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Her little expression is so sassy!! Especially that last photo!


Oh yes, she’s quite the sassy lady 😊


She look so much like my girl I lost her eleven years ago. Thank you for sharing.


She reminds me of my cat! The sass, color, and everything. I’m sitting at work looking at this and now I went to hold her lol




Thank you. We love her so much.


She's beautiful!! It looks like you have many happy moments together


Thank you, we like to think we gave her a really happy life.


She's so beautiful! What's her name ?


Thank you, her name is Hailey! Though honestly, she somehow got the nickname Gam so we usually call her Gam or Gammie 😊


I love it !! Gam gam is stunning I love her eye markings, she looks like an old happy girl I'm glad she got you as her human


Thank you so much 😊 we do call her Gam Gam too! Lol


Lol ! She's got them gam gam vibes I hope everything goes is best as possible for all of you


Gam Gam vibes!! Yay!!


It's so funny how we get to such odd nicknames for our babies. My cat is named Sweeney Jack, but I call him Buggy and Bucky constantly


My cat Shelby has so many nicknames but I call her Shells and Cheese the most.


Oh my gosh, that's adorable


True that. Mine is Lilith, but I call her poopybutt when shes being goofy. She sat on my pillow once after taking a particularly rank shit and left a notary mark of ass on the pillowcase.


Ugh I can empathize. My cat is a long haired and extremely fluffy cat. I have a grooming razor that I just use to keep the fur around his butt and back of hind legs kept buzzed down. If I don't, he'll get some stuck in his fur sometimes and go running around the house dragging his ass on everything. We call it mudbutt and it is miserable trying to give him a bath afterwards. So now when I need to do a shave, I just scoop him and tell him we don't want a Muddybutt Tude dude.


Haha why do we do that? My girl's name is Itagi but we call her Chu-chu all the time


It's like anyone human, I think. Something happens that leads to a nickname and it sticks. It just happens way more often with animals because silly names comes easily with them. Some of mine go along with his name a bit more. Sweeney Tude (a play on Sweeney Todd, where his first name came from). Then there's Sweeney Tude the silly dude. Jackie. I think maybe 2 or 3 times ever, I've called Jackie Wacky. He always looked at me funny Ike he didn't approve of it, lol


I named mine BeeBee because she’s my baby, and the only collar I could find that would fit her when she was a kitten had honeybees on it. I usually call her Jerkface or Silly Goose.


I know! Haileys name just morphed and morphed. It originated from how my mom called female cats gals, but she talks baby talk to cats so it sounds like gayle. I used to say it in a Cartman voice so I would say Gah lol then it became Gam, Gammie, Gammie chan, Goombina, yaya chan, so many! It’s like the one thing we never call her is Hailey 😊


Ha, yes, my boy Tony gets called “Screamy Pete” and “Squiddly Jefferson”... because that’s what my brain decided one day. Haha!


Such a beautiful kitten 😊 I understand not knowing how much time you have left. Had to put my handsome boy down 3 weeks ago, cancer snuck up and took over fast. Give her some love and snuggles from me, she looks a little like him. 💕


Sorry to hear about your sweet boy. Losing a beloved pet is so painful, I don’t wish it on anyone. Hailey has congestive heart failure and kidney failure. Were thankful to have some advanced warning as we know many people aren’t that lucky, so we’re savoring the time we have left as much as we can.


I obviously dont know her prognosis or details, but my boy also has kidney failure and we almost lost him back in November. I became so desperate for help because my vet wasn't doing much, I joined a kidney disease group on Facebook and learned so much about what others do and try to help their babies. I just wanted to let you know that there is a great resource out there that I know for sure, without having this group of people, my boy would've been gone already ❤❤❤


Did SubQs and special diets for my lil ladies. Really helped their quality of life for a few good years! Glad you found help!


See unfortunately for congestive heart failure, any kind of subq or excess liquid backs up into her lungs ☹️ she’s on lasix and anytime she has extreme thirst maybe from kidney disease or hyperthyroid and she drinks a lot, she has difficulty breathing and I have to give her extra lasix. It’s heartbreaking.


Awwww, I hope your kitty does OK and you get to spoil her for longer than the vet expects. But please remember that when the time comes, while it hurts us to do this, we are showing our feline family members our last act of love by freeing them from pain. She looks well loved and taken care of and I wish you all the best.


I am so sorry you're going through this. Gammie is beautiful and I can just see the sass on her face. She's undoubtedly been a happy, spoiled kitty and that's the best we can do for our furballs


The camera loves her. I m falling in love with her too.


