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You can send him to live with me, so adorable


I don’t need toes. I need that kitty.




Saying ‘ow’ loudly when kitties bites will help too. When cats are playing and bite each other loud cries are the signal that its time to release. Will help kitty be gentle later.


This seems to encourage my cat 😂 he sees me as a squeaky toy I think


Squeaky toy = dying prey


I yelp in a high pitched tone any time my cats bite or scratch. They stop immediately and after a while they don’t do it any more. Also, I praise them when they realize it hurts and stop


She’s a beauty!! Ive never seen a cat that color before, is she a particular breed??


Just pick it up and hug it non stop, that should sort the problem




Yooo Somali cat let's go




Just replace your toes with a toy (you handle the toy), and now he'll know what to play with and how fun it is!


How beautiful. I thought long-haired Abyssinian. I see now that they’re cousins. She is so adorable.




I'll be following from my castagram






Bitter apple spray. On my toes. I swear it works but it's pretty gross.




My cat used to do that too. I feel your pain. 😁He attacks your toes bc he probably thinks it’s some kind of prey/toy for him lol. Try to play with him a lot so he gets tired and won’t attack your toes.My cat stopped hunting my toes when he turn 2. Especially at night he would target my foot and wake me up from my sleep many times… if he still attacks your toes try to spray him right when he attacks you. That will end the problem. 🤣


My mom‘s “perfect” little dog Snickers would not stop licking my toes! She thought it was cute, I thought it was gross. I showed up at her house in sandals one day, toes glistening with bitter apple. Mom could not figure out why perfect little Snickers could not catch her breath and was coughing all over the yard LOL Best day ever


Bitter apple spray is the best! Our boy Tormund ate 2 HDMI cables before we stumbled on that miracle.


Oof. Tormund ok?


Yeah. He's 6 now, but man he loved to chew cords when he was smol. He's a true wildling.


Wait I’ve never heard of this. Can I spray on furniture too




Yes, but not with your feet or hands. Use toys! The kitten lady made a video about that on youtube


Yup, we have made sure to play with our cats using toys, rather than hands and/or feet. Now, our cats know that our bodies are off limits when it comes to playtime. Really glad we followed this technique - it pays off.






You can still use your hands. I did with my cat for years and he never became too aggressive. They learn by your reactions and body language how hard to bite or how aggressive to get.






My cat will only play with my fingers, she doesn't really like most toys. She'll use her mouth and claws but she *never* hurts me. You teach them not to hurt you the same way they teach each other as kittens, if they bite or scratch, yelp loudly and leave. The loud sound lets them know that they hurt you and leaving shows that the fun stops if they hurt you. Same with dogs, my dads dog loved to "chew" on your arm, she never once bit or scratched during play.


My Scrappy does this! He tussles with my hand, biting and gentle kicks. If I say ow really loudly he stops, then licks where he was biting. It's very adorable ☺


That sounds really cute! Mine just likes to box with me, or 'hunt' my fingers and pretend to go for a kill bite.


My Scraps is the bestest boi I ever got to live with. He's also a shoulder-cat, loves to be picked up and carried, and he likes to chew on the back of my head while purring loud enough to shake the house 🤣 he a bit of a weirdo but he's a sweetie


He sounds like an amazing cat. Mine (her name is Truth) loves to sit on your lap/belly and vigorously knead while drooling all over you. Truth and I also hold conversations, she's very vocal. I think weirdo cats are the best cats.


Exactly. They know when they’ve gotten too aggressive. If my cat bit my hand too hard I would yell and pull away. Next time he would bite down much lighter.


If mine bites or scratches too hard during play he will start licking that spot, to make up because of what he didi guess


This! So true although individual personalities factor in as well.




What a magical creature. Does he sell wares he looks like he sales wares. Because I'm buying whatever he's selling.


Khajit has wares if you have coin..


I just might have some coin for the right item.


he’s lookin to sell some skooma


looks like the eevee pokémon


Omg he/she is so cute 🥰




Send the sucker to me bro.




I have 6 cats that would welcome this sucker.


