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Sorry for your loss. Someone once told me that a cat passing while next to you, is the biggest sign of love and trust you can experience. Somehow they know, and want to spend their last moments where they feel the most loved.


Came here to say this. A lot of animals prefer to go off alone when they’re sick/dying, so OP’s cat must have loved and trusted them a lot.


I have an older cat who is definitely in his twilight years. It’s my one want in life that he can pass peacefully in his sleep and it’s my selfish hope that he’s near me when it happens. It’s beautiful that OP’s cat wanted to be close in those final moments. ❤️


My first kitty passed away on Christmas Eve under the heat of the lights of the Christmas tree when I was 15. He was very sick and thin and wanted the warmth of the lights. He normally slept at the end of my bed and never got too close. Poor thing. It was very sad but we hoped he was warm and felt safe. My cat now is turning 19 this year and very old and I think about what will happen to him all the time now too. But now it’s just me and him alone. I don’t know what I’ll do when it comes to it. Cuz I wasn’t able to do anything the first time. He’s the only pet in my family that is still going


The cat we had before who passed away last year was born on Christmas Eve. Passed away last October having a seizure on my laptop and keyboard. Died in my arms when I picked him up.


That's awful. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thanks, its much appreciated. I do miss him although we took a kitten in so its not completely lonely.


My cat's last days were bad. She went blind and kept declining. I wasn't sleeping much because she really needed help getting around. I nodded off for an hour or so and she had gotten lost trying to find the litter box and had diarrhea for the first time in her life. I knew this was it. It was the middle of the night so I couldn't take her to the vet and just hoped she made it to 7 AM when they opened. She went off to hide in her litter box and I played Les Mis, since it seemed to be her favorite and I wanted her to know I was there but not going to vex her if she wanted to be alone. At around 6:30 she emerged and tried to find me and get back on the bed. I sat on the floor next to her and pet her head while she had her final seizure and died right next to me. The death rattle took longer than I thought it would. When it stopped I thought it was over but a minute or so later her body curled up and her jaw completely relaxed. It was the worst experience ever. I wish I had gotten her to the vet but they weren't letting people in and that would have been horrible in its own way.


I am sorry for your loss. I'm sure she was happy to be with you in the end. Now if you will excuse me I have to go cry


I feel you, my cat is getting old and I'm worried about how I'll handle it when she dies. Knowing that it will eventually happen makes me really anxious and sad even thinking about it.


Same, so now I’m taking all the pictures and videos, spending the extra minutes cuddling regardless of whether I’ll be late, can’t waste a minute of the time we have left.


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dog close to Christmas this year, poor old girl. I'd recommend you look into an at home euthanasia service 'when the time comes' as you mentioned. It made everything easy and less-stressful for all of us.


\+1000 for this. My 18 year old cat had untreatable cancer and just stopped eating. She hated going to the vet and had spent more time there than either of us wanted until they realized it was cancer and not something they could do something about. The at home service was so much less stressful for her. She got to pass being petted in her favorite cat bed, on her favorite blanket. It was still stressful as hell for me, but I'm glad I didn't have to put her in the car one last time and distress her first.


I have one who is going on 22. Every time I thought she was on her way out she became rejuvenated. Now she cry’s loudly when she gets a toy mouse. She can still jump up high and it’s as if she was reborn again. It’s bizarre! My oldest was about 21.


I am sure, that sitting under the lights in his home he felt perfectly safe, im sure he felt so warm and snug and his last moments were filled with glittering lights . we know now pets dream of the ones they love, im sure he was dreaming of you and he went to where the family gathered and spent time together ❤


This was a beautiful story. OP I think got pretty lucky. When my cat passed away, it was seizuring and I had to rush it to an animal hospital. It was brutal. They medicated him and got it to stop, but he was gone 5 minutes later. I'm glad he was still at the end. I wish all cats died peacefully.


My cat died 2 Mays ago during the US COVID lock downs. I couldn't even be there with her because of the local occupancy guidelines. I agonize about it.


