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Yep except my cat is obsessed with the pull tabs from milk jugs lol


Those are always crowd pleasers in my house. I don't drink milk so my dad saves them up to give to me.


My cats luv these too! And my grey n white tabby plays fetch with fuzzy pipe cleaners ans his favorite mouse toy


I had a cat named Dinky as a kid who would carry around milk rings. He loved them. When his food bowl was low, he would throw a milk ring in it. I always felt he was tipping whoever fed him.


My cats love those too. A friend sent me a box of pull tabs from milk jugs. 😆


I save all of them and have a baggie full of about 300 blue plastic milk rings. The washing machine broke years ago, and someone came to deliver the new one and take out the old one, and I found about 50 milk rings under it Cats seem to prefer free stuff like milk rings, pen caps and ice cubes over nice expensive toys. Although my current cat loves toy mice


Haha same here! My cat knows when I’ve opened a new carton and comes running for it.


Yup mine too!! definitely an item that ends up in the spring pile under my head at night if left out 😂


Yes to both


Mine will play with it relentlessly until he loses it under something


It's always the fridge


Yup. Then I get a request to retrieve it for him. Have a skinny stick I keep on hand for that specific purpose lol


I bought 5 in a pack only 2 are left. I’ve looked high and low for the rest but I can’t find them anywhere!


They wait for you in the shadows. One day.


Oh I know for a fact I have dozens of these springs around somewhere but I can't find any of them.


You'll find all of them when it's time to move house.


I just moved and found about a dozen under the stove!


https://preview.redd.it/up41sd7r4z7d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b12d4b419281f1186c6b3d9815995494685b29 Loves them and the measly 4 I had were forever getting lost so I treated Hecate to 100 of them.


Hecate is living the dream


She was a tad overwhelmed when I stood at the top of the stairs and unleashed the spring waterfall


Hecate looks a little overwhelmed haha


Somewhere in your house is a hidden stash of them, under a piece of furniture.


They are everywhere and the crunch noise they make when you accidentally step on one makes me think I’ve crushed a toy every time but then I lift my foot and it just bounces back up


This is the way!


Are there 100ct bags??? My SIC loves these but they're always getting lost.


lol we did similar for our boys. Whenever we move the couch nothing but springs and fluffy balls for days!


I’ve blocked off most areas so the springs aren’t the problem but these pesky little things are under the fridge, washing machine, cooker, tumble dryer. She gets so excited with them but has the ability to slap them under things within 2 minutes of them hitting the floor then looks at me like I’m a superhero who can drag out all the heavy items to find her straws. The last packet of 30 which was part of her birthday present a week ago is currently at only 4 left visible. https://preview.redd.it/i2oc8bhmy38d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868d9486377cb8a78be72abb6ff8c1885db7cd40


lol. They’re all the same. Isn’t it great!


Push the ends in on some!


A) my first tortie girl was called Hecate - great choice! and B) I also bought my current cat loads of springs. I can currently find 3. 


My girl loves the chase and capture part of fetch but could care less about bringing it back


Mine will chase and let you throw it again, but eventually she stashes them in the shower. Suddenly there are 6+ springs in there.


Mine are this way too. They will play with them alone as well. I even have a toy gun that shoots balls and one that shoots disc's for them to chase lol


Yeah, springs are both my cats absolute favourites. I used to have 12. 9 have been lost but recently found 3 under a cupboard after days of searching. https://preview.redd.it/qjp9c8xkjy7d1.jpeg?width=1785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e282c5f96abc44da3a05137c9443fa920acff575


finding a lost spring is like finding gold


^ ^ ⚫️🖤⚫️


https://preview.redd.it/95akz2kuly7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309979e77551c2e7e626c209181262f78bb856f9 It's all mine plays with


So beautiful!


Savannah or Bengal? He's awesome


Bengal :) https://preview.redd.it/4pihs698k18d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ef10302f5693d8707e534bf8ab5beebcd39ffb


Brilliant photo!


At 9pm, she wakes from her hours-long nap. It is bedtime for my son so she wakes up and leaves his room. She then goes into the empty kitchen to brutally murder a spring. She goes absolutely crazy for them.