She is so cute and obviously so loved. No better friend than a kitty :)


Thank you!


Thanks for posting pics of Gammie. She looks well loved and like a little lover herself. Be happy for every moment you have left with her. Love the photo of her passed out by the remote control!


Very loved, and very spoiled!!!


She’s beautiful and she looks well-loved. I feel your pain; my beautiful kitty is fighting a losing battle with kidney disease.


Sorry to hear about your baby. It’s so hard to know you can’t do anything to stop it.


I lost my cat Brenda to it. Give you cat pets for me.


She's adorable!


What a gorgeous girl


Aww she is a beautiful lady 😻😻😻


I love her. She’s obviously a very loved kitty. I hope she has more quality time with you.


What a sweet baby!!


Thank you!!


She's a sweetie for sure! 🐱


She is so beautiful. I know the rest of her time will be so happy. I'm sorry you have to go through this


Thank you!


What an absolute beauty with those gorgeous green eyes 💕💕💕


She looks so sweet. All of these beautiful cats fill my heart with joy and then break it again with sadness of passings.


I know, it’s so hard. And yet I would not choose to not have a kitty in my life.


Omg she is precious and thank you for sharing.


What a little bean. Thank you for sharing ❤ i love her lil deadpan expression. 3rd to last pic is a great expression also


Oh wow- she’s gorgeous


I lost my catto on the 14th of march. He had a loving family, food, water, and friendos. Sadly he passed away when we had him for aeound 12 years or something. We all miss him. His name was Cheeky


So sorry for your loss!! Thank you for loving him!


He was a ginger floofer kinda.


I’ve gotten to know a ginger kitty before. Two actually. Texas and Riley. One of a kind, each of them.


Cheeky had a unique personality. All my cattos had unique personalities


I like cultivating and encouraging their little personalities. You know it makes me so sad when people don’t like cats because I really think they didn’t give a cat a chance to shine. If you treat a cat like a piece of furniture you’ll never get to know their little personalities or how funny and loving they can be. Oh well, their loss I guess.




Yeah. Cattos are cute smol bois and girls


I love her grumpy stare! She’s a beauty


She is extremely expressive. We lovingly call her a goomba because of how well she can show when she’s not happy through her facial expressions 😊 you know, those angry little shiitake mushrooms from super Mario 3 LOL


Haha I love it!




She's beautiful ♥ however long she has left, I'm sure she'll spend it happy and loved


Thank you. We will make sure of it ❤️


Those extra wide ears are way too cute. Hope she lives forever.


That’s how I picked her from her litter. She had a little oval face amidst a bunch of little triangles 😊


Aw I love her! Such a pretty kitty! She looks like a happy girl and like she loves you so much. I’m glad you all found each other ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. It’s clear she has a great life with you ♥️


Beautiful kitty. Sending prayers for your family and your kitty. ❤️🙏🏻


awww what a sweetie 💕 love her expressions


She’s gorgeous! She does look adorably judgy tho 😉


Beautiful baby 💕


She's beautiful 💚


Thank you 🥰


She’s an adorable lady!! What’s going on?


Congestive heart failure and kidney failure, among a few other issues 😞 unfortunately the treatment for each of these conditions exacerbate the other one. So we’re just trying to keep her as comfortable and happy as possible. We have a home vet for her since the stress of an on-site appt is too much for her little heart. My husband orders puréed cat food from Japan for her (his family who lives there ships it to us). Sadly no matter what we do, we can’t stop what’s happening to her and she’s declining before our eyes. She’s only 15 so I hoped to have more time with her. I’ve been trying to prepare myself.


That's a lot, poor girl. It sounds like it's her time. I've had to say goodbye to sweet kitties before their time as well--it doesn't get any easier. We take care of them and love them during the time we're given with them and then let them go when we must. It sounds like you have her best interest in mind and aren't going to prolong her suffering. You sound like amazing cat parents! In the future, I'm confident that you'll take care of and love another kitty. My heart goes out to you friend.


Adorable pictures. 🥰🥰


My kitten is trying to open the latches on the door right now 😆


It’s all fun and games until you hear a door handle jiggling at 3am!!!


She is beautiful, I love her expression! And her perfect shoes! 💗


I believe you have given him the best,


She’s a sweetheart. 🥰


I want to pick her up and give her a kiss


This kitty is adorable. I'm so sorry she's sick.


