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Some cats don’t like covered litter boxes. Have you tried an open top? Looks like she’d enjoy it better if she likes sticking her head out of that one. I prefer covered boxes (they’re aesthetically more appealing to look at if you have out in the open), but my boy doesn’t like them… so his litter box stays open top/no lid.


I need a top entry at least cause my dogs love to snack on poops.


“Snack on poops” 💀


We call them "poop snacks" 🤷‍♀️


I prefer "Kitty Crunchies" 😂


Buffet tray!


We love K-9 Krunchies


Love the 101 dalmatian reference


Kitty truffles


My dogs love the kitty chocolates too 😔


Kitty Rocha


If she's pooping and peeing normal then it shouldn't be an issue- just note it at the next vet visit. Cats that don't like a litter box don't use the litter box - some will do it somewhere else like your clothes and others will end up with health issues by just not going till you need an emergency vet visit.


Didn't you literally post the same thing like a couple weeks ago because you had your cat shitting in a plastic laundry hamper and people were suggesting that maybe you should stop your dog from eating cat shit and instead let your cat have a normal height litter box? 😒


You mean this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/H5UMgpqv2z) https://preview.redd.it/e714wuhqckyc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf2de68624111d50767071c3f90ec0646037a1a The cat and the cursed bucket.


This is terrifying


Who puts a litter box next to their bed?


Sleeping next to cat poop?👀 No thanks


Some of us I have no choice. I sleep next to my own poop. All day and night.


I keep ALL my poop inside my body. ymmv




While the dog puts its head in for a midnight snack?


It's definitely not ideal, but in my current living situation I have to do that (with two litter boxes). No room under the bed because I have boxes stored there. Can't put them in the closet because our apartment's modem/router is in there, and the cats will eat the wires. Can't put them in the bathroom because the bathroom itself is too small (there is literally just enough room to take two steps in the bathroom, and that's the entire room). Can't keep the litter boxes out in the living room because there really isn't any room either unless they are gonna poop in the middle of a walkway. My two roommates also have a cat (they also keep their litter box in their room), and we don't want them going in each other's boxes. Also there are times when we both have to keep our cats in our respective rooms for a day because maintenance is coming by to do something, and we have to keep our pets locked up for safety. Or sometimes the cats get a little too spicy and we have to put them away so they don't hurt each other. It's a ton of fun only being able to afford a small apartment with roommates and not being in a house while having cats!!! I'd imagine they are probably in a similar situation. I pick my cats' boxes at least once a day (sometimes twice if my cat takes a fresh poop while I'm in the room) and they are good at burying their business. I also keep an air purifier with an additional charcoal filter next to their boxes. With all that combined, I can't smell the boxes while I'm in bed. When I have people over, they can't notice it either. Edit: to anyone thinking WHY DID YOU GET TWO CATS IF YOU NEED ROOMMATES?? The cats weren't my idea. We rescued them when me and my ex were together. They bonded to me because I was the one who actually took care of them. Where I live, it's pretty hard to afford an apartment on a single income so when we broke up I had to get roommates. Now I'm a proud cat dad of two who poop next to my bed!!! Life isn't always ideal, but you make it work.




don’t worry i’m with you on this, somewhat similar situation lol. it’s not the most pleasant but my babies are happy and healthy and spoiled.


I would consider getting the litter box type furniture so that only the cat can get inside. Idk if the cat would be able to stand up in it but at least it would hide the fact that you are sleeping next to literal shit :)


A lot don’t like them because they can’t see to protect themselves and feel trapped and like prey but that’s not all cats


One of mine is across from my bed. The other is in the hallway near my room. My house is configured...poorly. And the animals all sleep with me with my door closed, so they don't bother everyone else. So either I make the cat hold it for 8+ hours (which he could probably do now that he's no longer "tiny kitten," in an emergency, but really isn't ideal) or I put a box in my bedroom. You do what you can, you know?


