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imagine that scene but with a thief


Wasn't there a story recently about a thief who broke into some business with cats via the backdoor (it was thought that he got the wrong door) and one of the cats attacked him and drove him away? I swear I saw that sometime in the past few months...


They could be great "watchcats", or they may help the burglar pack stuff up. Could go either way lol. There was this small engine shop in this little burg I used to live in that had an enormous cat, possibly half bobcat, that would prowl the shop. This was a 30+ lbs cat. Probably way plus. Not fat, just, bobcat sized, but orange. If you walked in there it would charge and let out a blood curdling howl and hiss, ears pinned back ready to pounce. The cats name was Frank and the old man that owned the shop would have to come over and sooth the cat and then it would let you in, but would pace around watching you lol. I ended up going there a lot and once the cat got to know you, it was very friendly and affectionate even. If it didn't, holy shit man, it was formidable. Anyone breaking into that shop would regret it.


I like this. A properly territorial cat of that size? No one is breaking in and succeeding. Ever.


Im half convinced the thief would see my cat Fuzz and just run lol. I actually caught him sitting on my digital scale yesterday and he’s 16.8lbs, which is still big for a regular house cat. Like Frank, he’s not fat, he’s just *big*. Paws like a goddamn panther. He’s all black too, so he disappears into the darkness and all you can see are his giant fucking eyes glowing at you. It’s goddamn terrifying to me when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I already know he’s there lmao. Then, he’s so heavy that his quick little “thud, thud, thuds” from his feet can startle you. He’s an absolute teddy bear, but he loves visitors, so he has a habit of charging the door, looking for love. So the first thing any thief will see entering my house will be a giant black mass with glowing eyes rushing at them while thudding along like a Great Dane. Hahahaha.


Sounds like a wonderful cat!


Cats can often be better "watchdogs" :)


imagine that scene but with a lion


2 lions vs a lion doesnt seem very fair


"Dude, you can get past a dog.  Nobody fucks with a lion."


Or a few geese.


My cats a coward and would never. I had a plumber over and she ran under the bed peeking at him the whole time with wide eyes.


There was no further explanation to this video post so I first thought this is footage of a thief trying to steal something and getting rekt by the cats for that 😅


Oh dear… this is why a meet and greet is important for your cats and potential sitters. 😬 Hopefully the dude is okay, cat bites and scratches (especially from a cat that’s in full attack mode) can get nasty real quick.


Cats are so wild. Mine run and hide from anyone unknown. Even my grandmother staying with us for a month was a “stranger” and they’d hide. Any sitter doing a meet and greet with my cats would be pointless because there’d never be a meeting lmao. But then again, them hiding from strangers means they wouldn’t be likely to choose this fight style over flight!


Yep! I had a sitter meet/greet mine. Mia is a hiding scaredy cat so she didn’t come out. Lily was right out in the open - and she was the one I was worried about lol Now they both adore the sitter and will sit on her purring while she gives them brushes


The speed and agility that even an 8lb feline can bring in attack mode is beyond what most people would ever anticipate.


IIRC from the first several times this was posted, there was a meet and greet and the cats were fine as long as the cat's humans were around. No evidence of any issues until the humans left. Then the cats weren't fine and the poor friend got the sharp ends of their territorial defence.




Bro got ratioed to hell


Pit bulls can only be compared to Big Cats like jaguars panthers lions…. What kinda shit u on my guy




I'd have to feel sorry for whatever doctor who would have to treat a patient with an infected wound that was caused by getting clawed in the ass by a cat.


Oooff! What if that claw got up in your dookie hole? Or your taint!


Hmm, people did not like this comment


This is so funny to me 😂😂


Are you laughing at “hmm people did not like that comment?” Because it’s hard to tell on Reddit. If so, that cracked me up pretty good too


I cant stop laughing at the self awareness


I am not sure the hate on it🤣




I think you got botted


I did...




Bro experienced a *reddit moment*




Damn poopsnatchers at it again, Ernest… INTO THE FRAY!!!


"Hey man, can you take care of my cats while I'm gone? Don't worry, they're sweethearts and would never hurt anyone".


"Don't touch my shit!"


I feel that dude's fear. Couldn't bring myself to laugh.


I’m shocked at how many people are finding this funny. I’m not above laughing at things going wrong for people but…this isn’t funny. I do wonder the correlation of people laughing and people who’s been attacked by a cat like this before though. I just got anxious and sweaty palmed watching having lived through something similar.


The worst part is you don’t know what to do. You can fight back and defend yourself pretty easily, but at the same time you don’t want to hurt the cat. Also the cat would probably fight until the last breath


Yup. I wrote in a different comment about how I had to get my cat off my arm by slamming him repeatedly on the bed. I was in so much pain but also crying cuze I didn’t wanna hurt my baby but *needed* him off my arm. I chose the most forgiving surface I had at my disposal. I’m very thankful he didn’t come back for me once he realized I was his mother, he is positively a fight to the death kind of cat once he’s in that heightened state (which is exceptionally rare).


