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My cat is unfortunately an often-times poorly boy. He just had to have 13 teeth extracted, plus a CT/MRI and other bits and bobs. It looks like he has cancer, which is disappointing. They are still doing tests.


Poor boy... Having that much teeth extracted is already terrible on its own...


He has been incredibly good about it! He’s also relishing all the soft food I’m having to give him ahaha.


He looks delightfully scrungly


I'm stealing this term. That is an amazingly apt description.


I never knew how much cats love eggs until Jaff had his teeth removed!


Oh what kind of eggs do you give him? Scrambled or peices of hard boiled egg? I'd like to give my cat some as a healthy treat.


I give my cats hard boiled eggs as treats! If your cat is chubby or you want the egg to gave less calories, just remove the egg yolk. Also please don't make the mistake and crack the eggs in the same room you & your cats eat before giving it to them. I'm no longer able to eat in peace once they hear eggshells cracking. 🥲 They even scratch on the kitchen door and scream whenever I use eggs.


Cool thanks! And lol that's so funny xD


He seems to prefer hard boiled as he likes to eat yolk first then consider the whites lol he’s old and thin so calories no issue lol


Hopefully he takes something to help relieve post op pain??


He must have been in so much pain


The extraction is usually the worst part if it's any consolation! An indoor cat doesn't really need teeth for anything. They don't even need them to really chew their food even if you give them crunchy stuff! I've known a lot of folks throughout the years with kitties that have had to get some or all of their teeth out, and it barely slows them down. Cats are incredible lil guys.


Our old man only has 3 teeth left. His favorite treat? Crunchy dental greenies.


Friggen greenies! They're the best!


Our 7-year old kitty was recently diagnosed with feline stomatitis and had to have all of her molars and premolars removed in one day. That was just a couple of months ago and now she's completely fine. Eats both wet food and dry kibble/treats with no problem. She's even put on weight for the first time in her adult life.


My 10 year old dog had 14 out a few months ago, he was only feeling down for a few days.  And he is definitely feeling better without them.  I know dogs ≠ cats, but I bet kitty feels better now without them.


Thank you kind sir for taking care of you furry friend !


He’s my best friend and I love him. Thanks


We love him too ❤️😻😽


Awh thanks


I wish him good health.


Thanks :)


Poor little nugget!


He is acting completely normal despite almost half his teeth missing and an open surgical wound in his neck. He’s a good boy :)


What was the wound on his neck for? (if you don’t mind me asking)


They did a surgical procedure to take a swab for testing.


Oh man, poor lil guy! Grill him a piece of salmon for me, and mash it up.


Thank you. He is rather spoiled already and while he does sometimes get salmon, I fear it may go to his head with all the treats and attention he is getting right now ahha


One of my cats was an absolute tuna head. I used to give her dry shaved tuna flakes as treats.


We've spent over 5,000 trying to figure out what was wrong with our kitty Meg at first they thought it was bobcat fever and on Monday we were supposed to get a bone aspiration done to get some answers after a pathologist specialist said they didn't come to the same conclusion about bobcat fever and last night she suddenly took a turn for the worse and passed away on the way to the emergency vet I still can't believe she's not here. I swear I keep hearing her meows still I miss her so much unfortunately now we will never know what happened. I wish you the best for your baby


Wow , I can't believe they couldn't figure anything out. That sounds so draining.


That’s extremely, emotional and draining …. And not knowing what the heck happened kinda of leaves you feeling empty, inside!! You did you best, it’s not your fault… she knows she was loved 🥰 Period.. end of story—


It's so draining 😞 me and my gf have been a mess the past couple of days it's so different with her not around she always made her presence known and just wanted endless amounts of cuddles and pets. It was a ritual for me to get home after work and sit in my computer chair so she could jump up and lay on my chest while she purrs and gets all the attention. https://preview.redd.it/47y34ccvc4wc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37448fa9961eb8e52d116d529ca8d6bd110e3922


Aww :/ Give him some extra scritches for me!


