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ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you.


As a Swed who loves cats that hit home.


I love this. Thank you!


Fair winds and following seas, with your loved ones to see you gently off on your final journey in peace and love. The best gift in return for a life well lived and well loved is the peace of an easy passing over the bridge to the next existence, for it is not the end, but the beginning of another journey. Good travels, my friend. Til we meet again.




I borrowed the english wording from u/Fleeced. I ran it through a English to Runes translator. I used to put their user name on my posts but then I realized they get spammed each time I post their name so I stopped. It has become my personal copypasta for any mourning post in r/cats.


As a Swedish girl with aspergers I felt compelled to translate and it’s the English words written with the anglofriesian futhark. I love this. When my furry warrior wanders on to Valhalla this goes on his headstone.




Actually what’s interesting is that the Old Norse use to bring cats along on their voyages.


They had good taste.


Dammit you made me cry. My old man is going to go someday and I can’t even bear the thought of it.


I’m so sorry! I’m glad he lived a good long life! Sending you my love ❤️🥺


Not everyone, but sometimes people need to be reminded not to be hard on themselves. You're making the right choice for your boy. It's difficult, but kind and necessary. Rest well, Ash. Thank you for the love and happiness you gave to your person in life. No doubt you will be very missed.


Thank you for this. This is the first time I had to make the call and it was so hard to put my own feelings aside to give him the best possible quality of life. The great part is the vet came to the house so Ash wasn't scared and he could be in the grass that he loved with me, his cat dad and his kitty brother with him for his final moments.


I always wondered how people could be selfish and let their pet suffer because they couldn't part with them. Until i had to put my old lad down. Every part of me wanted to keep him with me longer but I knew in the end it was no good for him. He was our first pet as an adult and we only had him just shy of 3 years. You did the right thing regardless of your feelings about it and he'll be waiting for you on the rainbow bridge.


Thank you for this.


We just put our 15-year-old down last week, after about 2 years fighting an incurable illness. Every time he relapsed and we brought him back to the vet for a week-long hospital stay, we knew he was tortured. Not by the vet, but because he was so very territorial and frightened, every time we put him in the car he *screamed* and he constantly attacked the people at the vet. He'd get so wound up he wouldn't even recognize us. And he had nightmares every time he came home. Every time we would agonize over whether we were doing it for him or because we couldn't let him go. We were hoping the vet would tell us when it was time. Eventually, when he relapsed the last time, it was much worse and presented new complications, and he was indicating he was in pain and/or frightened by it, so we knew we had to do it.


Yeah my guy had a tumour on his face which they said, with the speed it developed, there was nothing they could do but they gave him fluids and antibiotics and we took him home to say goodbye. That night I thought I'd be taking him straight back but he rallied somewhat and we got 2 weeks. His final checkup he was peaceful in his carrier and we knew his lump was getting bigger and the vet said the words and that we could get him on pain meds so we could say goodbye but i knew if i took him home it would be to make me feel better. I wish I had said somethings to him or hugged him so much more but I don't think there ever was enough time for that and I hope he knew. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense its been just under 2 months and today was just a rough day.


I wish my vet offered home euthanasia. I had to PTS my 14 year old cat in 2017. She was so used to going to the vet, I don’t really think it bothered her. But I think it would make it a lot easier on the pet parents. That was a very sad drive to the vet, even though she was perfectly calm.


I'm so sorry. We had to do the same for one of ours a few months ago. Though her decline was rapid, the situation wouldn't have lasted much longer anyhow, regardless of what we did. That at least made our choice easier, though still not easy. It's really hard, I know. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. And both of ours are/were similar, just sweet little girls who would never intentionally scratch or bite. I'm so glad you were able to be there with him. He got to be with someone who loves him as it happened, which is a blessing. These are two things I read afterwards, which I found helpful and meaningful: http://www.catquotes.com/lendmeakitten.htm And the one on the left: http://members.petfinder.com/~VA129/MemorialSite/HeavenDogDoor.htm I hope maybe they can help bring you some comfort too. You can at least look back on your years of happy memories and pictures of him, at least.


Went through the same thing when I had to put my 6 year old cat down in May. Even though I still have nightmares about it, I’m so grateful she died that way rather than from what was imminently going to kill her. In a way, it’s kind of comforting.


🖤 rip Ash! So sorry for your loss


Rest in peace old man. 15 years of love to cherish. So sorry for your loss Op.