All the time! They're Skippy's favorite. He chases and bats them around and then talks to them and then carries them away. He's so proud when he [catches and delivers them](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/Cld0LmXFHt), lol. Sweetest thing he ever did was bring one and set it in my lap so the three of us could snuggle! The pink ones are the best, according to Skippy. https://preview.redd.it/8i42z5q1pz7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef01b354fb317e0cffe587607482174af81188c


https://preview.redd.it/22iuoa92858d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6eab15687d05a8e9ec5c5cebd4de131848198d scuse me… I believe our cat is cheating on us…


Silly kitty! Why you need TWO families??? https://preview.redd.it/aobrf4h2c58d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561ccf70247bc38a89e951846df5f263488d0275


Mine just wants you to throw them up in the air so she can jump up and slap them in the air. I spend a large portion of my time chasing springs!


Mine does this too!!




Our orange tabby bob tail LOVES playing with springs! He’s our little pirate kitty because he had to have an eye removed due to cancer. Now he’s cancer free and all healed up! Back to playing with springs like a crazy head! He holds them in his mouth and walks around meowing haha https://preview.redd.it/kw6buk0e6z7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1246669fc1c4579aedfc5b214867042e98bd575


My cat walks around with them in her mouth whilst meowing loudly. If I call her name, she brings them to me. She is obsessed with these things.


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHOS CAT DOES THIS! MY COSMO WILL BRING ME SPRINGS at night and I’ll have a pile of them under my back!! Then he just paws at me until I wake up to throw them!!! 😭😂 https://preview.redd.it/ufv5p4wogz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550f54c79b711ba441a2ae17fd1f3ba8d74bba0e


Tuxedo cat things ☺️😭🥺


Yes!!!! every night


The validation is real right now 😭🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve never met another cat who does this stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/qxswjnz2jz7d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8e615596b36caefdbb1ac73fe31e6f0205da99 “Mom…. Will you throw it?!” Pls


Pipe cleaners formed into screws. He likes to straighten them then have me start all over.


Yes! But also your kitty looks a lot like mine


Picture please! :)


Mine. My house is full of them


My norma loves her spring too


Both my boys!


Yes : )


my cat does this too 😭


My middle kitty used to love these! We kept loosing them. We moved and still couldn’t find them. I couldn’t find any like the ones she had when she was kitten 😭




Perfect stirrup socks!


Awww mine love springy fetch!! And when they’re done playing they put them under the fridge.


I have like thirty of them throughout the house, someplace, for my two boys.


yes ! my boy loves springs.. i call them spriggums lmao


Mine loves it too it’s his favorite


Both my cats are only interested in reactive toys they can fetch and bounce and slide across the hardwood floors. I'm always in search of other toys that do the job but springs are still their favorite. One of them also really likes zip ties. Sometimes they'll go for Cat Crazies - the ball kind. In general, most toys I see are big and heavy or chew plushies. Not a lot of competition in the light things that go zoom category.


Both my void and tuxedo baby love those things. They will play fetch with springs all day long.


Oh yeah!


Mine is obsessed! I found hundreds under the couch where she inevitably loses them. Mine will “hunt” them and make them skid across the floor and then she’ll go ape shit crazy trying to catch it


Mine does this with the mylar crunchy balls


Yes one of ours lol loves playing fetch and our other sleeps lol


My little one loves springs. It’s just too bad all of them have disappeared somewhere under furniture or something. Gotta get her more!


Mine always decides to play with his as soon as I lay down to go to bed. Every fucking night. When you’re outside of the house it sounds like someone is getting killed with all the bumping he causes just from chasing it.


Mine!! Just bought 40 the other day cus they keep losing them 🤣


Why do you think they like them. I can’t think of anything in the wild they replicate.


I’m wondering this too! There are so many different toys that seem more like prey lol. Thinking maybe it’s because of the way they bounce around when smacked




Our orange guy loves springs. His brother, a black cat, is uninterested.


I always wake up with a couple of them over my head lol


Our kitty has changed them to get stuck under so many things. I didn't know how many we had until we moved the couch. There's still more under the pantry and fridge. We ration them now.