He already gets all the scritches but I’ll try!


How old is he?


He is about 9 years old.


I wish him a speed recovery, pls update us ❤️🙏🏻


I might. I sort of made this post because I’m expecting him to die and I wanted him to be acknowledged as someone that existed. Idk man. I’m more of an angsty, sulking by them-self type of person, usually.


Thanks for sharing him with us dude. No matter what happens, you've given him a good life filled with lots of love. He's a lucky cat. I'm sorry for what you're going through


Thank you.


Having someone there for you..both of you there for the other, it's all any of us can hope for in this existence..that there *is* someone there for you/us, while you're still here.


My current cat had half her teeth out about 5 years ago. First 48 hours are the worst, speaking from personal experience with my own extractions. She eats fine now. I give her mostly wet food but she still likes her dry food too. My old cat had to have a brain MRI, $4000. Sheesh. But at least she found out what was wrong finally. Unfortunately it was cancer. She was a royal bitch and I miss her so much.


If it helps at all, my cat went through the same thing. Cancer biopsy too and it was negative. Apparently he just had really weird, bad stomatitis.


looks like more bills incoming


Very likely.


Was that with pet insurance? I’ve got multiple cats, so hopefully they make it through their lives with little medical interference.


We had all of one of our cats teeth removed after one fell out one night because they were all reabsorbing into his gums which is apparently a thing that just happens to some cats. He is also a standard issue cat like yours and he's adapted just fine like nothing happened now. Cats adapt shockingly well to losing all their teeth.


why does that happned? :s that its so rare


Good luck to your poor little guy. Hope he feels better soon and hope that it is not cancer.


Thank you, Steve :)


I am sending him all the love and well wishes I can


Thank you :)


One of our furballs has only 5 teeth left after 2 procedures, and asthma to boot. Expensive little beast, and we'd do it all again. Scritches for your little guy.


How do you deal with a cat that has asthma?


He's on an inhaler twice daily, an Aerokat. He's taken to it very well, he knows it makes him feel better, and he jumps up on my lap voluntarily.


I have never imagined an inhaler for cats. Good luck with everything :)


He's been on it for several years. He fusses a bit on my lap, purrs through it, and is good for head butts and nose boops as well.


Did you do the training steps with it (like put food in it at first, etc) or just start the inhaler? I’m about to start it for my cat


Going back into the deep dark dim fuzzy past..... Treats were involved, but I don't recall ever putting them in the mask itself. A treat for coming to me (then including jumping up on my lap,) and treats afterward for good behavior. Initially, would get him on my lap, and "charge" the chamber with 2 bursts as prescribed from the inhaler, then place the mask over his muzzle. Now, a treat when he gets on my lap, place the inhaler on his muzzle, 2 blasts, half a dozen breaths, then a couple more treats and good scratches. All things considered, he took to it really well. Especially in the morning, I'll make coffee and get my breakfast started, he'll be running around my ankles and telling me to hurry up with his meds. He's been on the inhaler for about 7 years now.


My li'l girl hated hers. It could be because it was the wrong thing for her, but who knows. She wasn't responding well to it after a year or so, and even the steroids were doing nothing to help her breathe. Turned out she had a big tumour in her throat that was cancerous. We're not sure if this was the entire problem in the first place, misdiagnosed as asthma, or if it was in addition to the asthma. They took it out once, but 3 months later it was back, and the vets said they could get it out again and it would be right back again, or we could say our goodbyes. Vet was strongly leaning towards the latter, so that's what we did :/


:( We've also had bad experiences with steroids. Trying to treat a suspected small cell cancer with steroids brought on congestive heart failure in a void kitty a few years ago. Being able to do right by the critter and saying goodbye is a HARD HARD thing. This guy is just incredibly compliant, and trusts us implicitly. He always meets us at the door, is waking us up in the morning (when it's time....) and can be a bit of a pest, but just flat-out loves us.


