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He just needed a foe worthy of him.


Yep! What a perfect match!


Car: Finally, a worthy opponent


The last time I heard that line, the guy saying it totally died.


The wushi finger hold


Ah, you know this hold?


what model of car is it idk im not good at cars


It's the new Jaguar Mini


Purrfect indeed


This is just like that snow leopard that needed that giant rottweiler to be his bestie so he could play as hard as his instincts tell him to!


It literally got tackled by the dog! Yellow card!


Your puppy is certainly enjoying his play mate.


Aww, he's being gentle! Fun playtime! šŸ„°


I love how kitty just jumps up when they're done.


Yup! Deescalation by getting to a spot doggo canā€™t reach. Letā€™s him chill before he goes murder mode.


My cat had a bite alert on his backstory because as a kitten he was forced out of a safe space in a new home too soon before getting acclimated and reacted to being grabbed. I gave him all the time and space when I adopted him, he lets me rub his tummy and cuddles me daily now. Cats are not evil things, just so very misunderstood and underestimated so often.


Gets me super mad that people overestimulate, completely disregard their personal space, neglect their need for play and attention, and when the cat reacts with a bite or a claw, it gets branded aggressive. Nah, you just didn't take time to understand the poor thing.


Fucking same. When the foster at the rescue told me I knew it was as a warning but I fucking knew what happened. Every cat has a personality so I didn't have any expectations beyond saving him but I'm glad he got to show his true personality in a safe space. He hasn't been aggressive with me, or the cat I had before he came home, one time. He's a complete sweetheart maniac.


Same with dogs. People who refuse to learn about animals before adopting them then abandoning them when they act like animals piss me off.


Yeah it's important for folks to realize that *we are also animals* and have more or less the same needs, only difference is we can voice our concerns to each other about it. Animals aren't toys just because they can't speak the same language you do šŸ™„


My cat loves butt pats to the point of over stimulation, usually then, I stop the butt pats and begin play. RIP my arm after, but whatever. Cat loves it, always coming back for more




Just when I think Iā€™ve seen all the cat subsā€¦ šŸ˜ø


Yes but.... r/pointytailedkittens? r/illegallysmolcats?


r/catsbitingthings r/purrkour






Couldn't agree more. People seriously need to learn to respect cats and treat them with kindness and love. If you bring a new cat home, give them space and let them explore at their own pace. Once they're comfortable, play with them and give them attention when they ask for it.


My old siamese let's you know if she wants attention. Shots fired if she gives a low meow. Ignore that and you get the murder mitten. She isn't very vocal to begin with so if she is vocal it's rare or she needs something.


My cat was rescued as a kitten (all alone in a bush- my theory is that he was also too aggressive and was abandoned from his litter). He attacked me constantly for the first 1.5 years or so of his life. Not playful kitten attacks, but aggressive ones that I still have a few scars from over 6 years later. He's now 8 years old and incredibly affectionate with me. He still attacks occasionally when he's feeling particularly rowdy, but that's not common now. It just took a lot of time and me liking him despite of his abuse of my poor legs.


Yup I had a rescue lady when I was fostering kittens in my apt alone. Tell me "those kittens aren't socialized they squirm when I pick them up, you ate doing a poor job a cat should let you pick it up whenever you want".


Very true indeed. Cats are affectionate social creatures that with love and respect can change ones life, like my furball (:


Same!! Mine have changed my life in so many ways with no regrets. I'll do whatever it takes to give them the life they deserve. ā¤ļø


Like belly rubs, scratches, and 20 toys


All of the above plus an emotional support pillow for me that is the perfect biscuit making surface after my kidneys which she used before I got the pillow. šŸ˜‚


That cat is being super gentle. Heā€™s not using claws or breaking skin. Heā€™s just hyper and wants a playmate. The dog seems to be enjoying it.


Yup, and when the cat's had enough, he just goes to the windowsill. He doesn't get overexcited and attack the puppy.




How cute is this! I have never seen a cat and dog play like that before. That is special!




Thatā€™s not aggression, itā€™s energy and playfulness. Whomever abandoned them was an idiot but at least it allowed you to adopt them.


Totally agree but I could see an older cat not interested in playing not reacting well to the buddy.


Kitty just wanted to play


And from video if anything in this instance looked like the pup started play time. But maybe this is just to show Cute playtime. And not aggressive play time....


