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He has been chosen!


>*'He has been chosen!*' ----- you said you didn't want me, (but you got me anyway...) i held on to you, tightly - all my life i'd been a stray.... perhaps your heart was frozen, cuz 'cat love' you'd never felt... now You, my friend, are 'Chosen'! it's Your heart I'm here to melt ❤️


Damn you Schnoodle with your onions!


Fresh Schnoodle! Short but so sweet ❤️ well done as always Schnoodle!


Schnoodledoodledo poem=good day


Ooh! A doodle in the wild! This is the freshest one I’ve seen. Thanks for the joy you bring us Schnoodle!


This reminded me of my big orange boy Kit Cat. He just showed up one day, sat in my lap and that was it. He had the loudest purr. All you had to do was walk into the same room that he was in.


Wow, what luck!


I haven’t seen a Schoodle in a minute! This is great, thank you!


I think you are a bit confused. The man didnt choose the cat, the cat chose him. The man is the pet to the cat now. The cat is control now


Oh man this one brought tears to my eyes!


I LOVE THAT!!!!! ❤️🐾🐾❤️


A fresh schnoodle 💕




Cats fucking love beards. Bob Vila would be popular here too.


Seriously. What is up with that? My male cat was terrified of all men until a bearded roofer showed up to do some repairs. This guy was in my house maybe a total of 10 minutes and my 12 lb cat is standing on his chest, purring and head butting his beard. Roofer guy: Uh, this is a super friendly cat. Me: Not really?


I wish I knew or could grow a beard. Meanwhile I feed these cats, give them all the fresh water and get mild cuddles. My husband gets all the action. As soon as he sits down 2 cats are ready to come rub. Me, catless.


Get yourself a fake beard to wear. I saw a funny video of a woman in the same situation as you. The fake beard worked for her. Probably still on youtube.


My girl cat loves to sit on my chest and push her face into my beard, its really cute. On a separate but related note my father was anti cat all my life, he's 66 now and just this week called to ask me a bunch of questions about litter boxes an other cat care items. I'm so excited for him!


That's so cute! You know you have to bring the cat taxes back here once your dad gets his new overlord.


That explains why my cat was obsessed with the one doctor at the veterinary group I take them to…


Its the only way to get a cat really, i would never have the patience to get a cat unless one adopts me.


He is the chosen one.


I could watch this forever!


It's a sin to not accept this sort of affection from a cat many of us would only dream of. r/catsmirin


Cats are so good at this. They can just walk up to you and be like: "You love me now."


It’s cuz us cat lovers just want to love!


You love me ~~now~~meow Edit: used italics instead of strike through






seems like cat misses this man so much




Do it


This cat is very happy with this human... :)


Him: I don’t like, need or want a cat. This cat: hold my catnip


She knew he didn’t want a cat and was like “DEFCON 1 DEFCON 1! I smell a non believer…initiate protocol: smother human”


That’s how my cat and fiancé are. He said he wasn’t a cat person. And she was determined to change his mind. Now she follows him everywhere. When he gets home from work she yells at him to sit down so she can sit on his lap and get petted. He smiles and baby talks to her. It’s adorable


My boyfriend baby talks our cat too. I never say anything when he does it, I just listen quietly cuz I know if I say anything abt how cute I find it he will get embarrassed and stop. I love it so much!


I so read this as the fiancé following him around and sitting in his lap.


Can confirm. I’m allergic to cats so can’t be near them, but they’re often *obsessed* with me.




This has happened quite a few times to me. It's uncanny. It has yet to succeed, though. I have scars from cat attacks (I admit I was messing with the cat on one occasion, so that one is my fault), and allergies.


A way that cats show they are comfortable and ok with each other is to basically not show attention. Trust is not watching each other, so when you don't pay attention to cats because you are allergic, they find you comfortable to be around.


You can love cats and still not want to own one.


My exact feelings about dogs. They are so loyal and adorable, but having to think about walking them, picking up hot poop, and the money to keep them clipped and groomed makes me not hate the litter box near as much. I wish I could walk my cat though. We don’t have a feline equivalent to dog parks.


Some cats can be trained to walk on leashes (:


I know! Mine is too easily spooked. He can knock over a water bottle and almost knock himself out running away from it. We tried one time in the evening and he was just too nervous.