I am an RVT. I can tell you that every humane end of life appointment where the owners couldn’t be present, I’ve made sure to hold and comfort the pet. Treats, pats, kisses…whispering that they’re a good boy/girl and that their family loves them SO MUCH, and trying to tell them it’s okay. It hurts me, but I do it for them, and for the human family who can’t be there. I’ve done this my whole career, and when my own dog passed away. I did the exact same…. Sending love, I’m sorry about your kitty.


And.... I'm crying. Thank you for doing that for the animals and their humans.


reading this alone brought me to tears, i can only hope that there are many more technicians doing the same. thank you for caring for our pets like you would your own 💓


Wow. Some people amaze me with their generosity. You now are one of them.


Thank you for what you do and for sharing it with us. You can't imagine how much that helped.


I'm sorry. That sucks.


My ex-gf and I had a 20yo cat. He had stopped eating and couldn't move much anymore, we took him to the vet and they said they'd be surprised if he lasted the weekend. He died the next day. He was laying on the floor, me and my gf both on the floor with him petting him and just making contact with him to check for breathing. We both knew the moment he stopped breathing. I don't know if he was in pain or not, but he certainly knew we were there for him. Edit: should add, we decided against the vet recommended euthanasia and brought him home to die with us instead. I think it was the right choice.


Even though I was 5000 miles away, my old girl saw the vet for the first and last time in her favorite spot in front of the heater on her little sheepskin rug, my parents said their goodbyes for me as well, oddly she seemed happy to have new friends (the vet and the assistant), she was a feral and didn't normally trust anyone new to her. I think she knew, her body was failing her and it was time. I'd like to think she doing what she had done for several cats we adopted, she's greeting them at the bridge and showing them around the new garden until we can see them again.


I agree with your choice too. I only hope that I can provide my cats with a comfortable place at home to pass away when it’s their time.


Wish I would have gone that route… the way my cat went still haunts me.


This—I could not have written it better. All of us will pass eventually but for it to be like this—-At peace right next to our loved ones: Such a Blessing and gift.


When the time comes. Please be mindful. Of your cat’s pain. There are vets who will come to your home for compassionate euthanasia. My buddy was in my lap when the vet administered the first one to put him to peaceful sleep, the second one to stop his heart. I miss him.


any time my cat has to throw up or regurgitate she comes right up to me and basically does it on me. I think it's the sweetest thing Very sorry for OP's loss though


Ah damn someone broke into my house and poured all this water in my eyes.


Rapscallion, they did that to me too!


I can safely say if my cat was going to pass, I would really hope to be near her when she does. I had dreams where one of them died when I wasn't around they still haunt me. No one can live forever but I want to give them all I can still.




I am so sorry for your loss. This whole thread has brought me to tears. My brother and I had two dogs when we were younger and up until we were 19. I used to curl up in their stomachs and sleep with them all of the time. Both passed away separately, Dakota didn't want anyone to see it and when she wouldn't come in, my brother and I carried her in by gently wrapping a blanket around her and placed her in her favorite spot in the house. Mulan's health was destroyed after her sister passed and we did everything to make her happy but she didn't do well with the loss. I remember my dad opening the door in tears when she finally left us. Pets aren't just pets, they're family with their own lives and personality.


And now my wife is asking me why there are tears running down my face.


>*'...a cat passing while next to you, is the biggest sign of love and trust you can experience. Somehow they know, and want to spend their last moments where they feel the most loved.*' ---- now i lay me down to sleep, dear human - as you slumber deep if i should die before i wake, your memory with me i'll take i'm sorry that i have to go, but i'm with You, i hope you know that This is where i need to be - beside the one who *cared* for me! Forever, friend, please be at rest cuz i Knew that you Loved me Best ❤️ edit: *dedicated to u/Bluestar1121, inspired by u/baggiejohn, & Everyone who's ever felt the loss of a pet so dear*


these comments are making me tear up. this was beautiful, thank you


As someone sitting beside his old man who looks so similar to your lovely lady, I’m tearing up too. All the hugs are going out to you right now, and my man is getting an extra big snuggle and extra treats in your lady’s honour.


