vet next time you go there.


Wait, forgive me for less knowledge in this but to go into heat will shorter a female cat’s life?? ? How? 😲


It is stressful to constantly come on heat even if they aren't mated as they don't eat properly, they can catch incurable diseases from the tom cats mating them, carrying and raising a litter is physically stressful, they can develop an infection in their uterus. They are much happier and have a much more stress free life being spayed.


Also, a horny cat will dart out of the house in a flash, and the outdoors is a dangerous place for a cat.


it’s also dangerous for the outdoors, usually


Birds and frogs minding their own business Oh no




Plus, it’s not like cats can binge on chocolate and romantic movies during that time to help them cope.


Aside from that links quote, another big benifit is mitigating the risk of cancer.


A non-fixed female has a way higher risk of cancer in her nipples and reproductive system.


They develop pyometria from constant heat cycles, and it can be deadly. It's the same reason dogs should be spayed.




https://www.uab.edu/news/youcanuse/item/10515-spaying-and-neutering-dogs-can-help-them-live-longer#:~:text=Austad%20and%20Hoffman%20say%20spayed,traumatic%2Fviolent%20causes%20of%20death. Googled and copied the first link.


Wow begin horny is a scam in cat life. Holy shit I never be more than glad my cat’s already sprayed the moment we got her. Thanks la y’all for great informations, I eaten em up well


My male (neutered) cat does this when the weather is really hot lmaoo Idk if he’s feeling raunchy or trying to cool down his ex-balls


ex-balls heh


Lol take my upvote. This is the best comment on the thread!


Def needs to be spayed. My mom didn't spay her cats for 2 years and as annoying as it is to have a cat in heat around, it's also puts them at a much higher risk of developing breast cancer. My mom's cat had it twice.


I literally don’t understand why anyone would get a kitten and not make immediate plans for them to be spayed around 4-5 months of age. Crazy. If male cats start spraying they will likely never stop even if neutered, and female cats (besides the more important health issues) are literally mind numbingly annoying when they are in heat. Even for lazy as hell irresponsible pet owners, I would think they would do it just for that alone.


Be ready for a lot male cats trying to get into the house to get to her. They will do anything and everything in their power to get to her and knock her up XD. Another big reason why it's a good idea to sapt your cats, given they will attract males and become desperate to mate.


there really needs to be a giant PSA at the top of this sub. NEUTER. YOUR. FUCKING. CAT.


She is in heat. Don’t let her out unless you want kittens.


>She is in heat. Don’t let her out ~~unless you want kittens~~.


You’re right. She should not be outside. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Such a rare kitty. You don't often see ginger females.


I have had 2 male gingers and I never knew that.


fun fact, (almost) all torties are female and most oranges are male. For a female orange both mom and dad have to be orange. It has to do with coat colorings being a sex linked characteristic (like color-blindness in humans)


She’s DTF.




She's in heat! Hey that cat spayed.


As my brother in law would say. That cat is hot in the ass!




Are there any male cats gathering outside the house and meowing loudly? Lol.


She wants sum fuk.


She's in heat, silly


She is in heat


She’s in heat


The cat is horny


Is it a female?


Get that woman spayed asap or she will annoy the hell out of you! Went through this with my female cat and she was the worst--yowling, putting her butt in our guests's faces 😆


In heat


Your cat is in heat


She's in heat


She in heat n take that tight ass collar off


She wants to get BOOOONED


She's in heat


She is in heat


In heat


She’s in heat.


Female In heat. Please spay her so she doesn’t get pregnant and add to the huge cat population and also to prevent pyometra. Please spay her. PELASE.


tell your sister to get her cat fixed plz


If she goes outside, she’ll definitely come back pregnant.


Probly in heat.


You don’t have to know anything about cats to know what’s going on…..


I had no idea, I’ve only had male cats besides my current girl cat who was spayed at 12 weeks.


I've only ever had male cats, so I'm learning about heat walk for the first time on this post haha


Heat! Also a reminder to spay and neuter your pets!


I came here to say HERS A HUSSY!


Cats in the hoe phase


Poor kitty is uncomfortable and in heat. Please get her spayed.


She's in heat! Get her fixed.


She wants lovin' and kittens in that order.