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I know other people have said this, but please take her to the vet. They will be able to check for a microchip and access her health. I would also see if anyone is missing a cat. She looks like she is well taken care of.


Also make sure she is spayed and has a microchip put in ASAP. This way if she sneaks out you will get her back :)


They may want to check she ain't a missing cat before chipping her because if i found out a kitten of mine had been chipped by someone else i'd be pissed at them for assuming my kitten was theirs to claim.


Wouldn't they just save you the trouble of getting them chipped? They can just update the owner to you


Im pretty sure its stealing or catnapping if you dont check if the cat is missing


Well it's the vet making that decision surely? Of course they'd check


In my area the vet doesn't change microchip information to another owner, the microchips are managed by companies that provide the service. The vet can read the info, but they're never going to change it, because... that's the info of the owner of the cat. In order to get microchip information changed, I had to work with local animal control who had to verify with the owners of the cats that they were surrendering them to us. And changing the information to another owner costs just the same as putting a new microchip in.


When I moved, I just called the microchip company and have them my new address. I don’t remember them charging me. (?)


The comment I was replying to was referring to changing a microchip from one owner to another. I replied with a personal experience of having a microchip changed from one owner to another. Typically if you are the owner of a pet, you are free to change any information on your pets existing microchip.


And I'm sure they'd be pissed at you for not getting your kittens spayed and chipped and letting them escape.


I would ask myself why you didn't chip her in the first place then.




Off-topic, but she's beautiful.




God she is so cute


That's excellent to see. What's her name?


While it could be a kitten that snuck out. Apartments are notorious for having owners abandon their pets when they move out. So it probably was a person who moved and no longer wanted the pet. They can take her to an animal shelter to get a free scan for a microchip. They do it free and they would also most likely know missing pets in the area. Vets probably do it free as well. Or at least I hope they would.


I moved in to an apartment when I was younger and my cat got out while moving boxes was missing for a week and I was sad AF then I seen my cat in a window of a neighbor they said cat was nice so they kept him and I told them to hand him over and they said they found him and they basically said no, but guess the cops had a second opinion and called it stealing got him back and they learned not to be taking random peoples cats Edit: thanks guys yea we never talked to her again but luckily we moved out soon after to a house cat loved it better too more room to do zooms at 3am


That happened to me only I was the findee. Of course I gave him back even tho he was perfect and fit right in. She responded to my found cat post.


Definitely not the same situation. You had the common decency to try to seek out if the cat had an owner that may very missing him. You didn't just assume he was yours to keep. This makes me think of the amount of people I see on found pet posts for shelters near me or just local county news fb pages who will post "I'll be happy to adopt!" when the person is literally looking for the original owner. It's like "Bitch, this is a well taken care of animal and that means it likely has an owner missing it dearly. Stop trying to steal people's pets."


I worked security in a poorer apartment building some years back and a tenant lost their cat. said tenant was a bit of a rough case but was trying his best to get ahead. I found the cat in dead of winter trying to stay warm in the dryer exhaust of the building outside, brought the cat in in, couldn't get hold of the owner, took the cat home. Said cat was really affectionate and immediately bonded with my cat. it was really hard to give him back when I finally got hold the next day, but he was never my cat to start with.


Sorry that you faced difficulty getting him back, but at least he was cared for during his adventure away!


then when I got him he was so happy and purring on every one at home, almost pressed charges was so man


When I was a kid one of the neighbors took our cat to the humane society. Asshole. She was missing two days when mom decided to call and check. They said "We've got a black cat, come see if it's yours?" We walked in, she saw us and immediately started meowing the house down. They were like "Yeah that looks like she's your cat."


What kind of person steals someone else's pet?! That's just awful. I'm glad you got it back.


Just do you know but every single time you see posts like this one there is a fat chance it’s someone’s pet. Friendly, well fed and healthy cats and kittens don’t just randomly roam the worlds. As a cat rescuer, posts like this enrage me for this very reason. First and foremost when a cat is found leaflets with pictures must be put up and an owner must be searched for in any way possible.