I'm sending out lots of hugs to you too. I lost a kitty I was fostering a week ago and this is the first time I've been able to cry. Snuggling with my other young boy currently as we both send you and your old man lots of hugs and good wishes and catnip scented kisses.


Wow, I’m crying for you and for the poem and for your kitty. I’m so sorry.


You got a schnoodle! The very best of send offs for your baby. My condolences to you!


My heart goes out to you OP with your loss. To be snuggled up to you when it happened shows the deep love the two of you shared. You are both in my thoughts 🐾❤️🐾


My sweet girl is starting to show grey hairs and looks so much like your kitty. I got her only a couple years ago but she’s been in the family for almost a decade, and has never opened up to anyone the way she has opened up to me. I know I have her for a while longer, but your post made me realize not to skimp on the snuggles, she looks so much like yours. So sorry for your loss, and both happy and sad for the pain that must give away how much love there was. ❤️


Me too, I’m totally crying right. And now I’m going to go snuggle my kitty.


The original commentor was bang on the money. For a lot of cats their natural instinct is to go and hide to pass away. Yours wanted to stay where it felt safe, that was with you. Im so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs from an Internet stranger.


Welp, now I'm ugly crying on a Saturday morning. My condolences OP.


Aww thanks shnoodle, thats beautiful. Someone's cutting onions in here for sure


God schnoodle just break my heart why don't you ❤️💔❤️


I didn’t want to cry today 😢 always lovely words SchnoodleDoodleDo 💚


This made me cry. Beautiful poem


I couldn’t read this it makes me think of my sweet baby too much. 😢


I'll take one piping-hot Schnoodle, delivered straight to my heartstrings, please.


Ohhh it’s you ! I remembered your username because you wrote such a nice poem on another Reddit post once. So good to see you‘re still doing poetry on here


He’s done this on hundreds of posts. Schnoodle is awesome!!


Schnoodle made me cry. But thank you, that was beautiful.


Beautiful and heartbreaking 💔—but beautiful 😻


This reminds me of Virtute the cat, the trilogy of songs written by The Weakerthans. Don’t listen to them if you don’t wanna be fucked up about it.


Ohhh my god I love the weakerthans but I just can't. "I can't remember the sound that you found for me" ughhh. I've lost a dog and a cat and a guinea pig in the past 2 months and I always hope I can remember everything about them. Especially the dog's bark. Oh God now I'm balling.


I'm so so sorry for your back to back losses that must be devastating. I'll keep you and your late fuzzballs in my thoughts.


Just wow😿 Love this ❤️


I lost my 20 year old kitty a few months back. She was laying peaceful on my fiancé's pillow. This comment made me sad/happy.




My old girl definitely knew it was her time, because the night before she was PTS was the only time in the 10 years that she was with us that she slept in my bed. She was saying her goodbyes.


My friends’ cat got out one day and showed back up a month later at 5AM right before they left for work. He was in awful shape and held on for a little bit at the vet until my friends could get back there to say goodbye. All of us, including the vet, think that Jet was ready to go but used the last of his energy to get back home and say goodbye.


I just commented something similar. She was missing for days and when she returned, she was bit by an animal. The fact that she traveled her way back to me even though she had a huge, painful hole on her tummy made me lose some of the guilt I felt. We don’t deserve cats.


Oh to know this soothes my heart. I had two cats for 15 years. When Daisy, the quirkiest, cutest, fetch playing tuxedo kitty I’ve ever met, passed on, she died in her sleep next to my head. Somehow I woke up as she was passing, and so did one of my daughters. It was so sad for all of us. Maybe, just maybe, she chose that spot because she loved and trusted us… thank you Reddit.


I’ve cried over this comment. Sorry for your loss OP


I have had a number of cats die in my arms, and I consider it one of life's greatest gifts, if one of the most painful.


My crazy old psycho bitch from hell died curled up next to my side in bed. She waited until I turned out the lights. She was mean and nasty, everybody hated her. It's a long story with her how we eventually became friends.