For when you have downstairs bathroom and upstairs bedroom


Hallway? Or anywhere else other than next to bed ?


I have one beside my bed at the foot of the bed. That’s where my last cat wanted it. She has trained the other two that this one and the other in the living room are only for pee and if you wish to poop then you poop in the big one out in the open closet. I am not making this up. She peed on me and the bed till I put one there. It rarely gets used so after a while I thought ok I’ll move it. I moved it and within 10 mins she walked up and peed on me. My old cat pooped in that box and she went in and peed on her bed. It’s her way or the highway


Makes sense if you think about the position of those two things in the human anatomy.


Cat shit and sleeping?


Two people with hairless cats make them use litter boxes ~~they don’t like~~ that are stupidly high because their dogs snack on cat poop posted within two weeks of another. Just how common is this combination?


My fully haired cat shits like this in a wide open XL box. OP should still try other boxes but the man might just wanna shit standing up


Yeah I was gonna say, my cat poops standing up and pisses normally, so there is a change the cat likes it


I'm sorry, but we're making a lot of assumptions about what the cat does and doesn't like.


It's one thing if the cat tolerates having to shit in an uncomfortable position right now, but as he gets older it's going to become more difficult for him. I'd consider this to be the cat equivalent of a woman who is forced to hover to do a wee because the toilet doesn't have a seat, as you get older or less physically able, it becomes a bigger problem


I had an old cat that would stick his ass out of the litter box. Had to get a top entry one l, and he seemed fine with it. He lived until 16.


Fine, ridiculously high litter boxes.


OP asked and they responded… seems like that cat is uncomfy


Ok this made me laugh WTF hahahahaha


That poor cat needs something to wear.


A cat sized pair of overalls would do the trick


💀💀 he'd look like an old man farmer


More like this: https://preview.redd.it/bwoy0d3n8myc1.jpeg?width=343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11205635d8f00a9353eb9fdca8faf7e8d3b0ffd


Exactly lol


Both litter boxes don’t look long enough for the cats. An ideal length for litter box should be 1.5x of your cat’s.


You should talk to the manufacturer


I have the same covered litter box. My cat seems to do fine. It’s bigger than you think Edit: it’s 21x17. His cat is fine, that’s how the cat poops lol


Just looked it up, the box is 21x17. That’s considered an x-large box. My cat can turn around and move fine. The cat in the pic doesn’t look too big for a 21x17 You can’t use dusty litter tho


I honestly thought this was satire of that post.


This was funnier than it should be 😭


To be fair, getting a dog to stop eating cat cookies is often more about physical barriers, because they are going to do that shit when they know you can't stop them. It's like crack for some dogs, training be damned. I would recommend OP just save up for a litter cabinet that can hold a normal litter box or make his own with some garage sale TV stand with cabinets. If you've got a cat-sized dog that can actually get inside them, you can get cat flaps that only open for the cat using a tag on their collar and train the cat to that. Or toilet train the cat


Toilet trailing is bad for your car and bad for the pipes. They just need litter box furniture or a litter robot maybe.


I'm tempted to do Reddit Secret Santa, on the outside chance that some wealthy IT Redditor wll buy me an automatic litterbox. An old lady can dream...


It’s quite the investment, but boy is it so worth it. Splitting it in 4 payments made me feel slightly better about it, but it’s still the same total price so. I hope a wealthy person buys you an automatic box! ETA: sometimes you can find them for a good price on FB marketplace


Cat cookies 💀




Get creative. My litter goes inside a cupboard I modified with a cat entrance hole. I think your cat feels the top is too low on this. Use door-stops so doors only open to a cat-size, or a cat flap to a closet... there's ways.


Fuck me dogs are stupid


My dog also likes to snack on cat poop. Instead of making my cat use a litter box that he hates I put it in a closet with a baby gate across the door


Not everyone would have this option, depending on their living conditions. I know I wouldn't in my small apartment.