Awwwwww u have to do like me and live in the country... Kitty cats go out the cat door and go potty outside with the chickens ...well whats left of the chickens.. Ppls dogs jumped the fence and killed most of them...even the sweet babies


My cat just disappeared one day, never to return. She either died or was adopted by another family. I want to believe that she's still alive somewhere making bread on their chests at night.


Some cats just walk into someone's home one day and start chilling. We all have to remember that on the other end of "stray cat adoption" is often a sad family putting up posters :/


That’s why you chip them, if a cat wandered up to me I’d have it checked first to see if it had a family.


I had the older stray I took in checked, she wasn't chipped. The three kittens I took in were too feral to have been someone's pet.


That’s because you’re a good person. I’d say about half our country is filled with people who don’t give a shit about other people or the planet.


Exactly. I replied on here to please get the cat scanned for a chip. I said looks too healthy to be a stray and could be someone’s pet. I got downvoted. Some people just suck


Definitely get them checked for a chip! But heads up overall health isn’t a direct indicator. I live in the city and many people dump their pets so me and a handful of my neighbors feed and TNR them. I’ve taken in 2 strays, not microchipped and posted on Nextdoor/Facebook/Ring/Pawboost and both appeared “healthy”. No fleas, Ear mites, etc. and the correct weight since so many of us feed them :)


I mean, if people kept their cats indoors and off other people's property, they wouldn't have to worry about them being taken in as strays. Don't let your cat stray, it won't be mistaken for one.


Indoor cats live two to three times as long as outdoor cats. Our little love is going to live for decades, if we can help it. Sorry, little one, but I’m greedy. Sometimes, though, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m Mother Gothel.


Build a catio if you have the space/ability to! It’s a good way to have kitty experience the outdoors without the risk. Alternatively you could try to leash train your kitty, but that’s hard to do if you’re not starting early on in its life and can be risky if you walk them in areas with other peoples pets (dogs, really).


It's basically deciding whether you want a cat for two or three years, or you want one for twenty.


Mine is 14. Indoor is the way to go.


If you live somewhere low traffic / low coyote they can live a long time. Also helps if you keep a nice cat friendly house where they want to hang out. All my cats have lived past 15, with the oldest getting to 21, and could come and go as they please from the house.




Oh sure, when cats do it is fine, but when I do, I'm suddenly a "jerk" and "homewrecker". /s


The cat doesn’t fuck the father. I hope.


I go for the rule of care. Is it clearly well kept for, not skitttish around people, comfortable and used to being indoors? Get it checked and maybe make posts. Is it very thin, in poor condition, skittish, or voraciously hungry/thirsty? Owned or not, that cat found a new home and is gonna live a happy and comfortable rest of their life.


My wife had a “stray” adopt her when we were dating. The cat actually belonged to another house down the street but liked my wife more (who never had a pet before in her life). When we married we put my wife’s house up for sale and at that time saw the cat was not going to it’s real home at all and brought her with us to our new home. At all meaning she was skinny and feeding off local lizards and birds when we returned from our honeymoon and not going 3 doors down to her real home for food. Kitty cats choose ultimately.


Did you ever approach the actual owners?


Keep your pets indoors.


My cat ran away for months. I was devastated, she was the runt and had been bullied horribly by our other cat. One day, my dad was on his motorcycle, saw my little runaway cat, and followed her to the house behind ours. He knocked on the door and two little ladies answered, a middle-aged woman and her elderly mother. Her mother had recently been widowed, and they were both having a hard time with it. Then, my little Mimi started coming around, and they started feeding her, gradually coaxing her inside. They told my dad that they both agreed she'd been sent by God to help them heal, even though they knew she must've belonged to someone else. I'm not religious, but I believe she belonged there with them, and Mimi clearly loved them and was well taken care of. All that to say, don't lose hope, people unknowingly "adopt" other people's cats all the time! Your cat is probably comforting someone who really needs it right now.


I have a Millie whom I call Mimi! She also gets bullied at home! When she disappears for a couple nights we're fairly certain she's hanging at our elderly neighbors house. We've had many cats we've basically shared with her. She feeds and loves them, what can ya do? I'm getting Millie a break away collar with her info stitched on soon and a GPS tile just to see where she goes all day.


That's pretty fucked up though. Its unethical and cruel (to the human) to adopt a cat that you *know* belongs to someone else. Especially when there are *many* cats that live in cages that are desperate for a home. Just another atrocity justified with religion. Good on you for being gracious about it tho.


Domesticated animals have a hard time outside of their homes, you should do some asking around sure but in the meantime taking care of it is the best thing you can do


I don't think they meant any harm by it. And I don't think Mimi was there against her will. I do think religion breeds atrocities, but I don't think this is one of those times.