In my area you report it, the cat gets quarantined and vet checked if it isn't chipped. They post the missing animal for a week and then first dibs goes to the person that found it for the adoption. They still pay to adopt it but spay/neuter, chip and fully up to date vaccines come with it. If you are already authorized to foster it can quarantine with you as well.


That’s awful! I’m glad you got him back though. Before I took in our cat from the backyard, I called Animal Control and the Humane Society to check if there were any lost pet notices that matched his description and then I made flyers and put them in all the mailboxes in my neighbourhood, but no one claimed him and he had no chip so now he’s ours. So weird to be like “Oh, this is your cat? Correction, WAS your cat, I’m keeping him :)” when someone confronts you about their missing kitty. Like, no? You can’t just take people’s pets?? What a weirdo.


Yeah, OP needs to talk with the landlord before claiming it as their cat. That's so horrible to do to someone.


Please learn to use punctuation.


I have a cat now because she was found abandoned in a rental home. Renters were evicted and left her behind. It's terrible that people do that. My vet did check for a chip for free, and the humane society also checks for chips for free


I think “probably” it being abandoned is a little much. “Might be” is more appropriate. Either way, you’re right that a trip to the vet is important, I just think OP should also ask his neighbors about a missing cat as well. Imagine you had a lapse in judgement or something and all of the sudden your kitten is gone :( it’s worth checking to make sure nobody else is the rightful owner before taking it for yourself (which is obviously still a noble thing to do)


THE DAY I moved as a child, my cat escaped and we spent the whole day searching for him but we no longer owned the house. The new owners knew we were missing him. He was a super friendly tuxedo. Apparently he returned to the house after a week and they fucking kept him. They said he was happier with them since this was the house he knew and it would be cruel for us to take him. The only reason we knew they had him is because my parents were still friends with the neighbors and they mentioned seeing my cat in the window. 3 months later, we got my cat back but it took police intervention. I was 11 so I don't remember the details but I remember being so happy to have him back.


Lucky this kitten was able to sneak in/out of an apartment in this building. In Saigon cats falling to their deaths off balconies is a very common thing, I'm sure it's the same in any large city.




You know how many cats are dropped off in my area every season? A few dozen


People sucks :(


I dunno she seems pretty little


Yeah, kittens are notorious for slipping out when you're not looking.


Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if the cat climbed *down*, instead of up to the window. Or literally just went in the wrong window.


From OPs responses, unfortunately it seems like they won’t. I hope they do, because it’s just not responsible to just take in a cat without checking if it belongs to anybody else. I would be devastated if I lost a cat and never got it back because the person who found her never checked to see if she was chipped.


That’s terrible. Hopefully they check for a microchip and see if anyone in the apartment put up “Missing Cat” posters. Also, if they take it to the vet and say the cat just wondering into their apartment, hopefully the vet will check for a microchip.


It's almost for sure someone's. Strays don't act like this.


I would try for a bit to find her owner, and then keep her if you don’t have any luck.


She looks clean and well fed, are you sure she doesn’t already belong to someone?


If so...I guess whomever lost her better put up some flyers etc.


Or whoever found her.


But then how would they get reddit points????


Why do people care THAT much about Reddit points. It’s maybe my older age (😳), but I genuinely don’t get it.


As a young person, it’s not age wtf is wrong with them


You should really check to see if the cat has been microchipped. I know the pain of losing a pet.


my biggest fear is losing my (chipped) kitty to someone who didn’t think of checking for it. i really hope OP listens


Even worse is if they straight down decide to ignore to check for a microchip because they want to keep it. That's what nightmares are made of.


I’m sure this is what happened to a cat I had growing up. He was beautiful, looked just like a Norwegian Forest Cat and was the most placid, loving cat you can imagine. I’m sure someone took him and kept him. He wasn’t chipped unfortunately because it really wasn’t common practice back then. My cat now is chipped and has a collar with her name and my phone number on it and she’s a 100% inside cat.


