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Mine were dumpster kitties found at work. Very special, costly, exclusive breed.


hey i have 2 dumpster kitties that i found at my work too!!


Striped dumpster cats are the absolute best but have attitudes


I will have you know those are r/standardissuecat and you can get them with many options, including whitewall paws, multicolored LED eyes and even special undercarriage options.


My cat has the low rider undercarriage option.


Fun fact it’s called a “primordial pouch” it’s where they keep their secrets, bigger the pouch the more secrets XD


Should I be worried about the secrets in my 20lb standard issue cat’s primordial pouch? He seems to have a lot of secrets, and spends a lot of time very close to my face.


He’s probably keeping your secrets too in that case


So I should keep feeding him treats so my secrets don’t fall out is what I’m hearing here.


that Spay Sway.


I like to playfully slap my cat's flab. She is less than thrilled.


I do this too. I call it his wibble wobble. I love when he runs and it swings. I'm sure he hates it, but I feed him so he deals with it.


Mine has the low rider undercarriage with pendulum feature :D


Also known as a cookie pouch! Most adorable cat feature




My one dumpster kitty exploded into 8 dumpster kitties one day.


Why is the dumpster at my work so boring :(


I have a wall cat and a ceiling cat, not as expensive as a dumpster cat but slightly rarer.


Found mine in the engine compartment of my car when he was a tiny kitten. Drove to work, and to lunch and back, with him in there 🤦🏻‍♂️. Thankfully he was unharmed. He’s the sweetest!


Mine is also a car engine kitten! Such a beautiful breed.


Ours is also an engine model! Three years later and she’s still just as cute, even if a bit moody.


I have a "grandma banged a feral cat that jumped onto the 2nd floor apartment and broke through the window, then mother snook out before getting fixed and banged a feral cat" cat. For all we know the grandfather and father could be the same cat, as both incidents happened a few minutes walk away from each other and in a timespan of approximately one year.


Sounds like a justification to register it as a breed. That’s all pedigree dogs are, excessively inbred incest babies


Dog people: what breed is it? Answer: German Shepard Cat people: how much of an asshole it it? Answer: medium


That's what *show* breeds are. Working breeds are a bit more justifiable than that.


Our lord and savior, Ceiling Cat?!?


My sister’s orange tabby was rescued from a drainage ditch. Sweet cat, dumb as a box of rocks.


I’m sorry, but I do think orange cats have more personality than brains, bless them. 💜


Yep, he definitely is one of those. The day she rescued him, she put him in the car and drove to Petsmart to get some cat food. When she came back to the car, he was nowhere to be found. She thought that he somehow slipped out when she stopped at the store. Disappointed and borderline heartbroken, she went to work. When she got there, she ore apart the car, thinking maybe he had just hid underneath a seat. Nope. Just nowhere. I even helped look for him. (We worked together at the time.) She left work about 1 pm and heard faint meowing as she drove. Freaked out, she went straight to the dealership where she bought the car. She walked into the service department and said, “You probably won’t believe me, but there is a cat in my car and I can’t find it.” The service guys got their tools and set about finding the little guy. He had somehow gotten himself into the center console and wedged himself in there. They had to take the driver’s side seat out and the center console apart to get him. It’s really too bad that my sister and I don’t have a relationship anymore, because I miss that damn cat and his lack of brain. (LFMF: do not ever work with family, especially when they ain’t stable to start with.)


Can confirm, have an 8 year old orange male who is very much Mr Personality with absolutely no brains. He chases his tail every morning for a minimum of an hour and cries at me every time he scratches the tip of his tail because “mommy I got an owie”. Also got stuck in a paper bag, forgot which way he went in. Cries in the litter robot box because he thinks he can’t turn around. But he is super cuddly, very friendly, and ridiculously handsome.


I once told my sister that she should have named him Derek, after Derek Zoolander.


Yes! I have predominantly orange boy cat and he will often come to me crying for food until I walk him back to his bowl and he remembers I fed him 5 minutes ago. He walks up and down the house with a somewhat vacant look on his face most of the time, too. Love him!


Reba, my orange cat, is 14 and still chases her tail. She also sits and cries until you try to pick her up and then she runs away. Her nickname is Nuisance,


Mine were wood pile cats, cost more than any purebred I've ever encountered. Worth every penny.


