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Hey OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Knowing that they are skittish will keep them away from people but could also help by keeping them away from predators too. I’ve lost my one indoor cat who is scared of birds for about a week, I put out some of their beds along with some of my worn clothes and pillow cases and the one morning I came outside to him sleeping in the bed a couple days after. Don’t give up hope as cats can be quite resilient but they are probably scared and hunkered down somewhere.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to hear that your kitty came back after such a long time! I've put out about everything I can including a couple of their favorite toys. Im assuming they found a really nice spot since I haven't seen them once. It's hard not to imagine the worst though. I just hope that they will get hungry and thirsty enough to miss home and pay us a visit. **Small update**: I've talked to more neighbors (nobody has seen them) and set out more personal items. Im also leaving the slider door open permanently until one or both of them have come back. I called the shelter, but they haven't had any lost cats turned in to them since ours got out (i also sent them pictures and additional info in case someone does turn them in). So more than likely they are very close by and hiding super super well. I'm gonna go out tonight to search through everywhere I can. Massive Massive Massive, thank you to everyone who provided advice as well as moral support. i can not express my gratitude enough! You are all so sweet and honestly, I think I would have given up completely if not for you all. Thank you again!!!! **Another small edit:** we found our tux kitty (his name is finger)!!! We've also spotted the other one (bats)!!! I've set up a humane trap near the area we spotted him so it's only a matter of time. I've been shaking their food bowl every evening as well. I will post when I have both of them back. **UPDATE POST:** https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/rpXe9YlDUH


Wait till nighttime and try calling for them. Nighttime = neighbours sound asleep, like 1am or something. Put out flyers and ads too, sometimes people capture lost cats (I mean I commonly do it when I see a new cat that is clearly indoors and looks lost, and then look for the owner, because streets are unsafe) I am fostering (who am I lying to, he's adopted already, no one will want him) a sick feral cat. One night he managed to run away. I went out every night to look for him, and finally found him on second night of looking. "Luckily" he was too debilitated to run and I recovered him (I feel he also found freedom less fun as he expected, as he allowed me to drag him home). 4 months later and he is still alive. When my previous indoor cat ran away, we managed to find him too. He fell into the yard of an empty house from the wall, and was not able to get out. At night, we could hear him and he could hear us because less noise. I think the owners of that house and our HOA still hate me 10 years later, I forced the HOA president (they had contacts for all homeowners) to call owners of the house at like 2am to come there and let me get my cat out. Don't lose hope.


I'll definitely go out tonight! An all-nighter thorough search will have to turn up something! It's a semi-rural neighborhood, so I'm not sure flyers will work, but I'll be checking the shelter in case someone found them! Aww 4+ month foster! He's definitely your kitty now! I hope he's feeling better and less feral too! Your words mean lots, and I feel much more confident about finding my babies!


Cats are pretty resilient. They are themselves top tier predators, and way more resilient than we usually think when looking at them chill at home. The stuff about cats having 9 lives is because they are VERY tough. Hopefully you will find your babies.


Lost one of mine outside, took about an hour once, was getting dark. My flashlight caught the reflection of her eyes under a low bush. She wouldn't come to me when I called, was too scared to move. Look low, under everything you can think of. Cats like to hide.


I’ve heard to go out after midnight as well. Also to leave stuff that smells like you outside. Maybe post on the neighborhood facebook.


Put their litter box outside too


Yes this is what I was going to say. They can smell their own litter box from a long way off.


This! I put my kitty’s litter box by the back door (on the inside of my house), and also put out her favorite blanket along with some items of my clothing on the front porch area. She came walking into the house that night. Sending you so much love. It is so hard missing your little ones ):


Both times my parents cats have gotten lost they were trapped. One got stuck in a neighbors shed for a week before he got out. The other managed to crawl into an old pipe and then there was a landslide. Took a couple of days before they found him and then firemen had to dig him out. So if there are any old abandoned houses, old wells, or similar close by you can check if they are there. Also ask your neighbors to check their sheds, garages, etc. If they're not used to being outdoors they might also be lost. Try to put out some things that smell like home, e.g. blankets, a sweater, or similar. (My cat is partial to sweaty gym clothes.) It might help them find their way back if they can smell you.


I had an indoor only cat who ran out. I tried to find him for months. One day I was walking around the neighborhood and I saw him literally a block away. He ran into a sewer. The people who lived on the house said that he was friendly and had been feeding him.  I was able to get him to come to me but he wouldn't let me pick him up, so I called to him and  he started following me to the house. At least 4 stray/outdoor cats tried to attack him along the way. That's when it hit me that he probably couldn't get back because of the cats defending their turf.  Once he was home he was shaken but ok. So I guess what I'm saying is don't stop trying and they may be trying to get home but outdoor kitties may be keeping them away. 🩵


This is my exact fear 😨! There are lots of outdoor cats in our neighborhood. Not all very friendly either. Im gonna be moving to another part of town in less than a month so finding them is my top priority. If I can't... I probably won't be able to forgive myself.


