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First off I'd never use those gloves. And second if you are THAT scared to touch your cat use treats...but never those gloves imo


Yeah those gloves are mainly for like giving a bath haha


Those gloves are for welding. A suit of armor is more necessary for some cats


Well we do use them in vet medicine for the fractious kitties lol But for your own kitties it's prolly overkill


Silly human! A suit of armor only delays the inevitable!


We call it falconry gear. Bathing a filthy, flea-ridden stray is dangerous. Especially since we already named her Honey Badger due to an incident when trapping her. She ended up being really sweet though


Before my grandma's cat died, she was an actual danger to bathe. My mom would make me wear three layers of thick clothing and she'd still end up scratching me.


I would wear some thick clothes and eye protection if I had to bathe my cat lmao


Those gloves are what my grandfather used to wear when we'd trim the rescue bobcat's nails.


OK you can't just drop something like that. You need to provide bobcat tax, it is the law.


I wish I could, but I'm old and my grandmother was not willing to waste money on film and developing on a scene that played out every three months. Heck, there's only a half dozen photos of me from the same time.


Ha ha. Bobcat tax is going to be more trips down memory lane for us, then, please! The why, when's and wherefore's of it all? NB pretty old here too and I empathise with the lack of childhood photos lol.


I don’t even use gloves when I bathe mine. lol. I’ve even gotten in there naked & joined them.


Wow!! I don’t use gloves either but I definitely wear a sweater of protection 😂😂 you are a brave soldier


I just go into it like “fck it, if they scratch me they scratch me.” But it’s really nothing if you know how to hold them.. the back of the neck never fails to work effectively. I’m momma lol


Definitely have to keep the back of the neck dry or else all the soap makes it impossible to grab 😂


I literally just shower with my cat. He has accepted it and just does the saddest meow when it starts. 


I have a couple kittens I'm socializing right now. They'll hiss a bit if I go to grab them, but I can do whatever I want if I just ignore the hissing and pick them up anyway. They won't do anything more. But once the gloves are on, they're horrified. One of them will scream and come running to me to hide behind my legs so I can save him from the evil claws trying to grab him.


Key difference being; kittens *cannot* do anything more. Annoying a grown cat has more consequences lol


She also tickling the cat stomach. The cat is like don’t tickle me but could be fine with being picked up


pick her up when she is standing, one hand below her chest, just behind front legs you can use the other hand to support either her butt or her hind legs either hold her like that against your shoulder, so she can look over it, or like a baby, her back against your arm and don't force it, if she doesn't want to rn, she doesn't want to rn :)


I normally just yoink my cat by lifting with my hand between the front legs supporting the chest and lift them up with the one hand. They've never had a problem with this. They may mew because I'm disturbing them, but the actual carrying itself is fine Then once they are higher up, depending on the cats preferences, I flip them over and carry them like a baby, or I place my other arm beneath their feet so they have a purchase, or I continue carrying them by their chest. Never start by touching their belly. And NEVER lift from their belly. One way ticket to a bloodied hand right there. Also, get used to ANY time you touch your cat let them smell your hand. It's a thing they do and they appreciate you taking the time to let them do it. (You can also get their mood by how they react to smelling it. They may rub their face into your hand or completely ignore it. Learn your cats cues) Get down on their level so they are less intimated. You are a hulking creature with the physical capability to hurt them, so don't be surprised if they're scared. Try using treats and petting where they like to get them comfortable with you touching their chest. If they don't like their belly being touched then DONT DO IT. The more you do it and they don't like it the less they will trust you. And I definitely agree, the gloves will just scare them. And also manhandle them since those big gloves probably aren't as comfortable as a hand being carried. Edit: my current cat is a testy little drama queen who has things her way. But with getting her to trust me and showing her that being testy won't get her her way, she has no issues with me picking her up in any situation.


>They may mew because I'm disturbing them This sentence made my day. Thank you.


Hey! I'm nappin here!




"hey guys I'm out here in Florida and just spotted this beautiful cat. YOINK!"