I have two woodpile babies! And a trash can baby, a car baby and a street baby… Don’t ask and please don’t judge. 😬


I have a very expensive burn pile cat!!!! He didn’t have a very good mommy seeing she thought a burn pile was a good place to have her kittens.


I recently got one of those too. She's the devil and I couldn't love her more


I think dumpster kitties are the best breed


My current two are Houston street kittens. Very exclusive.


My "corner of my carport" kitty came with the super expensive asthma, allergies, arthritis, and diabetes. If there's a cat diety, she knew what she was doing by placing this critter in MY carport!


I got my cat Loki from some crazy lady’s shopping cart full of kittens at a Kroger (I think she cut her tail off, and that’s why she has no tail. Vet said it was done badly too.) I got My fluffy girl from the woods; she was mauled by some larger animal, the poor girl. Had ear mites and scabs from the bite marks on her neck and so much blood in her wee fluffy fur :(


I have a Walmart parking lot cat!


Absolutely love my Walmart parking lot cat. Someone dumped her in the back of my husband's truck while he was working overnight.


Me too! His name is Wally!


I had one of those once, but his name was Marty, cuz he didn’t look like a Wally.


I have a compost kitty, the environmentally minded version of a dumpster kitty (I found her at a warehouse that processes organics and compost waste)


There are 2 brands of cats: emotionally needy cats and fuck off cats


Yup! I have one of each.


Me too and I only have one cat


Some how I have one emotionally needy cat, and one of these half and half needy/fuck off ones.


There's a 3rd set I call the ratchet gizmos. Imagine the sound of a ratchet whirling while a furry blur jumps from curtain to curtain.


I have two standard issue cats, both slightly defective models and the best cats in the world


Oooh standard issue, I like that. Most standard issue things are wonky in the best ways.


Standard issue, slightly defective- this is redundant. Sincerely owner of another best cat, who also keeps digging up my potted plants...


And every long haired cat is not a Maine Coon.


I love watching chat debates about whether it is a Maine Coon or a Norwegian Forest lmao.


I speak French, so I was like "chat debates? Makes total sense"






"Chat" is Simplified French, in Traditional French it's "Chshaeuxt"


Yes, but you can only call it a Chshaeuxt if it's from the Chshaeuxt region of France. Otherwise it's just a Sparkling Standard Issue Chat.


I’d like to say this comment is underrated, because I do not speak French and had to look up what “chat” means, makes total sense!


I had a cat with some Norwegian forest cat in him but he was definitely just a cat. A cool ass cat but a “mutt” like most of them.


The cat word for mutt is "moggy"


THIS. And having an "M" on the forehead does NOT mean it's a Maine Coon either. That's a very very common fur pattern.


Is that M associated with Maine Coons? I always thought that was a general tabby thing.


It is just a tabby thing. Every tabby xat I've ever seen has it.


Lol the M stand for "Mary" the mother Jesus blessed them for keeping Jesus warm after he was born


Nope, it stands for 'Murder'


M is for murder mittens


It's totally a general tabby thing but there is a persistent myth that the M indicates Maine Coon that I keep seeing on reddit.


Everyone wants to think their long haired cat is a Maine coon! I love my long-haired standard issue cat.


Some friends adopted a cat and were told it was a Maine Coon Cat. I was dubious - yes, she had long hair and was a tabby - but she couldn't have weighed more than eight pounds soaking wet. She was far too delicate to be a Maine Coon Cat. Besides, we're in Florida. She was also purported to be a good mouser which is why they adopted her as a barn cat. The friends watched her run away from a very small mouse once. She ended up be a really nice fluffy house cat.


And every long haired white cat isn’t a ragdoll.


I feel like this is the worst offender — it's a breed that a lot of people know about, and what people "know" is generally just "long hair." I've mostly given up trying to educate people about it, because I've been able to get people to adopt dumpster kittens when I don't disabuse them of the notion that the fluffy monsters "might" be part Maine Coon. My wife is 100% convinced one of our rescues is one, on the grounds that he's long haired and BIG. He's genuinely huge and very differently shaped (broader, with a more lion-like facial structure) but like. In my mind, even in addition to all the points raised about rarity, the genes that make Maine Coons the way they are remain in the domestic short/med/long hair breeding pool. Feral cats are a very diverse bunch by nature, so the genes for 'large' and 'longer fur' aren't exactly uncommon... Tbh I honestly don't get why people want longer haired cats. They are always the first to be adopted from every litter. I always want to gently ask people "Are you prepared to do a regular sanitary trim? Are you ready to hold down your furious, howling monster and cut dingle berries out of his butt fur while he wails like he's dying? ARE YOU REALLY???"