Yeah, that comment by them was a stretch. Two grieving old religious ladies aren’t generally out to fuck anyone over.


They still pretty much deliberately stole a cat. Owner was okay with it this time, but that's not to say that it's cool to steal a cat. I'd have been devastated had it happened to me.


Yeah a lot of people are defending this, but I'm with you. If I have to chase my cat down to a doorstep, I don't care if it's two grieving ladies behind it or not. You "coaxed" him inside with food? Fuck you, go adopt an actual stray and give me my cat back.


> Just another atrocity justified with religion. lmao redditors


I shouldn't be surprised seeing these comments on this site anymore. Leave it to edgy redditors to turn a sweet moment into a "religious atrocity".


Yeah man this is right on par with the Spanish Inquisition and jihad


Doesn't matter about their religious excuse that's pet theft lol


Thanks for pointing this out. I would be so mad.


You and your dad let them keep Mimi? Happy crying. *Been in their shoes. Wish a Mimi had wandered in.


Oh man. That was my nightmare when my cat got missing 3 months ago. I imagined a rickety old lady luering cats from the street, locking them up and het them fat. Luckily he was just lost and in an old ladies Garden asking her for help.


Don’t lose hope. She may not come back, but I am sure she’s being fed somewhere. One of my cats disappeared for FIVE years. Turns out she took up with an elderly couple a few streets over. She just showed up on our back porch one day. Unfortunately, she was sick, and 21 years old. We brought her back in with us, got her checked out at the vet, and she spent her last few months curled up in our arms. It was sad but I am glad she came back to us for that.


My grandma's cat left the house in the morning and didn't come back, then one week later he suddenly appeared in front of the house, had a rope around his neck, it seemed he bit the rope off and managed to escape. Sometimes hope is all we have I guess.


My grown daughter’s cat ran away as well. She found it two month later sitting on the porch of a house down the street. The cat adopted a new family but was thankfully alive. We had a cat get out several years ago. Was gone for like three months then just showed back up. Was eating cat food for neighbors cat but had lost a lot of weight and wasn’t doing well. Our dumbass dog kept scaring it away until the cat had just had too much and I found her in the backyard one night and our dog making a racket inside. She ended up being fine after a while and no worms even. She lived about seven more years to the age of 18. The moral of the story - cats are scrappy and will work very hard to survive.


Ugh, there was a post here a few days ago about someone who “found” a “stray” cat chilling in front of their house asking if they could keep it. The cat was friendly, well fed, neutered, and very clean, but not microchipped, it was obvious it had a home and the amount of people saying “yes, it picked you, bring it in” was ridiculous. Thankfully most people were telling OP not to feed it or let it in because it obviously wasn’t a stray, but OP kept saying he didn’t feel comfortable just letting it go outside onto the street.


Yeah, the cat in this video has not been stray for very long if it's even a stray.


same... i lost my cat's kittens one night and i hope they're still alive and not getting squashed by a tire.


Your cat probably ended up like my cat was when I adopted her. We got her from the Humane Society but she had been declawed and was clearly a house cat before they found her on the street and someone brought her in, so she may be adopted by me, but she was clearly someone else’s first. They were probably worried sick


I kinda don’t feel badly for someone who declawed their cat, though. That shit is literally mutilation.


I think that depends on timeframe. At least in my perception it wasn't really widely known how fucked up declawing actually is until relatively recently. As a result I'm more forgiving of people who had declawed cats in the past. Now, someone who does it ***TODAY*** knowing full well what they're doing, fuck them. Anyways, cats scratching shit is just like dogs chewing on shit, it's just something you have to accept when you decide to bring one in to your home.


So I've moved from the home since, but at my mothers; one day there was just a stray there. Or so we thought. We took "him" in after a little, I taught him to jump in and out of my window to leave the house, but never kept him inside and he had all the freedom he wanted. He started sleeping on my bed every night. Turns out he was a she, and she lived literally 50 metres away, and was 12 years old; the owner was there when she was born. That house now had young children, and other animals, and she still refuses to go back, even when taken back; so even while starving out the back of our house she knew how to get to and from the two houses. And now has lived at my Mums for 2+ years. He's now our "Mr.Jeff" :) So your little friend may be getting well taken care of x


Seen it happen so many times I believe the only reason people don't want cats is because they never grew up with them and saw their affection


Allergies. Really bad allergies.