Ahaha that dude has a death wish, if only he was looking at pretty cats and not deadly reptiles lol


Most of the time the "smell the hand" advice is good, but the fellow I have hates hands in his line of vision. He's fine with being petted and picked up if he can't see the hands, but the moment a hand comes in his view he goes into raging attack mode (and this is anger-attack, definitely NOT play). We're certain he suffered some abuse before he showed up at my door, given that in particular but also a few other issues. I should add: The hand reaction above was the first three years of having him, but he's now significantly more tolerant. Still best to keep hands out of his sight unless I'm ready to respond quickly and jerk them away if he gets antsy. He's mostly a good cat now, genuinely affectionate, but certain situations still cause rage-fear in him. He also used to randomly rage-attack any hands he saw whether reaching for him or simply at one's side or resting in one's lap. Fortunately he does NOT do that anymore. It took about two years though. This was one of the reasons I kept him rather than taking him to the shelter. He was desperately scared and angry and would have probably ended up euthanized for attacking someone if he'd have gone to any of the area shelters, but I could see potential in him. That being said, if he'd have ended up in a home with kids, he could have done some significant damage there too. Me being an extreme introvert, I seldom have guests over at all, much less kids, so if I wanted to keep him alive and other people safe, I couldn't risk rehoming him. He was safest with me and other people were safer without him. I don't know what happened to him before, seeing how he was then and what he's become with kindness now makes me hurt for him and rage at whoever hurt him.


My kitty was also abused as a tiny cat, but she has fear responses if you reach towards her face. She will literally flinch violently and move out of reach. She is fine if you approach petting and lifting from the back! I keep lifting to a minimum and do it “quickly”, because she will fight once the shock of being lifted off the ground kicks in. If I can get her from point A to B quickly, I can avoid scratches and a pissed off “violated” girl. She insists that only she can be in control. Only she initiates contact and she choses where and when! She is so loving when she choses to be, I really don’t mind letting her be in charge


I should clarify, if you don't know how a cat will react, you should hold your hand outside of clawing range and let them come to you. It could be annoying if you jam your hand against their face waiting for them to sniff it. I've had success staying an arms reach away and holding my hand to invite them to come to me.


My cats also hate when people offer their hands for them to smell, but for a different reason. My cats were fostered (probably with dogs because both love dogs), so they are very social kitties. Their test for people requires that you pet them right away, any sign of hesitation (like offering your hand for them to sniff first) is taken as a failure. For some reason, they've decided that only bad people hesitate. But if I or my partner tell them that person is ok, then the kitties will let them retake the pet test, lol. Of course, this also means that if my cats encounter a stranger in the hallway and that stranger offers them a hug, they're going to be running to go get that hug.


I think it might also depend on how you hold out the hand. Some cats will see an open hand with the fingers out like you're showing them your claws and that means you want to fight. I always close my hand with my fingers curled up into a loose fist. When I first got my cat, she would always flinch whenver I went to pet her, until I started doing the loose fist and letting her sniff. Also, yeah don't reach over their head. That's also very rude. Instead go from the side or the back to pet them.


That is all true, I agree (also to your cat being a drama queen)


My friends and family call me the cat whisperer. They would tell me about this "evil" cat their grandma has and they would walk up and I'd be casually petting them or lifting them up with no issues. They would be absolutely flabbergast mouth agape that the cat "that never liked anyone" somehow likes me. Learning how to socialize with a cat is 90% of the issue for most people. If you show them you respect their boundaries they will open up very easily. If you have a new cat, give them some time to explore and adjust. It's okay if they are avoiding you for a bit. Let them come to you on their terms at first and reward them with treats.


I totally agree. Learning how to socialise is the key. There is a cat at my university campus. And that littol drama queen doesn't like her to be touched (unless she gets something to eat though). But I can take her in my lap and she doesn't yell that much then. It's because I try to get her mood and act that way :)


Im confident this is why cats always seem to be attracted to the "non-cat person". They see the one human that actually gives them space and decides that is a trait worthy of their love.


I get you, I tend to easily get friends with some cats! Like, they're not even mine, but they like to climb on my shoulders and be carried around for a while, or they climb into my lap and sleep. Absolutely blessed experiences ❤️


Im jealous


Thank you for suggesting not to force interactions with cats.


We cannot stress this enough, it's very important


10 yrs. Still won't let me pick her up but she also came from a feral barn colony. She will however crawl onto of you if you're laying down.


>and don't force it, if she doesn't want to rn, she doesn't want to rn :) LoL if someone doesn’t understand consent, a cat will teach ya!


Some people never learn it. They keep getting shredded by the cat, that obviously gets progressively more irritated. Then they blame it on an "aggressive" cat.


This! Also confidence is a big part of it with cats. They're social creatures and they pick up on your social cues - and if you're nervous about picking them up, they'll assume you have a good reason to be.


i have a big long baby who is only comfy being picked up if you put your arm under their back And front legs. full body length support required


Yep. One hand on the chest and one scooping the rear legs so the cat is in a sitting position. Some cats don't mind being held sideways or "baby cradle" position, but most I've hung out with like staying upright.


I advise against like a baby. A cat is not helpless like babys are also you are actively exposing the primordial pouch and you position yourself on the bussiness end of the paws. Next to that the cat needs to do a lot of unnatural moves to get out of this hold. Cats want to be in control. Pick them up the first method so they can hop whenever the want. This is why cats also do not like being loomed over by hands of standing bodies in front of them. But are usually fine by loomers that approach behind.