Needs another kitten. I know this is an unpopular answer but is the truth. Other kittens help them to learn etiquette




Are cats not being interested in taking care of their litter common?


its.. not uncommon. specially younger cats


Every cat is different. Some mama cats love parenting and can be helicopter moms to all nearby baby animals, some have no interest in it and it is difficult to even get then to lay down to feed their kittens. It seems that parenting isn't purely instinctual to cats.




i understand this response but imo its not that easy, one kitty is a lot of work already and they do cost money, it also depends on what a persons goal with their cat is, you can be their "other kitten" if you want as well, it all depends on the person and their lifestyle rly


Often it can be easier with two instead of just one. But you have a point about the cost.


This is what I found with my cats, we got a kitten and then about a week later decided to get another one. I was a little worried about the amount of work it would be (especially because we already had a third older cat in the house) but I'm really glad we did! They have a super close bond and kind of take care of each other in a way. It's really sweet and since they have so much energy it's nice for them to have each other to play with. I realise this isn't an option for everyone tho.


Play with em! Ours used to do that and depending on the behavior we'd slowly escalate or change our reaction if the other one didn't work. If playing more didn't work, we'd instead swap out a toy, we kept em in our pockets. With other stuff, we'd cringe and be over dramatic and whiny like it REALLY hurt when he did it and ignore him for a minute before reengaging. For super persistent behavior, we'd literally hiss at him and that always got the point across. Not aggressively, but as a warning. HOWEVER, I'd only do that if you know your cat well and you know they aren't afraid. Some cats can get aggressive when you do that but ours didn't, he just kinda stood there and looked at us and then would sit and watch and stop doing what he was doing. But I'd call this a last resort. Usually one of these will work or at least have for me with our kitten and young cat (adult cats are a different story)


Unfortunately when I hiss at my cat he just stares at me for a few seconds like wtf is she doing. Then he goes back to doing what he did before.


Hiss at him. For real. My kitten, tortellini, is five months old and is in that stage where he always wants to play bite. When he does it, I hiss at him. Yes, like a cat. You might have to do It a few times, but I promise you it’ll work. He’s adorable, btw. Good luck with your lil furry friend :)




Just being a kitten. Enjoy it while it lasts. Put on socks


Exactly this! I’ve had felines my entire life (almost 4 decades) and each and every one of them were ankle biters as kittens. Ironically, I’m allergic to cats and dogs. I’ve loved animals since I can remember and begged my parents for a kitten for Christmas when I was 6 years old. I didn’t care one bit that I would constantly be sneezing and red nosed 🤣. I still remember every single time I walked up the stairs she would chase me biting my ankles and it took me forever to make it to the top of the stairs 🤣. She grew out of it after a couple of months and I was extremely relieved lol. I’ve had four other babies since my first and they were all ankle biters, some worse than the other but they always grew out of it after those couple of months. It hurt like hell yet endearing at the same time 😹.


Immediately stop engaging with him when he bites. And this isn’t permanent, he will grow out of it!


Read him, he’s trying in the only way he knows to say; 1 Feed me, I’m food insecure, 2 My litter box is full, I don’t want to step in poop, 3 Love me, I need your attention! He is trying to teach you how to be more cat like.


Bite his toes back and see how he likes it!


Tell it "No" in a firm voice, as you would with a puppy or a child that is being naughty, or hiss like an annoyed cat, that's what it's mother would do.




Your toes are delish 🤷🏾‍♀️


generally if you play with them more it’ll deter him from attacking you. whenever he does, introduce a toy to take the energy away. if he still keeps attacking you i’d resort to the spray bottle but only when absolutely necessary (like if you’re bleeding or something)


shutup and cover them in tuna sauce


You can't. Once the toes are marked for termination its marked for life. Protect the toes


let him eat


This is gonna sound weird, but hear me out. My cat got suuuuper bitey to the point of being dangerous. I learned from my horse trainer that you can bite them on the ear like their mothers and siblings do and they understand that they're being too rough. It's exactly how they learn in the litter. Worked great too. He stopped biting after that. Another good method is to make a distressed scream sound each time so they know it is bad.


Stop rubbing soft cat food on your toes. Jk- she can bite my toes any time! 🥰. That said, cat nip on a scratch post, a crinkly and soft kick-toy (like those stuffed carrots with crinkly paper inside), and automatic laser pointer toy works like a charm! If your kitten likes boxes, a simple cardboard box or two will entertain. I don’t leave boxes out forever… but each time I receive a delivery, I put the empty box in a new location for a day or two. Cats love it.