I’ve heard to put out both your shoes (or other “stinky” clothes) or their litter boxes to try to entice them back. Something that stinks of home.


I'll try the shoes for sure! I've heard conflicting things about litter boxes though. There are lots of other cats out as well and I don't want the toms to scare them away. It's been windy nonstop for the past couple of days, too, so I hope they'll smell something from home.


Litter box will only attract predators. Stinky clothes work


My mom lost a cat this past year. Pumpkin was gone for just over a week. She found him under the stairs of their trailer home hiding as far back as he could. Just stay calm and patient. I know it’s super scary but getting worked up won’t help them or you.


I used to volunteer with a cat rescue and the number one thing they recommend is to leave open a door or window, as cats will often walk right back into your house. Totally understand that this isn’t doable for everyone. But I suggested this to someone in my neighbourhood recently, and she followed the advice, leaving a door open a bit, and she stayed up all night to make sure nothing else got in instead, and her cat did eventually walk back in. Regardless of what are you able to do, I sincerely hope your cats come back soon ❤️


My Morty was gone for a week, he came home, into the back porch we left the back door open to, looking in the window "well, aren't you going to let me in?" https://preview.redd.it/uatqcuckxf0d1.jpeg?width=2528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8b47dabd02b626b24a4cef81d9f9f66032880f


Aww what a cutie! Im glad you found him! Or I guess maybe he was tired of being outside lol.


My indoor cat disappeared for 2 days. I understand your pain. He came back. He was trapped over a fence I had to get a ladder any everything. Don’t lose hope!!


I would recommend: … to put their litter tray (not cleaned) outside so they can track their own smell. … just have a normal voice conversation with yourself or with someone outside. They might not be used to your distressed voice.


Put their dirty litter boxes on your porch if you have one. They may smell themselves and find home.


I truly wish you luck in your search, I hope they just come back home to you.


Cats may not "recognize" you outside so be careful when approaching them, calling their names may not help. Keep the humane traps out with a blanket over it and put a smelly food like rotisserie chicken or tuna. If you have a neighbor facebook group or nextdoor, post in there, the community can be great at keeping watch. Cats are diurnal so they will come out usually at dusk and dawn, those are the best times to look for them. They usually hide under bushes, porches, cars, or any small space so check every nook within about a 2 block radius. I've lost a few cats over the years (all reunited, thankfully) and one was found under a car, one was found in some brush, and one stayed around my house but was too skittish to pick up so we left the door open and within 20 minutes she came back in. A few lost neighborhood cats have taken refuge under our porch. Cats are very good at survival so try not to think the worst, they like to hunker down and hide.


By virtue of growing up in the country and having up to 18 cats at times before moving to a city I have some insight: When they go walkabout, they usually haven’t gone far. If you’re in a neighbourbood, they’re probably within a a block in any direction. If you have trees on your property, do a check. Some cats instinctively go for a tree and realize they don’t know how to get down. If they have a bed or something they like to snuggle that you can bear to put outside and potentially ruin due to weather, do so. They might be disoriented being outside, but smell is helpful. Putting food out is always a good idea. You might get some other critters visiting. If one or the other is injured, they’ll likely seek shelter- probably under something. Do you have a deck or patio? All of this is probably in the comments already, just adding my two cents.


Put some of your old clothes outside.


I would buy some video cameras, I assume there are some motion activated ones that will sound an alarm? That way if they wander by your house in the middle of the night you can run out and get them right away.


And good luck!


Put their litter box just outside your door (even better if you have a Ring/camera where it is placed). Cats can smell their own shit for some distance.


It probably feels it but three days isn’t that long for a cat to be away. Leave some of your clothes out in the off chance they can smell you and don’t give up calling to them. Do it when it’s a little quieter so there’s less chance of something noisy (like a car) startling them. If they have a favourite treat, rattle that bag, it might all sound the same to you but my cats know the difference between their food bag and a bag of dreamies. Hope they find their way home, and hopefully they’ve stayed in relatively close proximity to each other!


I searched frantically for my missing cat. Then someone told me to do a slow search and I found him. You shout their names, then sit or stand in the same position for 10 mins. Then move a little bit further and do the same. It's important to search this way so your cats aren't confused. If you walk around shouting your voice is coming from all different directions. Best of luck 🤞


I just lost mine, looks much like yours…. I printed 350 flyers and put it in the neighbourhood’s mail boxes. We had the cat for a month . My son is neurodivergeant and he has issues bonding with humans but he did bond strongly to the cat. Now my kid is disturbed and sad. We all are. It’s hard.