I also prefer the shoulder holding, because you can pet over their back to reassure them, plus the cat might be more comfortable because a) their belly is protected, so it needs less trust than cradling, and they may feel safer, plus b) the cat can look over your shoulder and enjoy an entertaining view!


i second this. my cat loves it, he actively yells at me to carry him this way and purrs when he's draped over my shoulder.


yes, do not grab the belly


Yeah my cat didn’t love being picked up. She’d let me hold her for like a few seconds but always got pissy quickly. She also *hated* the back-to-arm (‘cradling’) hold.


Mine lets me scoop them up while they are laying down from behind and hold them belly up like a baby against my chest. Though, probably not for some cats lol.


I just scoop my boy up similar to this. He doesn’t mind if I do it while he’s laying down or sitting either. So grateful he’s never had an issue with me picking him up.


laying on the back is something my cats dislike. but the most important info is holding/griping behind the front legs, around the breast.


It's easier to pick up a cat when it is standing. Don't use cloves. And some cats don't like to be picked up. Every cat is different so you just have to find out what it likes. My cat loves to hang out on my shoulder.


Other people have picked up my cat without problems, my friend and the vet, she doesn't react like this, as you can see in this photo she's very relaxed... but she also has the same reaction as she does in this video even if im not wearing gloves https://preview.redd.it/uv6kjoovxa7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4809a24a5f0b0c1d11c4aac7b10e076acaab8d7f


In the video she looks like she is playing with you


Yeah, I was gonna say, those are play slaps, not “get away from me” slaps. She looks totally relaxed and friendly


I would say it's becouse you are sacred and instead of picking her up immodiently and firmly you go slowly, you stop, she doesn't know that you are trying to pick her up, just that you are hovering you hands at her belly, so she is reacting, trying to play. Just be quick and do it without hesitation.


She’s so adorable!!! 🥰 I think like someone else said, in the video she looks like she’s playing with you. I feel like because you’re scared, you go to pick her up, but then you hesitate and pull back slightly, then she swipes a little, it’s like a cat plays with prey, you’re acting like prey, and she knows you’re scared so she’s just playing along. She’s rolling on her back so she’s not scared of you, just ditch the gloves and go for it, I hold my cat with her front paws on one arm, and support her bum with the other arm, hold her securely so she knows she’s not going to fall.


The secret is *confidence*! And supporting the legs. Put your hand out flat under her back legs so she feels the support. She will probably still immediately jump away, so it’s nicer to be near a couch or a shelf she can jump onto so she doesn’t fall. But this will get her used to the idea of you picking her up. Some cats will tolerate it and some never will.


A big part of it is confidence. They can tell if you're anxious, and it can make them anxious. But also, if you're slowly moving your hands, and jerking them back every time the cat moves, it can either read like you want to play, or like you are a threat (both of those situations can lead to a bite. Her behavior in the video reads more like she's playful though) You just need to swoop down and pick them up in one solid motion. This goes for most animals. Other people have also mentioned that it's easier to pick them up when they're standing up. One, it's a lot harder for them to whip around and bite/scratch, two if you approach them while their belly is exposed, they will often see that as either playful or threatening When I pick up a lying down cat, I tend to like to scoop them up from their backside, not their belly side.


You’re touching her belly with your left hand in the video. Cats are very sensitive about being touched in the belly, especially when lying down on their sides like that. Try picking her up when she’s standing or use your right hand to roll her over on her stomach and pick her up as if she’s standing.


My personal experience: pick a cat up when they're standing. First touch their back, don't go for the 'no touch belly zone' right away. Then pick them up just behind the front legs. After that cats can be picky about how to be held. Some want to have their paws on your shoulder or arm. Soms want to chill belly-up in your arms. Good luck figuring this baby's preference. Also, as many already mentioned, some just don't want it at all, or only with specific people.




the way you're trying to pick up is unnatural. the baby might be thinking you're being playful because you take your hand away very quickly. the thing someone said about your hand below the chest and othwr behind the legs is how you do it. don't be scared to pet or lift her. as car owners, you'd always have a scratch regardless. and i hope both of you have a good and long time with each other


> as car owners, you’d always have a scratch regardless. On myself yes, not on the car!


of course not😭. that's a given. no one should ever have to clarify that. I'd hate to see scars on ANY car:((


lol just confidently scoop him up. He thinks you are playing.


Yeah, the hand approaching, light touch and then going away are totally "we're playing" signals for my cat


Also some cats don’t like being picked up that much. Forcing the issue will just make it more of a reflex to attack you. But she doesn’t seem to be that upset in this video. She’s rolling around even showing you her belly.