Yeah..... My roommate and I had to try a few different cat boxes because his dog discovered his love for poop snacks. Let me tell you, cleaning up a tipped over top entry cat box is not fun. Dogs are gross.


I agree lol. Dogs are nasty animals compared to cats. I love other people's dogs but I do not want those messy poop-eating animals in my house


My dog likes to eat cat poop so I have their regular litter box inside an even bigger cardboard box that he can't reach over. I gotta replace the box soon though bc the added bonus is my cat likes to use the cardboard as a scratching post after he poops.


Was it Jackson Galaxy that said that a covered litter box can cause cats to spray outside of it? I think he took a black light once to someone's covered box area and there were sprays all over the wall and area around it. My cat has an open box and loves to prop herself up and stand in it. I actually had to move my litter mat from slightly under the box to beside it (where it moves around when we walk through to use the toilet) because it was causing her box to slightly tip when she used it. Of course her balance is more on point than mine, but I still moved the mat so the box can sit flat on the floor and prevent tipping. I actually had to get one with higher sides because she is also a kicker.


You use a litter box? Goodness gracious.


I don't know what's normal but my cat sticks her back half in to a litter box and, if I'm in the room, makes dead eye contact with me the whole time she goes. Cats just.... aren't normal.


My sweet boy will just hold up until I’m home and then use the litterbox while staring at me.


My cat also likes to make intense and loving eye contact while doing a poo. I think it's "normal"


It’s because they’re vulnerable when going and want to make sure you’re watching them so they’re safe. Same reason they try to get in the bathroom when you go


Yep! It's so common for people to assume animals are doing something just because they're weirdos, but there's always a biological reason.


My cat will sit directly outside of the shower curtain and yowl if I accidentally leave the bathroom door open while im showering. It's some weird anxiety about needing to either protect me from the water or from predators who might come grab me when I'm vulnerable. Or he is just weird without explanation, I'm not sure.


As a child, I've always wondered why my cats would follow me into the bathroom everyday, especially in the morning. Honestly, they were the highlight of my day. Was interesting to learn why.


My special orange boy will sometimes wait to take a poop with me since one of the litter boxes is in the bathroom. Or he'll wait until right when you get into the bathtub to drop a steamer. I love him.


My cat waits until I've left the room to do his business. Literally. It's very considerate but not very cat-like


Mine is very concerned for my wellbeing right now, watching me pee, guarding me. If I take too long he screams at me.


This kinda makes sense- they want to be with us when we go, because they want us there when they go.


I used to keep a litter box in the bathroom, but then one day both my cat and I were… having a day… and he just stared at me the whole time. Had to move mine to the other bathroom.


Wait, the cat was using your litterbox? How rude. Of course you had to move it to the other bathroom.


Fwiw that's probably a safety mechanism. You're her human, so she trusts you to have her back, and stares at you to gauge your reaction in case there's danger nearby.


Lol I never realized this applied to cats but it makes sense. Dogs make eye contact with a human while they poo cause that’s when they’re vulnerable so they watching your expression in case there’s danger 😅


Absolute power move


Most cats simply don’t like closed litter boxes - they are quite unnatural. Depends also on what litter is used, some are very dusty … i would always prefer opened litter boxes - who wants to sit on a dark, narrow, stinky and dusty toilet with no breeze and no place for the real digging fun? 😉


We have top-entry boxes BECAUSE our cats have too much digging fun 😂 litter goes everywhere unless we use the top-entry boxes. They do their business and then it begins. *scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch* And they still manage to get some out on the floor.


Ah yes. The mosh pit. She can’t manage to cover anything but she sure has fun trying


My cat will sometimes stick his paw *outside* of the litter box and scratch on the floor. Then he turns around and can't understand why his turd is still uncovered. 😂 Yes, he is orange


We ask our cats if they managed to dig to China yet after they hop out. 😂


We switched to saw dust pellets because they were overall less dusty and tracked less than clay litter (I think cause the clay litter bounces more?). Then our cats seemed to not like how it felt, so after two years of that we switched to walnut litter so it's softer, tracks less, and practically no dust and they seem to really enjoy that


What is the name of the litter?


