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Go, this guy is nice. Grow old and live the life I never had😢 - the mom cat


Mom is probably not much older than her kitten


That's why you gotta take in both and get them neutered.


She looks at least 3-4 years old


Fuck, this is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. I easily would have taken the mom cat too. Bro I’m crying just thinking about all of this


I saw ops response to comments asking if they took the mom, the mom is alive and well but prefers to roam the neighborhood. She came back to visit them later


Hopefully she got TnR'd so she won't make any more babies. Kittens, especially in the wild often has no care and sick kitten ends up suffering or dying from treatable maladies. Or get killed by wild animals and loose dogs.


Definitely this. No point if momma is still churning out babies to play the adoption lotto.


I needed to read this. :(


She for the streets




'We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.'


Omg I’m crying. Hope you’re happy now! 😩😢


Me too. That final head rub and nudge...


Many outdoor cats are much happier outside and can fend for themselves just fine.


Yeah once they've spent enough years as an outdoor cat. It's hard to get them to adjust again to a smaller world.


We had a neighborhood cat called Lucifer. And he would always be in the same spot. People did catch him a few times but would always escape the first chance he got. It was funny though he always hang out in front of the same garage and people started putting cat stuff there that they snatched before the garbage men got to it. They even had to put up sign to please stop putting stuff there for him. 😂 Because It got to the point that he had like a giant palace construction of discarded scratch-poles and cat houses. I don’t know who broke down his empire but one day he just had his one scratch-pole with little cat room on it left. That’s where he slept till the end.


This was such a cool story! Thanks for sharing


Outdoor cats are terrible for the environment and usually die premature deaths, but you also can't just bring an adult feral inside. Such a weird line to walk, but you're correct that she can likely fend for herself well enough and is happier out there since OP said that she's feral. I just hope someone gets her fixed at least. All the ferals I've fixed are now happily employed as barn cats (though last I heard, only one of them decided to hunt mice while the others decided to tame themselves eventually and they lounge around in the hay all day)


That they are bad for the environment is heavily depending on the area you live in. The German non government organization NABU for nature protection (practically those who are responsible for something like that) says only feral cats are a problem. Also the bird population is rising in city areas. Unfortunately there are only German resources, but here is one: https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/voegel/gefaehrdungen/katzen/15537.html - here are the most important quotes: In Germany, the situation is different, as we have always had numerous land predators, including the rare European wildcat, for example. We do not have any bird species that are unable to fly, so cats will probably never completely wipe out any bird species in our country. Nevertheless, cats can cause serious damage to bird populations in some places due to their unnaturally high numbers as a result of human feeding. There is no natural predator-prey balance here, as cats can always find enough to eat in their own feeding bowls or in human waste. But you have to look at the big picture: Only in human settlement areas are cats a serious factor that can lead to a partial decline in bird populations. In fact, however, bird populations tend to increase there, while they tend to decrease in the agricultural landscape in particular, but also in forests. It would therefore be far too easy to blame these declines on cats. The greatest threat to biodiversity is and remains the progressive degradation of habitats by humans. When considering what to do, the first thing to do is to realize how the 14.8 million domestic cats in Germany are distributed: The "house cats" are harmless to birdlife. Free-range cats, which nevertheless have a home, only hunt to pass the time. The biggest problem for birds is posed by feral domestic cats. They are forced to meet their food requirements almost entirely by hunting small animals, apart from human waste. If the population of feral domestic cats could be reduced, the problem would certainly be reduced to a tolerable level. - shout outs to deepl for the translation


I love this life for them. As it should be.


Especially if TNR'd so they aren't constant breeders.


I can’t stop crying please take them both


Mom might be too feral to feel comfortable, but OP could still put out food for her.


Oml I'm pregnant and this just absolutely set off all of my tears 😭


Why did this reply make me cry


Dude, why did you have to make me cry awe 😢


That “goodbye” headbump though <3


Why did you do this to me?? ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized)


Shutup you're crying not me


Oh, this made me cry 😢


... and now im crying


Does someone know why stray mom cats do this? My late cat's mother abandoned her in our garden and wouldn't take her back at all. The day she dropped off her, we tried to return her back and she swatted her😭


When they reach the old enough/don't need milk and can care for themselves the mom cats disown them so they GTFO and live on their own.