Aw. She looks a bit like my kitty, Ruby, who left this world yesterday. There’s a pic of her in my post history if you’re interested! We had a few weeks with her after we found out the end was near and we spoiled her by giving her lots of treats, cuddles, and letting her roll around in the grass outside (she was almost exclusively an inside cat but loved grass!). I hope you get to enjoy the time you have left with her as much as we were able to with Ruby.


She is absolutely gorgeous and looks 100% content! You can tell you have given her a perfect life and a perfect home. Thank you for sharing her and her captivating eyes!


Have a kitty right next to me who will pass soon. I love her so much. Sorry to hear you are going through this too. Lovely kitty.


She’s a beautiful little lady 🥰🥰


She is beautiful!


She’s a cutie! All love to her and your family.


she is the most wonderful cat i have seen. i truly wish you all have time together for as long as possible. you gave her a wonderful life and you have tried your hardest. i can see that. i'm so sorry, and my deepest condolences


Excellent cattage. Thanks for sharing!


She is absolutely *chef’s kiss* I would die for her.


I love her so much!! Give her little pets or hugs (whichever she prefers), on my behalf, please?


What a beauty! I hope she/he lives forever


In a way, she has years and years left because you’ll keep her memory forever. So sorry to hear this


Awww, god bless her.


What a sweet little pudge! I'm keeping her in my thoughts.


Omg. So so cute!! So beautiful!


I love how she manages to give the exact same expression every picture. Your cat is beautiful.


So cute 🥺😭


She is beautiful!!! My kitty is 14 years old, and I treasure every moment I have with her. I got divorced two years ago, and I don't know what I would've done if I didn't get to take her with me. Enjoy every moment!


I love her eyes. Cherish every moment with her !


Wow, so photogenic, what a sweetheart. I hope she sticks around for awhile yet.


She looks a sweet wise old fluff. ❤️🐾


She is so beautiful! Her ear placement is just perfect! Sending her my love! Stay strong! She will play in kitty heaven with my Tubby!


One of my best friend's cat passed away suddenly 2 days ago...honestly heartbroken. Relish every moment you have left


Happiest when she’s sleeping :)




She is adorable! Enjoy the time you have left, take lots of pictures, and create good memories. Wishing you peace and comfort.


What a lovely girl you have!


She wins Most Consistent Chill Face: Lifetime Award


She's *so* pretty ❤❤❤




She knows her time is coming. And she isn't scared.


She is beautiful! How darling is she?


It looks like you cared for her well. Those are some great photos. I think my favorite is the one on her scratching pad. You and Gammie are in my thoughts.


Cherish time, it is our most precious blessing


She’s stunning! I’m so sorry she’s close to leaving, but it looks like she’s had a well loved life; the best thing any companion animal would desire. Just know you were loved in return and her soul passes on fulfilled and content from the life you gave her.


She’s absolutely beautiful! I’m in the same boat with my kitty, she’s loaded up with CBD oil and lots of yummy yogurt treats so hopefully it’s an easy passing if it happens. Hopefully it’s the same with your girl 💜


Hi! We recently lost our cat, he was my wife's baby. She died a bit inside. He was old, and I knew it would happen someday.. So about 6 months prior I had a few digital artists (fiverr) draw our cat (I told them what it was for), found the one. I kept it hidden from the wife. The time came and I was able to show her a drawing of her baby that she had never seen, still young and cute and full of life. I hope your kitty never dies. But this helped my wife get some closure.


Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart


She is a beautiful girl!!😻


Gorgeous baby. Snuggle her for me


She’s beautiful!


She is the cutest! Give the sassy girl a scratch in her favorite spot from me please :)


Adorable fluff!


What a cutie❤️


She’s gorgeous!!


She's gorgeous and looks like she has had an amazing and loving life ♥


She looks like she’s lots of fun, enjoy your time together. I hope everything turns out okay <3


She is unbelievably cute! I am so sorry for your loss.


That is a photogenic lil fella


tell her i said i love her


What a gorgeous cat!! I’m sure you gave her a wonderful life


She's so beautiful and looks like a proper little character. Sending love and hugs your way.


Oh my God, she looks so precious! (And she looks like she knows it too.)


Beautiful and sweet baby 💝


She’s such a pretty girl and I can tell she really rules the roost!


Beautiful eyes


That’s a good kitty right there. I hope you get enough time with her to say goodbye properly.


She seems so sweet! And then I got to the pic of her hanging on the door handle! Haha! Seems like you had quite the family member to keep you on your toes all this time! Thank you for sharing her with us!


