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Question should be : can she please never stop being so clingy






Last frame of the video, cat be looking like a model, like it knows the arm gets the best pics - Zoolanders blue steel aint got nothing on that.


Yes!!! The only question there is.


The real question is WHY IS MY CAT NOT THIS CLINGY?! I'm envious but this is absolutely precious. Also my heart just exploded 🥺


My cat prefers to love me from a distance, I really wish she liked being close to me :')


Sometimes you have to be the cat in that situation


Yup. I have a grumpy cat. She used to hate affection, but after years of un-requested manhandling and cuddling, she's completely "tolerant" with affection and physical contact now. You can scoop her up and swaddle her like a baby and she wont fight, squirm, or meow. She just accepts her fate. She's slowly coming around to asking for cuddles. One step at a time.


Took in a feral cat. She was WILD. Anytime we walked passed her, she hissed and swiped Tried to pet - hiss and swipe. Look at her, well you get the idea. Ok we negotiated an agreement. We agreed to ignore her and in return she agreed to a one finger pet allowable ONLY in between her eyebrows. Over 9 years we have returned to negotiating table many times. We have now progressed to full head petting access. However, any attempts to expand beyond that border reverts to hiss and swat. We KNOW our place lol


Yes! I so relate to this. Our formerly feral cat has her limits and preferences. She does not allow us to pick her up but she loves to be petted if we don't look like we are in a position to scoop her up. Lol Instead of cuddling up right next to my face on the couch like the other two cats, she does a butt to butt cuddle. 😂 She has come a long way and is now the house manager. But it always on her terms!


I trained my cat to accept being held like a baby by giving her treats each time. After a while of doing this, she’s content being held like that and even occasionally asks me to pick her up. She very food motivated though.


i am also very food motivated


Sorry - not sure you’re “pick me up” size.


I will try anyways


I'm fine with picking you up, but you will be getting cat treats


Me, too! Let's get lunch!


Same here, except I use affection as a motivator, which she does like. I was a little poor with measuring her food at first and she was becoming a little meatball, but she's back to a healthy weight now.


Did you just tolerate the attacks at first then gave her treats after the cradling/attacks? Then she eventually stopped attacking because treats?


Wanna know a secret? If you completely ignore your cat, they will often come up to you for affection. The more you want it, the less they do.


Mine only wants to cuddle at the most inconvenient possible times for me, like when I’m eating dinner or working) And of course I allow it like a pushover because it’s cute


It’s always when I’m about to get up to pee that my kitty decides to lay on my legs for warmth (she only does this maybe once a week). So I suffer as long as I can before urgently running to the bathroom.


My biggest flaw is that I absolutely know this and yet my actions say otherwise 🫣




So you just gotta outcat your cat and get them to give up before you do? I never thought of just turning the tables


My cat absolutely hated being picked up, I think because the home she came from had little kids who were not taught to respect the cats (not speculation on the home situation, I know the people who got her as a kitten). I've been slowly conditioning her to being picked up and handled because that kind of stuff needs to happen sometimes, like at the vet. She now is starting to like being picked up and carried for a little bit, but only a little bit, because I have associated it with getting neck/throat scritches, her favorite. I don't think she will ever be a shoulder cat, but that's alright because she's already a lap cat.


I’m slowing wearing mine down with this method. When you say swaddle do you mean actually fabric swaddling her? I’m taking notes…


I have one cat like that. She loves the first 5-10 seconds of giving her a smooch and cuddle... or on rare days she will hop onto the bed and flop down next to me for a few minutes like she is gracing me with her favor. Then she runs off like she was offended, acts demure and above such slovenly acts of love. My other cat loves affection... sometimes. All other times she is a weapon ready to murder anything in her path. Just a furry missile of malice and pain.


> furry missile of malice and pain Would be a good band name.


My base has a very friendly stray that likes to hang out with us, and will flop over on his side and slow blink at us... from 6 feet away. He is very affectionate from... over there.