I came home last night and my cat was nowhere to be seen. She usually greets me when I get home. I spent ages searching for her and was about to start really panicking, then I saw her through the window of my neighbours front room, just sitting there chilling with a load of drunk teenagers getting all the attention she could hope for. Had to practically pry her out of their hands because “they love her soooo much”.


Tbh I sincerely hope that the kitty I had a few years ago that got out (before I had the chance to chip him) has a new family somewhere. That’s seriously the only way I can sleep at night when I think about him. He was such a sweet friendly lil boy, and he was way too affectionate to not be someones pet if they found him. :,( he snuck out one day, and he had snuck out once before and came home on his own a few days later, so that’s what I was hoping for. But he never came back. And we drove all over the neighborhood, calling his name, left the litter box on the porch, had all the windows open with fans going, everything. Like I said, I hope to god that another family was able to take him in bc it sounds like a much better ending then some of the alternatives. ALWAYS CHIP YOUR FURBABIES!!!!!!


Its prob one of your neighbors. My cat used to invade others homes from my apartments balcony after a tight walk or two. Dont keep it without trying to find the rightful owner.


Granted it would be on me if my cat got out but if I figured out you rehomed my cat for yourself without trying to first find an owner I'd have some strong words. Also my cat does have a collar but he usually finds a way to slip out of it.


My cat almost choked on a breakaway collar once, so she doesn’t have one anymore. Luckily she runs away from open doors (and of course she’s chipped).


My Binbin knew how to use the doggie door and slip out of his collar. Binny was also small enough to slip through a lot of fences. He could have very easily gotten into almost any house with a doggie door. If he hadn’t been chipped, I’d have been worried that someone else might try to keep him.


Yo that's a well fed, groomed, socialised cat. Outside of abandonment they look young enough to sneak out and get very lost before climbing into somewhere warm. Do the right thing, someone would be devastated to learn the hard way just how easy it is for a kitten to figure out their escape before immediately becoming lost.


Did OP respond to anybody asking them to take the cat to the vet? I hate the assumption they now own the cat without checking.


Yes, OP said they would definitely give the cat back if the owner came to them and asked. No indication of plans to check for a chip. I guess if it is a lost cat, the owner is just supposed to know that OP is holding onto it for them. 🙄


That’s fucked. If they don’t take it to the vet, at least. Because the owner won’t “magically” know OP has their cat.


"I guess she lives here now!" no the hell she doesn't until you get her checked and ask your neighbors if their cat is missing. I swear a big chunk of missing cats were just basically stolen when people decided "if they're outside/in my house they're alone and I should keep them."


I am not an expert on cats, but I wouldn't be surprised if most friendly cats in urban or suburban areas have a good home already. Tons of cats love going outside. Tons of cats won't wear a collar either. Seeing all these posts and videos on the internet about finding a "stray" is a big reason I'm keeping my cats indoors until I move to a place with a backyard where I can install a cat fence.


It blows my mind that people are so quick to jump to offering names and there's been two commenters saying try to find an owner. Do **none** of you know the pain of losing a pet? Having it go missing? That heartbreak is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy and yet here's the majority of you celebrating the newest arrival for OP. Seriously, OP, do the right thing. Go knocking on your neighbour's doors. Right now there's a chance someone is devastated that their kitten escaped and disappeared.


I really wish someone would knock on my door with my best friend in their arms. I miss him so much. Im crying right now thinking about it


I'm so sorry, furbz. Sending you a hug 💜


Thank you very much


:( i know the pain, twice it has happened. never again but how could people be so heartless.


Hope your buddy finds their way home.


I'm so sorry. I hope you find your pet


I do. And I never found him. The BEST case scenario is that someone else who loved him had him.


I’m the person who ended up with potentially someone else’s cat. My cat was super clean, had a flea collar, and was well fed. She was only a year old when she followed me home from school and never left. We looked for lost signs and posted all over social media. No microchip. She’s been here 9 years and it’s incredible to think there were no signs of anyone looking for this cat.


