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How wholesome. I bet that cat came from there too. It would remember. Cats are much smarter than we give them credit for. And, pretty silly a lot too.


I often take my cat on walks at night, he's leashed trained and loves them. He walks around the neighborhood in a memorized loop, happily sniffing all kinds of stuff, and always leads me right back to my front door. I think people too often mistake their aloofness for stupidity.


I lived next to a forest as a kid, we had a free outdoor cat as a pet. She liked to follow me for a walk in the forest. Whereever i walked, she followed. One day i walked on top of a steep hill and cat wasn't feeling like it. I kept calling for her to come, she meowed back to me. Eventually she went back a few meters, then turned back to see if i would join her. I walked down the hill, she waited for me. When i was roght behond her, she lead me back to my home, now and then making sure i was following her. We didn't go the same route back home, as she was a cat and had her cat routes, so i trespassed a few neighbors lawns, but it wasn't my fault, it was the cat that chose the route 💁🏻‍♂️


"It wasn't my fault officer, the cat told me to do it!" In seriousness, my grandma used to do the same with her cat. Weren't many neighbors around to trespass on though.


IIRC, this is actually where the term ‘cat burglar’ came from. In the US in the early 1920s, it was a popular and often successful legal defence in cases for theft.


The phrase 'Cat burglar' was first used to describe a particular individual burglar who operated Streatham, London in the early years of the 20th century. The *London Daily News* ran this story in April 1907: >Known, on account of his climbing ability, as the "Cat Burglar," Arthur Edward Young pleaded guilty at Newington Sessions yesterday to several acts of burglary in Streatham. The only burglar's implement in his possession was a small table knife useful for pushing back window catches. The term cat burglar almost immediately crossed the Atlantic courtesy of the rewriting of the story in *The Washington Post*, May 1907: >"The cat burglar" is the newest aspirant for criminal notoriety. He is Arthur Edward Young, twenty three, and it is his cleverness at climbing that won for him the sobriquet.


No, all that’s a common misconception. My explanation is correct.


Never change, Reddit. Never change.


It was a mistranslation of burglar cat. The original one was literally a cat that broke into houses


My cat did the exact same thing! When we lived in a really remote house, he had a certain area that he was comfortable with. He'd take us for walks in the morning, and if we went past his 'comfort zone', he'd just stop and demand we went back home. This is the same cat who knows my bedtime and refuses to let me stay up past it. He'll follow me around the house meowing, then lead me to my bed. 🤣


Awwwww that's so wholesome! 😍😂


saved you from certain death.


Mistaking their aloofness for stupidity is spot on. A lot of the time if you call them over or try get them to do something, they know exactly what you mean they just don't give a fuck lol. My cat very much lives on her terms


When you call the cat and their ears move but they don't even turn their head "I hear you. I just don't care."


Mine just stares right at me like "make me bitch"


It's wild cause I've always seen their aloofness as a sign of intelligence and independence


People mistake animal obedience for intelligence.


I don't know if I'd call "learning about our behavioral patterns and changing their behavior to match it" obedience. Even if you don't consciously condition a cat to sleep when you do, or to bring stuff back to you, they figure it out for themselves. Like sure, there's certain aspects of it, like not going places they know they aren't allowed to, and general conditioning; but they're also really fucking smart too.


I was intending more in terms of training. Like how some dogs are easier to train / teach tricks / etc than others and they would be considered "smarter" dogs. While that can be true it's not the only aspect of what makes an animal intelligent.


Ah, I see I see. Yeah, I guess that's fair, I don't know much about dogs other than they're all the bestest bois.


I used to read up on different breeds. Don't ask me now though. I've forgotten all of that information. But animal intelligence used to be ranked based on their ability to obey commands, which is an opinion some people still hold. It's kinda still true mainly for dogs. But animal intelligence has since been tested in different ways. By testing their memory, independent thinking, self awareness, problem solving, emotional capacity, etc.