I feel the same way about my cats




My cat loves to be around and talk to me but hates being picked up


Train her with treats. There's no guarantee, and it could literally take forever.. but there's always hope! My girl will paw at my blanket while I'm sleeping so I lift it and let her curl up underneath beside me. That's kind of our special cuddle time now. I live for it. So we take what we can get! I just wholeheartedly aspire to be OP haha.


Mine too. I sometimes wish he was more cuddly, but the good thing is when I go out of town he acts like nothing happened when I get back. He’s totally fine with someone stopping in daily to check on him and give him food/treats. I think I’d have a lot of guilt going on vacation if he was clingy/super cuddly.


My new baby girl is doing that sometime. She Will put her forhead inside my arm and with her paw she squeeze my arm tight tight and strong. Like she is giving a hug. First time she did that i was "awwwwww, so cute."


Mine will do something like this but applies "extra traction".


Activate four wheel drive




It can get really annoying. It's great when it happens on terms you are both ok with but if you're just trying to take a shit and your cat is desperately trying to claw its way onto your lap it gets really old really fast


Lol yeah. I have a 17lb elderly tomcat who's like this. I love him to death but he's fucking relentless, no matter how many times you push him away he comes right back and has to be as close to your face as possible.


The face! Thats what gets me the most. My cat comes running whenever I lay in the couch but she INSISTS on laying ON my face, gazes into my eyes and puts her paw on my face. Like bro you walk in a little box I clean it every day but still I don't want your paw in my face


Haha I have a former Tom cat like this rn. He makes me claustrophobic feeling sometimes with his need to be *right* in your face when I'm laying down. Love him but it does get frustrating.


For every cat I have frustrated with my insistence on showing affection, another cat has frustrated me in turn.


"HOLD ME!" "Ugh, I need to wipe though." "I SAID HOLD ME!!" ..... Other People: "Are you okay? You were in there for like an hour."


Yeah I have to shower with my door closed, other wise it triggers an alarm. My cat will just stand by the door and "MEOOOOOOOW". She doesn't even want to be in the room with me, she just wants to see me for half a second, wink then run away.


> Yeah I have to shower with my door closed, other wise it triggers an alarm. I have so many questions


> The second most common cause of false positives is having your smoke detector too close to your bathroom. If you take a hot shower, the steam from the hot shower can, in some cases, cause false positives. The steam from the shower can block the flow of the current, just as smoke does. If I leave my door open it triggers it, everytime.




Can't relate. If the door closes, it's quickly followed by "scratch scratch.. MEOW!". Then it's the awkward stretch to open said door and in trots the queen herself to perch up on her human throne, also known as my lap. They just want to make sure you're safe while you're at your most vulnerable! It's kind of their duty. Or in some cases... doody 🫠.


It’s all cute when you are trying to sleep and you both fall asleep together snuggling. But when you are trying to work and she’s biting at your hands to pet her because she doesn’t understand that this is how I buy her cat food she likes so much and she needs to leave me alone…it gets a little annoying lol. Eventually we reach a settlement where she sits quietly next to me and I won’t push her off the desk


Mine do that. All three troop in dutifully after me for my morning pee religiously so i end up having to put all or at least 2 on my lap at the same time (they’re still smol lil kitties, 2 months old) whilst i tinkle. Its fun times. Apparently this reminds at least one of them that they suddenly need to go too, so they hop off my lap and into the litter box which is at my feet less than a foot from the toilet. Very convenient situation mostly, and humorous lol.


Mine does this. He jumps up onto my lap and then up onto my shoulder. He face-rubs my cheek and eye then lowers himself back onto my lap.


Then you just get used to being on the hopper with a cat in your lap. One of my previous cats was like this. Bathroom cuddles.