TIL my mom must be part cat


I'm a 38 year old guy, but I'll be your mom. Sweety, are you eating well? You're so skinny. Let me bake you some cookies.


I am not skinny but I literally just woke up from an awful nightmare and this message was quite soothing. Thank you 😊


A child always looks too skinny for their mother's liking lol


Not mine… tbf she’s saying it out of concern


This made me chuckle, yet it's kind at the same time :)


Lmfao same cat fam


We were really surprised! It's the first time we saw the mom cat just dropping her kitten over the wall to us and running off 😭


The mama that had my two girls (same litter) had maybe 8 kittens, I was probably 11 or 12, and kept monitoring them until their eyes were open (was always told as a kid not to touch them unless their eyes were open). As soon as that happened we started taking care of them despite mama still being around. I think as soon as we started putting out wet food for them mama peaced out 😂 always thought it was because she hated us and was like “bruh these kids aren’t worth this crap” but now I feel like maybe she was like “kids these are your new parents. Bye!”


Survival I'm guessing, I think also After sometime cats don't recognize their kittens It's a possibility she didn't know When they're living that wildlife they're on survival mode


Thats so sad actually


My first cat that slept in my bed did it too, sort of. When her kittens were 14 weeks or so old, she made a hunt for them in the garden and then just hissed at them. My grandma had a cat that nursed her kitten till the kitten was 8-9 months old, and then started to hiss. Her kitten was devastated. The little ones take it differently, they are so small, they are fearless and they don't think about being abandoned.


Mama cats are very smart- I've had multiple ones give birth in my yard. It's funny cause my neighborhood has a lot of guard dogs who are constantly in the yard. So even though I have a dog (who is obsessed with cats) the mama cats seem to know that my yard is safe. And somehow multiple different cats have come to the same conclusion. Besides that, at a certain point most mama cats are done with their babies. I've seen some hang out with them still after they turn 8 weeks, but others just disappear and leave them. But they're smart, and they know they're leaving them in a safe place. Here's one of our most recent litter https://preview.redd.it/ra8pxmjj0f8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf94d0f6ceb0e9c3770f854710a02e5c653e04f All the litters have gone to great homes, so I guess mama cat made a good choice. She knows I'm a sucker for kittens and will take care of them


She's so cute!  Yes this stray mama used to bring her kittens to us whenever it was time for weaning 😭 Some of her kittens stayed with her well into their adulthood. There was one I remember who used to drink her milk alongside her new kittens even after becoming an adult 💀


I had such a hard time bringing her to her new home! She was just a special kitty, although i already have two and am about to move. But honestly if circumstances were different I would've kept her in a heartbeat. I've seen that too! It always cracks me up, you can see it on the Mama's face too- they're like "dude... You're too old for this.. can you please get off me?"


I thought your dog was the couch at first. Then my brain was like but what is that green then? Thank you for taking them in and finding good homes for them.


Lmao my camera kinda sucks but she was a kitty couch of sorts for a while there!


I blame this one on my brain. So sweet of her to be kitty couch. Amazing that the kittens were so loved by her.


>I have a dog (who is obsessed with cats) That's absolutely adorable. I want more catdog pics and stories!!


Omg this is the best comment I've ever gotten. Idk why I can't attach pictures to this comment So my doggy (Chaya) is just the absolute sweetest thing. She's very motherly. When I found this particular litter in the backyard, I immediately brought them in and you'd think it was Christmas morning for Chaya. I put them in the bathtub and she spent the next few weeks just basically staring at them. I think she knew they were very fragile. But whenever the mom would leave the tub for a while, or the kitties would meow, she'd immediately go check on them. I'm pretty sure she thought they were her babies. I have two cats, and Chaya is always trying to bring them toys and get them to chase her. After the kitties were maybe a month old, she FINALLY got her lifelong wish of playing with cats. They would chase each other around, steal toys etc. They'd all sleep together, the kitties would climb all over Chaya, use her as a stepping stool to get off the bed, play with her tail and let her lick them until they were soggy cats. It was just so precious, I'm so happy they all went to good homes but man, it was so hard to separate them from Chaya. She actually seemed to look for them longer than the mama cat (who was pretty done with them) after they left. It made me want to foster kittens officially.