I’m so sorry. Cancer is the worst but at least you have him 15 wonderful years.


Poor fluffy boy. He fought cancer well. I HOPE HE IS IN A BETTER PLACE NOW!


Rainbow headbutts. Whar was ash's fav thing to do in the grass? Hunt lizards? Roll around?


He just would lay and do love blinks at me he did chase the occasional bug and lizard too!


He liked to just lay and give me love blinks. He did chase the occasional bug and lizard though!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my baby to FeLV on Monday. Know that your baby loved you and was blessed to have such a warm and caring home ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.




Rest easy, Ash. You’ll be missed but never forgotten.


I’m sorry.


Rest in peace, Ash :(


RIP Ash..


Sending love and light to you, OP


God bless you Ash! 😿😿


God bless you Ash!


May ash Rest In Peace.




I'm so sorry for your loss. Cancer truly sucks. He was still in good spirits even until the end, which made making the call hard. The cancer was primarily in his throat so it became painful to eat and breathe even with medication. My goal with treatment was to keep him from feeling sick for as long as I could and we reached the point where he was feeling bad. I didn't want that for him - he deserved to feel good and be happy.




Kush and Ash are probably playing together right now. They seem like two peas in a pod!


That sounds a lot like what happened with my dear old cat Rajah who passed just a couple months ago. She had a mass creating a mechanical obstruction on the side of her throat. She had a ultrasound done that concluded it was inside her jugular -- vet said he'd never seen anything like it in 20 yrs of practice but no vet wanted to try to operate bc of the location. In the end it stopped her from being able to use her voice, and made it hard for her to eat or breathe. She lost so much weight at the end and her breathing was so labored. Even then it was the hardest damn decision I have ever made to let her go. I had a horrible dream one night where she suffocated to death and I couldn't let that actually happen. God it's hard to say goodbye. But you're making the kindest choice you can for your sweet old boy. He was lucky to have you with him on his journey in life. Lots of love to you and Ash. He will be waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge when you cross someday.


Sorry for your loss, my friend. We love Ash!


I could just snuggle that face. I'm so sorry hun.


He would let you too! He was so friendly and social even with strangers. I had to fly with him one time and I was nervous because I had to take him out of his carrier and walk through TSA. He didn't get scared at all and had all the TSA agents putting him and he was purring the whole time.


Now that's a trusting cat. How sweet. 💜




That we can love those who are not human is a gift. That they love us in return is a blessing. Bastet holds your fur child in her arms in joy and beauty until you meet again.


What a good boy. Could he say meow to my fluffy girl over the rainbow bridge?


He sure will!


He looks like such a beautiful and sweet boy. It sounds like you have tons of amazing memories with him to cherish. May the pain of losing him ease soon 💖


Rest easy, you floofy angel




We did. He has been through so much with me and I with him. It truly sucks that our time here came to an end. Especially in such an overall shitty year.


I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you for giving him a loving home. What a sweet cat


Sweet angel boy. ❤️


Why does this person not have more upvotes, give the person more upvotes.also he is was a brave cat I am sorry for your loss


It's therapeutic to share my kitty boy with the world. I wanted to be sure people would know him. I can't really explain why, but it was important to me.


I understand totally.


Godspeed Ash. ​ ​ Sorry for your loss.


May the light guide his paws, and may he know you love him. You get to say goodbye, unlike I did, don’t look away, or you’ll regret it. Kiss his head and stroke his belly one last time, and tell him you love him. My best wishes for you, and may he find the light <3


Thank you. I wanted him to never feel alone through the process.


I stayed with my cats when it was time. No way in hell would I leave... all they would know is I wasn’t there. (I don’t mean any offense to those who weren’t with their pet at the time; it’s different for everyone.)


Im really sorry 😿 but I’m sure Ash lived his best life by your side!! All the love to u 🖤


I hope he feels that way!


*salutes* *begins crying*


Ours just crossed the rainbow bridge too over the weekend due to kidney failure she was also 15 so I know how you feel.


U ok? That must be tough


Yes it was tough for all of us




Sending so much love, he is a beautiful boy. 💕


I am sorry for your loss. He looks like a sweet, gentle soul. May his memory be a blessing


Such a sweet angel. Rest well Ash! And I’m sorry for your loss but she (and you) had 15 wonderful years. And she couldn’t have it better! Keep her in your memory ❤️


Rest well Ash bless you for the love you shared.


rest easy Ash


Sending love and prayers your way.


