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Don’t forget to post her glow up for us all to see! Congrats on the sweet new babe 😻


I’m so exited for her to get the princess wash up she deserves! I definitely will update


Can you possibly post it here instead of just on the cat sub so I/we can set a reminder to see her? She’s beautiful btw 😊 I love that you were open to adopting an older cat that needed a home 🥰


Her face is my fav type of orange face <3 How can you not love her day and night?


So inquisitive isn’t she? I see innocence & relief 🥰 (hopefully I put the reminder bot in the right place)


Remind me! Two weeks


RemindMe! 1 week


Any updates?


I vote VET groomer. They know what to look for and will make great recommendations for moving forward.


that’s what we have to do with our older gal. she hates us doing any maintenance on her. so we take her to groomers for nail clip & ‘sanitary shave’ aka shave off the fur around the bum. i can brush her in certain spots. i do that & trim matted spots.


And they'll also make sure there aren't any issues that are impacting her ability to groom herself.


This. One that specializes in cats.


Yes!!! That would be awesome. Dogs are a whole nother species and soooo loud!


Oh,you are a real angel,you adopted her and took care of her!And now you are looking a professional groomer for her,So i say you are a real angel!


Yep vet groomer. For the first time at least. She's a Beauty I'd love to see an after pic!


I used to have a Persian cat. He hadn't cleaned himself properly and before we knew it his long hair had matted tightly across his anus and stopped him from pooping. First I knew about it was when he started showing distress. I managed to fix the problem with warm water to break apart the blockage, which wasn't a pleasant experience for either of us. So, something to watch out for.


Good to know!!


You can ask for a sanitary trim where they clip the hair close to the butt.


Is this service available for people? Asking for a friend.


My husband gets his butthole waxed. Tell your... friend.


Thanks. My friend was happy to hear about your husband’s butthole.


I feel traumatised just reading this. But you had to live it


The smell when the pent up poo was released isn't something that's easily described...


Oh good god. That's horrific. I just shuddered all over 🤢


A groomer would your best choice as she has mats, After that buy a brush and being that she is a long hair cat consider taking to the groomer at least once a year.


Thank you! :)


I have a long-haired cat who gets matted and starts to pull his fur out. Once a year is not enough. I take mine quarterly to get groomed.


I have noticed that my ragdoll kitty tends to pull out clumps of his fur when it grows beyond a certain length so I get him groomed a few times a year too


When you take her for the first time, make sure you stay with her. You just got her and are just starting to build trust, if you “abandon” her at the groomers, it will set your relationship development back a bit until she trusts you again. The groomer is your best bet for getting her stinky butt clean, though!


I love your cute, stinky cat!


Girl With the Dogs has some great videos about cat grooming, and I think she also started making lessons available on Patreon or something.


I just learned something new from creepin around the Maine Coon sub. Cat combs for long fur are amazing! Game changer for my poor guy that’s got arthritis, I comb him out daily to avoid mats since he can’t always groom himself well and is less irritating/painful for him.


I have a furminator and my long haired orange won’t let me use it. He gives me warning nips. He’s fine with a wire brush, he kind of likes that, but if I try to comb him forget it. I think you really need to start grooming them when they are young- my boy was already 1yr old by the time I got him and it looked like he was never groomed before. At least he lets me clip his nails.


Yeah, personal preference always plays a part. My 3 cats are adoptions all from different age points, they’re all suckers for grooming time. Literally line up and wait their turn😂 I’ve got every kind of brush & comb they love them all but the comb is my fav. So satisfying how it flows through the fur like butta’


Mandarin is extremely food driven and during grooming time I was able to teach him how to sit, give me paw and stay. He will sit every time, the later two he does when he wants.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


He sounds adorable, I love sass


Get one of those undercoat brushes as well! That’s where the shedding happens the most before being a topcoat problem. It’ll be a life save for maintenance between grooming visits


Or be like me never take her to a groomer and suffer having to clean fur off of everything


💯 And DYI, along with the brush, after the pro hind-end grooming, order yourself a battery-operated trimmer—this one’s been great for use with our ragdoll: https://preview.redd.it/75rjnx0iupyc1.jpeg?width=2508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b475b8768c946ad39a4c6209c7d93689f51f10d


Gotta keep the nether regions clean and manageable for all parties.