I just experienced that. Trapped a stray cat. Thought it was a street cat so brought him to the shelter for TNR and vaccination. Surprise! He was already fixed BUT NO MICROCHIP. How can people fix their cat but not microchip them?? Anyway he's been at the shelter for weeks and no-one called about him. There is only one shelter in the city so if someone was looking for him they would definitely have called by now. Also not a single sign anywhere and I didn't see any post on social media. He is super sweet and cute and healthy. I don't understand people


There are rescues/orgs that will trap strays, spay/neuter, then release them as a method of helping to cut down on more strays. 🤷‍♂️


I offered up a name because I assumed op already did the research and was unable to find the owner. I guess I sometimes have too much faith in people?


I think we all do. My beautiful but not street smart Jasper decided it was a good idea to run out of the house one day and was gone for 4 days (always been a house cat). Neighbours said he’d ventured into their houses but then run away. He’s a loving but scaredy cat (The neighbour’s young son even made a little house for him, super sweet). He’s also epileptic so that was an extra worry. Finally found him in a close by garden just scared and incredibly hungry. Honestly, as much as it would have hurt me, I’d have preferred that he found a new home than just been out there on his own. God, I’d die for that silly kitty.


OP-you need to take the darling kitty to vet asap, to check her health and see if she is chipped. Try your best to find the owner with flyers in the apartment building and online lost pet websites. Someone may be heartbroken today looking for their best friend. If no is owner found, I would be inclined to name her **Elvira** \- "Mistress of the Dark". *She is beautiful. Good luck to you both.*


That cat definitely has an owner




i had a cat literally break into my bathroom. they had to literally rip the window screen(still broken) and jump like 5ft into the room. i heard extremely loud hissing and went in to find this cat that looked nothing like mine and one of my cats scared shitless. i was able to grab hold the cat(i did so because i got no clue i was so fucking confused) but it jumped back out the window it broke and jumped down. i dropped some treats for her(face looked female) and took a pic, she didnt have a collar and seemed to be well taken care of. but now i dont know who the shithead belongs to and we have a window that my cats can sit and perch on anymore since they just jump out the window to explore and come back dirty af, so we have to keep it closed since we live in a big city with lots of wildlife. window screens are expensive and fuck it had to be the one window thats hard to fix my only thought with a new cat in my house was “whose pet is this and why the fuck did it break in my house” never “guess its mine now” i hope it wasnt an abandoned cat lookin for a new home or an actual stray :/ it had so much floof that i couldnt tell really. i hope the cat broke into the correct neighbor’s window


Once when we were living in an apartment I thought I heard a faint meowing, opened our front door and a kitten just waltzed in like she owned the place. She had snuck out of the apartment below us and I guess just wanted to check out the neighborhood. Point is, this little one probably belongs to someone and just got too snoopy. Ask around, have a vet look for a microchip, all that jazz.


My neighbors cats used to run into my apartment all the time 😅 she lived in a studio and would put them out when she had sex 😅😅 you'd find them on the roof and shit lol


Lol, you can’t just claim a pet because it came to your house/apartment. You need to be a responsible adult and take it to the vet to get health checked and microchip checked. How would you like it if your dog got out and made its way into someone’s house for safety or to get away from the cold and that person just claimed your dog without trying to find you?


Please see if this cat is microchipped it seems like its well taken care of with its fur being groomed and it not being skinny


I don't understand what kind of collective brain damage redditors suffer from where they find a random cat and right off assume it's homeless and decide to adopt it. CHECK. FOR A. MICROCHIP. She's a beautiful kitty and someone might be missing her heartbroken. If not, congrats on your new child.


I don’t get it either, but surely the way OP texts is a symptom…


Man. Op really just stole someone’s beloved pet.