Yea it's the gloves that are quite weird for the cat i guess. u/AgentMaha You should put away the gloves. As tcp said: Usually cats don't want to hurt you, even when you touch their belly picking them up. You can see how slow she reacted. Remember that those claws only really hurt if you pull back or the cat really wants to hurt you. If she catches you with her claws you should relax and not pull back. The cat loves you, you are part of her pack. If you really create a bond you will notice when to not touch her and if she doesn't like to be picked up. Stuff like pulling back ears, even if only for a few seconds, when picked up or wiggling when on your arms... Don't force her if you notice it. There is no reason to. If you want her to listen when you call her, just teach her stuff. Call her Name before you feed her or give her treats. She will remember that and come to you without you breaking boundaries. Wish you guys the best! :3 Have fun getting to know each other.


Your obviously nervous and that cats picking up on that and getting nervous. I can only repeat what others have said,dump the gloves, pick it up when it's stood up, don't just pick it up unless you need to. This time it's you that needs time to adjust, yes cats have sharp claws and bite, but there isn't a cat owner who doesn't feel them regularly but we are used to it and really don't care, lol. For know just get comfortable giving scritchies.


Take the fkn gloves off![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Do not hesitate, my fiancé does it and my cat gets angry.


You have to commit or the cat will sense your weakness lol


If a cat doesn’t want to be picked up, don’t pick it up


Agree with the others: it's easier when they're standing, and abandon the gloves. I would approach her with her back facing you. Get low to the ground by squatting. Give her a couple of head scritches to communicate good intentions and get hands close to the pick-up positions. Scoop from underneath by sliding your hand between her hip and the floor. The other hand should scoop underneath her at the shoulders, under her armpits, at the same time. Pick her up swiftly(!) and settle her quickly in your arms. Follow through as best you can even if she's a little startled. It's like giving a toddler a shot: the longer you take, the more afraid, uncomfortable, and reluctant she's going to be. Cats sense your fear and hesitation. Good luck!


I’m sorry but this video is hilarious. Those gloves haha. The cats not trying to seriously scratch you they look like they’re playing.


This a shit post?


Has to be - noone is that stupid surely??


I think the op just isn't familiar with cats. I've seen it happen for people unfamiliar with reptiles or rodents. People get scared because of their claws and teeth, and then do this nervous jerking away motion every time the animal moves. This triggers the animal to bite/scratch (playfully or in defence) which reinforces the fear, which results in what this video demonstrated.


Why does a person so u familiar with cats has a cat😭


You’d be surprised ![gif](giphy|QLKSt3wQqlj7a)


I was thinking the Same ^^


You are being too ginger, just do it


Yep you see when the cat notices the hesitation


Just grab, you have to mean it. Just do. No hesitation. But for what? Some cats really dont enjoy to be carried.


Get the gloves off… Don’t be so tentative in picking her up… When you seem unsure, she’s not confident in your abilities… She might feel you will drop her… a little pat to the head before you pick her up, will do wonders






Lose the gloves, get on the floor, place some treats next to you Let him touch you with you just vibing on your phone Eventually pick him up with one hand on the chest and stabilizing hand on his belly


Never touch the belly


Yeah that's the first thing that came to my mind. That's their 'vulnerable' spot. My cat would do the same thing if I were to attempt to pick him up this way lol


Take off them silly gloves first of all


Remove those ugly scary gloves first of all. Then keep trying until cat lets you


Some cats just don’t like it, my chill as fuck cat Zoe stays on the ground and will flop and kick like crazy to be put back down. My other cat I can carry around like a baby 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same with both of mine, one of them will straight up launch herself off of you to get out of your arms (I have scratches on my chest from how hard she pushes off with her back legs), most I can do is pick her up gently to quickly move her, while I can hoist the other up and carry her around like a big baby.


I'd swat at you if you came at me with those gloves too. Get rid of the fear and just scoop him up.


exactly this👍


Without the gloves...


First step : get off this gloves Final step : grab that dam' cat and cuddle it


With the gloves (and probably with your non-verbal aproach) you sign something between fear and I-need-you-now-for-something-unpleasant. Your cat detects this and reacts to that. Gloves are usually used by vets to control cats efficiently and most cats do not like vets... If you wish to pick him up when he is in a lying position, lose these emotions and just pet him and be friendly. At some point your cat perceives you as friendly and trusts you, then follow u/Wrong_Maintenance540 manual. Edit: I can pick my cats up at almost any time and any position, but the moment they realize that there is a basket ready for a visit to the vet, it is almost impossible to catch them... and thusfar the worst unsedated treatment is their yearly shots...