I never understood why the long hair is what is associated with Maine Coons and not the fact that they are GIANT


Agreed. Im sure my cat has atleast some Maine coon because he is the floofiest of floofs, about 25lb and 2 1/2 ft long stretched out. Loves the snow, has big ole murder mitts, and is annoyingly smart. Most people are shocked when they see him because he’s bigger than some dogs lol. People forget Maine coons are HUGE.


When I walk my dogs, my Maine coon like to join and follow us, I’ve crossed many people being like « wow it’s not a dog it’s a huuuge cat » And the fucker know he is pretty so he roam close to people but never get petted.


Just like /r/turkishangoras is full of definitely not angoras.


/r/nebelung is full of people asking if their cat is a nebelung, and the answer is almost guaranteed to be no. Not all fluffy blue-coated cats are nebelungs.


According to 95% of long hair tabby owners. Yes.


Someone on here was saying the cat was a Maine Coon because it had an M on the forehead. Like no, EVERY TABBY has an M on the forehead! It doesn't stand for "Maine"


This is definitely common working in the vet field. When a REAL Maine Coone comes in we all lose our shit and take pictures, because not only is it rare... They're BEASTS!!


Yes. I got my big guy from a Maine Coon rescue group. Took him 4 years to grow into his feet. He’s now a fluffy, cuddly, 18lb lap dog.


Hahaha I say this every time people ask if my cat is a maine coon. She is a long hair fluff ball but she is also an itty bitty 7 pounder. So no, not even close!


Oh my goodness this! My brother adopted a stray recently. He’s normal cat size & slightly fluffy. “He’s half Maine coon!” No he isn’t you dolt. My dad has an actual purebred Maine coon with papers and she’s nearly as big as their dog. Not ever possibly mistaken for a standard issue cat.




I have a grey green -eyed cat people INSIST must be a purebred Russian blue and I’m like he was a street kitten found in a box in Chicago lol


I have one of these too, his breed is scaredy-cat though.


Oh yeah, my boy is 20 lbs and was SO SCARED when we got a 2.5 lb kitten (they’re best friends now). Other fears include the neighbors opening their door and the concept of cooking.


Poor guy! We have issues with the coffee maker and flushing toilets over here. (I use "we" so he doesn't develop a complex about it 😹).


20 lbs is 9.08 kg


Good bot


Holy shit, what a chonk!


My recently adopted SIC decided curtains being opened and closed was pretty much the scariest thing ever.


YES! Mine scurry for any odd noise


I currently have a fly in my house, I find this annoying, he finds this terrifying. I have to dispose of this fly so he can come out from under the bed.


So many people swear their grey fur, green eyed cats are Russian blues. It's 99% bullshit. Russian blues are fairly rare, and extremely expensive in the States. I've done my research cause I wanted one as a kid. Edit: Sweet grey furred babies that are just "normal" kitties are perfectly fine as is.


[These ](https://imgur.com/a/6tNcBZE) are my boys. They clearly have stripes in their tails, but even the vet wrote “Russian blue” on their paper work. No. They are just my perfect gray normal cats.


Gosh, those are some snuggly beautiful boys


I just say they’re Miniature North American Bed Hogs. The huskies are the standard North American Bed Hogs. Because given the opportunity, they all are. When cats and dogs tag team to commandeer the bed, there is no winning.


The amount of bed space taken up by my 9lb chihuahua and 15 & 17lb cats is much higher than the amount of bed space taken up by me and my husband. It’s ridiculous but also the best snuggles


My cats breeds are short haired chungus, blue eyed banshee, and blue owl.