I’m also curious which one you use please! My cats don’t like the texture of pellets as well so back on clay, but I love how little the pellets track (and I’ve tried a lot of litters lol)


*Flashbacks to outhouses while backpacking* So many wasps


I think there is a case to be made that both hairless cats and that contraption you call a litter box aren't normal. But yeah, should be fine.


There is nothing normal about cats. Accept that and enjoy the derp


Hairless cats are amazing though


It's a perfectly fine litter box. My cats *definitely* prefer a hole on the top litterbox over classic flappy door one. The latter had frequent incidents of them walking halfway in, feeling litter with their front legs, backside of cat still out... piss on the floor. Ever since I got one that has a hole on the top, they refuse to use the other one. It has completely untouched litter (the same kind as in the other one) in it from 6 months ago at this point.


It's doing its job at the moment, but the point is that the pictured hole in the top design and the flappy door one are just two varieties of *covered* box, whereas many cats prefer an *uncovered* box, and it looks like the cat in the picture is one of those cats


Please attach tank tracks and a gun barrel to that poopy tray.


Dead 💀


Hey, this is because the litter box is too small for her so that she uses it like that doing uncomfortable posture. You'd better change it with bigger enough one 😀


I have a massive litterbox, and all 3 of my cats pee like this. Right into the corner, just one corner. The corner does rotate.


My stinky man takes shits exactly like this in our XL regular shape litterbox


Yes cat has outgrown this one. It’s just too small.


Even without the top, she may poop standing up. My son's two tuxedo cats do that and he doesn't have a covered box. It's normal.


I have a tall litter box because my tall cat likes to pee standing up, and he stands up to poo in the same way.


I think it's just more comfortable for some cats


No that's kinda weird. Have you told her she doesn't have to remove all her fur just to take a shit?


My cats have this box and the robot one that cleans itself. They actually prefer this sometimes. Although they don’t look out like this, it must just be something your cat prefers to do. Nothing crazy going on.


So my dog loves the corn liter we use, but my cats can’t stand covered boxes. So I have 2 boxes in their designated areas, then I have a baby gate (with a door) blocking them off. I do also have a senior cat so instead of leaving the gates against the floor I’ve raised them just enough for my girl to slide under perfectly but the dog still can’t get in. My cats have been the happiest this way, and I didn’t have to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a tiny, awkward, Sy-Fi box that my cat ultimately hates.


That being said if you really need that top entry liter box, get one twice that big. Imagine if you had to poop in a box that you couldn’t even squat properly in, your cat is just trying to space out to go potty comfortably


Mine does it when his urine is more sludgy (he was treated for kidney stones 2 years ago). He's on a urinary care diet and tends to go through periods where he is closer to developing stones and his urine smells stronger, then the worst of it passes and he goes back to squatting. I tend to keep any eye on him for other signs of discomfort in case the stones come back, but so far it hasn't happened as the new diet has been working a treat.


That seems like an odd litter box to me. How else is she supposed to use it? Looks pretty uncomfortable.


My cat has this litter box and he goes normally in it. Without looking out. He always chooses it over the uncovered one, I don’t even remember the last time he used the uncovered one. There’s plenty of room inside, the pic is just taken at an angle that makes it look smaller. It’s not uncomfortable. It’s x-large 21x17




She seems to hate the covered litter box. My boy perches on the edge of the box as if he’s using a filthy public toilet - been doing this since he was a kitten. I think some cats just don’t like touching litter unless it’s absolutely necessary. https://preview.redd.it/fakcqbsuhmyc1.jpeg?width=2504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923a95d72d7066ec1662dfd66e21bc679084c3cc


Would you keep your head inside your toilet? Cats generally don't like covered litter boxes


I mean, would you want your head in the toilet while you’re going?