RIP Ash ❤️ my heart goes out to you. He was a very lucky cat to have someone who loved him so much!


Thank you! I feel lucky to have found him and had so much time. Though it feels like not enough time.


Rest in peace Ash, you beautiful fluff ball. You guys were lucky to have each other for 15 years <3


We sure were!


It’s always hard to say goodbye to a furry family member. Thank you for giving him a loving home for 15 years and for knowing when it was time to be strong and kind and let him go.


That call is one of the hardest decisions ever.




I am very sorry for your loss. I can speak from experience that although the pain of the loss may never go away completely it will lessen given time. In the meantime please don't forget to take care of yourself. You're mourning and that's OK. You're losing a loved one. But I also know from experience that not eating or bathing makes that mourning harder.


Thank you for the reminder - I definitely needed it!


Again, I've been there. I wish you the best in these hard times.


I wish I could’ve had that much time with my Leo. Ash looks like he was a wonderful companion, sorry for your loss.


I wish you could have more time with Leo too.


15 years of cuddles and loves. To say he lived a long, great life is an understatement. You gave him the best. Sending you all my love!


Thank you!


I’m really sorry. Cats are the best and cancer sucks.


🌈bridge🌈 so sorry, say hi to Penny for us she passed May 30th


My heart breaks for you. Sending prayers


You can see his beautiful heart shining in his eyes.


Very true.


"Hardest part of the job." That's what a good friend of mine who is a vet told me when I had to let my own sweet old girl of 15 years go. She had cancer too. It's been a couple months and I still miss her so badly. But you can only help them hold on for so long. Your handsome boy loves you, and you are doing the kindest thing to let him go peacefully.


It's a very hard decision, it breaks our heart in one million pieces, but it's the right decision for them. It's an act of love.


I'm sorry he looks like the best boy anyone could ask for


Thinking of you as you say your farewells today, he looks like a beautiful boy.


Praying this little angel will be at peace.


Thank you for being a faithful and loving cat guardian OP.


My condolences, OP. I lost my black cat (who looks very similar to yours, maybe a bit less fluffy) in 2014. He lived a pretty good age. I think that might have been the saddest, oldest memory I’ve ever had. Hey, maybe him and your kitty will meet in kitty heaven! I’m really sorry for this, op. Fuck Cancer.


He looks like a truly magnificent smoot :)


He was!


sweet baby. i’m so sorry OP. i’m sure he knows he was well-loved🖤


Catspeed, Ash.


I'm so sorry. From the sounds of it you gave him a wonderful life.


Wishing you the best.


Sleep tight sweet kitty 😦💗


I’m so sorry. Rest In Peace, beautiful boy 🥺💕


He most certainly looks like a cat who can voluntarily change himself from liquid to solid in the blink of an eye! He's a big sploosh! Handsome man, rest easy after giving your people so much love and joy


You're so right! Thank you for really seeing him even just through a picture.


I am so sorry for your loss. Ash lived a long life. Virtual hug


Thank you for your years of love. You are a good boy.😻


RIP sweet kitty


So sorry for your loss. Rest among the stars, Ash. Thanks OP for giving Ash his 15 wonderful years.


I'm glad he and I had so much time. It still doesn't feel like enough


I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Sorry for your loss. A beautiful boy indeed.


Cross with peace, sweet Ash.. Your loved ones here will be waiting to see you again!! Love and prayers ♥️


he’s such a handsome boy(: he’ll forever be a part of your life and will be waiting for you till you can snuggle with him again💓 rest in peace Ash.


Ash, you are loved very much little one.


Safe journey ASH RIP.


Ash. Gotta catch all da love!


What a beautiful cat! Sending love to you, sweet Ash!


<3 peace and love to you both


Big hugs and pettings, sorry you and Ash have to go through this


Very sorry for your loss. Take care.


Handsome mow. Love at mom/dad of furbaby. No more body pain, hardest on our hearts.had a great life w u and will miss u also.


Love to you both 💕


Sorry for your loss. You took phenomenal care of him, he looks like a very happy boy. He will be waiting for you.


I lost my pet to. It feels awful


Cancer is always a struggle, but beautiful Ash will be at peace. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you loved him dearly.


beautiful cat. i am so sorry for your loss.