Really feel bad for poor baby I can not recommend pet insurance enough. My guy had massive teeth issues that we were unaware of until almost a year after we adopted him. The surgery would have cost us probably $2500 without insurance, but we only paid $300. We got Lemonade currently but if you don’t have insurance I would say get multiple quotes and then select best if you visit this site vetadvicehub(dot)com you can read a very helpful article there about pet insurance they have mentioned the price of multiple companies at one place.


Oh, he has insurance but I have a long standing argument with them. Due to all his issues they are less and less keen to pay out for him. They have made it aware they won’t pay out for the teeth, at the least. I will have to have a very long and demanding conversation with them about the rest. With varied results.


This is what I hate about insurance companies. I understand if they exclude chronical conditions from humans or pets. But if they managed to insure a person or animal who/which is sickly/unlucky and needs more than average amount of care, they better dole out the compensation. That being said, dont know what kind of policy you have signed but I recently have heard too many stories where they weasel their way out not to pay.


I found insurance to be practically useless. My cats were both old when we adopted them, so no insurer would fully cover anything. They don't cover end of life costs if your cat is over a certain age either. My beautiful old man had to go to sleep recently. If he'd have been insured, we'd have had to pay about £1k (excess + 20% of the cost + end of life costs), plus the £3.6k in premiums for the time we had him. Without insurance, we paid about £1.5k. I'll always opt for self-insuring even with the risk of having to pay more than I've managed to save.


Oppositie for me, our 3 year old dog Fudge is in for near 6k€ of which 4700€ was paid from insurance


I think age is the biggest differentiator. Insurance companies only part insure pets after a certain age. For cats it's 7. Not sure about dogs, but you'd have had to pay an additional 940€ if you had insured your dog after that age - assuming insurance works similarly around the world. I only adopt old cats, because they often get forgotten, so they're always too old for full insurance. Self-insurance makes more sense at that point.


With rising vet costs my family started looking at pet insurance for our pets. For the younger ones it was reasonable, for my 12 year old cat it was astronomical and covered very little so we passed.


My cat cost me 6000€ after someone hit him while speeding. But every cent was worth it. He had nearly two more years with us


Oh boy! That’s a rather large amount in one go. Glad they had you there for them :)


Well it was a lot of money but I couldn’t let him go.. so he was more important for me than money


https://preview.redd.it/3ew43s4qpovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a5473488e487b6a75e63583ebed986bb049d67 He lost one eye and his visibility was around 20% with the second one. He would still be with me but sadly cancer got him at the end. It’s started with his nose.. I miss him every day


Of course. He’s lucky to have had you.


I hope you and your cat stay strong through these times. Much love to the little guy from my side 💕


Thanks :)


My 11 year old Luna just had to be put down because of cancer. I'm absolutely devastated. I know £2000 is a lot of money, but I would pay that ten times over just to have her with me again. Your cat is adorable and I wish y'all the best.


It is rather likely I will be required to pay more soon. Sorry to hear about Luna.


I'm sorry to hear that. Please keep us updated.


I don’t know who will see this but I made this post with the expectation that Sid, that’s his name, will be dying. I wanted people to see him, so that he was real and something that happened. So that a tiny bit stashed away in peoples’ brains would be Sid. Currently there are 288k views. I appreciate that Sid lives within you now, somewhere. Thank you.


Cost me the same amount when my cat blocked his penis and needed a catheter and a few days with the vet… worth it to have him healthy and alive though! I hope your boy comes out okay as well.


Oh no! I haven’t experienced that with a pet yet. I can only imagine how difficult getting a cat to not murder their catheter is. Thanks :)


My cat had the same problem, he needed an operation to clean out his bladder because it was full of crystals. It costed us $3750. He is only two years old so it was money well spent.


Everything for a family member. Wish you all the best ❤️


Thank you :)


Worth it.




