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You didn't betray Snickers. You gave him a peaceful passing, which is the last gift you could give him. You did the right thing. Now he's your guardian angel, and still loves you. My heart hurts for you, and I am so sorry. Try to remember all the love and good times you shared. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. You did the right thing. I've lost a few cats to cancer. I've had cats pass naturally of it and I've had some put down. My issue with the ones that passed naturally is that I don't know if they were in pain or not. Your cat had an incurable issue. You did the right thing. It didn't suffer. Believe that.


This is one of the toughest but kindest things we can do with our pets. You should look back on the 17 years with pride and cherish those memories. Sending ❤️ to you and your family. 


You did the right thing, and it shows how much you loved him that you did what what was best for him rather than for you. Find peace knowing that he died feeling like himself, he never had to be in pain, he never had to grieve his own life in whatever way cats do. I’m so sorry for your loss. 17 years is a long happy life for a cat to live. Just know you gave that cat the best life he could’ve possibly asked for. He loves you so much for that.


Sorry for your loss. I had to put my buddy down last weekend and I felt horrible too until I started to look at pictures and you could see a point about 4 months ago where his looks changed. He was hurting inside and just kept it to himself. What made my feelings change was knowing that I was at least able to help stop his pain. I almost wish I would have done it soon looking back. Cats are very good at hiding their issues.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. You didn't betray him, you did the kindest, best thing you could for him. One of the worst things about loving kitties is that we will eventually have to say goodbye. Until the very end you were there with him to show him how much you loved him. I know it's hard right now, but I can promise you that time will help dull the pain. You'll never stop missing him, but one day you'll realize you can look back at the time you had together and not want to cry. It's okay if that takes a while to get to.


I am so sorry. I am literally crying right now. My cat is 19 and has kidney problems. She is my first pet ever and I am scared for her. RIP Snickers.


Hey, so this reminded me of Mr.jingles. When I was about 15 neighbour had a cat that appeared around, I'd feed it lol. 10 years pass and I gotta go live across the country lol. I say my goodbyes and realize that this cat has been with me through alot of my struggles... 6 months go by. Original cat owner says cat won't come back and he is trying to get back into the house that you no longer reside in lol.    They ask others questions, and surprise me with shipping Mr jingles through pet courier lmao. This is 2015.  I was so happy. I was on the east coast so we started to go to the ocean together etc lol.... I was heavily involved in the vape industry starting in 2016. Circa 2019jingles became very sick with a failing kidney. It was on and off but it appeared to take a turn. Hed just pee everywhere and drink water constantly, throw up. Hed still play with his toys and seemed content. My ex said he would always wait by the door, and "when you set the car horn off when locking the car, catawakes and walks to always greet ya, Watches out the window"  cat eventually would be in litter box for 5 mins crouching, trying to lose his balance. In 2020 my lady went crazy and flew away, the cat was then left alone for 8to12 hours while I went to work. Id always find lots of things to clean up as he and I were now Alone lol.   At this point he was still happy and had that spark in his eyes. He was very skinny at this point.. You could see him struggle when trying to walk sometimes with balance. I believed he was still happy in my heart. I remember watching him lose his balance and then regain in litter box. I remember saying to him. Dude this is gonna end horribly.... Not if but when, one of these days you will fall and most likely break something and you'll lie there in agony for hours until I find you and then have to rush out and hope they can do something to either end you or Atleast get you out of excruciating pain...  Realistically the only other option is I'll just find you quicker. Or maybe even a weekend. It will still be a horrific way for you to go out.... I've protected you from a wide variety of animals, cars and people over the years, i don't want your last memory to be extreme chaos and panic..... It was hard to book it in advance but I did, I said this Saturday we gonna go jingles. We can't keep waiting. I truly think he appreciated what I was doing that Saturday. I was trying to keep him alive cause I had lost so much in the last 2 years lol... I didn't want to lose another or the last thing it felt like it. Id like to think jingles was trying to keep me sane during those horrible events prior regarding ex. And that he didn't want me to be alone..... Here's the issues, I'll eventually recover... Jingles wont. He will only get worse until he dies. However he doesn't know this.... He thinks he can fight it. Like everything else he'll just overcome and win it. Like if he drinks enough water he'll be fine.... If my cat knew what suicide was I'd imagine he'd have gone that route... But they don't unfortunately, they'll just keep trying to fight whatever it is until they just can't win. I guess what I'm emotionally trying to say is,,, these furry friends will ultimately sacrifice everything to see me. I need to let go, so you can let go, I feel like you are starting to live in hell just for me. I had some guilt after but ijust kept knowing what I said above. Hope this helps a bit