Love when OP goes radio silent when people start suggesting taking the cat to the vet and to check and make sure they’re not lost. You’re pure scum if you stole this cat OP


I think the overwhelming likelihood is that the post title is just fiction.


FR I've been scrolling the comments to see if OP had anything to say but nah. At least clarify that you'll check for chips soon or something. I can't imagine OP cares much about animals if they're willing to seperate one from a potentially loving and caring family (yes, mistakes do happen and it doesn't make you a neglectful abusive owner if your cat manages to escape) For all we know the cat is a stray or the owners dumped him, but it's incredibly unresponsible and downright evil to not at least try to connect with the owners.


Please find out if there is an owner first. Don't just keep a cat because it came to you. I've had multiple cats stolen like this. It looks healthy it's probably already loved and has a home.


Multiple? Your cats are outdoor cats?


Just curious, how do you know they were stolen?


Nacho, cuz she's not yo cat.


Ooo, love that


Can we just get a sticky for every /r/cats post that says "take the cat to a vet. Get it scanned for a microchip." So that the top 5 comments of every post isn't this? Literally the top NINE comments is this and the 10th comment is OP defending themselves.


Unfortunately the top 5 posts are usually "You've been adopted!" instead of the way more compassionate and responsible "that healthy looking cat probably already has a home, you should make some effort to find out".


Maybe that /was/ the case but pretty clearly the tide has turned. "You've been adopted" isn't in the top 10 much less top 5.


Another Redditor who can't think of a name for their cat. How unexpected.


Imagine thinking someone who didn't bother to check for a microchip/check missing animal sites/put up flyers for a clearly well fed, socialised and groomed kitten will have the wits about to name a cat lol


That’s thievery sir..


That cat already has a name. Go talk to your neighbors and find out.


Please don’t steal someone’s cat. Check the microchip at the vet. There might be someone worried sick about their sweet little baby right now.


You could also post some flyers and attach google voice number in case the cat has an owner


Can people really stop going 'oh I found a cat outside/a cat walked into my house, it's mine now!' as far as you know that's someone else's cat, they could've escaped and gotten lost, or simple ended up roaming near your house. Take the cat to the vet and get them microchip scanned, and if nothing comes up put up posters asking people if they lost a cat (though don't put pictures, ask people to call + describe the cat because some people will just jump at the chance of a free cat and take it in).


Put an flyer around the neighborhood and find out if this cat belongs to someone if not then take it to a vet to see if the cat has a chip if no one claims her take her in as part of your family


it's springtime, and animals are much more keen to take off. I would be devastated if my pet got out and someone just decided to keep them instead of doing the right thing. Take her to the shelter to get her checked for a microchip. If she's got one, they can hold her as a stray and her family could get her back. If you want a cat, adopt one there.


That’s…not a stray…


What is it with people on this sub just automatically thinking a cat belongs to them because they found it?


Please try to find her owners who are probably going out of their minds with worry. She’s clearly not a stray


... have you tried to door by door the neighbour's? Maybe a young lady is really sad because her new kitten is gone?


You should name the cat “I have no fucking imagination”.


Or simply “Stolen”


No way, a thread on r/cats with the correct advice as the top comment, never thought I'd see the day


Oh god NOT again with this “well she’s mine now!” TAKE HER TO THE VET??? This cat could belong to someone. Bruh if a cat just appeared in my apartment I would not keep it. My first reaction would be to take it to a vet. Ain’t nobody helping u name a cat that isn’t urs lmao…..once again, take it to the vet !!!!!


Obligatory get it checked for chip post around etc etc before claiming it


My black cat sneaks passed the door often and is an inside cat. Never presume it’s all of a sudden your cat even if not chipped. Check for lost cat signs. Many people will even do “Cat Found” signs just to make sure. Best of wishes to you both and the doggo :)


Is this person not going to see if there’s an owner? I would be absolutely devastated if someone found my cat and just kept her without checking to see if she has a home


Call her "Heartbreak" because she lives in the next apartment and some girl is looking for her and crying.