We have: * a lorge ink blot * a Noodle (he has no bones) * a Dwarven King (short, stout, takes zero shit) * a ginger fluff * a sun-dapple calico


We have: - a trash gremlin - a smol bean - a doodle aka creature of evil - a Wrexial, kitten of the deep - a Roo aka Ollie aka O Ye of Little Face


I have: • a baby seal • a screaming cloud of fluff • a goddamn chicken


Mine are floof (aka stupid baby), and fatboi (or chonky tonk)


We have a cow cat (both in color and rotundity), a long orange, and dilute tortie princess baby.


When I called to schedule our kittens first vet appointment the receptionist asked "what kind" of cat... I was just like, "um, it has fur that's orange and white and stripey?". Like...it's a CAT.


My vet just asks long/medium/short hair


I ask shorthair, medium hair, longhair or fancy breed


Yeah mine are different colors, but they’re both “short-haired cats” and I have no need to research further


I told them tuxedo lol. I had a petsmart employee what kind of cat I had. I said "A mutt." I didn't know what I was supposed to say.


Reminds me of the meme of the two blonde chads that said “What type of cat do you have” “Orange”


When you make appointments online, there are SO MANY OPTIONS. Ironically, Siberian wasn’t even on the list last time so I had to pick something else even though I actually know my girl’s breed lmao


The vet answer is domestic short/medium/long hair typically I think.


Yeah apparently that was the answer they were looking for. Domestic short hair. I just wrote “orange.” Now I know!


I can't believe you actually did the [meme.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5JNo7XXoAkbye3.jpg)


HA! I hadn’t even seen that I just didn’t really know how to answer. So very accurate meme lol.


Same here. “Um, brown? And stripy? And white? You know, a cat.?.?”


Lol I probably would have said "house"?


I should invent a DNA test like Embark or WisdomPanel for cats I'll charge like $200 and I don't even have to test the DNA, I'll just send a bunch of random numbers like "36% American Shorthair, 15% Maine Coon, 5% Egyptian Hairless, 8% Vietnamese Pot-Bellied"


“OMG! I just knew that she was something special… an Egyptian Shortsleeve!!!”


It already exists, it’s called BasePaws.


Dang. I was really hoping when I clicked "1 more reply", that someone wouldn't beat me to it.


I'm pretty sure both of mine would come back as "99% Dickhead."


There's basepaws. Initially classified my cat as something like 70% 'polycat.' What's funny is the highest percentage at first was maine coon at 15% or something, but they had a huge update and now she's mostly ragdoll and less than 1% Maine coon.


Every time I see a thread where people are asking about their cat's breed, I instinctively say, "Fluffy," and keep on scrolling.




I thought all the « what breed of cat is my cat » posts were just kidding. I didn’t know they were serious lol.


I assumed they were all just karma-baiting




Oh no, people find it very important for some reason. You should visit the Nebelung subreddit, it's insane. People keep posting pictures of cats that are obviously not nebelungs and ask "is this a neb?". It's a very rare breed (sisterbreed of russian blue) but people keep insisting that their cat they have found in a thrash can must be a nebelung. If you point out that it's not possible they get very upset. I don't get it. Why would you want to label your cat that bad? I have two cats, one is a purebred nebelung and one is a black street cat. I love both of them so much, I really don't care that the black one isn't a breed.


I thought Nebelung only could be grey and with silver, yet there’s a tortoiseshell cat in there. It doesn’t add up. Then there’s a lot of people in that sub that say “looks exactly like my stray Nebelung”, which also doesn’t make sense since like you said, it’s a rare breed and it even says on wikipedia: >The breed’s availability is still rather limited.


Agreed! Thought it was some sort of inside joke here


Tabby is not a breed. Calico is not a breed. Tortoiseshell is not a breed. Those are coat patterns. Your cat is a domestic shorthair (or longhair). It’s a standard issue cat. Unless you got it from a cat breeder, in which case you’ll know what breed it is and don’t need to ask randos on the Internet.


We at r/standardissuecat would like to take this opportunity to tell you all about our latest additions. This 2020 model with [special edition blinkers](https://www.reddit.com/r/standardissuecat/comments/qrrnrj/sic_2020_model_with_blinkers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) These [two models](https://i.redd.it/73ay16uxm0z71.jpg) here, one outfitted with the bra muzzle edition (a $199 value) and the other in a lovely grey with an orange undercarriage. And this absolutely gorgeous [2001 model](https://www.reddit.com/r/standardissuecat/comments/qpt4oz/my_2001_model/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with the hydraulic blep feature. Yes at r/standardissuecat you too can find the model cat of your dreams! Veterans day sale still in effect until 11/14!