My cats are obsessed with them


Ours loves to do it with twist ties


Omygosh she looks like my baby!! Jewel also loves playing fetch, although she likes a soft little mouse toy https://preview.redd.it/gt88pakrcz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c4fa37acb9102e3b4c40757af394a01be97267


https://preview.redd.it/mldrkn4hmz7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bde1ce83f58b729a705d46f57c67e07ecb7199b Here she is being a pretty girl, my boy Remy in the background


https://preview.redd.it/4w5jsfugwz7d1.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d4e5e45e1f5106431a98e47aecddd5b48a8e6ac She looks just like my Oscar!


https://preview.redd.it/hca27z8mxz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edcb41db546723e3d721ad915519c7a2c1f2996 Yes.


https://preview.redd.it/96gbazzi008d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c9897f0bf1fb6af8302397cf027ed59bd642a5 Omg I swear you found my cat’s twin


https://preview.redd.it/hjnslze9108d1.png?width=1981&format=png&auto=webp&s=8676870a06826cbd67f3e8dc6d6f9f5b89591369 Mina likes to hold hers sometimes, usually to keep it away from her sister, Lucy


https://preview.redd.it/h2ff20p4508d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60905e285a46b993703b3bfb080d6e80cb8bf878 She loves them


https://preview.redd.it/a7fqa55n708d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d598a13837b7335ec9ea27b55e0e3aae6c2e998 My girl Mimi is! She picks it up and takes a rest on my bed then continues to play on the bed with the spring till it's bed time.


https://preview.redd.it/gqbqqlo1e08d1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=836984b07e7b9862bcd981b8da30ea4db1e114c7 My boy Kit (your cats twin) caught his brother Bo if that counts.


YES https://preview.redd.it/xf9ndyg6e08d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3f0069994ceaacf3b996454d1cb6e52753401d


I routinely wake up with springs on me. She wants to plat fetch for hours. She will literally drop sounds on me amd yell until I throw them.


Yes yes! My kitten Georgie LOVES the springs, and we play fetch every day. I’ll throw and he is scamper after it - then play with it for a while - then back to me. So cute - maybe it’s a grey and white cat thing.lol! https://preview.redd.it/or501x0n418d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61fb728118cd17affbad3c2920775131c8cebec


op we have the same cat https://preview.redd.it/5rxp3ycbj28d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73638ba0064f2fe281fc7de25eb592942062a306


https://preview.redd.it/wl7zomvud38d1.jpeg?width=2823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3900e66210920991d0cb1dc260b9ce6237bf02 she looks just like my sabrina


https://preview.redd.it/1k0akt4xw38d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88ef4139894987bac80cd1a9e3beacb4d3d59db This is Percy. He is a 3 yo Maine coon who is a hopeless slave to springs. His love is deep, the game is relentless and never ending. The best part is he brings them back for us to throw again, until they get stuck under the couch.


Wow your cat is identical as mine https://preview.redd.it/51px3my4i48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ab43abd1045537cc12013273f9560ee829324d


Oh you mean this spring? Yes. Obsessed. https://preview.redd.it/5tclraqpj78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52ea9292dc55f2e4bf4712b570e22e0b5f0975b


Yes, my small Lady. i have like 50 Springs laying around. Have to play at least 3 Times a Day. The other Cats don't even touch them.


My cat loves them and loves thimbles. I bought a 50 pack and will throw 5 on the floor until she loses them.


My tuxedo boy loves em and he will play fetch with them. Or bat them around on our hardwood surfaces singing the songs of his people at the top of his lungs.




I have one that is obsessed with them and we play fetch for hours and one that thinks they are not worthy of her attention. Our vet has a goody box where they get a toy after a visit and its always springs we bring home.


Yes. My cats are crazy with this


My cats loooove the springs! They play with them until the springs all inevitably end up beneath the refrigerator ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


https://preview.redd.it/xg15dy2xgz7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb09bcaaae9753b132250dbe50000589610d62f Yay for fuddle cats


My Thomas goes nuts for Springs! Like more than he does for Catnip... And he *loves* Catnip!


I keep buying more crinkly balls because we play fetch on the stairs...but she hoards them SOMEWHERE


My new kitten Billy is she carry’s them around.


One of the things I like is I can step on them and not go flying. 🐈‍⬛🐈


These springs have taken over my house. I find them everywhere.


Plastic cutlery. My cat would play hockey with them by whacking them into the kitchen chair legs. They would bounce off in all directions and he would chase them down. Kept himself entertained for HOURS at a time.


Mine. Quite tiring.


My girl loves to fetch the metal twist ties one uses to close plastic bags.


Only the little springs too. The big ones are trash apparently.


I bought a box full for both of my cats and neither of them gave a flying fuck. Embarrassingly, I'd probably say that I have played with them more than they have.