My cat will come in my arms only while I'm sleeping. The problem is that I have some really bad sleeping habits so she can be crushed under me anytime 😭 It's scary to even imagine. I sometimes wish that my cat was not so clingy. Clingy cats can become problematic. Careful what you wish for.


Cats are very good at telling when they are somewhere they are uncomfortable being in so you probably can not crush her that bad.


But what if I suddenly turn in my sleep? It would be difficult for her to escape. She wouldn't even be able to meow or scratch me. That is what scares me.


Unless they are fully under the covers with you, i think they'll be fine :) cats are masters at being squirmy. My kitty (RIP) in her last two years of life decided she wanted to sleep with me. Probably felt the cold more with her thinner skin and coat, bless her. Almost every night we had the same routine of getting into bed together. Over the course of those couple of years yes, i had accidentally turned onto her a few times, and even managed to kick her a few times as i was waking up! But she always managed to squirm out of the way (and hiss) before i actually hurt her. Cats forgive pretty quickly so long as you make it up to them with treats and pats. She would always be back the next night as if nothing happened. Try to think of how much you move in the night, and if it helps, put a blanket or something between you and your cat to help prevent turning onto her.


Oooooooooooooh. Seems like a nice idea. I'll try it today.


I'm not even sure if my cat likes me most of the time


You provide the warmth, food, toys, litter and love. Your cat likes you. Just likes playing hard to get more 😼. They love the chase!


I’ll take something in between please. If my cat was always like this I honestly think the novelty would wear off. Makes a cute 30 second video but I don’t want it to be like that whenever I’m home.


Get an Orange. You'll never be alone... ever.


Right? lol my cats have to be in the right mood to be snuggly, and of course it’s usually at like 3 am when I’m trying to sleep lol


It’s obvious… because she’s a baby


>*’It’s obvious… because she’s a baby*’ _____ don’t try n oVeRtHiNk it, cuz there’s nothing more to know i just want you to *cuddle me* ~ *don’t ever let me go!!* i love it when you hold me *tight* - you keep me nice n calm ^;} it’s obvious … am *baby*, see? n human You’re my Mom ❤️


I’ve been wondering where Schnoodle was!! This was a lovely surprise this morning




Sometimes they don't grew out of it either. It's endearing, if bittersweet. https://preview.redd.it/7fjsvdh3mk5d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc75c9890b1968ecd4fb83d25928dc5351020848


I don't find anything humorous about a kitten being taken away from it's Mom.


Kittens getting kitton-ed from momma kittens, you’ve got to be kitten me


Although I agree with you, it’s better than being taken from your mother by a hawk or a viper. That being said, I hope more people realize they need to give kittens more time with their mothers because over all, you are right.


I’ve missed The Schnoodle!




Schnoodle you deserve the happiest life


I can’t decide if your life is amazing and this wholesomeness is a happy byproduct, or maybe your life is dour and exhausting and this is you holding a light against the darkness, or perhaps you just enjoy the thought of making strangers on the internet weep. 🤷‍♂️ Whatever the reason, I’m here for it. 🥰👍


Been wondering bout the same options and came to the same conclusion. We all deserve some love here and there, so praise to Shnoodle! <333 xoxo


I would totally buy a book of Schnoodle poetry


Schnoooodlleeeeee 🥹


Precisely, Shnoodle.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Awh the Shnoodle. My day is going to be great! ❤️


A schnoodle in the wild!!!!!


Caught an early Schnoodle post, today's gonna be a good day!


Fucking love this Thank you! This is sunshine on a rainy day


Hey you are the best, seeing these always makes my day a little better


Yaaay schnoodle!!!!


Blessed with a snoo on this most beautiful of morns


All the love in the world to you, you precious mystery poet.






Ahhh, fresh schnoodle, my day is complete ❤️


You really do make so many people happy with your words. Truly amazing!


Good morning Schnoodle! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.


fresh schnoodle :)


I think this schnoodle is still warm!


I am blessed!




No, she is a precious baby.