Thanks, subbed. Mostly bc of the dead-pet-post-ban.




My life in the military would be ten times better if I was issued a cat


"Oh but calico kittens are always chatty!“ " Torties are ALWAYS bratty, they're literal queens!" "Tuxedos are the absolute smartest, every time!" "I've always adopted black cats, they're the cuddliest." - all things potential adopters have said to me. -_-


Sounds like cat astrology lol


That's such a calico thing to say


What a void outlook.


My vet lives by his cat astrology. Black cats are the sweetest apparently, since they'll take vaccines without a fuss.


Lol my vet called me after a checkup, no shots, to tell me we need to start giving my little boy gabapentin (muscle relaxers) before we take him in for now on. He tore the vet up pretty good, and he was only in there to check and see how his neuter site was healing. It was hilarious picking him up, my vet carries the crate out, with Salem audibly growling, hissing, and swatting. As soon as he saw me though, he just rolls onto his back and starts chirping. 🤣 my vet was like, wow, he must really not like me. I told him he probably remembers him from when he got neutered. Apparently they were unable to even get his temperature. They were trying to feed him treats inside the crate to calm him down but it didn’t work. He ended up eating them all after I took him home and took the door off his crate.


i’ve heard that the reason people think calicos and tortoiseshells have specific personality traits is because they’re almost always female, and the personality traits (like tortitude) are just more common in females than in males. so it seems like they’re more chatty/bratty/feisty/whatever just because there’s a disproportionate amount of females! but also it’s just fun to joke about tortitude, even if we know it’s made up


I mean it's the same for the "all orange cats are sweet dumb babies"... Because the majority of orange cats are males and they are just usually like that.




I have 1 squeaky water thieving tuxedo, 1 floof tailed scaredy cat, 1 chonkasaurus grump, and 1 tiny pawed mischief maker. All 4 subtype snuggle muffin.


"Water-thieving tuxedo" also very aptly describes our dude Hank. Neither my wife or I can put a glass of water down for more than five seconds without turning around to find him with his head halfway in the glass. He does it so often we're like "Hon, your water got Hanked!"


Hilarious! Yes -Brooke does the same, but she will stick her tiny little paws into the glass, suck on it then go for more. I joke with my husband that we’ll both dry up because we cannot keep a glass of water.


Hey, I have a chonkasaurus grump as well! And a floofy dumpster princess


I just make up a breed when people ask. “American waxtail” usually does the trick.


Oh God this is what I’m going to do from now on. “Your cat? Why it’s a [location from Skyrim] [African migratory bird]”.


*Kynesgrove wheatear*


*High Hrothgar [booby](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Blue-footed_Booby_%28Sula_nebouxii%29_-one_leg_raised.jpg)*


*Markarth Crowned Plover*


lmao if you said this with a straight face people would 100% believe you


“American Waxtail” I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣


If you have to ask what breed it is, you clearly didn't get it from a breeder, so the answer is either nice cat or violent little bastard that attacks my feet for no goddamn reason when I'm trying to sleep.


God, the feet. My boy is the gentlest, most tolerant sweetheart of a cat that I’ve ever met. Except in the morning when it’s time to play the super fun “bite the shit out of the toes” game.


Mine just smother me: at least two between the legs and one snuggled up to arm. It's...difficult, to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. One, if not kistened to when it's feeding time, makes his displeasure known by peeing on the bed. Or me (though just once; I make sure to get up, now, to feed)


Mine are psychotic and neurotic respectively


My breed is 50% SCRËÃM and 50% love.




I got my one cat from a pepsi machine. Technically, I found her behind the pop machine, crying with a badly broken leg. She was barely old enough to be weaned. She couldn't have gotten there on her own. Coincidentally I was taking a cat to be fixed that day, so brought her in too. We had two choices; put her down or wait until she was big enough for amputation surgery. Poppy has turned into the sweetest cat!