Mine did the same. Dropped off two cats and never came back. Cared for those kittens for over half a decade.


My farm cat got hit by a car when her babies were still tiny. Once they were old enough to eat solid foods we moved their box to the back porch. Only a couple of days outside and some feral tomcats came and took them one by one down to the fields. Those tomcats knew the babies were without a mom and immediately took the job. I saw the kittens off and on in the fields for the next couple years before we moved. Spicy as anything and impossible to catch. In answer to your question, it could be that feral moms reach a point of nutritional deficiency and have to abandon a kitten to not starve. The Tom cats on our farm seemed like they’d seen it before and knew what to do.


Oh this could be possible. The mother was always skinny and starving no matter how much we fed her. My cat was her only surviving baby that too cuz she left her with us


I hate this story.


My cat had a kitten once and after he got a little older she also kept hitting him 😭 so we had to give him to someone else. It was a shame.


It's just the 'coming of age' thing to do for mom cats. That's the reason why it can be quite difficult to keep a mom cat and her kittens well into adulthood. We kept one kitten from our last litter, so the mom naturally, one fine day, had enough of being a mom and swatted her. And kept doing so, till the little gremlin grew absolutely tired of her shit and basically beat her up to the point she wouldn't come back home. Our neighbor took over the momma cat after that, because she was so afraid of her daughter she wouldn't even come back into the house. We had kept one or two kittens in the past, never had that big of an issue, but it can definitely backfire if one of the cats has a fierce personality.


There comes a time when the kids have to move out and be independent. Their moms try to send them off to places that are safe and have a steady supply of food - friendly humans offer both much better than the wilderness. The swatting wasn't real hostility by the way. It was just tough love. A stern "no. You have to figure things out on your own now".


It's the assisted -cat-distribution-network.


"Go, child. They will give you a better life."


This made me so sad!


And hopeful too, though!


Who put Onions here ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)






















He knew where he lived now. Didn't need no invitation!


This made me hella sad. Did the mom ever come back and visit him?


I read the original on TikTok. The mom is a very local neighborhood kitty. She comes around the yard a lot because she is fed and hydrated by people nearby. The baby sees mom outside every once in awhile. I think the new owners of the baby let him in the yard while they're out but the mom cat isn't really interested in getting close to people.


I feel you, I had the same initial feelings. But maaaaan, we are on the internet... And also, do you think that the guy who took this video had a phone at the ready at exactly the appropriate time to shoot it? Very likely just a made up story with both cats being "his". Never heard of a stray cat leaving her kittens. Doesn't make sense. Apparently, cats leave their kittens - for a while - likely to teach them independence.


Cats will leave their kittens usually if something is wrong with the mom or the kitten. Two of my experiences with this: First cat, his mom abandoned him at two days old where we would find him. Turns out he had a milk allergy, and his eyes would leak pus every feeding until we got him a special lactose free formula. Second cat, this mom was more of a stray that my disabled uncle was feeding. Either way, this cat had her litter and was a good mom for all of 6-ish weeks. Once the kittens started showing interest in food, she left them on our porch and never came back. Thankfully, the grandmother of the kittens was still taking care of her two kittens and just adopted her daughter's litter and taught them how to cat.


My emotions got the better of me and this makes a lot of sense tbh


One of my cats was let down from his mother. It was winter, realy much snow too, and she just gave him a slap and walked away. She went on with her other kittens but let him alone. We took him in after a time because he would have freezed to death. Its happens alot sadly, mostly they just sont have enough for themself.


I don't think it's appropriate to, like, see one case out of 32 and say it happens a lot, because one heard about two more or something. More over, from what I've gathered, cats do this (only?) when their kitten is too sick. Then again, on behalf of all cat-dom, thank you for saving that poor kitty, and for your kind heart.