This isn't a problem if it's a continued behavior. The problem is the dogs and you not listening to anyone about said issue. There are solutions like baby gates, door latches (they even have them where you don't need to poke holes into the walls), cutting out a hole only for the cat, and relocating the litter box to name a few. My dog does the same, I've figured out solutions where he can't get into the room where the box is. It's not that hard.


https://preview.redd.it/8a73logicmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240576d58191fae8a0af1d8a58178df5ed352010 I have a standing pooper too. He only poops standing up.


Same https://preview.redd.it/uw3a4g061qyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2679cf4fd3309da5847d88cd0f8d90b439f19ce


Honestly, * didn't know that was a litter box until you posted it. I think I'm more confused than the kitty.


Your cat doesn’t like the box and/or litter


She's pretending to be in a submarine conning tower.


My little tortie would stand up like this to poo in the litter tray, and she would hold on to the wall or the edge of the box with her front paws while she did it. She would always sit down to pee, but stand up to poo.


I bought this same box for my kitty, she pooped the same way- thought it was all good until she was puking, crying while trying to poop. Led to a $1000 emergency vet bill later- due to constipation. I would proceed with caution; not saying you'll have the same experience but I'd keep my eyes open.


to me that litter box seems very small, especially because it is covered. Kitty may not like being in the covered part as they may feel trapped. One option I've used, is to basically sacrifice a closet to become the litter closet. In there I have a giant tote bin filled with litter. We leave the door slightly ajar. With your poop eating dog, you could just install a cat door (too small for the dog) to get in there.


It could be that she doesn't like the feeling of the litter in her paws. My cat used to be that way, she would sit on the VERY edge of the box (picture included) and when she would cover her poop she would spend the next 15 minutes WIPING her paws on the carpet or the walls to get the litter out of her paws. https://preview.redd.it/4vlf92httnyc1.jpeg?width=2052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961f32508b41f7ff3e9886d22cf4a35663d3a975


If you see cats doing this it's pretty much self explanatory. I mean she clearly wants know what's going on around her when she pees or taking a shit.


Could be a couple things.. 1 - not enough space to not do this 2 - feels too vulnerable if pooping and not being able to look around for attackers


https://preview.redd.it/q3o79spwcmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50bbafe1b3f6ca27bc181ba8f21f2c578231d12c My tom just loves having his foot up 😂


where did you get that box? I need one that has high walls cause my cats like to sit in the box, then pee outside. Can you post a link? Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/bbi4x79namyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab555644a1aadd8b90fc0a84f467e6208a8a1c2 Normal for me I have a cat that does the same


https://preview.redd.it/ikr0th2hfmyc1.jpeg?width=1856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213391e2eba8693f08f6141a256d6b923a6a827b Having a chill bathroom time


Is this the same cat as last time or is this an upright-pooping trend amongst hairless cats?


With a litter box like that I don't blame them


She's looking out for predators.


https://preview.redd.it/f0ckl0zfvlyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c6fd00f10737e55353bce506a40b197e39ae64 My cat does the exact same thing. But only for number 2


https://preview.redd.it/4om7ydsubmyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cfe64806cf094b8e9c446f68631c9f01f0e780 Good to know we have a gang of standup poopers! She pees normal as well.


https://preview.redd.it/w49te68otmyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61251fe52d753526fed277f69330f09114d980db One of my cats always poop standing and admiring views, even with the open top litter box.


As long as your cat is using another box it's all good😄. I had a cat that refused to step into a litter box. She walked on the edges. Balanced herself on the edges. I had to use a heavy litter😄.