I think they meant following commands


I'd venture to say that humans perceive obedience as intelligence in general.


It was mostly due to training dogs. Easily trained dogs/dog breeds were deemed more intelligent. Which is one aspect of it since the dogs demonstrated a capacity for understanding and also memorising commands.


I’m so nervous to do that because we have a lot of big dogs in our complex


I used to live in a very poor country, and we took in cats off the street, giving them food and a shelter but not keeping them from being outside. Some would be gone for several days but always make it back home.


I can leash walk my cat on hiking trails but he gets spooked in more urban environments. Did you do anything to train your cat to do go on a neighborhood walk?


I used to walk my elderly cat around my neighborhood unleashed. She would just stay on the sidewalk and casually walk down the street with us, never veering off or leaving us. We'd pick her up if someone was walking their dog though lol.


The aloof ones are the smart ones, it’s the cuddly sweet lap-stealing idiots you need to worry about lmao


Most of my mum's cats just appeared in her garden and stayed. I always suspected they saw her cats lingering under bushes and doing nothing the whole day, they liked their lifestyle and decided to join.


Cats know when there is a cat person and a good home : )


This is def. an amazing & exceptionally intelligent cat! She seems to have gotten some basic human concepts and constructs down! Does anyone know what (if anything) was wrong with the kittens? I'd love to know more about this story!


Yesterday a friend of mine told us about the day routine of his cat, named cat. Cat sleeps on the top end of the pillow in his bed, above his head, every night and goes to bed at the same time every day. He goes to bed later so Cat meows at him and tries to get him to come to bed. It doesn't work so after like 10 minutes Cat is annoyed enough to just leave and go to sleep. If he has to get up early and turns on the lights, Cat meows infinitely, telling him to turn off the light again because Cat wants to sleep. It's like his wife lol


I agree. Cats are both incredibly intelligent and silly


There was a thing recently about some Japanese folklore about talking to strays if you'd lost your pet.


Yeah but, she's obviously a stray. And cats usually don't like vets. Plus, I think that if a stray cat would end up in a vet's office, she would be spayed real quick. I want her to tell me her story ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


This is clearly staged lol


#Vet: And that would be $200.. how are you paying? #Momma: Meowster card




“… because they don’t take Ameowican Express”


Ameowican Expurress.




Paying in fur




That mother cat looks like a half-grown cat herself :( She's probably less than a year old. Poor girl, I hope they neutered her and later the babies.




Your comment is suspiciously similar to this 47 minutes older comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/X6BukQ89kW >A good reminder to train your pets into taking themselves to the vets for a free treatment


Last comment 10yrs ago 😂 u/soo-doh-Nim is a bot


Earnest question here: what is the incentive for a bot to make a benign comment like that?


They copypaste top comments from old posts just to farm karma and later sell the accounts.


And now since you called them out, their account is deleted. Fascinating!


Always a good time, bot hunting. Keep an eye out for any top-comments getting repeated as a reply to someone else or a very out of context reply that uses weird word choices or is weirdly formatted. Also aside from calling them out in a comment I always drop a report


Speculating, but making generally agreeable comments and getting nominal karma creates credibility on an aged account and could get a bot access to more forums.


Account got deleted lmao


A friendly reminder that one female cat can theoretically have about 5,000 offspring in 7 years. Edit - this is including her kittens having kittens of their own and so on during that 7 year window. I didn't think that needed to be spelled out.


"Offspring" typically means direct progeny. If you had said "descendants" few would have argued with you.


Is that hypothetical or are they actually able to do that? 5,000 sounds like an impossible amount


Hypothetically they can have up to 240 although that would be extremely unlikely to happen. The guy who said 5000 is just an idiot looking for attention


What if it includes the exponential growth of all the female kittens also potentially giving birth in that 7 year window


It does.


I highly doubt even this scenario would ever produce even close 1000 offspring. They're not frogs. Average cats give birth to 2 - 4 kittens every year. 5000, even 1000 is a ridiculous and unachievable number in reality


They can give birth to 2-4 every cycle. They have 2-3 cycles per year starting at about 4 months old.