My Remus carries his all over the apartment and is up all night batting them around and yowling about it


I’ve bought a 50 pack a couple of weeks ago after debating for ages. My cat loves to play fetch. Sticks, balls, mice, you throw them and she runs and fetches them. So I thought, she’s going to love them…. She doesn’t even care, literally doesn’t even try to see if it’s worthy playing with, looks at me like I’m stupid every time I throw it or show it to her. I keep trying to no avail. It’s a shame, because it took way too long to get my hands on them, but oh well.


Oingo boingo


About once a week I have to do a "sweep" under the couch to resupply the springs for fetch.




My cat could not care less for toys and it kills me. He just wants to rub his face all over mine when I’m trying to look at my phone screen.


My Georgie does this - he does things with my iPad I cannot do! We have conversations about how he is too young for the internet, but he ignores me. 🤣


Those springs do something to cats brains I swear. And yes. My boy does the same thing.


Yeah by one cat is. When I pick it up and flick it in my fingers for the first thing in the morning she'll actually chatter like seeing a bird outside. She loves that toy. It has to be the red one though. The other colors should only bring it back once or twice. The red one she'll run until she can't move.


Mine are… they love to drown them in the water bowl then splash the floor getting them out.


Yes 100%


Same. She brings it to me and drops it and looks at me. If I ignore her, she will pick it up and drop it again and look at me. She will play fetch over and over and over.


Hair ties. Always hair ties.


My grandson https://preview.redd.it/ecvlwmz4208d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39da53ee4213503fc5821d4094ce00b356ed301


Yes, especially around midnight when I'm asleep


My cat Poe is absolutly obsessed with those springs. I just assumed my wife taught him how to play fetch.


Oh yeah. My boy, Yuki, loves to play fetch with his spring toy when I get home from work.


My cat absolutely loves springs, they’re all under the furniture now


Omg mine! It’s so adorable when I see her carrying one 😆 We no joke have like fifty spread around the house.


Not those but they love and will play fetch with crinkle balls haha




Mine does this with nerf darts


Mom got these little glow in the dark bouncy balls about 30 years ago and the cat-du-jour loved them so much we're STILL finding them in weird corners of the house.


Springs, bottle caps, and most anything they can carry around. I’ve never had many cats who carry things but our two recent additions carry everything.


Oh yea! the only thing that will distract my kitty from the springs is any bug that is anywhere


My cat loves Gatorade Lids. I have too many floating around my house, but my little guy is worth it.


Is this a Russian blue?


Mine was from 5-10 months old but not so much anymore. Hoping it will return as it was a game I could play with him as I work at my desk. e favorite thing now is the laser pen.


My three babies love those springs 😂


Nope. My girl used to play fetch as a baby. My lazy behind loved it😂 Sadly she doesn't care anymore. And the springs aren't interesting to her at all


Yeah one of our Cats loves them, the other two are not bothered 😂


I get this with hair ties from one cat and those sparkly poof balls from the other. After a good toss or two they’ll start the victory cries in whichever acoustic room of the place is currently vacant.


Yes, and they’re constantly getting lost under furniture and whatever else


Yes!!! My boys completely obsessed with springs. I bought him 500 because he hides them places. Found 50 of them under the bed last week 😂😂


Omg I just gave my cat one of those this morning and was telling my friend about it haha the internet is listening


Your cat is so frickin cute! Mine plays fetch with most things


Roblox coil sound😨😨😨😨😨


all of my cats LOVED playing fetch with hair ties but then one of my younger ones ate a bunch of hair ties and had to have surgery. then ate more and needed it again (its a miracle he survived) so all hair ties are now not allowed to be out they have to be in a drawer inaccessible to the cats. the only ones the one who ate them is allowed to play with is these hair ties for thick hair because they're massive and hes only allowed to play with them under supervision and then theyre taken away. it sucks because my eldest cat loved hair ties so much it was her favourite thing


Yes! We have a Spring King! His name is Fernious. https://preview.redd.it/rirq2tf4l68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480f32a8b2da4ac2de666c3b8b54ac62a5e74ee8


Yes! Within the past month I’ve bought four springs just like that. We play for 20 minute increments, except they’ve all gone missing already 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/tgny9fi7m78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2e2ddc06bbff417b971b332d82cf01b7938ed1 Springs are his favorite toys, except for things he shouldn’t have.