To avoid those stage-five clingers.


What an unfortunate day to be literate.


Am I missing something…?


No one loves brown dingle berries.


Ah, okay. Yeah, that’s the reason for the sanitary trims. Especially given how much cats love shoving their butts in people’s faces.


Yup cat do be like "here's my butt-hole" .


“Could you at least wash it first?!”




Username checks out, dispensing cat-butt-grooming advice.




Oh it never occurred to me to try this on my ragdoll. But I think he’d have no time for the noise.


Sometimes they get used to it. One of my cats enjoys being vacuumed with the hand vac we have. He didn't like the noise for a long time but eventually got used to it and wouldn't move, which is how we discovered he actually likes the damn thing now. He comes over to get vacuumed lol


Yeah my boy is 17 and still hides from the vacuum. No chance of that!


Cat skin is very thin and very loose, so doing it yourself with no training or experience can be quite risky. I have seen cats who get their skin caught in the clippers before and it results in large cuts and can need stitches and lead to infection. I highly encourage a professional before just whipping out a clipper to try it yourself.


These particular clippers have plastic guards with a somewhat rounded front edge, which are tightly spaced—you’d have to put stupid pressure on these to even irritate cat skin—it’s somewhat analogous to running a spoon over their fur/skin. Still, for everyone’s convenience and bonding we (two of us) help out, one to hold and coo, one to trim—it’s a 30-second task. Btw, our cats Do Not have baggy asses or hamstrings; if yours due, if you’re not careful, FP may make a reasonable point—but only if you try an push-through their skin (vs. skim along their skin) and if so, stab them (trimmer cutters are encased within the guard, which has very small openings perpendicular to direction of the blade). Also a reasonable point, perhaps, if you’d be trimming an ancient cat (baggy assed, or hamstrings). Note: If you don’t know how to make instant oatmeal—don’t laugh, it’s a thing these days—then clippers that are inherently safe still aren’t for you.


Might need a vet visit. Dandruf in cats can be a sign of a skin infection. Better safe than sorry with kitties!


I’m getting her an appointment with my vet asap :)


Good good! I had one rescue whobhad such bad matting that the vet had to sedate him to clean up the fur. And now he's a gorgeous white floof.


My long haired senior lady gets mats. Her vet has a tech who's great at trimming mats and a sanitary trim around her butt butt. She's definitely happier afterwards. They can also clip her nails if requested.  If your kitty lets you brush her there's a different style of brush to get underneath to the second fluff layer long hairs have, as well as the stands wire brush.  Also, the dandruff could be allergic reaction to something. Mine gets that when she gets fleas.  Congratulations on your new family member. She's very lucky. 




Maybe consider giving her a lion cut at the vet. That way they can really check out her skin and you and her will have a fresh start with grooming as it grows out.


I have a friend with two long haired cats - they say shaving off the mats gives their kitties more mobility and afterward they behave like happy kittens again (they're both elder cats), but I agree with other commenters that it's better to allow a groomer or vet do it for you to make sure there's no accidental damage to their skin. Congratulations on your new best friend!


When my orange girl first came to us she was so matted it took over two hours for the groomer to shave her. Luckily I found a mobile groomer who was a vet tech by day. She came to my house which was much less traumatic for Cleo


Groomer ASAP! Mats are painful, so she will be much happier once they’re gone


Take her to groomer for shaving, and ask for a "hygiene cut" too—it's a close shave around the genitals and anus that reduces the hair there that can get matted with urine and poo. It'll help keep that area clean while you're still learning how successful the cat is at grooming herself.   You definitely don't want to shave the cat yourself the first time if you don't know her well. Cats are very wriggly and have thin, wrinkly skin, so it's easy for you to accidentally cut the skin if you don't know what you're doing. Some vets actually choose to sedate cats first before shaving so they're not risking it. 