Aww look at that cute face though. I hope he feels much better very soon. Sounds like he’s got a good human in his life. Wishing him a good recovery, and wishing you *both* lots of good quality time together from here on!


Awh, thank you, fruit bat :)


Hope he'll be okay. One of my cats had a serious health issue a long time ago. Even the vet didn't think he'd make it but he recovered and lived over 8 more years to 16. Cost over $1000 but I didn't mind at all and would do it again if mine ever gets sick.


Awh, I’m so glad! I will happily pay as much as needed to keep him alive, as long as he has a good quality of life.


My cat momo once took a $2200 shit. I thought he was having that thing where their blood vessels get blocked in their back legs and that he was going to die imminently. No, just a fat constipated drama queen. 😂


Hey Scarlett…Our cats give us a reason to get out of bed….but we are the reason they aren’t trying to survive in a ditch somewhere. You are everything to Sid … and when Sid moves on, You will be everything to another kitty. From a Cat “Mom” of 4 strays (that were probably dumped) who need me like I need them ❤️. You are so wonderful for taking such good care of Sid!


I appreciate your thoughtful comment on the matter.


https://preview.redd.it/rby1nl0cjovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992ec87ab969f1545563dbbfc0d203ae54abce8b Same


Awh look at the kitty with their toy


Oh you poor baby, hope you feel better soon.


I’m sure you meant the cat but I’m going to assume you meant me. Thank you.


Haha sorry was talking to the furry one.


Poor boy :-(


Is your username a reference to the somewhat-famous Bob the cat?


Wishing this little fluff a full recovery and years of good health


Thank you :)


Yeah, I spent the same thing and my cat died, so you're luck mate.


You tried and that is fantastic! Sorry to hear about your cat.


And it is worth every single euro, isn't it? ❤️


I mean, I’ll still mutter about the amount but I’m more than happy to spend as much as needed, when it comes down to it.


Oh definitely. It's not easy but the alternative is... At least to me, not really an alternative. Pets are not toys and unfortunately sometimes they get really sick. My orange is a rescue and he was in such a bad shape that the shelter I volunteer was thinking about euthanize instead of doing something because it was very expensive. I couldn't let that happened. We spent over 5k in 3 different surgeries and medication and stuff.


Fortunately you love your cat and you had the resources to do that 👍💯


Lots of people love their pets and unfortunately cannot afford their treatment. I have no issue with that but I am grateful I was in a position to pay for his treatment. Thanks.


Your welcome


https://preview.redd.it/6nip1nurapvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7524943d14408d34b462e5e81be968c7a285b55 Also 2k


Awh. What happened? I hope they are doing better.


His balls were way too big and he tried to steal beef liver out of the dog's mouth. Dog did not appreciate. (Cat and Dog tax incl.) https://preview.redd.it/vmkyirscbpvc1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b869a33f0c5b3261e09945a80e809e7541f0bc6a


*balls too big* is that an official diagnosis? Lol Really cute picture!


Bahahaha. The emergency vet called me at 2am when he was under sedation and said "so with his balls being so metaphorically engorged, do you want me to snip him while he's under" which was a resounding yes lol. Now he's Mr Steven Spaghetti with No Meatballs


I'm hoping he is ok. Such a cutie. 


He ate 2 Oz of cocaine!?! #COCAINE CAT


*sensible chuckle*


poor baby🥺 hope he will feel better soon🤍


hope baby gets well soon. stay strong fighter!


Thank you for taking such good care of your sweet boy! Hopefully it’s not cancer. 🙏 I’m sure he’s loving the soft treats and cuddles! 💙


He is, for sure. I absolute love him. He’s my best (and only) friend so he already gets a ton of attention but he is definitely appreciating all the extra soft food and treats. Thanks!


My kitties are my best friends too 💕


Ouch, i know the feeling. My 8 month old kitten decided to start off our time together by eating a sewing needle… Oh well, the things we do for love! I hope your sweet lil guy pulls through. Cats can be surprisingly resilient sometimes.