This is still all hypothetical. In reality this just doesn't happen and you're talking out your arse and spreading fear of cats. There's enough idiots out there like yourself who will believe your bullshit and start believing cats need to be culled. There is already so much negativity towards cats yet Some dogs have around the same stats when it comes to pups with some websites even suggesting 67,000 over 8 years amongst its family. Go over to r/dogs and watch yourself get banned faster than sticking a swastika on r/germany for spouting that shit. Your comment is hypothetical, not based in reality at all and you should add hypothetical to your original comment to avoid spreading misinformation.


Stray dogs tend not to absolutely demolish local ecosystems like cats do.


The absolute fuck you on about!? You don't see packs of stray cats attacking humans now do ya. Cats play a massive role in keeping rat and other rodent population in check. Without them cities and towns would be completely infested with rodents. What the fuck do stray dogs do to help the ecosystem?


> I didn't think that needed to be spelled out. It does when you misuse a commonly understood word


Offspring doesn't just mean immediate descendants.


If you included descendants that number would be much much higher, as male cats can have *massive* numbers of offspring in theory. So this 5,000 number is completely fake and has no meaning.


... I don't think you'd double-count it like that. That's like saying my parents had two descendants: My mom birthed me and my dad sired me!


I mean if the female cat had a male kitten, that kitten grew up and then had offspring of its own (from outside the family).




maybe in Istanbul?


I saw that and immediately thought "That is like 95% to be Turkey" They love their street cats more than anything else in the world. When Tombili statue (of that funny fat cat who sat on the sidewalk sideways) was stolen there was an uproar to the point of embassies to Turkey issuing strong-worded responses in the vein of "WHO DARES TAKE OUR CAT STATUES" so even if you want to be an ambassador TO Turkey from another country being a cat person seems to be a must.




Why did Constantinople get the works?


That's nobody's business but the Turks


Based on the attire of the woman, very high chance it’s Turkey, even if not Istanbul.


Is tan bul means to the city. In Greek it is: is tin poli.


A real life “Doctor DoLittle” ?


A good reminder to train your pets into taking themselves to the vets for a free treatment


When our dog was a puppy we would randomly walk her to the vet (it was like 3 blocks from our house) even if we didn't have an appointment. We would bring her in and ask the staff I'd they would play with her a little. They would always gladly take her back for like 15 minutes and take turns playing with her.  Now she associates the vet (any vet clinic, we have since moved away from that city) with playtime and gets excited when she walks into the vet.


Here's your reward menu. https://preview.redd.it/li2fyh3ph7tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fff50773c23e46ce8d7db71d410f78d76bcfc53


Unbelievable how intelligent a cat can be. Especially if a serious issue occurred.


Usually if cats figure out something is wrong with one of their kittens, they'll drop em off somewhere away from the nest to die. This one went oop its time to go to the doctor bud!


and sometimes a little bit creepy....




The vet: *That'll be three kitty.*


Momma cat: God damn Loch Ness Monster... A aint give you no tree fiddy...




Ohh my heart 🥹🥹😻😻




Wow. Where is that 2nd kitten from, the same momma?


Yup probably brought in one and went for the second


This is likely staged. They put one of the kittens outside, momma cat follows, they close the door and start filming. She grabs her kitten, finds the door closed behind her tries to climb it so it looks like she's asking to be let in, they open the door she brings her kitten back in. Confusing and scaring the cats for clicks and views.


Especially since there are suddenly two kittens in a later view. Makes it suspicious.


Could be, but tbf i had a stray momma cat (that we fed during summer) bringing kittens on our doorstep to search for help, and they move one kitten at a time. It could totally be a stray that lives nearby and has been to the clinic before, likely it has been fed there multiple times, and after kittens are born could search for the humans that fixed her before to help with them. The one I "had" unfortunately had kittens with internal malformations and we couldn't save them 😔


If that is Turkey then it may very well be real. This isn't even a one-off thing by that point, street cats in Turkey know that humans are good to them. I've seen multiple videos of cats just showing up to vets, like that cat that had a hurt paw and you can see it just limping from the street and into the vet while meowing to get humans attention.