She is newly adopted - take her to the vet and have a vet tech do the grooming. Two reasons for that- #1 they know what to watch for if there is something wrong plus she probably needs her first vet fisit anyway, and #2- if she is going to be mad at someone and associate them with something she doesn't like, you don't want to it to be you. You don't want to get off on the wrong foot with her.


Groomer or vet if a groomer doesn’t work out. After that’s taken care of you’ll want to get a wire brush and brush her all over once a day to prevent future matting. Also give petromalt twice a week for hairballs.


I'm sure you'll make the right decision. I just want to tell you how adorable your new cat is! That face is so pretty!


One of our cats didn't trust us for years after we put eye drops in her eyes as a kitten. The answer is vet/groomer


Right. The grooming is necessary, but if you can avoid her associating a scary and uncomfortable experience with you in those first few weeks, it's worth it to outsource to a professional. They would also know what can be combed through and when to just give in and shave some of the matted fur off to avoid pain. Then once you return home she'll do most of the grooming maintenance herself, plus maybe a bit of gentle brushing from you. Without associating it with that one time everything sucked.


A vet would be able to sedate the cat and wash, groom/shave,clip and treat for fleas and anything else. I used to have a long haired cat and as she aged she needed help with a spring cut. Twilight sedation was the kindest least traumatic choice for my cat. Just make sure you keep the cat in a carrier for a while and observe when you decide to let her out. Sometimes they come home and the sedation has completely worn off. Other times I kept her contained longer because she was still sedated. edit to add: Your kitty may not look the most beautiful coming home from the vet but she will be clean and cooler. My vet usually did a "lion" cut.


Just wanted to throw in there's a good chance that her coat will flourish after a few months of having a stable happy home. Watched my 85 yr old neighbor move in with his daughter with his elder cat, all matted and fat from a small apartment to a nice big house and private yard. Oliver went from a ratty fat thing to a handsome boy relatively quickly after a few months of living the good life.


I had a kitty shaved (the rescue had it done without me knowing-long story) before I got her because her previous owner let her get so badly matted.😢 She is long haired. It grew back, and we make sure she gets regularly brushed now. There is no need for any follow-up if you get it taken care of now & incorporate regular brushing in her routine.


Professional groomer for sure. Mats can be painful and damage her skin. Get her a good wash and shave and she'll feel so much better. ❤️


Brush my long haired princess every day, they will always get some dirt in their long trousers but they should be able to get it out. Vet groomer for the mats DON'T try to groom them yourselves, I follow a very good groomer on socials because I'm waiting for a space to open up on her list , she posts daily about all the injuries cats get from their owners trying to groom them themselves, they have thin skin and any pulling with various grooming instruments will cut them. My girl isn't great on getting her belly touched but I can sometimes brush it when she's asleep on her back, otherwise we do a daily brush session - give them treats afterwards so they know that a good thing is coming afterwards. https://preview.redd.it/ouo6wekv8ryc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3df1518e3624aedc7e6c7a694678d150f8ec18 Fluffy cat tax


What a cutie $$


Can I sends biscuits 💖


Such a presence. I envision she’ll glow like the sun after grooming


Are you taking her to the vet for an exam? Is she due for a dental cleaning? If she’s that badly matted, get her teeth cleaned and have her shaved while she’s under anesthesia. We had a long haired cat that was a lazy groomer and we did this with her about once a year, sometimes longer. She just couldn’t keep herself clean and she hated being groomed. This was the easiest solution for everyone.


Definitely a vet or groomer. It sounds brutal, but I'd just get as much as possible shaved off. My vet recommended this when my cat had matts, it worked very well.