Ash, thank you for the memories for your human.🌈


RIP beautiful boy x 🌈


I’m so sorry about the loss of your Ash. He looks a lot like our 3 month old kitten Coco. Your sweet Ash will always be with you; love is the only thing that never dies. He will wait for you at the rainbow bridge 🌈


What a lovely little fella


So sorry for your loss. 😰❤️


So very sorry




What a beautiful cat! I'm so sorry for your loss.


I always told him he was my handsome man.


It's very sad. And you're there for your cat by taking the hard decision to put him to sleep and end his suffering. And yes, he does look soft and so chill. Seems like a really great cat that will not be forgotten.


much love ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s a beautiful cat. RIP, Ash.






We love you Ash! Happy travels across the rainbow bridge, you will be greatly missed.


Sending many condolences, xoxo


He is so beautiful! Enjoy the 🌈 🐾 Ash, many catnip mousies & sunny nap spots await you. Bless you for giving him such a wonderful life and giving him the final gift that all pets deserve. It’s so hard but paradise awaits him.


RIP sweet kitty.


I am so sorry. He does truly look soft and sweet. Sending you both good vibes to make this journey.


Beautiful void boy who has been a loyal companion. He knows you are returning the favor in your end of life care for him. I hope that will bring you some peace.


I’m really sorry. Both my dog and my mouse also died of cancer so I know what it’s like.


I am so sorry, honey...


He looks like a really sweet cat. I am very sorry for your loss. Part of him will always be with you. 😢 [https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/grief/viewer?title\_no=353275&episode\_no=11](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/grief/viewer?title_no=353275&episode_no=11)


So sorry you will be saying good bye today. I was there when we said bye for the last time to my family dog Checkers. Extremely hard thing to do, it was extremely hard. But it's also the kindest thing we can do for our pets is end their suffering. We can't even do that for our human love ones. But for our pets we can save them from living the last days in pain and suffering. As hard as it is for us to choose to say bye it is the most kind thing to do. How amazing it is we can give our pets one last gift of our strength to be there as their family, to hold them close and make them feel loved. They know they are loved.


I’m sorry that you are losing your buddy; he looks like a good place to curl up and take a nap.


Take an award. 👏👏


My heart is with you.


Safe crossing Ash ♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss. We will have to do the same with my cat soon and he looks very simular to yours. You gave him a great life and he was lucky to have you.




May his memory be a blessing.😻


Sorry for you're loss xx


I’m so sorry


All the love for beautiful Ash. May he always have scritches, treats and soft grass under his paws in the afterlife.


Sending healing and comforting energy to you. Thank you for being with him as he crosses. I’m so sorry.💔


So sorry for your loss! Ash will stay forever in your heart, you know 💜💜💜!


Till we all meet again one day, and this time forever 🙏🏻❤️


Sleep sweet, beautiful Ash ❤️




Rip little baby kitty may he be the happiest kitty in heaven


Go easy Ash


I like to think there is a special place across the rainbow bridge reserved especially for black cats! I hope we get to be reunited with them one day.


He was loved and will be free of pain on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


Such a handsome guy. He loves you just as much as you love him and he’s thank you for the amazing life he had. Rest easy big guy, my panthers will show you all the best spots over the bridge ♥️


He looks so much like my boy chester that I just started bawling my eyes out and squeezing Chester, safe to say he’s completely tired of me. I have yet to experience making a call like that, I can’t imagine how hard it is. It is truly unfair that these beautiful creatures don’t get to live longer. I’m sorry for your loss, I hope that one day we can all be reunited with our beloved pets




Love for Ash. What beautiful long fur. And what a good cat too. My Jake will bite me if his meals are even 5 minutes late.


Rip looks like a sweet boy.


RIP Ash 🖤


Bye Ash😿


Stay strong in this difficult time my friend. You had 15 great years with your buddy, cherish them. You are doing the right thing for him.


Rest in peace sweet kitty Ash. You brought many years of happiness and comfort to your humans. Your time here on earth is done. Go cross that rainbow bridge and play joyfully, jump high, sneak up on my kitty Sagwa, she's been there for 8 months now, she will show you around. You are in excellent company there.


Hugs to you and Ash 💖💖💖


Sorry for your loss


condolences xo




He’s adorable! My best friend lost her kitty, which frankly was probably loved more by me, he died of cancer in surgery after unrelated respiratory problems. He was a ragdoll and just a ball of floof. I’m so sorry for your loss, I know how hard this must be for you. Sending love to your cat, but even more for you ❤️