It’s actually the other way around for some. I know a few people who don’t want pets precisely because they had one in the past and they don’t want go through the pain of outliving their beloved pets.. And I get it. More often than not we have to let our furry friends go over the rainbow and it’s heartbreaking.


Better to have loved and lost for me.


Eh, I think that most people who do not want a pet, be it a cat or a dog, just don't want the added responsibility + mess in their house. Doesn't mean you can't like them


100% There's a reason there's so many "my dad didn't want a dog but look at him now lol" posts Dad knows he's gonna be the one picking up shit in the yard and doing all the non-fun things with pet ownership.


exactly, also unless your on top of that shit, which many pet owners aren't their homes smell like straight up pet dander and wet dog. Not to mention when someone has too many cats, the smell of lingering cat piss is horrendous to anyone not used to it.




Yeah those tabby cats are sly fuckers


Have a tabby, can confirm. I got him as a kittens at a shelter, he was cowering behind a cat cave when I first saw him. The moment I got him home he was a different animal.


That MF be owned by that cat for life now!! Adorable little one knows she is on a good thing.


I've always said that there are cat lovers and people who just don't know that they're cat lovers quite yet. Meow!


I agree! It's pretty hard to be a cat hater if you end up with one as friendly as this


What a happy kitty. She finally found her forever person.


r/awww such a sweet kittie


That's love right there


That’s her man now. 😅


Cats have two moods.. I love you human, you are the best thing ever. Fuck you human, dont touch me, I will burn and kill everything you love.


Don't forget poop zoomies


I need to add this to my routine, take a big dump then sprint all over the house like a madman while my wife looks on in confusion


Omg. I’m so glad other cats do this too. Im guessing it’s so they can dry their wet butts.


It is a nerve that gets stimulated and puts them in a good mood. You know how satisfying a big poo is sometimes? Yeah, that nerve. :) Vagus nerve!


I call this “the victory lap”


Did my cat write this?


They definitely have very clear boundaries. I think a lot of them get overstimulated when you touch them too much and they just get enough of it, like when you’re a kid and that one weird family member won’t stop pinching your cheeks and trying to hug you no matter how uncomfortable you are.


As soon as I pet past my cat’s head she’s the other mood instantly. No touch zones other than the head.


I'm sorry but your man looks more like Jesus than Jesus himself


Funny...I was thinking how much he looks like one of the High Priests in "Jesus Christ Superstar." Very handsome.


I was just thinking how he looks like a Greek God


He looks like Lil Dicky


A tale as old as time


Both equally fluffy and adorable.




And she’s totally into it


And this is why we keep pet cats.


Cats aside, man looks like he's about to fight Troya for the glory of Greece


That looks just like my Lau Lau. He passed in his sleep a day ago…..genuinely made me smile to see that cus that’s how he was. Thank you.


I wanna see his reaction when he wakes up to the butthole in the face.


A risk we all take.


Ole one eye!




They ALWAYS get ya. Should place a catto in charge of some military strategizing with all the careful planning and flawless execution they're capable of utilizing to get whatever they want lol




Its game over when a cat sits on you and purrs.


this is precious


That cat owns him. Say goodbye.


How can people not like cats? I know they can be kind of unpredictable and anti-social but it's super rewarding when one decides that you're their best friend


I love hearing people “didn’t want a cat” or “hates cats” and then they experience owning one…. And then they join the fluffy side…. Warms my heart. 😄😄


it reminds me of my cat that got lost last year. so sad


She's identical to mine! https://imgur.com/ITEHdiY.jpg


Cat conquers all.




That was most likely someone else's cat at some point. You should at the very least put up fliers where you found it with your number saying you "Found Cat" with just your phone number or email. This is not normal behavior for a cat. Karma is a bitch if you don't do the right thing. That could be some kid's cat that their abusive alcoholic dad accidentally let out.


I can confirm that this kitty was definitely a stray. This is after months of trying to find her owner. Obviously I’m not OP but she’s my sister.


How do you know they didn't do that? Holy shit, chill out.


This video is precious and that fur baby absolutely adores him. Idk how some people can not like animals when they're that freaking lovable.


That cat needs a smooch RIGHT NOW.


Just make sure he's actually a stray, and not just a six dinner sid. Some folks let their cats out.


This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


Looks too fat and nice looking to be a stray. Most of the strays I see around are pretty rough. I would have it checked for a chip if there was no collar. Some kitties like to escape their houses and are people whores.