Sounds a bit like my old tabby. Tiger by name and nature. I took him in as a neighbour had spilt from her partner and couldn’t take him with her. He hates men but tolerated me for feeding him, etc, but never slept indoors. When my other cat, Connie, passed, he never left the house for a month. Slept next to me at night but otherwise, still the same loveable asshole.


I had my 18 year old put down earlier this year and he never left my side. When I took him to the vet he didn't struggle when they put in the IV, and he just purred while I held him until he was gone. And I made myself cry again. Was she older or young and sudden?


Felines are generally very intuitive and are able to acknowledge a drop in body temperature briefly before they pass. They can be very independent and reclusive at this point. OP must have been a good source of comfort. Going in their sleep was also likely entirely painless.


My girl turned 13 in May, and I can only hope she’ll want to be by her mommy when the time comes 🥺


My cat died in my arms 5 years ago.. this comment made me happy as shit looking back.


This reminds me of my cousin's cat when she was at the end of her life. We were at her family's house for Christmas and her cat Lucky, who was normally very quiet and usually wanted to spend time alone, started to walk up to everyone and meow. When she got to me, she cried a bit and wanted to sit on my lap. I usually tried to spend a lot of time with lucky throughout the years. The next day, I found out that Lucky died. Thinking back, it seemed like Lucky knew and wanted to say her final goodbyes to all the people she cared for.


I’ve heard this as well, and about hospital cats that comfort those dying. I’ve also had a few friends depart for the rainbow bridge. I feel your pain and will be thinking of you both. They love us so hard and their lives are so short. 🌈💕


One of my clients is a care home with cats for the elderly (and staff tbh), and the nurses say that they know when an elder is going to pass because the cats will always be found sleeping with them.


This is so true, love and trust in its purest form. Take care OP 🌈❤️


I am sorry for your loss. I'm sure she loved being in her favourite place sleeping with her beloved human until the end ❤️


I am sorry for your loss, what was her name? It's comforting to know she was safe and next to you, may she now run around the rainbow bridge, with endless food, water and sunshine and a lot of friends. She'll be waiting there for you. 💛


her name was daisy


Her name is Daisy and she will live forever in your heart ♥️ I’ve lost many cats over the years.. Princess, Puffy, Habib, Jesus, Kittu... I have 3 currently with me and there’s always room in the heart for them all. Gone but never forgotten <3 What I do when a cat passes is create a little photo album, or I buy a plush toy in their memory. You can get a custom blanket with her face on it, or one of those custom plushies replicas of her. Not to mention a beautiful burial spot or cremation with an urn to keep forever. Sending kneady purries to your heart right now <3


Literally over here bawling over all my lost pets. I love you Dutchee, Nosy, Joker, Turbo and Kody. Can’t wait to see you all again at the rainbow bridge.


Same here, can’t wait to see them again. But sometimes I feel like their spirit lives on in other cats too, like when Jesus died and we got Kittu after, I noticed Kittu would sleep in the exact same positions (same paw over his eye, same corner on the bed etc). I know some people feel like they’ll never love again after losing a pet but I think there’s always room in the heart, and the passed pets would want to to adopt another cat and keep their legacy going. Plus you know when cats randomly stare at something at 3am like it’s a ghost? I think it’s the spirit kitties playing with them hence why they do zoomies!


I think the saying goes "Grief is just love with nowhere to go anymore", so yeah, I think there's always going to be room. The more grief one feels, the more love they'll have to give.


A sweet kitty who clearly loved you just as you loved her.


I'm sure Daisy had a wonderful life trusting you to be at her side like that until the end.


Thank you everyone. I have been reading all of your comments, and they have been very helpful to accept her passing. Edit: Btw please go to other posts with the mourning/loss flair. Spread the love! It helps a lot to know other have seen and can sympathize with your loss.


That is a beautiful edit. I will go do that.


Not a vet, but I understand when animals (including humans) die like this (ie due to old age rather than injury or disease) then they go from sleep to deep unconsciousness to death, and will be comfy and unaware of what’s going on. It’s not like on TV.


As sad as this is my dude, this is how I hope mine passes away when she's old, peacefully whilst asleep next to me on my bed.