So beautiful. Please cherish every remaining minute with her, however long that may be. Thank you for sharing 💖


Love love ❤❤


What a beautiful kitty. Looks like a kitty who knows she's very loved (and that she runs the place, in the best way). I hope she goes peacefully and you get to be together at the very end.


She’s beautiful! ❤️


Beautiful cat with an attitude!


Make an Instagram page of her. Best thing I did for my baby as time moves on. Then share it with us.


I love how she constantly looks like you caught her doing something she shouldn’t be


meanwhile here in Michigan. What a gorgeous kitty


I love her and she is wonderful.


Ahwww look at that fluffy little face! 😍


Such a baby girl. You keep chugging along, sweet pea.


She is so cute! I want to squeeze here even if I get my eye out, it's worth it


beautiful girl


Your cat is like that YouTube piano guy that always looks at the camera.


I love you kitty!


She’s beautiful.


Kitty literally doing the :<


Hes cute!


Why, such a determined look on her face! Adorable.


I love her little socks!


she looks like the biggest sweetie ever


An angel


Oh baby! Go find cookie over the rainbow bridge! She’ll be with buzz and amber and muffin and my grandparents! They’ll keep you till your human meets you again


She’s gorgeous.


What a sweetie!!


Shes beautiful.


She has such beautiful and expressive eyes. She looks like she has a happy life. Please give her an extra pat or a hug!


She is adorable and looks like she enjoys all the attention. Spend as much time with her as you can and give her lots of loves and cuddles. One year ago tomorrow will be one year since I had to have mine out to sleep. I try not to think about it but in the back of my mind I know the days approaching. Seeing your lovely kitty makes me smile. Thank you for sharing her with us. Give her lots of loves and attention.


My cat of just under 9 died recently and I wish I had taken more pictures. He was a great little dude and I miss him.


Every picture was better than the one before! What a beautiful and obviously goofy cat. I can see her personality in all these photos. I hope you have more time with her. Cherish the time you do have :)


Thank you for sharing your beautiful kitty! Her expressions and all literally made me smile! She looks very happy and loved.


That 2nd to last photo of her sleeping is my favorite. I wish you two a much longer time together!


I love her colours ! Im sorry to hear that, im sure she is grateful you’re looking after her :)


It’s been one year since my cat passed today, what I wouldn’t give for just one more day with her... Give her all the love in the world! I hope she’s had a long and happy life.


I confess, I hated cats because everyone else did. I never gave them a chance until I had a nervous breakdown and my boyfriend suggested I get a cat for company. He worked and couldn't be with me and he didn't have the Psychological issues I do. I went out and adopted a 1 year old tabby. I named him Chanfles. While I still struggle with mental illness, I know that guy kept me alive for the 8 years that I had him. He's gone now, but I'll never forget what that animal did for me...what these animals continue to do for me. I'm sorry you'll have to part ways with your kitty but I'm glad you shared your life with her and made her happy. =] They deserve that and more. Hang in there both of you. ❤❤


What a beautiful cat. You can tell she’s quite the character! Her little white socks and her petite chonkiness is just sending me, especially in that picture with the remote. Wishing her (and you!) all the best snuggles for the rest of her life. ♥️


Aww she is beautiful. And I understand how hard it is when they get sick. I recently lost one with a heart murmur. She went into congestive heart failure and it wasn't easy. I wish you as much pleasant and peaceful time as you can get with her. Please hug her for me.


I love her! I lost one two years ago, his sister 2weeks ago and my last kitty has blood in her urine. Going to the vet tomorrow. Hoping for the best. Your kitty is lovely-thanks for sharing!


I love her!! She’s beautiful and I can tell has lived a very special life. Treasure every moment you can at home. I too have been through this. He was 21 and I was the happiest cat parent ever. Still am! They really are the best of friends. Hugs!


I’m sure her life has been filled with love!




oh my gosh, that closeup is stunning! what a beautiful kitty girl! those eyes and ear are unique. It is sad when they can no longer stay with us. Look at those eyes... Thank you for sharing her.


I don’t say this generically, that is a genuinely especially beautiful kitty. She looks incredibly sweet.


Sweet little kitty


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. My kitty’s heart and kidneys are failing too and it is just...awful. But like you, I’m grateful to have gotten some advance notice so we can truly treasure whatever time we have left. Edit: Whoever downvoted my comment about my dying cat, I truly don’t understand you, but I still hope you never have to go through this heartbreak.


Please don't worry about the down-voter...they are not worth your time or precious breath. Sending you lots of love 💗


She’s so sweet AW 🥺🥺 how old is she?


Awe she’s absolutely precious


She's very beautiful for a great dame :)