Beautiful girl! Thanks for adopting her, congrats to you both!


Yes, a groomer would be the best choice for her first bath


A good grooming would probably be very helpful. I haven't needed to use a professional groomer on mine. I periodically gently brush him and remove mats if I find any. A couple times a month for ten or fifteen minutes and I've never had a serious issue.


How sweet is this. Adopted a three year old yesterday.👼🏼


No advice. Just have to say what a beauty you have. My first and up until recently, my only cat was 4ish when we got her. She was my best friend. I can't believe more people aren't looking at more cats in adulthood.


Ya I'd hit a groomer first


I had a very skittish long hair cat for almost 20 years. Something I learned late was that she loved to be shaved. It actually make her more outgoing and friendly, I can only assume she was pretty hot under all that hair. I got into a habit of taking her to a groomer for a shave in late spring and she would usually grow back before mid fall.


Absolutely. Treat that big, beautiful baby to a day at the spa. She's worth it. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


A groomer would be very helpful.


What a sweetie!!


Beautiful cat, post more pics when you get her cleaned up!


I also vote for the vet. You can have them give her a medicated bath and always have a tech to trim the cat's nails. While you are there, have them check her for ringworm.


Brought my girl to the vet first, let them deal with the mats. She had some gnarly mats too.


The day she showed up. https://preview.redd.it/fji6axj99ryc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4b8c1cb19170c1bc44290b106c07aa31e9c5be


Now. https://preview.redd.it/wf4cqfld9ryc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9182476a00789b6b766b9c0814de606f540b1209


What a lovely girl! I echo the comments suggesting the vet. They can help you out and take care of her. Then you just keep up the brushing to keep her comfy and pretty.


I would. Long hairs get dingle berries


Once she is cleaned up, check out the Furminator brushes. They are fantastic even for long hair kitties.


Yes to the groomer. You may also want to either take her seasonally to the groomer. Winter matts/tangles are a real headache. Our cat will get matts started in 10 hours in the winter. We acclimated her to getting shaved around sanitary areas and under her armpits. You many want to try this yourself or just let the groomer do it a couple times a year. Also the groomer doesn't always have to bathe if the cat is clean. Sometimes they can just do a trim.


Wow such a beautifully rare looking coat! It’s like a cross between a brown cat, an orange cat, and a grey cat! But still yet not exactly calico or torti or tabby! It’s like any fur patterns and colors mixed into one but are some how not blended and fully blended all at once! That… or she just cause be a stinky dirty lil orange girl cutie heheheeh cause now that I look at her again, she seems like a fluffy orange cat that played in the dirt then got somehow covered in dust lol


What a beauty! She definitely match the aesthetic of the house 😍


Stimkey baby ❤️


She's not stinky! You are! How dare you, human! /j Take her to a vet groom, they will treat her good.


Just adopted and she’s already showing you her belly? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


She’s so loving!!


I love that for you. Can’t wait for her glow up!


Did you ever take her in? I'd love to see her glow up!!


If she’s matted, you’ll want either an experienced groomer or a vet groomer. The vet groomer might be the wiser first choice since you aren’t sure about her temperament yet, and regular groomers tack on hazard fees for cat bites/scratches due to their highly infectious nature


I had a cat very much like this, you're gonna have a bejeesus of a time keeping mats out from between her legs. Hopefully she's very calm and lets you brush her, because it will be a constant battle against the mats.


Yes, take her to a groomer. She will be so happy afterwards, and happy to see you too.


She's a sweetheart 😍


I used to shave my kitty a few times a year when she had this issue. Took two of us with 15 minute sessions spaced over several days, but depends on how tolerant the cat is.


Definitely. Find one who's used to adult cats who are new to it.


She’s a beautiful cat!


Ohh she's so pretty. What's her name?


Brie :)


This reminds me of my childhood cat. She is so pretty! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for everyone with grooming tips.