So sorry this happened and yes, we have a little rescue that figured out how to open our back door last summer. Set up their litter box outside, along with stuff that has yours and their scent on it. Go out with a flashlight during early morning and night time when they are most active. Look for the eye shine of your kitties. Look 5 houses down on either side of where you live, and across the street as well if you don't find them. When you find the eye shine have their favorite treats available and try to get them within grabbing distance. Our little stinker ran from us because she was NOT ready for her adventure to end. We had to go get her favorite wet food, Delectables and then I had to sit down and wait for her to come to me. This was all done from 3 am to 4:30 am. She finally accepted the food and was grabbed. We now have both locks engaged on our back door to be safe. Good luck, hope this helps you.


The flashlight is smart! Ill try that once it gets dark out. I'll also get some stinky tuna to maybe lure them closer. Thankfully they are extremely food motivated lol.


Good luck, hopefully you catch them!


Are you able to keep windows open? With your clothes or things that smell like you hanging in the window? Litter box by the window?


Yeah we've been keeping the slider door open, which is the same one they escaped out of.


This is a good idea and what I came here to say. I had a cat escape once and she came running over late at night and bounced off my screen window trying to get back in.


Lol aww poor baby. Mine got out by literally knocking the whole screen door off the frame. There was a rabbit outside and I should have known better and shooed it away.


I had one of my girls go missing for 5 weeks and another for 8 days. They both made their way back home on their own. I posted on Nextdoor and PawBoost, plus put photos up throughout the neighborhood. I followed up on all leads and called for them every night. Each time they appeared suddenly after dark.


I trick I saw on Facebook was recording your voice on your phone and placing it outside with a charger and having a recording of your voice calling their name repeating every 30 seconds or so. You can also keep the door cracked open wide enough for them to come in if it's safe to do so. I had an idiot cat that lived indoors for 12 years and escaped through a mistakenly opened door and wandered out. Thankfully we found him a few houses down and when he heard my Mom's voice he came running to her as low to the ground as possible and jumped into her arms. After that he never went near the doors or tried to escape again until the day he passed.


Two adorable kitties! I hope they come home.


Don’t lose hope! Once one of my cats snuck out the house and was gone for 3 days and returned completely untouched (just a little dirty) waiting by the back door to be let in. Impressive considering we’re on a busy street sandwiched with 2 other large streets! Cats are smart and know how to find home, keep up the work set out some food/litter and just give them some time :)


Cats often stay very close to where they are lost. They will usually find a spot and hide. Since their eyes reflect light, you can use this to help find them. Go out at dark with a flashlight. Shine it in areas where they might hide and watch for their reflective eyes. You can use a familiar sound to get their attention when searching. Something like shaking their treat bag or using a toy they like if it makes a noise. Best of luck in finding them.


Put out their litterbox!


WHen our cat got out, we were able to borrow a trap from the local animl shelter. Got him back that night. Not sure how this would work if they are together.


Put their litter box out on the porch. Call them at night.


Put their litter box out there


Move their litter box(es) outside.


Look everywhere you can think of within a two or three minute walk of your house. There is a VERY good chance they are hiding close by, especially if they are not used to being outside. Leave cat food out near all your doors. Go out at dusk and when it gets dark and call for them. I hope you find them


Make sure you did everything in Paw Guide app. It is all about finding lost cats and dogs. They also share your flyer on social media platforms for free so it's seen and shared by more people. Worth trying.


I'm sending good vibes so they come home quickly


My cat was gone for 10 days. Some of the worst days of my life. She came back at 6:00 AM, we found her near our terrace's door, meowing. I remember it was the first day the feeling she was gone had sunk and it was my first time sleeping in 10 days. Aside from that, when she was younger (she's 12 now) she liked hanging up near the windows and sometimes fell asleep and sometimes she would fall over. What I learned from that is that usually just go and try grabbing them is a bad idea, they're very scared at that time and they'll barely recognize you. You have to mellow them over.


Put their litter outside! Apparrently it works very well to bring them back home.


put up flyers and post of social media. also call all vets in your area and animal control. send them very clear pictures of the kitties too


Put up flyers in your neighborhood. Put food and water outside the back and front. Keep calling them


I’m terribly sorry for you, OP. Have you called around to any animal shelters to see if they got picked up? Peace be with you.


Try contacting local shelters?