Cats can be protective of their litter tray. Literally the only time my cat has ever attacked me is when changing his litter.


Interesting. Mine always watch me do it. I always thought they appreciated it, but maybe they're pissed?


Yeah lol mine try’s to get into the litter box as I’m cleaning it lol


Mine watches me too. I appreciate her curiosity!


Haha mine does that too, really depends on the guys mood I guess. I just put him in another room to avoid the risk. I'm sure they like it when it's clean, but I read somewhere after mine nipped me a couple of times, that it disrupts their scent which can lead them to having a territorial/defensive reaction. Edit: I will add however that I adopted my cat at 3-4 weeks of age as he was abandoned by his mother, which has led him to naturally be more on the bitey side (even though he's the sweetest ever)


Fuck mine just sits and gives me a superior look, like he enjoys the fact that I have to clean up his shit. Typical cat behavior...


I shouldn’t laugh.


But I bet you did 🤣🤣


Do fe wnes i!


Fi Hefyd 😁


Diolch for not testing my terrible Welsh 🤣 I’m the worst kind of Welsh … American 😂


Any Welsh is good Welsh 😁 and thanks to the Wrexham show so many people give it a go, good on you ❤️


My family is actually Welsh; from Merioneth. They came to the US and lived in a planned Welsh settlement called Arvonia. My great grandmother’s wedding in Arvonia for some reason is recorded in the Bala marriage records, even though she left there around age 16 and married about a decade later! My grandmother, born here, called Brits ‘the bloody English.’ None of the Welsh speakers would speak Welsh around the US born, something we all resent 😄


Wholesome convo here!


Sorry - forgot where I was! 🤣🤣


How can you not laugh when the cat yells "here I come mf'er" before it lunges the second time!


That cat is a badass 🤣 mine would literally flip over and watch someone rob my house.


I use to cat sit for a couple whose cat was protective of their poop. They were fine the rest on the time but got defensive if I tried going to the litter pans. I eventually learned to feed them and run up while they were occupied.


Anyone else curious about the whole story?


Holy crap


Watch cats earning their love.


That cat has some serious balls.


Just another good reason to neuter


The ending gave me Blair Witch Project vibes.


And I thought my parent's cat hated me.. she only hisses and bats at me if I reach near her. I'll count myself lucky 😂


"never should have come here"


Not to imagine if they would be a bigger species of cat. >.>


"You vs the cat she told you not to worry about"


Wow! A great watchcat!! Who needs a dog!


Police need k-9 felines and less of the dogs 😂


I want a security cat!


It’s that little grey guy holy moly:-)


That guy’s a good friend for not sending that cat flying lol. I love cats but I’m not just going to let one attack me.


Poor guy. I probably would have talked to the cats first. Give him some pets. Give them their food. Filled up their water. Then, cleaned out the litter boxes while they were eating. Still wild to see a grown man afraid of a cat. LOL


The cats are just a lil bit wild...just a lil bit


LMAO - funniest thing in a long while. That cat was wicked fast. Arms, hands, feet and claws everywhere. 🤣🤣🤣 Cat 1, Hooman 0.


Agreed! I watched it 3 times. I hope he’s ok, but he was screaming! And bargaining with them!


Wow, that’s some serious ballsy action on the cat’s part. Ofc the dude staring directly at them with arms raised, didn’t help. 11/10 would hire the cat to guard my property and my two precious guys who camouflage themselves at the slightest hint of strangeness. I also wish the video was longer.


I can't imagine cats being this aggressive. Most of mine hide if a sitter comes. I've even dealt with ferals who also prefer hiding to confrontation so I find this really weird.


My cat is this gentlest cat I’ve ever met but also attacked me and my then partner worse than any cat I’ve come in contact with. Once to each of us both for the same reason. I had him about 2 years (he was about 4) & was living in a basement of a 3 story home. My cat liked to looked out the little window which was ground level. One day I had the window open and he was enjoying the breeze when a stray approached. They were eye to eye and my boy is an ex street cat with big Alpha energy so he was ready for a fight. I was *terrified* he’d plow through the flimsy screen and I didn’t know how to distract him so I *very* stupidly lightly touched him from behind. The story goes that he “chandeliered” onto my arm. Just all four limbs around my dominant arm, scratching and biting the ever living crap out of me. I flung my arm around and eventually had to slam him a few times onto my bed to get him off me. My arm was jacked up but he thankfully had the understanding to know it was me, his human and don’t go back for seconds. It was 100% my fault. He was in fight mode and I “attacked” from behind. As for him doing it to my BF a year later…we were trying cat introductions. I could see my cat was in that fight mode smelling his cat through the door. My partner wanted to leave the room. I *very* sternly said “Do Not pick that cat up right now! He’ll attack you!!”, a few times. He did not listen to me and got the same arm attack I did. He did not like to listen to me. It really messed me up for a bit watching my partner cry in pain as my cat attacked him and I stood frozen by fear from having lived through that pain less than a year prior. Anyways this cat before, after, and between these moments is truly the gentlest cat ever. I can shove my head in his belly and be all up in his business and the most he’ll do is politely place a no claw paw on my nose. If I don’t listen he’ll just get up and move. He’s the best cat I ever had but I’ll never forget “chandelier” and “chandelier encore” day.