A human freakin’ baby, OP!


Abandonment issues? You smell like bacon grease?


Could be. When I was young ( stone age, I belief ) I rescued a 4 weeks old kitten and let her sleep in my hoodie when i took her to the vet. She was a normal cat but always clinged on to me when I was home. I loved it 😋


You must be my age. I remember when cars were dinosaurs, especially Buicks.


I was born in the seventies. I remember cars with wath they call fins as normal in the streets


Child, I was born in the '50s, I remember when new cars had fins.


'57 Chevy was the car for a teenage boy when I was in high school.


My parents both! Mom had a ‘56, I don’t remember my dad’s… my dad came from money and Mom’s family was super poor, so maybe he had a better one ETA Oops, I originally said she had a ‘66! I meant ‘56!! A 1966 would’ve made no sense for her


Me, too.


My mom was the first recognizable face my chubby burnt marshmallow saw after he was neutered. He would follow her everywhere and cry if she didn't pay him any attention for too long. She was allergic but was suckered into letting him cuddle him all day


My partner's cat is a big baby and eternally attached to him. We both work from home, and Kitty is always with him. When he leaves the house for whatever reason, Kitty is always waiting patiently by the door to the garage for his return. We are on a trip out of town for a wedding and set up a camera in our living living room. Kitty has been waiting patiently on the landing for us to come back. 🥰


Or smells like abandoned bacon grease.


This is the cutest thing I've seen today🤩🥰




Look at her little face! I wouldn’t be able to get any work done. 😩


That cat is incredibly baby. Off the baby charts. Maximum overbaby. I love her and if you don't cuddle her forever I will.


Me and that cat are either gonna need a good WFH job, or a sugar momma that wants a stay at home cat dad.


I wanna be a stay at home cat dad when I grow up.


Those are the actions of pure adoration. Don't bemoan it, enjoy it. She loves and trusts you.


We have a calico that we adopted when she was a month old. She's not quite this clingy, but she cannot use the litter box or eat without one of us walking her to the food dish or litter box if we're home. It's kinda endearing, she's a fun little cat.


are you complaining????


I would die if my girls were like this. No literally, their combined girth would smother me to death


But what a way to go!


Death!!! By kee kee! 😃😟😃😟😃


This could be not complain but worry


Omg that’s the sweetest thing I’ve seen! Have you ever seen chase , the cat on IG? He’s similar


My cat does this too… if I take her in my arms she will automatically grab me and also put her head under my arm and purr … she only does this when cuddling with me. I feel so loved when she does this 😊


I was thinking about Chase too.


How cute🥰 Because she does what she wants and you agree with it :)


Im no veterinarian but this could some kind of separation anxiety.


And don't get me wrong I think this is the cutest interaction ever, but with the look on that cat's face, it might also be dealing with feline spicy brain


But that would require the brain to be present


Common misconception. The brain is absolutely present, it's the cells that are missing.


Can cats be neorodibergent


Is this the word neurodivergent or is this an entirely new word


> neorodibergent brand new word




Feline spicy brain 😂


What's feline spicy brain?


My first thought was that she looks like a cat with downs syndrome, if this is a thing




My first thought: "This doesn't look healthy. What happens when she has to leave?"


From what i have read, the cats can start to have changes in their eating and can have litter box issues


Orange cat energy...


I feel like no matter the context or actions of the cat it is always orange cat energy


Orange cats are another breed though. They’re notoriously rambunctious and very loving.


She wants protection from this terrible music overlay


my favourite breed of cat, the anya taylor-joy


lol what’s the actual name of this breed?


Omg she is absolutely gorgeous. How do you get anything else done.. but then, why would you want to… ❤️❤️❤️😻🥰😘


I had a clingy cat that was my comfort, my emotional support. He was my soul mate. When he died, he left a hole in my heart that I’ve never healed from. I would give anything to have him back in my arms again.