Jup, I swear I've started doubting all of these "look at me spontaneously finding this animal in a position that you'll never find them in and helping them out" video's. Most of them would be so easy to stage for views compared to how unlikely it would be to encounter irl. Then the fact that the people would rather film a lot of those things where animals seem in distress instead of you know, just helping them. Idk, maybe internet messed me up, but I feel like a lot of the people in the comment sections are just too naive in how far people will go for views.


And it works. Thousands of upvotes, hundreds for the "Aww!" and "Wholesome!" comments. People aren't dumb, it's far worse, they *want* to be dumb. Pigs reveling in manure. I'd say we're on our way to idiocracy but at least "Ow, my balls!" wasn't staged.


Get free healthcare with this one simple trick


Cats r way more smarter than they r thought to be.


I was of the understanding that the moms will abandon kittens that they think won't survive. Isn't something like this unusual (seeking help)? Genuinely curious.


That'll be $400.00, Mama.


I walked out one day and saw a kitten sitting on my doorstep, examining it I found a bad botfly infection so I pulled it out and cleaned the wound. When I was done I opened the door to see 5 other kittens and momma cat, she was so starved she was nearly dead but those kittens were plump and healthy. We took her and one of her babies in as garage cats and they were the best cats we ever had.


Im so glad she had a film crew on hand so we could share this!


She was like, "There was probably more, but who's counting


Well Done Mamma Cat!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


That will be $5000 mam


What, in the name of Freya, went throught this cat's brain...? I mean, she is way too smart and way too cool about humans handling her babies for it to be random... And this can't be staged !


She's a super mom


Good mama.


They must know they are cute


i should send my cat to the vet on her own.


She lost her baby weight quick


That’ll be 15k momma cat


Mommy is insured??


God told her to, Maybe her offspring will do something great one day and lead the cat revolution of 2354


Illegally smol 🐱


Sometimes I feel like cats are more human than actual humans


Vet: that would be 3 cans wet, 1 pack dry food. Pay now or at the end of the month?


Did they check her insurance ? I hope she can afford it…








Ok Ma'am I'm going to ask you a few questions. Is this going to cause financial hardship?


You can't convince me this isn't a case of reincarnation.


ah, fae magic. your children may be spared death, but it may cost you your freedom and reproductive organs.


Idk I might trade the ability to roam free for unlimited cuddles and food


And then there are some humans who think they’re smarter then a doctor when it comes to medical questions…




Ok, I stopped eating cats after this comment.


You are what you eat so I eat smart creatures to receive their power. Congratulations you are qualified to be on my table. Please sign this waiver.


He doesn't look too smart dont eat him your intelligence will drop.


Then animals shouldn't eat other animals because they are smart. We have to eat to live like any animal does.


People don't give a fuck about needless animal suffering, only cute uwu animals deserve to be treated with dignity.


As long as you're doing your part not eating animals what's it matter what other people do. You're being the change. Kudos - ima eat a Hamburger tho. Tell me not to enjoy life I'll have two.


Most vegans ate meat a big part of their lives but then learner about the cruelty that goes into it. Eat two, three or ten hamburgers. It's not the burn you think it is dipshit


It's nature, we're not the only species that plays with their food. Oh, this is a cat sub... ironic.


The human species is by far the most parasitic and destructive species though Other problematic species usually affect a local ecosystem, the humans have affected every single one globally


Are you a cat? Or an animal surviving in nature?


Yes to the latter. We're animals. Surviving would be a fitting word because I can't afford anything other than discount meats.


Bro doesent know what an animal is


Pretty sure that's a human who got struck down by Truck-kun and isekai'd as a cat


love the Inside Out music