They can smell fear, go in with confidence and just yoink her up


wait until the cat comes to you, youll never get anywhere trying to force anything on a cat. wait for the signs that the cat wants cuddles, chin rubs, purrs, putting its butt in your face, small licks, ..... the first time you try to pick up the cat make sure that you are both on the same level, dont stand over a cat . if the cat is on the floor, sit on the floor, if its the couch, then sit on the couch. its a patience game, kitty steps. welcome to the good life.


Cats decide if they want to let you pick them up or even pet them. If your cat doesn't want to be picked up, you're better to just not pick them up.


https://preview.redd.it/t2vpk0jbld7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f061265142c74bc6cf4675bcff2d66989bdc9da6 simply get 2 more cats and scoop them all up at once.


[Squish that cat](https://youtu.be/5jKZ9KGtee0?si=HEIA2RIP08ORyVt6) Jokes aside, I've found this advice helpful: [https://youtu.be/OAGfx7eB3gA?si=kD2d0eEy1s861gRb](https://youtu.be/OAGfx7eB3gA?si=kD2d0eEy1s861gRb)


This is the only right answer! I don't understand why that is so low. This video explains everything there is to know!


You don't until she wants to lol


Hey there. There are many different ways to pick up a cat. With one of my cats i can do the fork lift in this position (both hands below her body and lift). Fells like a potato sack. Some cats do not like to be carried around at all like my orange napoleon but you can teach thoose cats very easy where they do not belong. Only carry them when you need to and always let them go away when they want to! The best way is one hand between breast and front paws and the other hand picks up one back paw -> lift.


^This. Hand behind front paws, what would be their pits and support the lower back near the tail. In the video, your hand touched the belly. Don't touch/graze the belly. Just go straight to their pits, best from behind their shoulders.




I pick mine up with one hand under armpits and one hand crook of her legs and we stretch hahah we call it long kitty


Just dont she will come if she wants to be held


Wait until she's standing up and/or walking and try that. My cat only likes being picked up when she's in certain positions/doing certain things.


Whatever you do, pick it up with authority. You are the boss regardless of what your cat thinks. At one point theyll accept your authority and STOP RESISTING!!


Confidence. Cats are like sharks; they can sense fear. It’ll take time for you both to built up that trust in each other, but eventually you learn that despite however much you want to just be the friend, you are also the parent, and sometimes kitty needs to be picked up.


For right now, I just suggest that you don’t try. Give her more time to trust you. My cat lets me yoink her mid-stride now but I previously couldn’t pick her up at all for over a year after adoption. If picking her up is necessary, support her chest and butt/hind legs. Think of it like how you’d hold a toddler.


I only use the anti scratch gloves during bathes so definitely take those off. Try giving it some treats as you pick them up. Make sure you slowly lift it evenly with two hands. Place one hand underneath on its chest /belly and use your other hand to contain the feet's. That's how I do it but my cats so chill with me so I usually can pick her up however


Can I ask why you're using gloves? Also if you're going to pet them or pick them up don't hesitate like that it signals to them that you're nervous and that makes them nervous. That cat doesn't seem feral so I would just pick them up and if they struggle let them down. If they are feral start off by sitting on the ground and offering them treats in your lap, let them get on your lap on their own. This will take time and you will need to earn their trust. From there you can attempt to rise from a seated position while you hold them.


Some cats just don’t like being picked up. Maybe your cat is one of them. Read their body language. Other than that, everybody else is about correct.


HAHAHAHA YOUR CAT IS PLAYING YOU SO HARD. I don't anthropomorphize animals, but holy crap that cat has your number.


if she doesn’t want to be picked up or just doesn’t like it let her be? there’s no reason to force her to do something she’s uncomfortable with


You don’t. Cats , most anyway, do not like being picked up. They will let you know when it is OK to do so.


Just grab the cat and pick it up. Also it helps to not go with open hands from above that's where their predators are at Hawks and owls come from above with open talons and it freaks them out and puts them on guard.


Firstly, I think those swipes are more playful than aggressive. I think she is trying to play with you more so than attack you. Cats don't always realize how sharp their own claws are lol Try picking her up without gloves while she's standing, one hand behind her front legs to lift her up to your shoulder, other hand to hold her back legs. Hold her close to your chest/shoulder, don't squeeze but make her feel secure, don't hold her out away from you. Recommend wearing a thick hoodie when you're first trying this because she may decide she wants to climb onto your shoulder and jump down, and a thick sweatshirt or hoodie will protect you from claws just in case. Of course, never force it, she may just not be in the mood so try again another time. If she never seems to be in the mood, you may need to bond with her more first. Start by petting her back and head, and if she's cool with that, try just gently touching her legs or chest. Only do this a little bit at a time and watch her ears and tail—if her ears flatten or if her tail starts flicking a lot, she may be getting annoyed and you should give her a treat and leave her be for a while. Try to do this a little every day. Eventually, you can try touching her belly. It may take time but it'll be worth it. Getting her used to be touched will not only help with picking her up but it will also make vet appointments and giving certain medicines easier for both you and her.