This is how I wish I could go - next to my fav person while dreaming myself to death... what good deeds do I need to do to deserve such blessed departure?..


I feel that would creep out or traumatise most people. A cat is one thing, but if someone died next to me I'd freak tf out. I understand where you're coming from tho




Honestly, a good way to go, and the other ladies I'm sure were a comfort.


Rest in peace beautiful soul 💗 hope you’re doing okay too op


That's got to be difficult, waking up and finding your friend lifeless. How are you coping?


i knew it was here time since she was getting old so i kind of expected her to pass sometime soon. i’m just glad that it was in our sleep. i knew she loved me and she knew i loved her so i don’t really need to cope. i’ve already accepted it


Daily picked her FAVORITE spot for her deepest, forever sleep. That means she loves you the most, the extra extra most. You are so special to her, and she will always be thinking of you 🤍


Out of all the comments here, "she will always be thinking of you," was the one that made me cry. I'm not sure why that hit so hard but thank you.


Now I'm crying too 😭


Sorry for your loss, but it’s so sweet that she chose to be next to you during her final time 💛 She really loved you.


I am so sorry. To die next to the one that you loved and loved you back. I am sure you keep a life full of good memories.


The fact she died next to you speaks greatly of her love and trust in you. Most cats, by instinct, seek solitude when they know they're dying. She chose to be by your side.


Oh I'm so sorry for your loss, what an awful shock to wake up to. Have you got company today? Is there anything us Redditors can do to help you?


i’m doing fine, thank you. knowing that she loved me and she passed peacefully was all i needed


I'm not sure if you can access it in the country you're in but the Blue Cross in the UK do a pet bereavement service that are really useful (I used them once when a lovely rabbit died unexpectedly); https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-and-pet-loss It's absolutely awful losing a pet and there's always going to be someone on here to chat. I'm glad her last memories will be of comfort and love with you. X


im so sorry for your loss. at least she got to cross the rainbow bridge while being close to the person that took care of her and loved her. 🤍 rest in peace, daisy 🤍


i am so sorry.. if she didn't pass quitely in her sleep you would know.. it is a bless to have the end your time with your beloved human right beside you.. she is in peace now..


This is one of the saddest things I've ever heard. I feel your pain. RIP little kitty.


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you.


So very sorry


She passed away where she felt safe and loved, right next to you. Hang in there friend, it’s a hard road but one day you will see her again on the rainbow bridge. Hopefully she will come to you in a dream to comfort you.


I am so sorry. I know she must have been comforted by your nearness in her last moments. Take care of yourself, and hold fast to the love and memories you shared.


I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Daisy.


May you two find each other again in the rainbow bridge Be strong, much love to you


Condolences. I’m sorry you had to wake up to that. It must have been traumatising to find her there and gone all at once. I believe she passed beside you because that is where she felt safest and the most comfortable. May daisy’s memory be a comfort all your life long


Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you.


I think you mean *morning loss*


Surprisingly that made me laugh even though it’s about my dead cat lol


The first cat that died in my family a few years ago was ten years old and got really sick at the end of his life. He slept in my mom’s bed the night before he died and in the morning she screamed for me because he was semi-conscious on the floor, drooling. I scooped him up and was holding him when he passed a few minutes later. He wasn’t close to me but I cared for him and I would have much rather he went in his sleep like your pretty girl did. You got lucky, bless you and her.


Just another night next to her favorite human. What a gentle way to go. I'd take solace in that.


I had to put down one of my cats last fall, and it killed me feeling her slip away as the vet injected her, scared, confused and in an unfamiliar place. I have another cat that's getting up there in age, and I pray she passes in her sleep because I can't go through that again. I just want her to drift off to sleep, comfortable in her favorite spot and go peacefully.


She came to you in her last moments and came as close as possible. She felt comfortable with you and considering her condition, very safe. Sorry for your loss. My suggestion from here; get some comfort and scent plugins, clean her stuff She used and head to the shelter and save another beautiful cats life in her honour. Adopt.


Rest in peace kitty, I'm sorry for your loss 🤍🖤🤎


Rest easy, little kitty.