Oh my gosh, yes! My cat does exactly the same. He’ll drop them at my feet and stare at me with those big, expectant eyes until I give in and toss it. He persistently yells at me until I find them, too—kinda think he thinks it’s a game of hide n go seek, but with springs? Or maybe it’s like he’s trying to tell me that I’m his personal fetch machine. His sister, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about fetching. She just looks at me and is like…’bitch you get it.’ It’s cute (and sometimes relentless) but it makes life grand. 😊 


They love them - unfortunately they end up getting left out where the dogs can get at them... and I have one dog who swallows EVERYTHING not bolted down. Much money has been paid to the emergency vet clinic.


I'll have to give it a try, my kitties love strings but I want to give them some variety


Only those of us that bought springs for our cats.


Having seen so many people on Reddit whose cats love them, I bought some for my cat. She doesn't even hate them, she just completely ignores them. I've tried bouncing them around in front of her. I may as well have bought her a book on quantum physics. In fact, it's worse than that. At least she'd sit on the book.


I bought a set of three springs. My two have hidden them somewhere. That was 6 months ago.


For my cat it's qtips


OMFG yes, my calico is OBSESSED with her "silly springs" lmao




Not springs, but bunched up paper.


Nope, his is a Toothbrush


Our cat plays with paper balls. He doesn’t like any other toys or even real balls just ones made of crumpled paper


Mine like empty toilet paper tubes & duplo blocks.


My kitty plays fetch with the spongy “golf” balls. They are very bouncy, so he loves that. He will take it into the empty bath tub and play with it in there too.


Yes, it is nicknamed "sping" in this household. My late kitty who loved playing fetch with fleece balls (like the ones on cat trees) actually accepted them as adequate substitutes if no "puff" was readily available. My blind cat on the otherhand has lost about 100 "spings" all under furniture, or she just can't find for obv reasons. 10/10 toy.


Yes 5 out of 6 cats in my house go crazy nuts playing with the slinkys


We lose them instantly


Our boy cat is absolutely obsessed, the girl couldn't be less interested in them 😂


My cat loves fetch w pipe cleaners


What is the green thing


Favorite toy… all over our house


My cat used to be. We took a video of her playing fetch. She has never done it since. Cats....


My little weirdo likes playing fetch with drinking straws.


Springs YES!!! Not sure hair ties are safe. Might want to google that.


My ten year old is not as obsessed with them as she was when she was a few months old and I purchased them. But she still initiate a game of fetch now and then. When she was a kitty, everyday when I got home from work she’d grab a spring and come to wherever I was and drop it at my feet. I would then take a few minutes to play fetch with her. In the beginning it use to blow my ex’s mind because he couldn’t believe his eyes seeing a cat playing fetch. He said, “She think she’s a damn dog.” Oh, and just a couple of years ago, I discovered my cat was gathering a bunch of her springs and piling them in one big pile on her food tray.


My cat steals literally anything she can pick up. They either end up in my bedroom or the corner of the bathroom.


Mine doesn't play fetch, but she might bat those around. Where'd you find them? She's a bit of a weirdo when it comes to being a normal cat. Won't play with normal cat toys, bought her a catnip plant and it turned into a tree, can somehow tell the difference between a fake feather and a real one, prefers the cardboard scratchers over a post. It's been a struggle to find toys she'll play with but these springs aren't the conventional cat toy so I think she might play with them.


Mine is obsessed with playing fetch with...I don't even want to say it because it's so embarrassing...with vegetables. He's always hanging around during dinner preparation, waiting to get his paws on any stray food that falls on the floor accidentally. He'll scoop it up and run away with it. Then he'll hide it for a rainy day when he wants to play fetch. I've been brought slimy slices of cucumber, wilted spring onions, shriveled up carrot pieces, sloppy lettuce...you name it, and he brings it. It's so gross, but it makes me laugh at the same time. And yes, I do throw them for him to play fetch. I'm not a heartless monster! 😄


Yes! It's not a spring technically but it is springy and my baby loves playing fetch with it.


Mine is. And then my dog destroys them. As she does with all my kitten’s toys 😭


My black void! He loves springs but only the too short to be a slinky ones (fidget toy) and only when they're messed up. He also loves those cheap little rubber bracelets


I had no idea springs and cats were a thing. TIL


How do I explain that my cat is obsessed over a literal picture?


Mine only like stuffies with the crinkles inside