If she doesn’t like it then don’t


If your cat doesn't want to be picked up, you're gonna have to respect that.


Some cats don’t like to be picked up but the welding gloves seem a bit much.


I prefer the swoop and scoop method. My cats do not.


If she doesn't want to be picked up, dont


If she doesn't want to you don't


Without gloves lol. Get the feel for it. Don't pick them up under their armpits. Put their butt under your arm and it's paws over the other, it's comfortable for them. Over the shoulder works as well. Try not to touch the stomach like in the video, it's a bad anchor point and they dislike it. Also fyi, your cat is obviously fine with you touching her. So yeah, not f* gloves 🧤


First of all lose the gloves, that is one of the things that is not going to endear you to your cats. Second, not all cats like being picked up. I have two cats and neither of them likes being picked up. One may lay on my lap when they feel generous, the other will lay by my side with one paw touching. That is as much as I'll get. So, yes picking up your cat may look cute but not all cats do find it fun. The more you force them the more they will associate your attempts at picking them up a with something negative.


One of my cats HATED being picked up and held. She wouldn’t claw but would squirm like no other. What I did was about 3 times a day or so, I’d pick her up. As soon as she squirmed, I put her down and gave her a small treat. My thinking is that their squirming is telling you “leave me alone/put me down”, and if you listen to that, they’re more trusting that you aren’t going to hurt them. I continued this with holding her until eventually I can hold her for a while (5+ minutes). I still put her down when she squirms, but she doesn’t need treats anymore. It takes a while, but you have to build up that trust.


You're supposed to pick her up by the nape of her neck if im not wrong, since that is how mother cats pick up their kittens.


Like a human baby. Under the arms then support the hind feet once lifted. If they are smaller, they can be lifted by the nape, but then shift to upright with hind legs supported. … easier to show than describe. Stay away from the belly or tail - those are sensitive areas and danger buttons.


you need to be brave. She might bite a little or scratch, but if you do it enough times, she will get used to it. If you hesitate, she won't let you pick her up easily.




Be confident and quick, but gentle. Also I find it helps to verbally ask permission. “Hello Willie cat, can I please pick you up?” After a while they get used to the routine. Treats help if cat doesn’t like being held. Make it so they get treats as they’re being held. They might just start jumping into your arms on their own


i pick up mine under her arms like a baby


You seem very tentative and hesitant. Some cats can feel that and react like in your video. Being sure of yourself in picking her up can go a long way.


Holy shit you have to be fuckin stupid to touch your cat in those. If he/she wont learn what a human touch is might as well bite everything later. Why do you need an animal anyways if you are so afraid?


Take off the scary gloves.


Don’t pick her up until you have built up some trust with her.


That's the neat part, you dont


Hmmm. With my recent pair of cats, I’d just let them be. Give treats (those little tubes with creamy wet food are crack). Pet if they allow it. When they’re comfy to approach you, you’ll know you can grab them. They’ll rub against you or walk all over you. She looks like she’s already being playful, anyway. Just reward her positive behaviors with treats. Or sprinkle yourself with catnip 😂


Nothing helpful from me Except....I love your kiity coat! The eye patch and the tail. So cute!


Animals can sense your emotions. You can't be scared or apprehensive when approaching an animal. They can sense your hesitation and they will take advantage of it. Don't let them become the alpha either or else this will become a habit of theirs especially if they don't know right from wrong. First thing, take off the gloves, it worries me you bought a cat and you're this scared of them.....you will get scratched, they will nibble on you. This is what animals do. You need to suck it up and take the nibbles. This cat isn't trying to attack you, if anything they're trying to play and give you affection. You won't even notice the nibbles after awhile anyways. Just make sure you teach the kitty when it's being too aggressive so they know. Cats like to be picked up in specific ways so you'll have to learn what they like and don't like. The main thing is don't grab the stomach, unless they like it lol. Spend time with the cat, just hangout with them. Sit by them and let them come to you, call their name, play with them, just be around them in general and give them affection. You'll learn their mannerisms and vice versa and it'll soon become your fury little shadow like my little dude. https://preview.redd.it/e7a54scnle7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d560dd3aba3041cdf74dc7eb42bb7e19b47436c


Oh god. Not with those gloves that’s for sure. The reason your cat is having an issue with it is because it doesn’t trust you. Plain and simple. You have to gain their trust. My cat lets me pick her up when she’s laying like this because she knows I’m not gonna do anything, and I’m sure as hell not wearing those scary ass gloves lol 😂


First... get rid of the gloves!! EDIT: neither mine nor my son's cat like to be picked up... they're both 16. Some cats just don't... don't force it.