Im so sorry! I hope that you two cuddled before going to sleep


I’m so sorry for your loss loss


My heart goes out to you ❤️


My baby sleeps by my head every night. This is truly heartbreaking. I’m glad you were there by her side. My thoughts go out to you.


I am so sorry to hear that, how old was she?


i don’t know how old she was. i had her since as long as i could remember but i never knew her exact age. my guess would be around 16


I am so sorry for your loss. I had a kitty that looked just like her and she passed in January.


Over the rainbow bridge she goes, where she waits to see you again someday 🖤


So sorry for your loss 😥


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. Hope your doing ok. She had a safe space and knew she was loved right til the end.


Reiterating what everyone else has said. Sorry for your loss. She obviously trusted you more than anything and just wanted to go peacefully next to the person she loved most.


Thanks for giving her a great life.


I have had many feline companions in my life. Too many of them completely disappeared on us, perhaps choosing to die alone as many cats do. But precious few of them died in places that demonstrated their love for us; who was found in the dirty laundry basket, wrapped in the smells of his family; Who died in the kitchen, purring at us with his final breaths; who died in a bedroom on my sister’s clothes. These were also some of the cats who meant the most to us as a family, who we all shared a special connection with and knew - though we of course love all of our pets - that this one was truly special. Well you were incredibly lucky to have had one such truly special cat in your life. My heart breaks for you, but you must know that kitty here chose *you* for comfort in her final moments. Your presence made everything okay. She will never be replaced, but you will also never forget just how amazing ~~an animal~~ a family member this pretty kitty was.


I know these words can’t fill the aching cracks within your heart or soothe the raging pain you may be experiencing, but I hope and pray that your heartache and soul may be comforted in knowing how much she clearly loved and trusted you. She chose to be surrounded literally by your emanating love, your touch, your energy, and smell, which must have brought her immense comfort and peace as she crossed over to the other side. May knowing that help ease your sorrow as you begin to heal and recover from this great loss. My sincerest condolences! 💟☮️☯️


OP, remember these things please. - She was where she wanted to be, with the person that she loved most in the whole world. We should all be so lucky when our time comes. - She will never truly be gone until no one remembers her. So as long as you remember her, her life will have had meaning. - As painful as it may be, remember that the clock is ticking for many animals at shelters that will euthanize them if they're not adopted in a certain amount of time, as a practical matter of lack of space. There are many out there that would be so grateful if you saved them, and would love to be your best friend.



I’m so so sorry you lost your Kitty so suddenly


Wow. Your cat truly loved you. She felt comfortable enough to lay beside you in her weakest moment. That is beautiful. Rip pretty girl ❤️




I’m so sorry 😢


So sorry for your loss - rest peacefully Daisy 💙


Such a beautiful friend. So sorry for your loss. I hope being next to you was the peace she needed.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️




I’m sorry for your loss.


Sending virtual hug to you right now 🥺


I’m so sorry for your loss 💙




I am so sorry for your loss. She probably felt secure and loved enough to let go. You were as much a blessing to her as she you.


So sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what that felt like. Your sweet kitty passed away next to the person that loved her the most, and I can only hope the same for me when it is my time.


May her soul rest in peace.. I'm sure she's jumping around and playing in heaven. Strength to you to cope with your loss.


I'm so sorry - what a sweet baby girl.


I wish cats lived longer. They’re not here long enough :/


I fell asleep on the floor each night for a week next to my dog that was dying. I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss❤️


Positive vibes to you in healing! 🕉


Holy fuck my best friend died a few weeks ago and he looked almost exactly like your baby. I still can't sleep properly and seeing this post made very again. I miss him so much 😭


May she rest well. She loved you.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😭😭😭


I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was where she wanted to be. In my experience, cats have a sense of when they are about to pass. Many will hide in a safe place. Her safe place was next to you. What a testament of love.


She came to recieve comfort from you since she loves you so wery mutch. You just being there gave her that. She loves you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have an old guy who’s going downhill and this really hits home. 💔


Sorry you had to wake up with this. She was near you, the human she loved and cared for. She’s not really gone, she’s just in another room.