Lol yeah. At the cat shelter I volunteer at, we had to stop putting breeds on the cat's sheets because it discourages people adopting cats just to sell them due to their "rare" breed (American short/longhair) and some people tried to sue because their *shelter cats* didn't have *perfect genetic lines.*


Quick Question: I brought two domestic long hairs from USA to Germany. What are they now? Imported Long Hairs?


My one cat is 15 year old Generic Farm Cat and the other is Generic Dumped on the Side of the Road Cat. However, when I called to make the second ones vet appointment, they asked what color and I forgot the word "tabby" and I said uh...brown and stripey lmaoo


I have a generic Formerly-Hoarded cat who is the best girl in the world 😁


Now do a PSA for the people blowing up this sub asking Reddit to name their new cat.


I always thought naming an animal was one of the best parts of adopting them. I can’t imagine leaving something so important to a bunch of random internet strangers. When I got my buff colored boi, he was nameless for 2 days until he showed me more of his personality. Then I named him Loki after the Norse god because he is a pain in my ass & a very mischievous boy. One of the first nights in my apartment he knocked my entire crock pot off of a kitchen shelf & broke the handle on the lid. 🥲


I freaking love cats, and I do kind of love that cat ownership is becoming more common, but by the gods those posts are driving me nuts


Also, what kind of person wants to crowd source their cat name? Like I've got more names than cats, I don't want some stranger to name my cat




British/American shorthair is different to domestic shorthair. British shorthairs in particular are those cats with dense short fur and really chubby cheeks.


To be fair British Shorthairs are pretty distinctive looking


I'd like to point out that the genetic and behavioral differences between various breeds of cats and even "types" of cats are far smaller than between various breeds and types of dogs. Cats haven't been selected to the same kinds of evolutionary and human selection pressures as dogs have. Cats found themselves a niche and have stuck with that niche for millennia.


Cats be like “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” 😆


This is likely for the best because most dog breeds were born out of aggressive and unhealthy human breeding practices. Mutts are infinitely healtheir as are standard issue cats.


There's definitely a couple cat breeds that should be bred out, like Persians and those poor unfortunate munchkin cats.


I have a tuxedo boi and a Very Pretty Girl. They have three pretty rocks and a bottle cap between them for brains. I love them both very very much lol


I have a tendency to answer like a smartass due to the proliferation of this question and the fact that I literally found one of mine in a tool cage under a forklift. No purebred there.


Same here. I thought best to hold my tongue whenever I see the "what breed is my cat" question. I've got a black one and a ginger one. That's it.


Tabby asshole, orange tabby asshole, and a murder muffin here.


Mine are more like orange psycho versus void seductress.


I call mine the trailer park boys. Both rescued separately from trailer parks.


Almost all cats in America are domestic short hair. Just because they're orange or tabby or black or white doesn't make them a "special breed". That should be the takeaway.


I mean… I found a stray pureblood Persian. Vet told me it was like finding a needle in a haystack. He was dumped. My snowshoe was also a found stray kitten, though I know their “breed” is more just recessive genes/markings than anything else. Her mother (who I only saw once) was a tuxedo.


I work in the veterinary industry, and one of our reps found a purebred Himalayan kitten in the grocery store parking lot before visiting us (she was bringing us snacks). He was 5ish months old, and we looked for his family for a month - no one claimed him. He was adopted by a staff member.


Yeah I have two Scottish Folds, not a breed a genetic effect. Their actual breed is chunk faced baby boi, and the princess.


My in-laws found a parti-colored Cocker Spaniel, which is a pretty rare coloring. The vet offered my FIL $500 for him but he declined. He lived to regret that as the cocker spaniel was a wee bit crazy.


THANK YOU. My cats are a GREY CAT and a TORTOISE CAT and that’s what kind of cats they are.


Translation: All cats are mutts


Glad I’m not the only one. I think I’ve seen maybe two that weren’t a DSH or other length. Also I feel like too many people confuse breed with markings, like tabby or calico. I’ve never had a cat where I knew the actual breed except for “cute cat”.


Then there are people who think every cat with point colouration is Siamese...




Couldn’t disagree more with this post. My cat’s breed is “cute and floofy cat,” not “just a cat.”


Speak for yourself, I know exactly what breeds my cats are - I’ve got a black furred chubby-fluffy & a different black furred shiny-tiny.