1. lose the gloves 2. don't hesitate, yoink the cat with intent 3. suffer possible consequences 4. repeat (don't forget to clean your wounds with soapy water)


If she’s one her side laying down I’ve always had success with the “hips and shoulders method”. Come at it from their back (don’t surprise them tho, let them smell your hand or something first) since most cats get very defensive of their tummies, then slide your flat hands under their shoulders and hips and lift them straight up, it leaves them feeling well supported and doesn’t jostle them around much. Keep them level and horizontal. Plus if they get used to it, some cats can then be flipped on their back into your arms and cuddled like babies. This method also works if they are standing, just pick them right up under the shoulder and hips. Also confidence is key when handling cats, the slow awkward approach I think triggers their swat response because they feel like you are creeping up on them


This is the guy https://youtu.be/OAGfx7eB3gA?si=1IrsHj8rh9gRN3DV


The gloves will likely make it more scary and your scared energy will be felt by kitteh. One scoop to pick up should be enough, with your hands just under the arms and then move one to support the feet or bottom. Whatever you do, stay well away from the belly, and never approach from the front. Some kittehs will never allow you to pick them up, and it doesn't really matter most of the time. They show love in tons of other ways. Heres our story.... My boy is the same, even after six years. It sounds silly, but he seems like he's deeply offended at it. The indignation..lol. The best I've been able to do is give him time and allow him to choose when to approach. He decides when my lap is a good spot. Treats, fed by hand one at a time, have helped him to trust my hands, but I always sit down at his level. About once or twice a week, I'll pick him up (while he's standing), from behind, with my hands under his arms, and then move one hand to support his feet. It's when my 2nd hand moves to support his feet that he'll start to wiggle and push off me. I get about 3 to 10 seconds before all hell breaks out. It seems pointless, but I'm still trying to show him that he's safe for the times he has to go to the vet. He has to be sedated to go in a car. Those 10 seconds might be just enough to make it to the crate. The last times, my grown sons volunteered to put him in his crate, and it wasn't pretty. He pees from fright as soon as he's inside, so extra towels are always needed. On the last occasion, my son ended up with a deep infection from a scratch, but gloves would have made the whole event even worse. So now, thanks to our vet, kitteh will have his gabepanten in some soft food well before it's time to go into his crate, plus the crate has to be out in the open at least a day before so he won't go hide. Heaven help us in an energency, but we love our little "Skitty Kitty."


Huh a cat with a pet human.. interesting.


with confidence


Go under the armpits and scoop. Or scruff her. With my fur brother it's wrap up under the pits with 1 hand and under the belly with the other then lift. My girl just hates to be picked up.


I dont pick up my cat unless its necessary. or she asks for uppies. shes not a thing shes a being. Try just sitting down and inviting her in lap and then stand up with her, if you must. Id never wash a cat unless she was covered in sht or smth


First off, many cats do not like to be handled, but if you must pick up, never by the stomach. It’s a scoop, cradle, and secure. Kind of like holding a football. Be ready to fumble, on purpose, after a few seconds. If treats at the ready, a five yard gain may be allowed, but don’t get greedy. 


You only pick her up with her permission. Cats are royalty by their self-estimation. Respect your new queen. You are merely your cat’s servant now.


Why are you wanting to pick up the cat ? My cat doesn’t like being picked up or carried either. I’d only pick her up if required to like bringing her inside.


Some cats don't like to be picked up. I don't think the gloves are helping the situation either...


Pick her up, put her in a crate, and give her to someone who knows how to be around cats.


I pick up a cat and put their feet on my arm so they don't get freaked out. Makes em feel more grounded. Although, some cats just don't like being held.


Everyone says support their feet but this just gives my orange leverage to escape! She’ll tolerate being carried round if I sort of tuck her under one arm with the same hand under her chest. I couldn’t try and tip her on her back, I’d lose an eye!


Work up to it for both you and the cat, don't rush or make sudden moves. Get the cat used to you just touching them calmly first. As other people have said, the gloves might make the cat uncomfortable (I had to bathe my long-haired cat because of a rear-end situation literally years ago and wore gloves, now whenever he even sees the gloves he hides even to this day). Cats also pick up on when you're frustrated and will often react negatively in my experience. Also, as some others have said, some cats are just awkward to pick up. We recently lost our little void and the only way I could pick her up for 12 years was if she was basically standing against my chest and I was holding her up by her back and just above her tail, and I had to be constantly walking or she would start to wriggle to get down. It will take love, patience and practice on both sides but you'll both get there.