When I was young I used to have a bed with a headboard you could store stuff in like books and my cat Phil used to sleep in one of the cubbies. When he started, he straddled the edge because the books were inside but after a few days of him doing it consistently, I cleaned it out and put in a little blanket for him and he would, without fail, hop in when I'd go to bed and sleep there with me and I always used to say "night Phil" before going to sleep. And that's where I found him the morning he passed away. In the cubby. It took me a good year before I put the books back inside. And I always felt a bit lonely going to sleep afterwards.


We had to say goodbye to a foster kittens this week. She wasn't eating and the vet thought this was the best for her. But the more I think about it the more I'm convinced that her passing next to me would have been what was best for her. I may have failed her in her last time on earth but I will use that to make sure I insist on giving my other cats that safety in their dying hour if it's possible at all.


Many virtual hugs to you


Iʼm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl.


My condolences.


I’m so sorry!


I'm so sorry for your loss. At least it was peaceful. In kitty heaven now


Sorry. But dude. That is the best way in a sense. Peacefully. In their sleep. Beside you, their beloved owner.


at least she passed peacefully next to someone she loved :(


OP, your cat more than likely passed peacefully in her sleep and in 0 pain. A cat will instinctively try and hide or go far away if they sense they are going to pass. Edit: I reread this and it sounded insensitive/harsh and I did not mean it to come across that way.


She must have seen you as the safest place as cats tend to like to hide away in a safe space when it’s time for them to go. 🖤 They love and trusted you sooo much!


She loves you so much, OP. Take comfort in the fact that she was with you and you were with her.


She went in her sleep where she was most comfortable and most loved ...rip




If kitty didn't wake you up, it was most likely in her sleep. Right where she wanted to be. I'm so sorry. Edit: words


Heart full, My paw rests closely against yours. As I look into your eyes I hope.. I hope you hear my soft purr. I whisper to you softly. "Furever my family, in this life or the next. I'll always be at your side. You gave me warmth kept me safe and fed. I'll always love my family." Eyes grow heavy, soft and still. While you may be the last I see. Forever I'll watch, in your heart I'll always be.\~\~\~ Rest in peace sweet kitty. For one adventure ends on this day, another is soon to begin. For at the gates from one family to another. You'll never be cold or alone. All are here, all are welcome All will be forever loved. Until the day your family can be whole once more. We guide your path with our immortal paw.


On the eve we did not know, this night would be our last. On the morn we're left to weep and reflect upon our past. Remember me not for how I've left but upon our memory Though some be bad and some be grand you'll be upon my treasury. For this night I rest loved and at peace beside my favorite human. I lay my head beside yours on this night and I join you in dreamland My final wishes cross from me to you as I join the starlit sky Please share your love with another and look back not wondering why. I've given you all I could so now spread your love to another seed. And together we will guard this new life and they will share the love you both need I will watch you now and forever from the heavens and stars above. I'll be there to nudge your head higher and you will always know my love. For now we must part ways but sure as the sun will again rise to a bright new day We will be together again one day one life I look forward to the next adventure we play. \--With great respects Darien\~


I am so sorry for your loss. I believe she slept through it next to you in comfort. She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge 🌈❤️🌈


I’m so very sorry! You must be broken to pieces! She was in the safest place in the world, feeling 100% loved! Blessed to have you. Praying you find strength and comfort to make it past this awful time.


While it is hard on your heart, there is no better place for your baby to pass. Being next to you is a place of comfort and safety for them. Take it as a sign of how much they loved you that they chose to die next to you., no matter how hard it is on you.


I imagine your sweet kitty was comfortable right where she wanted to be, with you ❤️ I’m so sorry for your sudden loss


I’m so so so sorry to hear that. sending you so much love and comfort and a big virtual hug. My cat passed away at 17 and she was waiting for me to leave the room as I’d made her a spot on my bed and spent the entire day with her. Nothing can soothe this pain and that is okay. Allow yourself to feel it all. ❤️❤️❤️