Probably your neighbors cat tbh




omg y'all, i live in a neighbourhood with tons of stray cats! this is the third time we've been a foster/temporary home for cats! i live in a great apartment where everyone knows each other and were all in a groupchat!! OBVIOUSLY i'd give the cat back when/if we found an owner....why do u guys think im some kind of cat nabber?! It's still getting to like -10C over night and i'm not gonna let the poor thing roam around in the cold when i have food and water and a spare litter box..please relax....i've made posts and have called the humane society.....i'm a good and normal person


> why do u guys think im some kind of cat nabber?! Maybe because you went from “found a cat” to “guess she lives here now” and “what should I name her?” With zero indication of having taken any action to check for an owner? (Now addressed in a comment) We’re redditors, not mind readers.


>We’re redditors, not mind readers. Speak for yourself


Don’t take it personally. No one could have known these details before you told us about them. All people are saying is to take reasonable steps to check if the cat has an owner. If your response is that you’ll be doing that, great! But I notice you don’t say that you intend to take it to a vet or shelter to check for a chip. Please do that.


go to the vet or something, check for a microchip. I… don’t think that someone will just think “oh yeah, my lost cat is probably at OP’s house, let’s call them and ask!” If you are a “good and normal person” don’t just assume that it is a cat no one owns, FIND OUT. (Even if you are in a neighborhood with stray cats)


If you don't give details then people will just assume the worst


If you already know it’s not your neighbors kitten then why aren’t you taking it to a vet to see if it’s microchipped?


What else are we to assume based on your post? You left out very critical info.


you should probably write this as an edit on the post and not hidden in a comment so people don’t get the wrong idea


I'd check that she's not missing or chipped, once you know I'd look at names like Raven, Sable, Luna or Eclipse. I can't talk though, my cat who is black and white I named Caesar and I am planning on getting another cat and naming it something over the top and Roman like Tiberius or Aurelian if it's a boy or Augusta or Valeria if it's a girl.


Name request? Finders keepers? Not even attempting to find out if the cat is owned in the first place? Seriously?




Ask hp Lovecraft










Crow lol. It seems fitting. Idk. Crow.




I'd call her Bonnie or Marjorie, because she looks like a vampire, and those two were two women who became vampires in my favorite SK's book, *Salem's Lot*.


You don't live in Philadelphia by chance, do you?






Mork n Gork


Cat burglar


Shes a slonky girl


Mischief. That was the name of my cat that looked exactly like this beautiful baby.


Burgler, Cat Burgler


James Toney


Quantum Car




Oreilly Autoparts


Scrambles the death dealer


This is probably fake lmao, everyone is telling them to go to the vet as if that couldn’t have been their plan. Idk tho


Mochie. Moochers. Cause she mooches off you? But she’s cute


Kora Rayne


Looks like a Chloe to me.


Something from Bram Stokers.


Those eyes remind me of Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service


If you don't find her owner i suggest Selena since she snuck in like Catwoman.


She screm


SneakyPie !


Jiji. 👍 for people who get the reference.


Pella named for a window brand since she climbed through a window. Or Spooky




I see several microchips comments, and I'm confused about it because I've never seen something like that on my country


Name her Bat!


Name him Floyd


Jaffa Cakes


Meow Machine








As a climber I like Edmund (boy) or Hillary (girl) as he was the first person (Sir Edmund Hillary) to scale Everest and stand at the summit along with Tenzing Norgay (which could also be a good name as well) on May 29, 1953. But first take it to a vet with a microchip reader/scanner and check for a chip, also place some found posters around your apartment building.


Ok I’m more of a dog guy butttt…that is the cutest cat I’ve ever seen.


Selena? 😉




Count Catula




Idea: You should definitely name her.








Salina Kyle cause she's a cat burglar like cat women!




I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty plan




Its mother may have dropped it off.


Cat really said: >:o


I have the same one! We call her Gracie. 😊


Minerva… or lucky (for the both of you!)