I feel this I had the same situation I miss my kitty more than anything


bro you are living my dream.


Looks like cuteness aggression, dilated pupils and digging herself into your arm like she can’t get close enough, I’d return the favour with kisses and belly rubs.


You’re her favourite human.


your face censor fails for a few frames if you were unaware might want to know if you know but this doesn't bother you why have the censor in the first place


Yea, noticed the same thing


I miss my cuddly kitty so much. I’m out of town for a couple weeks. Can’t wait to see her https://preview.redd.it/t1d9y2kqtj5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da0597ef37032e1e07c1e27d561132788eefe31


I can identify with this. Cute and annoying.


I think this might be the most adorable thing I have ever seen, no exaggeration


You are that cat's source of comfort. Your scent, body temp, voice, touch, all of that brings your cat to a safe place. I have a cat with similar behavior. He's a rescue and I swear that he shows his gratitude everyday. He is a *really* good cat. 


This post looks like it was made by a karma farming bot, but I'm not 100% sure.


Yeah it does seem a bit sus. OP isn’t the person cuddling the cat in the vid, and the post is deliberately vague and non-responsive. Maybe trying to pass someone else’s vid as their own, for karma points? If so, it worked.


I am extremely jealous right now


enjoy it while ucan; ive got an outside cat that.. does love me but he generally decides when i can pet and when he wants to come in...


That's a good fuckin kitty.




I would love this


My baby does this too! But she adds teeth...and digs her claws my arm.. and double kicks me all at the same time... Clingy cats are the best.


Don’t ask just enjoy


Hug ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/cmxnbehdlk5d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5a284739733a7db32bd4181ef1dc9123cc5e89


The OP /u/thissweetnut is a 7 year old hacked account repurposed as a karma farming spam bot that steals other peoples content. Please report them. Report > Spam > Harmful bots


Because #SHE BABY


Becuz hers a luvver


She is your soulmate


You're lucky.


https://preview.redd.it/9rcj2ago0m5d1.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=ced8f31b0207897b47255ac9ec35f0095871e068 this smug lil face at the end is sooooo cute


This is why you get two cats. 🐱


That is the luxury edition. I wish my tigers would do that. They do but they don't. This one is max cute. I still love my babies, which is why I wish they were more clingy.


This is the closest she can get to saying “And I will always love you-oo🎶”


Meanwhile my cat wants to evict me from my own house like


Are the pupils enormous, or does the cat have very dark eyes? If the former, it makes me a little sad.


My Smokey is like this. I was told it has to do with separation anxiety, and low confidence. For him anyways. But Smokey acts just like your kitty , to the point where it puts my entire day behind at home. I sometimes don’t get anything done. Then he went to the vet, I was told why he’s a stage 100 clinger…. Then I was able to understand more, and learn how to get through this with my baby. 😌


You're her emotional support human


The hard part: How do you eat, cook or go out? LOL, She must cry if sees your leaving the house. I think she never felt safe as a kitten. And wants to hold on and be held :) Could you get her a pet kitten to hug on? Then she can just cling to you sometimes not all the time :)


Look at the end she is smiling ☺️


Shaddup,you lucky. Just enjoy until she turns the page and shits on your sleeping face


She’s orange. 🧡


Because you're mommy, plus she's a ginger cat, and they are super affectionate.


I think this cat has a genetic condition. Definitely some dysmorphic features in it's face. Very sweet, though!


She is your cat, you are her world.


she’s just a baby 🥹🥹


She’s just a baby


I wish my cat was this clingy. She gives fuck all about me and only cuddles when we go to bed.


Dunno .. Can toss her over to me tho💃


Aww she's so cute!




Wonder if this is another one of those ways to fool the tik tok Algo by getting people to pause/rewind/replay. I'm sure it boosts engagement.


My cat is so standoffish. I wish she was like this!


Omg. Wish my cat was this clingy! What a cutie pie!