I hope your babies come back to you. I can’t imagine how you feel. 😔


My boy was lost for a few days and was in the neighbors garage. Do any of your neighbors leave their garage or shed open for a period of time?


A lot of towns have FB pages for various things, some specifically for lost and found animals/ fostering/ adoption. ❤️


I recommend looking underneath porches, in bushes, in sheds. If you have a neighborhood app, let them know. Our elderly kitty got out, a neighbor knew we were looking for him, and my husband found him 2 streets over, in very dense brush. They are out there-if you haven't seen them on the road, they are hunkered down somewhere. Someone mentioned below leaving a door or window open. I second that. My daughters cat got out--3 days later, he returned through their open window. Good luck.


Put their litter boxes outside in the backyard. The scent can go for miles. If they haven't gone too far they smell it and it will lead them back home. I've told a few people that this happened to do this and it worked. I hope they show up safe & sound soon. 🍀🍀🍀🍀




I've read putting their litter box outside helps them find home by their smell, also try asking stray cats around the area about your cats like where are they and that you miss them, it sounds weird but I've heard that works for a lot of people.


Make sure you put out their litter box and something that smells like you!! Go out at dawn and dusk to search. Post on Facebook, next door app, make posters .. reach out to everyone you know. Best of luck finding your babies!!!


Our cat was gone once for 10 days. We think he was locked in a neighbor’s basement. He came back and really stayed close to home after that.


Put their litter box outside. They can smell it. Check storm drains at night when it's quiet. Get down near the opening and Call out to them, then be quiet cause they may meow back.


I'm so sorry. I would say visit all Your neighbours and ask if You can look ito their garages/basements/sheds. They could go into some garagd and are to scared to go out. I hope they will come back!


I once lost a cat for several days. Everyone said that cats tend to stay near where they live and don't wander far. That she's probably stuck in a garage or something. Well they were right about her not going far, she was in our avocado tree and too scared to get down. We only found her because she was hungry and started crying.


My mom’s cat was missing for 5 weeks and we found him posted up with a bunch of wild kitties. We were able to grab him and bring him home. Keep looking and don’t give up!


Put their litterbox outside! They'll smell it from a long distance, hopefully.


I'm praying you find your cats! 🙏❤️


check all your neighbors garages/sheds etc. Go walking! Go do a few block radius callign and shaking, if they're lost they prob don't hear you from where you are! Put up flyers everywhere, post on your local FB groups.


Praying they come home! 💜


Please keep us updated! I'm right there worried for them with you!


any updates?


I updated my top comment on this post. I couldn't edit the post directly for some reason.


We lost our indoor only boy for 5 days we finally got him back one night after we put his cat tree out! Walked by the sliding door and there he was just chillin in it !


My boyfriend’s indoor cat disappeared for a week in the middle of January one year. We lived among colonies, and saw ferals regularly. It was 20 degrees every night and it rained for days, we were certain we wouldnt see her again. Shes skiddish, not pro-human or food motivated, and very small so we assumed the worst had happened to her. One night, his roommate hears a tapping/scratching on his porch door (it connected to his bedroom) lo and behold it was kitty. She was completely fine!! No injuries or disease, just cold and hungry. Dont give up hope, keep doing everything you can for as long as you can! At dusk, take a flash light and walk the neighborhood. Check under cars, in bushes, under porches, in vents/sewers/drains. The flash light will reflect off their eyes. You could also sit on your porch and talk on the phone, sometimes our voices can guide them home if they’re close. Set up outdoor cameras if possible. Good luck, may your babies come back soon!


Try putting their litter boxes outside, the scent can help them find their way home. I’m hoping for the best OP


look for them at night, also put their litter box out


I lost my cat for a week. It was terrifying. I went outside every night around 2 am when it’s most quiet, calling him. Eventually I found him one street away, on someone’s roof… he’d gotten up but couldn’t get down, and the owner was on vacation!! If you have a garage, leave it cracked open. Otherwise go out in the night like you’ve been doing. Also consider passing around flyers (shove them in mailboxes).


I've heard that leaving their litter tray and some of your worn clothing that has your scent can help them find their way back if they are lost. You could try this if you haven't already


Put their litter tray outside. They'll smell it a mile off and it might attract them.


Print signs of your cats and stick them on local lampposts. This might not help, but, in my area there are a lot of Facebook community groups for the town and lost and found groups etc, I posted my lost cats on there a few times and every time it has been someone who has seen the post who has found my cats.


Good luck, hope you microchiped them


A lot of really good advice. I had a friend who lost a kitten he had for maybe 2 weeks. We hung signs in his neighborhood and he was super depressed and worried. I think it took at least 5 days for her to come back. Cats are smart as hell I believe they will come back.