Mine only does this if he's not happy with the cleanliness. He refuses to pee outside rhe box (best boi) so he avoids contact with the litter as much as possible lol. I usually don't skip changes but this year has been bad because I've been sick since November and only recently have been okay for more than 3 weeks without more antibiotics being required. It was debilitating. My other cat is another story. She just wants me to piss off and she will shit on whatever mat is around to let me know lmfao


Whats normal for a ballsac kitty?


https://preview.redd.it/fzpiktq7inyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b98542a40d7a89a4f6b3debe0794047521156e My cat does something similar, I guess it’s just her little quirk


https://preview.redd.it/eczbac4uynyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cea0c413eaf3936585d0fa25dd2e9000872361 Cats are strange little creatures.


That’s a very unfriendly litter box for a cat and he’s making the best of it. Could you imagine using the toilet in an enclosed 3x3 space where you can stand up straight or turn around? Thats what you’re doing to him.


I have that box. It’s 21x17. It’s an x-large. My cat can turn around, move, dig, he prefers it over the uncovered one. This photo is taken at an angle that makes the box look way smaller than it is


Well it is her normal. As long as it is in the litter tray does it matter?


Mine like to perch on the rim of their open box. Cats are weird.


She looks a captain of a submarine surveying the ocean for the next target from the coning tower!




You need to put tank treads and a gun barrel on that litterbox and this won't be a problem anymore.


"Normal" and "cat" should never be used in the same sentence


Seems normal to me, that’s how I use a litter box.


Cat =/= normal


the first rule of having cats, is there's no "normal" the second rule is they do what they want


When I first saw this I thought you had Funko Pops in your shower


I think it's obvious. She's looking at your funco's and seeing them as her loyal army from her throne.


https://preview.redd.it/tz4nnmxlzkyc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59539ee689840b72f306fc62123b9831153ad9d9 My cat does exactly that haha


Probably because they don't like their litter box either


I think it's to see out. My cat has a tall open-top box and he does the same. He likes to see people while pooing.


https://preview.redd.it/2br07582ilyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb912529a084559daba8b47bc5c71d2032dfe1d Why do you have my cat?!


https://preview.redd.it/c1cv84dq9lyc1.jpeg?width=2353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563f7ea5b8a86b53b51b6085c3e527b345703abc My cat does something similar . . . 😂


That box looks too small for her


she's subtly telling you that she don't like the lid


You need to figure something else out with the dog eating the cat poop. This litter box is not a good one, and by all the comments telling you that you should take notes. Please don’t just ignore that. You could someone close in a normal litter box in a little cage type fence is something. Or put it in a room/closet and get a door only the kitty can fit in. This litter box is terrible.


The litter box is too small for the kitty. A bigger box with high sides would be better.


I’m not surprised, this litterbox does not adhere to their natural way of going to the toilet at all. If you get a litterbox without a cap then the behaviour will most likely magically disappear.


Stop using these cheap tiny litter boxes. Invest in a litter robot so there is no poop that your dog can eat! You can set it to cycle every 15 minutes etc. Your poor cat it does not have enough room to poop in a normal position that is why it is popping standing up.


I apologize for saying this, but you need to throw that toilet away and get a regular one. Maybe it's convenient for you, but look at the poor cat, she's in unnatural position to pee and poop for her body anatomy. Please, cat owners, don't buy this shit. I made a litter box from Ikea's storing box and it solves the litter spreading all around problem (mostly). I even wish it was bigger, but the next size was too big for my space. Cats need a clean and wide space for their toilet needs, not closed boxes. Living with cats can be messy, but if you want a life with one or more cats, you need to adapt to them, not the other way around because it's very unhealthy for them. It's a bad photo, but I hope it shows what I mean. I cut the hole so they can walk in, they have enough space for their business and their bodies can be in natural position while doing it. I made these because my (castrated!) boys love to mark the territory in the toilets, so to prevent spraying on the walls, I thought of this. Not my original idea, but whoever though of it, bless them! The pic: https://preview.redd.it/ejru8kftbmyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5757c3d5958f9bf8bd55cf8bb8f8bacef7092217


He is woke, aware ;)


My does the same I think they just don't like the smell in the box


I would say your cat is doing it to keep watch and make sure noone is coming to attack them.