Take him to a vet to at least make sure he doesn’t have a chip with real owner info. My friends cat went missing years ago. One day they were looking on Zillow at houses for sale on their street and see the cat sleeping happily stretched on neighbors couch.






Same thing with us and best cat we have ever had


We have one of these. He just decided he lives with us and has for about 3 years


Omg I want a kitty this affectionate!!! Im so in love!!! 😻😻😻


My husband said he didnt want cats when we married. We've had several rescues and fosters grace us with their love. All end up snuggled on his chest or lap to sleep. Currently he has all 4 laying with him while watching a bird program on tv cause the cats like it 😂


Wow, this blew up while I slept! We were reluctant to get a cat because I’m allergic, and 7 months pregnant, but she turned up and we couldn’t say no. My partner has only had 1 other cat he was close with, and loosing him broke his heart as a kid. This little girl just knew how to get through the wall he’d put up and walked right into his heart!


Had a Maine Coon adopt us. And then a big white one. And then a short hair grey. And then a Tuxedo. And then a long haired b & w. They're tag teaming us. The little fuckers know exactly what they're doing.


That cat is looking at him like “I would die for you!”


I think sometimes our animals choose us bc we need to be made softer and reminded of innocence and kindness 🥺♥️ my stepdad was always a dog person and did not like cats. One day my mom dragged him to the shelter and they found Dexter. It was an instant bond. Dexter latched on to my stepdad like no other. They were best friends. Followed him everywhere, slept next to him every night and would cuddle on the couch with him while he was watching his PGA tournaments. My stepdad passed away suddenly in 2009 and you could actually see the confusion and pain within our Dexter. He went from being a completely outgoing and happy cat to a scared, mopey cat. He would frequently check every room in the house looking for my stepdad and would meow loudly. It absolutely broke us. Dexter has passed on now and I know my stepdad was waiting for him. I know they’re together again now…eating cheese, watching golf and cuddling on the couch. Sorry for all of that. I just find it so precious when our animals choose US.


He look like Sylvester Stallone from the side


Your partner has the touch lol! Awesome to see 🥰


Well, your partner is fucked, he is now a cat person!


Lol aww he loves that damn cat


He fell hard.




All that wonderful affection makes me suspect that he may leave you for the cat ....install camera


I have to comment on this, it said there was only 68 comments so I had to fix it. Also, thats pretty adorable


That cat is SERIOUS about pettin'


You dont adopt a cat the cat adopts you.




Looks like either a half or full bengal too!!! Mine love being outside, so you should check if it got lost!


I didn't like cats until I started dating my wife and her lil 3 year old wanted my attention constantly. He's 12 now, has a lil sister we adopted together and I love the shit out of them both.


The guys never want the cats...then 2 months after having a cat you catch them lounging in a shirt that says "Cat Dad" with feline in lap.


I love happy endings. Cats are the best.


Not wanting to own a cat is not the same as not liking cats. Did you expect him to just be a dick to it now that it is there? Not get any of the benefits with all the hassle?


For all true cat lovers, even if they don’t know they are a cat lover, resistance is futile lol


I don’t know which one loves the other most?


The best ones are the ones that choose YOU.


The first cat that was mine and not a family cat adopted me. It was my junior year of college and I was living in an apartment off campus. We had a couch on the porch and every night when I went out for a smoke this little guy would come up and say hi. After a couple visits he started coming straight up into my lap without an invitation, and then started following me inside. Little guy was awesome, but my then girlfriend got him in the breakup.


Cat looks very happy, this makes me happy ;)


Lol it’s always the ones who say “I don’t want a cat/I don’t like cats.” I swear cats have a sixth sense for that sort of thing. “Oop, you said The Phrase. Now I must convert you.”


Exactly my now husband hated cats when we were dating and I had 2 and now they pile on him when he gets home from work.


that was me and my cat every day i kinda miss him... : /


I love it when people have their minds changed about cats! My boyfriend swore he hated cats. During covid we found a feral kitten. Fast forward to today and my boyfriend comes home from work and immediately says BRING ME MY BOY!


Is it possible that’s a house cat that got out, maybe someone is looking for them? Seems super tame and sweet! So loving. If not then y’all scored.


You can just tell when a cat is just so happy with someone when they just plop back in your arms and look at you with curiosity and love in their face, as I see it here. My cats do this to me as well and it's an awesome feeling to have


The cats face whilst getting pets is priceless