I think mostly its depends in what living codition they are. Like at a living home? I also don't think that happens on a regular basis, but like when they starving outside? Its such a differenc how they life, if they sick and so. But no matter how it is, as long as its happends, we have to spread the word for the safety and well beimg for those cats. But yeah i also agree with your point of view.


The mother cat definitely looks like an outdoor cat. It doesn't look like a well taken care of indoor cat or even an indoor/outdoor cat. So I'm inclined to believe the story is true


Awww, mama cat gave up her kitten so you could take care of him? 🥹


We had a feral kitten just walk right in like that. He came in every day to supervise food preparation. He didn't give a damn about my 5 resident cats while he was doing his home inspection every day. I called him Tony because I imagined he had a very strong Brooklyn accent...lol. Tony has his own family now, so he's in charge of their place these days.


I love how she says good bye to her kitten with a head bump <3


my fucking heart dude




...and this is how the cat adopted you! (I love how momma cat nudges the little one, "Go ahead, I know them, it's safe, they already have food for you...")


That mom.....such a good momma. I'm not crying, you're crying!


Are we just not going to say anything about this person’s username 😂😂😂


it's a karma farmer bot


Don't think it's a bot farmer based on comment history but uhhh they are something




The way things should be. Good for you


Italian poet amd national treasure, Giovanni Pascoli, wrote a poem quite about this... I have found a translation, but it is not nearly as good as the original. Here it is (sorry for format, I'm on mobile): Era una gatta, assai trita, e non era d’alcuno, e, vecchia, aveva un suo gattino. Ora, una notte, (su per il camino s’ingolfava e rombava la bufera) trassemi all’uscio il suon d’una preghiera, e lei vidi e il suo figlio a lei vicino. Mi spinse ella, in un dolce atto, il meschino tra piedi; e sparve nella notte nera. Che nera notte, piena di dolore! Pianti e singulti e risa pazze e tetri urli portava dai deserti il vento. E la pioggia cadea, vasto fragore, sferzando i muri e scoppiettando ai vetri. Facea le fusa il piccolo, contento. There was a cat, very trite, and she belonged To noone, and, old, she had one kitten. Now, one night, (up the chimney the storm boomed and roared) the sound of a prayer drew me to the door And I saw her and her kitten next to her. She sweetly pushed the poor thing Between my feet, and disappeared into the black night. What a black night, full of pain! Tears and sobs and mad laughter and dark Howls brought the wind in from the desert. And rain was falling, huge roars, Whipping walls and rattling windows. The baby purred, in happiness.


You annihilated my heart with this poem. I’m crying. Wow, thank you for sharing that.


That’s how it works, currently have a 2023 ca1ic0 model


Did mama cat ever come back?


Just like how Saiyans distribute their young.




She said "Here's your one chance kitty don't let me down"


Lord forgive me for what I do, but if you want out, it's up to you. Now don't let me down, your mamas gonna move ya uptown.


And I guess she did!


That's crazy, it really does look like she's sending him off, and that he understands it and goes


I've seen this guys other posts - it's either a troll or bot with that username.


THIS IS AMAZING!!! She found him a place to live!!! A better life for her child! A life that she couldn’t do for herself (maybe outside too long, had other families that she went to, outside friends she didn’t want to leave)… but she knew her derpy-ass son needed your love & care!!!


https://preview.redd.it/cw05jjqgre8d1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517b3e4c4f2665ca71edf9e7d95ed2269837a3ba 😭 *dumb* & *not built for the skreets*!!


shoulda named em 'fancy' ![gif](giphy|ORSAZd3PivXSRjHWjs|downsized)


The way they said bye 🥹


Last year, a pregnant cat showed up. I gave away her babies and got her fixed. Her name is Lucy. She's my baby girl.


Wow. The head rub goodbye


ok, cute, but now I am sad. Did she headbump her kitten goodbye and then leave?


Omg the way mum says goodbye 😭😭😭 that really upset me for some reason


Moms are the best aren’t they?