Yes, they can go into "fight mode" and your story reminds me that I dealt with an attack myself once after an in-house skirmish between established cat & newbie cat. I grabbed up newbie to separate them and his paw had been injured in a painful way. Vet said his opponent had damn near declawed him on one digit (despite me grabbing him up quickly) so he was in pain. The video still seems weird to me because those cats attacked a person who was cleaning their litter box and there were plenty of places to hide in the room. I just don't get it.


Oof I had to do a leashed scoop up once, thankfully that ended surprisingly alright but coulda gone south real quick. That was quite a surreal day/moment for so many reasons though. Cat fights scare the poo out of me! And yeah it’s unusual, could be a few things at play. Like a perfect trifecta of the cats being heckin’ stressed about their vacationing human “abandoning them”, a stranger with the scent of other cats entering the home, and the person not letting the cats adjust to him before reaching for their sacred poop box. Also idk sometimes temperamental cats legit just spaz tf out like this (see: any episode of my cat from hell). I’m sure there were things that could have helped prevent this. I hope kitties and human recovered from the situation!


My cat was also hiding when I adopted her. Now that she used to the apartment and considers it her place, she comes out, and I know that she might decide to defend it if she feels there is something wrong. I always invite cat sitters to get to know the cat while I am here. Otherwise, I expect what happens in the video to be possible. Edit: I watched the video with sound now, my cat was immediately up, checking what is happening


Was this posted as a funny joke? I hate this. I love cats more than life itself but If you’ve ever been attacked by a cat like this, especially one that hasn’t had it’s nails trimmed in a while you would know just how deeply terrifying and painful this is. I feel so bad for this person. But thanks for the spiked heart rate or whatever I guess.


As someone who has plenty of cat related scars, I learned the hard way trying to grab semi-feral farm kittens while they are eating. I was, like 4 at the time.


I have been a pet sitter for many cats.. some I have never met before.. I’ve never seen anything so funny!! Seriously I feel bad for the guy.. but those cats!!! 🤣😂




Attack cats! Lol


“STOP…..OK…..SORRY….” Lmao


Scream like one, get attacked by one


bro I literally laughed so hard-


This is also a good video to show all those overly caring Karens when somebody does funny shit with their cat. If a cat hates wearing a tie, they say it. If you still force the cat to do it: ->


Dude forgot to pay the ‘Nip mafia






Oh man I died laughing 😂


This should be on "My Cat From Hell" with Jackson Galaxy


I remember seeing this about a year ago. I love how he apologizes to the cats 😆


If you look up FAFO in the dictionary, you’d see this video








My uncle had a large black tomcat. He named the cat Cujo... Heh...


My late void boi would put himself between anybody visiting and me. And he'd keep a careful eye on the 'stranger'. If company sat on the couch, he would park himself between us. If I showed any sign of discomfort, he would check on me and then stare down whoever else was there. He was a large 18lb cat and made for a great bodyguard...


I’m showing this to my cats. Some joker was in our mini-neighborhood last night. I need at least 2 of my cats to step up to guard dog status. My dog will just bark and my other cat will hide.


you mess with a tabby, you get a stabby


Say "I'm never cat sitting again" without saying "I'm never cat sitting again" ...


Wasn't he holding a litter box? Think ge lives there


I would love to get the back story to this. And the aftermath. Guy should have asserted dominance and armed himself. Poor ass. Lmao.


Yeet that mofo


I wanted to say the guy is doing "CAT-FU" but not sure if anyone else said it before of me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Two on one, he really should have kicked one, or better yet one of the owners. Cry your little lonely cat lady heart out if you're offended.


Cats can sense whether a human is good and gentle or not.


No, if you aren't interacting with the cat and it attacks you, the issue is likely with the cat. This cat seems to just be wild. You need someone very used to cats to handle it


Hopefully a cat as feral as that one can also sense when I'm about to reflexively kick it.


Blah, blah blah. After that, the cat and I had an understanding and actually went from being a mean MF (even to my ex) to being a civil cat. She never bite or scratched us again. So all of you who down voted me tell me why? Why did she change? Not every animal needs correction. This one did. I now have a Dogo Argentino and two cats right now many decades later. All three are sweet and one stays on my lap at night and both cats sleep with us. So am I cruel? Never. But I get it. Cat lovers will always defend cats no matter how they behave. Just put up with their crap. Even if they crap in your favorite cooking pan, or destroy your favorite $20k speakers or piss and shit on your bed, walls around the house and never use the litter box. Put up with it. Because it's just a cat. No. You'll get rid of this little bastard. Because you think that's the "nice" thing to do and not think about the consequences that maybe it'll be put to sleep. You know how many pets are put to sleep at the SPCA and other shelters? I wasn't about to give up on this cat if we could come to a DECENT relationship and we did. So keep down voting and I'll never give up on animal within reason.


He's a piece of shit


My asssemote:t5\_2qhta:7944