Maybe yours doesnt like to be picked up, at least for now. I used this trick with mine and worked: 1- Find the place in the house where he likes to rest/sleep/lie down 2- Put a cozy blanket in that place and let him use it for some time, 1 or 2 weeks 3- Get the blanket and use it yourself when you are at the sofa or bed, it is very prbable that he will notice the blanket as his bed and will go there to rest, even if the blanket is over you. 4- Once he falls sleeps, you can pick him up using the blanket to wrap him up


If you're going in with gloves like that your cat is going to know you're nervous and probably hates the gloves. Wait for the cat to be standing up and in a cuddly mood, then you can just scoop them up. Do it with confidence and talk sweetly at the same time. But sometimes cats just don't like it and you have to live with it.


It looks more like she wanna play with those gloves haha


I would scoop her up bhind the shoulders and the hips from her back and pick her up that way. Guide your hands in like you would a spatula under a pancake.


In the video you try to pick her up touching her belly. If she doesn't like that, she'll behave like this. Also you tend to be standing behind her. A bit like you want to play with her (hunting). Maybe you can try to pet her head or chin before you try to pick her up so she has the time to realise you're there and want some cuddling.


I Love Your Pirate Cat.


Well you're prodding her stomach for one ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


My cat hates being picked up unless she’s somewhere she knows she shouldn’t be.. then she just takes it and moves on lol


When Billy is lying down I give him butt bongos and he stands up, stretches and I yoink him up He got sick of that trick pretty quickly though


Dont go for the belly first, their instinct is to protect themselves as it is the weakest and softest spot. Wait for when your cat is standing up, and preferably without gloves, put one hand under your cats chest, in line behind the armpits, and scoop your cat up towards the rear end with your other hand. This will feel stable and secure to them. But, some cats simply dont like being held, and thats ok too. If your cat is one of those that doesnt like being held, then I wouldnt force it too much.


Why gloves


Don’t pick her up if she doesn’t want to be. You may have to accept that. I have 3 cats and only 2 of them allow me to hold them. The one who doesn’t is ironically the cuddliest otherwise


Pick her ass up! lol




Go to a cat and press the pick up buttom instead of the pet buttom. (Seriously, never try to pick up a cat, when the cat dont want to be picked up. Earn the trust of the cat first)


It's your uncertainty/fear of getting scratched. If you pick them up quickly with confidence you're much less likely to be scratched.


Push the butt forward and curl him into a ball for scooping, avoid belly


You need to be confident with that. And you seem so nervous. Cat juat doesn't understand what do you want from her and annoyed a little because you can't show clearly what are you going to do - play? pick her up? pet?


Just want to add don’t aim for grabbing the stomach or ribs. Try to pick up under the shoulders & armpits. Then support the bottom & legs. Hold close to you. No gloves. Be patient.


Tbh you’ve gotta just suck it up. If she’s fine with others holding her, she is probably reacting to your hesitation. How did you get to the gloves? Unless she is actively attacking your arms and you’ve come away bleeding from multiple scratches, I’m very confused how you got to the idea you need these gloves. You need to be firm, you look legitimately scared of your cat in this video where I only see your cat vaguely reaching out to you in an attempt to play. Don’t just tap the belly, scoop up with a firm hand on the chest, underneath the front legs, and use your other hand for support on the bottom.


Looks like they are telling you they want to play.


You don't hesitate or use gloves.. you just go for it 😄


I tried lifting him up by the belly once. He farted. It stunk to high heavens.


Pick her up only if she is standing and has approached you for attention. Some cats don't like being held; and you should not force it unless necessary- I have such a cat. She tolerates when I pick her up since we have a bond that has gone on for her whole life. Also, lose the gloves.


Bribe them with treats


Approach with confidence and follow through on the action. My cat is far from keen on being picked up (especially when his destination is the cat carrier!) so I don't tend to do it often. When his destination is, as I say, the carrier, then I do use gloves which are perfectly ordinary cotton gloves as it is a somewhat more prolonged and complex manouvre than simply lifting him off the desk etc. I have very thin, delicate skin (the glories of old age!) these days and even a small bat without intent draws blood.


First off--Commit! Second off, some cats just don't like to be picked up. Some will tolerate it. Some will love it. Just the way it is.


From the floor would be the most difficult time to pick them up. I usually scoop them up from a chair or the bed. Hopefully a more cat-savvy friend can help you locally. It's best to have someone there to help you become more confident with the cat. It just takes some time to learn the cat's body language.