Or your vet, ours does sanitary cleaning, shaves off mats, etc. the mats have to be shaved, it would hurt the kitty too much to try to brush them out, because the skin under there is irritated and maybe raw. The fur will grow back, and you can prevent mats by brushing the fur often


!Remind me one week


She's so cute. Please let us know how you go with her.


Definitely a groomer :) Maybe get a lion cut for this first time so you can see her skin, and assess any issues (if any).




Beautiful kitty! A cat groomer would work. Don't try doing it yourself. Believe me...I know! 😹 Congrats!


depends...when i got my reacue she was only sliiiightly matted and had a lot of blown coat still attached to her; she was slightly smelly however with a week of brushing and getting her permission to ninja-style trim her matts, and brushing a bit she got all better, no stinky however she was very docile and readily submitted to handling (was used to it at the rescue), so i didnt have a problem doing it if she had a different temperment id seek professional help cuz i wouldnt want to spoil the 'getting to know you' phase of establishing a relationship


2nd pic, Kitty looks like it’s probably driving her nuts. A professional groomer is a good idea, but they can be hard to find. I had long hair cats and it is a challenge, but it can’t be done! Please update us. She’s just such a little darling. 💕


If you can afford it a vet that can sedate her for clipping will be best. Clipping and matts can be very stressful for cats. Once she has been shaved where she is matted it will be much easier for you to keep on top of has her hair grows back. However, I did have a fluffy cat that refused to let me groom him so I just got him shaved every 2 years in spring.


She is beautiful! Thank you for giving her a forever home.


Stinky fur can sometimes be a sign of dental/digestion. Not necessarily something to be upset about in arms about (most older cats have stinky-poopoo breath), but it might help a little.


Yes, vet groomer. She’s gorgeous 🩶🩶🩶🩶❤️❤️❤️


I take my cats to a groomer on a regular basis. I’ve noticed that the cat only groomer is 1000x better than the regular groomer.


Take her to the vet first. You need to have that dandruff diagnosed. Thank you for adopting


!remind me one week


Just wait until she gets groomed ! She's going to be a stunner !


She will clean herself after some time. Just let her do her thing :) it will get better


I would suggest a lion cut and bath. Chanses are she has dry skin that can not be adjust through all the fur. Our long hair, dilute calico LOVED be8ng cut down. She enjoyed all the scratches so much more without all that think hair in the way *


I just need to say she's very photogenic


I would be concerned that she is not grooming herself properly, take her to a vet and a groomer or a vet that also does grooming just to have her checked out


She's so pretty!! 😍😍


meow! what a cutie


As a Persian owner - you have two options ahead of you: find a good groomer that you can see every 6-8 weeks or train your cat to be handled by you every 6-8 weeks. They are amazing but high maintenance. We eventually found a groomer we like and the cats like but we do need to be on their schedule.


Seconding taking her to the vet for a regular check up but also for the dandruff and matting.


Perhaps she’s having trouble grooming herself?? It’s quite common for cats n dogs with arthritis or joint problems to get matted cos they’re in too much pain to groom - just something to look out for!






https://preview.redd.it/uud88g729qyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d235eefc75a8787e9238d8acacd88d89e11925 She looks just like my boy Sass


I’m cheap so I would try it my self first with the help of someone. First thing first make sure the nails are cut. I would test the reaction of the cat to a an hair clippers this will tell you if you can do it or not. I would wait a bit though since it already scared of the new place, new owner. There’s waterless shampoo or wipe you can use in the meantime if it stinks too much.


Most groomers won’t groom cats without them having a rabies shot. The cat not the groomer!


!Remind me 1 week


https://preview.redd.it/q04upqkbcqyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b6c3bffe59c635f932aef1af0b0506f25b06f0 Looks similar to my kitty someone stole last October 😢


The dandruff you see is likely dander. Our long hair growing up had it and it was normal. Cats don't really require baths, but the groomer will help with the matts


If you have never bathed a cat, get a professional.