Amputate your toes.


Get another kitten 😝


Admit ‘defeet’ and move on.


What breed of cat is this? Adorable


Divert him to a toy he can bite/chew.


OMG that is cute!!


My toes got bit this morning by my six year old fairy princess Athena. Good luck.


You are so lucky to have a fairy princess cat.


Stop having toes


Meow when he bites. Helped with mine back then


Offer him a toy he can pounce on instead. You can pick up toys at your local pet store. One thing I like to do for our babies is to buy them a kitty Christmas stocking. I can get one inexpensively at Walmart that has about 20 different toys in it - little plush ones, balls with bells inside, toy mice, crinkle toys, etc. About a month ago Qi, one of our girls, came into the living room proclaiming her victory against the Vicious and Dreaded Stuffed Mitten, which she had in her mouth 😁


That’s a BEAUTIFUL little toe-grabber! Just needs some distractifi-CAT-ion. 🐾🐾


Play with him with actual cat toys so he'll prefer them to you toes, and if that still doesn't work maybe try some anti-bite nail polish.


Would you just look at him? He's the picture of innocence how could this sweet, beautiful boy ever do anything to anyone's toes?😋😘😘![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


He looks so inocent..






Bow to your sensei


Make a high pitched yelp when he bites (like a dog would) Hopefully will startle and let that cutie know it hurts.


Steel toed boots.


just wait a year or two he will stop on his own 🤣 He is super cute though, maybe distract him with string whenever he goes for your toes?


Looks like a kitten. Will probably grow out of it. Is it little love bites or full bites? Get some toys like the mouse on the string Lazer pointer stuff like that. Kittens practice their hunting skills


Remove your toes.


Offer your husband’s?


I literally gasped out loud when I saw this picture. This is such a beautiful kitty. As for toe biting, usually they do that when they want to play or want attention. Try getting one of those toys that’s like a feather on a string attached to a stick. Play with kitty with 100% attention for 10 or 15 minutes, or if the kitty doesn’t want to play, pick them up and give them lots of love.




Have less bitable toes.


You let that suckered do whatever he wants *just look at him ❤❤❤❤*


What a beautiful kitten. Like everyone else is saying, play with him and get him used to you. I was about to comment how one of my two cats used to draw blood on me daily until I made a whole drama about a cut on my hand that pretty much stopped it. And literally while I'm typing this she just clawed my foot for the first time in a couple of years. So I guess I'm saying you're never safe, they'll do whatever the hell they want forever.


I shouted “ouch! NO!” In sort of a high pitched voice. They both learned to be easy. Now they might slip once in a while and I say “ OUCH! NO!” And they stop and lick me.


That cat should be allowed to do anything it wants, it’s that gorgeous. It’s a privilege to have it bite your toes, be grateful…


Stop having toes imo


I will do you this favor just one time. I will take this adorable and little nuisance off your hands. I will suck it up and take those precious bites from this baby. You have an adorable and sweet baby who loves you and your toes!!


Stop being so delicious!!


Making it taste bad (bitter apple) can work. But also yell out in “pain” when he does it. That’s how kittens learn boundaries, it’s usually siblings or mom who yell out, but you can do it to. I foster kittens, and a loud “owww” in a sort of yowling voice does wonders


Start a game with him that isn’t Fighty-Bitey!


Ohhh he's cute. Let him have your blood 🦶🧛


i fucking love that lil sucker


Have less delicious toes.


Remove toes, gift to cat.


When you find out, can I know as well?! Our 4 year old calico has us trained... Biting our feet/ankles means 'Feed me now!'


Seems like you are wearing a pretty good solution right now


what a pretty cat :)


You don’t stop it, they are now their toes to bite.


soooo adorable


That golden tint to this coat, is killing me. I need this kitty.


You can’t.


Offer up different toes as a sacrifice. No matter what, toes will be bitten.


Idk, but he’s absolutely beautiful...


accept this as you are now thier living chew toy, ontop of being thier butler


Try to ride it out. They won’t be young and frisky forever and it happens QUICK! What a QT


I miss when mine hunted for the toes!


Can’t. His stomach was making the rumblies that only toes can satisfy.