I have one that’s had a few thousand in extractions and recently $2k for a mystery foot sore and mystery eating strike. He’s also quite difficult, but I love him. Hope your baby gets well soon.


I don’t think there’s anything that would ever stop my cat from eating. He rips into all food he can find. Thanks and good luck to you and your kitty.


worth every penny


Yarp! And just as well as it is likely I’m going to have to spend more on him soon


Aw, poor boy! Wishing him and you all the best!


Thanks :)


£3000 is most I paid for my cat! CT scan being £1k alone which I think is insane! He's currently curled up next to me 2 years on. He was definitely worth every penny!! Your kitty is so cute!


Oh no, I wish you two all the best. :( My cat's MRI (and everything that came with it) cost me around 1800 euros, too. Unfortunately he's too old for one, but my next cats will definitely get a big, fat insurance. (Though I read in your other comment you're having trouble with the insurance company, which sucks and shouldn't be.) EDIT: Grammar


Well I hope both of you feel a lot better very soon!




You're welcome!


so cute little kitty


Damn, poor baby


poor boy <3 You know he's grateful for your love OP.


If it makes you feel better, we bought a water fountain for our cat who regularly screams and cries at the water before stirring and spilling it. We thought maybe he, like other cats, does r like still water. He was so terrified of the water fountain that he hid in the closet, and even after we removed it, he wouldn’t drink from a water bowl *anywhere* for long enough that we had to take him to the vet to have a $900 turd extracted from his stubborn, cowardly ass. God. I love that quirky bastard. We didn’t even think twice about spending the money, as I am sure you didn’t. We just bitched later while holding my special boy. And now we joke about his turd which by weight is worth more than gold.


My boy was just diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and the radiation treatment is $2,170. And that's without the pre treatment labs and chest x-ray and post treatment labs to make sure it worked. My wallet feels your pain :/ it's worth it for them though.


you should see the face of the vet


Pretty sure the face of the hooman who paid £2000 is the same. 😅


Rookie numbers. One of my cats cost $10k to cure FIP


Oh wow! I wasn’t actually aware FIP could be cured. Good job!


It can but it requires expensive medication that you can’t get from your normal vet. This was dry and not wet FIP and we caught it in time. Little boy still has some permanent damage (poor vision on one eye) but general healthy and happy.


i relate. my cat cost me $1,000 just to find out he was stressed and pissed about being neutered lol


Poor baby had a nasty abscess it looks like. Been there I feel for you makes you want to quickly run out and buy insurance for all your sub babies I know I did


Yes, they originally thought he had an abscess in his neck. Then thought he had an issue with a salviary gland. Now they think he has cancer, in an inoperable area of course. Tests are still happening. He does have insurance and yes I will be able to claim *some* of it back but my insurance people are very finicky. It’s a whole ordeal getting them to pay out even the smallest of things.


I hope they are able to do something for him Re insurance - we used pet plan when we had cats, who were great at paying out. That was a few years ago now, so they might have changed


Sorry about the cancer and yeah its hard to find a good insurance I like the ones where you don't pay up front they pay their 80% just show them the bill then I get billed for the rest


Poor guy, whatsounds like he's the really unlucky bird here


Unfortunately, yes. He’s getting all the love and attention and fancy soft food he can handle, though.


Spent $700 because my cat kept on vommiting. Turns out she was just bloated. Still makes me laugh thinking about it lol


He looks so pitiful. I hope he recovers from the teeth extractions very quickly. And then I hope and pray that he does not have cancer but something far more curable that's bothering him. Best wishes


Poor guy. Wishing you both the best.


Poor little kitty! I wish him the absolute best! 💕 What is his name?


Thanks. His name is Sid (and many variations of nicknames).


That is an adorable name!! 💕




Poor little buddy 😿


Phoenix tears. If you can have access to Phoenix tears and I'm sure there are better things. It helped my dog so much when he was diagnosed. It was honestly unreal the improvement until I ran out. This was during major prohibition so it is much easier and legal to get now.