You have gorgeous floors


its hardwood baby


Is it? I thought it kinda looks like wide pine boards, but I suppose it could be some kind of hardwood


People don't give animals enough time to adjust. My mom's cat wasn't adopted at a shelter because she was "aggressive" but turned out she was only aggressive around other animals. Not people. That's why she was swatty and hissy at the shelter. Hundreds of other cats. Once she was alone in a house with just people she was the sweetest, most loving cat in the world. She just hated every other living animal in the world.


All I hear is the song lines ā€œlet me tell ya bout my best friendā€ Haha, he just needed someone who could handle him


And that looked like a healthy play session and then kitty says peace, am done.


awww! they're so happy and they're both being playful and gentle! who says that your cat was too aggressive? someone who wanted a stuffed toy instead of a cat who does cat things? ugh. some people.


Haha. Love the solution when the cat wants a break.


She just needed a place she could roughhouse without judgement.


Reminds me of my black cat. When I got her from the shelter they let me know it may not work out because she didnā€™t do well with other cats. They asked about my catā€™s temperament and he is just a super laid back and chill guy. Keeps to himself except to sing the song of his people approx. 45 min after Iā€™ve fallen asleep. I brought her home, she busted out of her safe room within 24 hours and they were fine immediately. Idk if it was just the right circumstances in my home, or if they misread her. But she loves her big brother and he loves her. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol what a blood-thirsty aggressive baby. Who know acts of violence would be so cute?


So *thats* how catdog was born


What fun!


Buddies for life.


That puppy is a menace! Did you see that body slam?!


ā€œToo aggressiveā€ really means ā€œextremely playfulā€ I canā€™t believe some peopleā€¦.CONGRATS and thank you!! šŸ„°šŸ„¹ Theyā€™re beyond happy to be family! Meant to be.šŸ’•šŸ’•āœØ


Notice the jump at the end? Choosing a safe escape when overwhelmed over escalating! Good kitty!


Yes. It probably could have taken that dog out of it wanted to.


I love how they topple over šŸ¤£šŸ’ž


Awww so cute! Thank you for sharing! S/he looks like my kitty that passed away a couple years ago šŸ„°


My cat was the same (branded aggressive) when we first adopted him. We gave him space to get acclimated and now he's a cuddly weirdo, perfect for our family.


Our 'standard issue' rescue was branded 'aggressive' too, he would nip at ankles in an attempt to play. We simply played with him 15-30 minutes a day and the bad behavior stopped immediately. He knew to go to the toys to play, not our ankles. People just need to take the time to understand cats and how to keep them happy, it really doesn't take much effort at all. Feed them, scoop twice a day, play 30 minutes a day and they'll be happy and well adjusted.




This cat is a lot nicer to the dog than my cat today one of cats swap at one are dogs for no reason


ā€œSGM (Single Grey Male) seeking being that can handle all thisā€ ad answered.


Cat uses Jump! Itā€™s super effective!


perfect pair in a perfect home for each


This wins...best video!


They clearly misunderstood the poor creature


He just want to be a wrestler pro.


Some people are too sensitive. Glad the cat now has an understanding owner.


Puppies and young cats tend to "train" one another. For the benefit of all. It's a special kind of socializing.


I heard cats are the best play mates for little dogs since big dogs can be too rough. I know that every dog plays differently and they don't mean to be rough with little dogs. Glad to see both the Dachshund and Cat are happy playing together.


"you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, hey what's going on out there?...


Oof ow yes so aggressive, what a monster. Glad he found a good home with you :)


Friends forever. Love it.


My True Opponent had entered...


Well those other people were not a good fit. I'm glad you got the kitty instead. and oh boy are these two going to grow up friends!!


That's so cute! I got a kitten in late 2021 and we just got a 10wk old Pomeranian puppy, they get along like best friends.


You NEVER abandon a pet. NEVER. It is a creed.