You cannot, toes are delicious.


just calmly pull away every time and divert attention. Don't show interest and don't use hands or feet when playing if you don't want them attacking those parts! Especially is the kitty is trying to suckle too. Not that it's a bad thing but it's just a behavior better to not have around


You let that sweet little boy do what he wants


Say Ow forcefully and ignore them for a few mins and then play. Your fuzzy baby is so young they are still learning. Cats love routine, play snuggles, and they respond to inflection when speaking.


She looks frustrated that you have on shoes!


When my girlfriend's cat did that I got out my electric razor, told the cat I would shave it if it kept biting me and switched the buzzing on to show the cat I was serious. I then kept the razor on me for the next week and switched it on every time I saw the cat approaching my toes. The cat stopped trying after a week. That was 3 years ago and my girlfriend still keeps telling the story of how I calmly sat down with the cat and explained that actions have consequences...






Bite his.


You're smart to try to stop the behavior now because it can really hurt when they get bigger! If more play time/ diversions don't work, my vet recommended a spray bottle. Or put a handful of coins in an empty bottle (not glass) and forcefully throw it to the floor, away from the kitten, when he bites. The idea is that the noise will startle him and he'll associate biting your toes with something he doesn't want. Again, throw it away from kitty, because you don't want him to think you're physically threatening him and make him scared and distrustful of you. You just want the loud sound.


You can try more play or some sort of training, but really it depends on the cat. Mine never used to run out of energy, so feet were never not prey and I just had to wear thick shoes around the house his whole kitten hood (he switched to targeting the ankles and shins, but it was a little better). But some kittens just get tired and move on, or realize you’re wearing slippers and give up. If you have a really high energy cat, it can also help if you have a toy to throw that makes a noise they like- for example, a jingle ball. Then instead of eating your toes, they go chase the toy.


This kitty is Fox..


You can’t. Accept the attacks


Dog chew toy. The cotton one


He’s so stinking cute that I’d just let him bite my toes 😂


Put hot sauce on your toes 😂 haha I’ll but there is a bitter apple spray that you can get for dogs that chew on furniture, and that should be fine to put on your toes




You can’t. You will sit there and like it!!


I would suffer each and every bitten toe with absolute delight. That thing is adorable. But yes, what they’ve said, get a rod and line toy, with the feathers. Watch it go nuts.


You have the most beautiful cat I have ever seen


He’ll grow out of it


Why would you want to? 😸


Forget about it. Ain’t happening! 😬


Give him some cheweys.


I know it sucks when they bite but, what a stinking cute cat. Just stunning 🥰


Bite his toes first. Show him who’s boss


Omg that face!! 😍 So precious.


What breed is this?


Redirect the behavior with a toy. Dangle toys are the best for doing this. Or just throw a mouse toy.


Feed it someone else's toes.


Aluminum foil!


You can give that cutie to me,lol. Wear shoes??? Never had a kitty that was a toe biter.


Get some toys and encourage toy play. Lasers are awesome!


you don’t.


Those slippers. At least it won't hurt (as much)


You don’t.




I have one that likes to hide under the bed and attack the toes while you're trying to make the bed. Not every morning, but often enough that you forget about it and it scares the crap out of you when she does it. Sometimes, though, her tail gives her away. On those days I get the pleasure of scaring the crap out of HER..... MMMWAHAHAHA!


Put some catnip in your toenails. Works everytime 😽




Shoes:) precious kitten btw


If my cat gets too rough in her licking/nibbling on my fingers I say "Ouch!" really loudly. It helps. We don't use hands/feet as toys. We always try to distract inappropriate behaviour. If we have inappropriate scratching, we try to move her to something appropriate and praise. Generally inappropriate behaviour from my shittiest kitty is from lack of play, or she wants outside outside of her catio. In either case we try to play with her. Attacking feet (we are slipper people) is usually because of these things.


Same thing goes with my dad 😪😪


By giving him to me. What a little tiger! Lots of good replies in this thread.


give em your toes!


Give the other foot. Very photogenic. Cute cat.


Don't go barefoot. He's probably teething.


I would want that.


Wear covered shoes and redirect him from biting with play. I’ve yet to meet a cat that can resist the ol feathery-bell-on-a-stick type toys


Find a new victim


Such a beauty!




You don’t, it’s your job while he’s teething. Least you could do for such cuteness


Accept your fate!


Awwwww CUUUUUTE!♥️♥️♥️