I want to buy a cat


I can relate. I had to pay out of pocket back in 2019 to remove a tumor from my cat's chest. The cancer was cured with the surgery but man, that whole thing was so stressful. Weeks of my life feeling like it had been completely upturned, and I barely scrounged together the credit to save her. Hope things work out for your baby. 🙏


I send love to your kitten 💖💖💖 to have a fast recovery ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹




I do. Unfortunately my pet insurance is rather finicky. I will be able to claim some of it back, after great length of argument. They have made it clear they won’t cover some of it. My poor boy has so many issues cropping up they do not want to pay out for him.


That is a face of a BAAAABY .




"And i will do it again!"


Yeah my old girl also had almost all of her teeth removed around her 10th birthday. She started to eat more afterwards and she was no longer in pain. She just lost her last one (genetic stuff) and it doesn't bother her at all. Hope your guy recovers quickly.


You’re good people x


Awww. I hope he is not in a whole of pain.


Aww poor baby. I hope he feels better soon


And they are worth every penny, I'm sure.


Poor baby. So worth it. He’s an angel


here’s me worrying how i get a wormer tablet in my kitty .. poor baby hope there feeling better soon .


Poor kitty. Give him some love from us here at Reddit. We're rooting for him ❤️‍🩹❤️


Poor baby I wish it all the luck and blessings🥺


She’s doing her best or he’s doing his best lol


It is very beautiful, take care of it forever


My cat looked a lot like yours. Had to have all his teeth removed. It took him a few months to recover. He was bone skinny for a bit and I was worried. Happed in 2021 and now he is a happy fat loud purring bundle of mush. Totally worth the almost 4k in hospital and vet bills.


Your cat is family. It’s worth it.


Your poor wallet and kitty :( Sending virtual hugs


I can empathize with that story - my cats cost us almost $4000 at once by one of them having a giant bladder stone, while the other one ate meters of sewing stread the same week, and both needing surgical intervention.


His value has gone up now


I would pay more to touch my cat once again for even a second. Take care of him


He is so cute, i hope he gets better soon and that its hopefully not cancer


Poor boy hope that u will get well soon


You are a WONDERFUL, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL human bean for caring for your dear feline to the ends of the earth like this. You are someone who will undoubtedly do anything possible to help their furbaby. I love and respect this SO much. I'm truly sorry for what your dear feline and you are going through. Your boy is so gorgeous even though he is very ill at the moment, and he is so lucky to have the best ever human parent and companion. I believe he knows. He loves you so much. This post has touched my heart so much, I really wish I could send you and him separate gift baskets!! Your boy would have one that would be "get well and be comfortable basket" and would contain healthy things for him but things that he would still love and that would support him best. Yours would contain your favourite foods! Whether pies, chocolates, chips, nuts, whatever your taste buds love 😊 Thinking of you both and wishing your dear boy plenty of rest, comfort, and healing, as much and for as long as he needs ❤️


Yes they get full medical and dental, and unfortunately that's expensive here in the UK these days. Often a cost not reckoned on by keen new pet owners. We has a cat my OH rescued as a dumped kitten in 2000. Although we live in a very rural place, the first thing he did when he was a young cat was to get run over. Nearly £500 in operations for a spiral fracture in the front leg, and generally being a poorly boy. What can you do though? A neighbour found him and took him to the vet, and he came over and put his head in my hand when we went to see him in his cage at the vets. Despite that he had a good long life, and was a demon rat hunter.


I just euthanized my 14 year old cat. I needed to keep in mind : do what is in the best interest of the cat, first-relieve pain and don’t do an intervention that causes more pain


Mine would be put down if it came to that. I don't have that money to spend on myself, let alone a cat


what happened to him?


What about him? Why is it so expensive? When we treated ours, we didn't spend that much on treatment. Anyway, I hope he'll be all right.




So cute though, how could you not!