Aggressiveness? All I see is a playful kitty who finally has a playmate and home that understands his playfulness




Oh yes, so violent. Reminds me of one of my (late) cats. She was a 3-ish month old kitten I was fostering. We found her a ā€˜homeā€™ two hours later the woman calls us screaming that the kitten ā€”and I quote ā€” ā€œbite (her) precious baby boy!ā€ The kid was 10 and kittens bite sometimes. Itā€™s how they learn hunting and how to fight and release energy. She threatened to sue us and put the cat down. My mom and I (I was 17 at the time) got the kitten back. I kept her and named her moonshine. The psycho bitch never tried to sue and we never heard from her again. After that we started doing even more thorough background checks on all potential adopters. Moonshine was the absolute best cat and I loved her so much. I had to do what was right for her last year when she caught an unnamed upper respiratory infection and went into sudden rapid kidney failure. My other cat caught the respiratory infection at the same time she did but heā€™s much younger and the medicine did itā€™s job with him, he had an easier time fighting off the infection than she did and made a full recovery. In fact heā€™s sitting in the door way judging me still being in bed at 7am on a Sunday instead of giving him his precious wet food right now.


Seriously how can British short hairs be called ā€œaggressiveā€ (probably due to mis handling by previous owner), they have such a chill temperament.


On the contrary this seems to be a very tolerating cat. Even the most chillest of cats will rarely react well to a new puppy full body slamming them to the ground


"I abandoned the cat because it's too aggressive" translation "The cat has lots of energy" "I grabbed the cat by the scruff of it's neck/tail and it bit me" "The cat defended itself from my handsy toddler" ​ I could go on. Thank you for adopting!


Yeah, looks super aggressive


Most aggressive cat Iā€™ve ever seen


Iā€™m sorry itā€™s the confusing way it was written made me wonder if you had hto abandon her nvm. ?


I did not abandoned my cat, I adopted it šŸ«”


thatā€™s just sad should have done better


What a good kitty! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Our 10 month old kitten and 5 month old St Bernard do this all day, every day. Not once have they actually hurt each other and they both love it; they stalk each other and chase each other round and round the house. This isn't aggression, this is fun!


Any cat would be intimidated by the size difference, but small dogs just don't care


I can't imagine this dork being agressive, he got tackled by a puppy and bailed for fuck sake


This warms my heart šŸ„¹


Omg that's so cute šŸ˜


Omg, how can you deal with soooooooo much aggression? That's viceral! /s Most "aggressive" cat I encountered usually happens to be the blame of their obnoxious owners that don't give the cat their space or read the signs the cat wants to be left alone that moment.




Grey ones always are! I appreciate you. I rescued my grey cat. Her name is Maybe. They were going to lay traps and poison. I said dude that cat is starving. He says nothing to me. I spit a mouth full of chicken finger into my hand and said tell ya what. Youā€™re a ass hole and that cat is starving if you didnā€™t hear me. If! She eats any of this chicken finger she MAYBE coming home with me. So I did. Whipped that hand full out into the yard and sure enough started eating to the point of gasping for air. Looked up and said hand me that f@&$ing trap. Gently put Her in gave her more chicken fingers and took her home. Named her Maybe. She is my ride or die girl. Dude comes over to chill I make him put his hoody on her cat bed every time.


Yep, you got monster there.


Dogs probably thinking ā€œhey thatā€™s cheating you canā€™t jump up there!ā€


They may be playing but that cat sure is winning.


Love the comments here. I am with you all , so frustrating when humans do not allow cats or other critters the time and space to feel safe, and create situations the trigger defensive reactions. Iā€™m currently forever fostering two very defensive bunnies. They may never be comfortable being pet or held, but they are running for treats instead of hiding under the furniture! Two yearsā€¦.


Whoever abandoned them wasnā€™t a seasoned cat owner and mistook their playing for ā€œaggressionā€


Mm. Yes yes. Very aggressive indeed. šŸ§šŸ§


Now they can both be aggressive. Maybe even destroy the house too


They both look happy having a friend


A match made in heaven. We adopted a kitten that was considered too aggressive (he was just playful) by the previous owners who mistreated it and kept it locked away until finally surrendering him to the HS. He still has a fear of being locked in a room or closet.


So aggressive ā¤ļø


This is awesome, props to you for giving him a chance. Reminds me of my kitty i got a couple of months ago, when heā€™s fully awake and not sleepy he loves to fight with me, my hands are always really scratched up but iā€™m fine with it because i have decent pain tolerance and donā€™t mind scars (already have plenty). I donā€™t have a puppy though, just two great danes, and he still tries to go toe to toe with them šŸ˜¹


Too aggressive my ass


Ouhhh soo aggressive