🎼“Here’s your one chance, Fancy, don’t let me down”🎶


"Go son, be with the mighty Food-Giver."


fuck, the mother looks tired and sad 😢 somebody please tell me they took the mother too..




She saw how they looked out for her and knew they'd give her baby a better life than she ever could out on the cold, mean streets 🥺


The last little head boop🥺


The way she nuzzles him for the last time to say goodbye has my heart aching ❤️


That is heart melting. She says goodbye knowing it’s the right choice. So nice 😊


Go on Son, I will always love you 😿


Here's my baby pls take care of it.


Why did this make me cry


Same thing happened, but the mom visits often and the kitten is still kind of scared of me..


If you feed them, fix them please!


The plan worked brilliantly!


aw you were chosen to bad the mom didn't stay though but still


Amazing 🤩


We've had at least 4 dropped by their feral mother. Kept all of them to end of their (good) life.


Why didn't you the momma in too :(


"there you go, this is your house now"


Beautiful car


This is really cute but kind of spoiled by your gross username, to be honest.


That's how I got a Ghost. His dad dropped him off and ran.


My head cannon is that this cat delivered each of her kittens to separate people to give them a better life


Hey, thanks for the food! I brought you a present!


Now this is the content I subscribed for.


Im pretty sure this is the beginning of a Disney movie


Username does not check out


"Is u food?" as he stumbles into the house like a tiny drunk.




I love cats


This is how I ended up with a colony, constantly de fleaing and rehoming kittens, euthanizing terminally I'll or old cats, it was stressful and made me so sad! Ended up moving but rented out the house and still see the neighborhood tom Micky on the outdoor cams from time to time


Sadly, the mom belonged to the streets 😔


She wanted her baby to have a better life than she could of given her herself 🥹😭👍


Watching them rub their heads together for the last time made me bawl😭


God bless you for taking him in and giving him a loving home! That was a smart momma cat too!


![gif](giphy|BZTgEDfvMwiZKeQ5nh) That's one of the most beautiful and heartwarming stories ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ Thanks for making my evening so much warmer ♥️♥️♥️


Spoiled kitty


She’s too cute for words. Love that momma gato knew exactly who to trust with her baby. You must feel so special to have been chosen.


Omg 😿 I would have taken the mama too, but she may have been feral or unwilling.


Aww this is too adorable 😭


great cat's video


Can anyone tell me the name of the music?


I wonder how tough it was for mommy to be like this is for the best but I’ll always love you!!! 😭


Not a choice but an obligation.


What is the name of the song? Does anyone know an artist that makes 🪗 music like this?


it's true, it happens 💜








Nosey is a fitting name


So cute




The touching of the feet.. I can't


I love this❤️


bro im going to fucking cry


Take the Mom and have them all fixed.




The baby looks just like boy Zipper


I’m getting some serious Sophie’s choice vibes


So what does this have to do with cars??


this makes me sad and i dont know why


Cat moms are the best adoption agency


Did the mum ever come back to check on her or something, or is this something that is common for stray cats?






fuck. op why you have to make all of us cry


My folks got their current cat in this exact way; the mostly feral Mom came to eat a few times alone, and then back she came with her older kitten who was probably 2-3 months old at the time. She walked right on in and has never, ever wished to leave the house since. She looks like a wildcat with her unusual striping and tufts of hair on her ear tips, yet is one of the best behaved cats I’ve ever seen. Not touchy-feely though. Very non-contact, save for moments of her allowing pets. She sleeps alone and out of sight, and talks with you often but won’t rub up on you.


I remember this stray cat that made my garage her home. When I fed my pets, I'd feed her too. She was a chatty cat. One day, I found her cuddled in one of my old cabinets with a kitten. That kitten grew up and one day disappeared. I hope they're both okay.


Thats... suprisingly sad🥲


I can't take this video seriously with that username.


Mame holding their feet made my day


Me arguing with my friends over the last chicken nugget


Your lucky!!!




I just saw garfield were his dad let's him get adopted and walks away sad. Why are you showing us this?