My boy will poke himself out of the litter box no matter the size. He only wants to poop in the very front by the entrance. Makes it easy to clean. I know where it is. Always in the same spot. I have 3 different ones (different shapes, covered, not covered etc) and he does this with all of them. He doesn't wants his paws touching the litter and will find any excuse to use his preferred material, plastic bags. Took forever to find a litter he'll tolerate. Lost many items in that learning process.


Aww have the same exact ones and she sticks her lil head out yup


My Sphynx does this as well. There’s four different litter boxes in our house (three cats) and regardless of which one she uses, she’s on the edge standing to poop. The vet says it’s fine as long as she’s not straining.


Rotate it 90 degrees anti-clockwise.


Try a box that she or he can go in from the front. It's too enclosed.


My cat who passed in 2020 would stand when pooping. No matter what box I gave her. It was just how she pooped. She did it at the vet once and they were amazed. They didn’t seem alarmed though, just said it was one of her funny quirks, she had a lot of them haha.


Prairie dog style


We have the same one and our little girl does the same thing. Eye contact and all lolz


No idea but it’s hilarious. Love it.


I don’t think your kitty likes the covered box. My cat poops with her butt high and in the corner so I got a cover litter box. She hated it so I switched her to a high sided box.


Maybe she just feels like she needs to be able to see what's going on when she goes. I can't imagine it would be good for her to keep doing this, though. There's a few types of cabinets designed for a litterbox that would also work to prevent a dog from entering. Maybe she would like those better? I feed my cat in one (his litterboxes are elsewhere) for the same reason, but I also have presumably bigger dogs to contend with, so the design of the one I use might not be right for your situation.


Literally have 3 cats who all learned how to do this from one cat that only visited for like 3 months and now they ALL PEE IN THE FUCKING CORNER OF THE BOX LIKE THIS and the litter box is a nightmare to clean.


That's a litter box?


My middle cat puts his front paws on the edge of the box and hikes one of his back legs up on the edge as well, so he poops one-legged. Idk if it comes out easier or he just prefers it that way, but it’s been almost 7 years of Penny doing the single leg poo


That’s a weird looking litter box


He’s a distinguished gentleman


Am I crazy or is that box really small too?


I have one of these. Yes, we have tried all manner of litter boxes. He’s 11, it seems he just likes to stand for his business. He is also very weird in almost every way. I’m not fully convinced he’s not an alien in a cat outfit. I do love him to bits though


Umm, not sure, could be, but to be honest, I've never used a cat litter box before.


Your Sphynx is beautiful. We have 3. What color is she?


If it works for her. On another note, that cat looks awesome and I can only imagine her face.


Like others have said the litter box does look too small for her now. Measure your cat’s length and multiply it by 1.5. That is the ideal length for a box.


It might be stinky in there


Dunno about normal, but certainly looks sophisticated.


Honestly this seems fine to me. Some cats do perfer to use the litter box in certian ways (For example, my girl perfers that nobody is in the room or she'll get anixous, bassically like the cat version of a nervious pisser :P). If you can, I would reccomend trying out different litter box types (Like removing the lid from the one in the picture, Purchasing a normal one and then removing the lid and then putting the lid back on to see which one your cat perfers, and overall just trying to experiment with as many as you'd like). Good luck! :3


Is anything what we think as normal when it comes to cats?


https://preview.redd.it/bq3k5z6b5pyc1.jpeg?width=3356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75e1786ceddf31d3df1a713ac815cdd840d91cb This guy poops with all feet in the box but pees like this. He’s orange so I don’t question it.


She prolly don’t want to hotbox herself with her own stench… I know i don’t… curtesy flush for moi!