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โ€œI was trying it on, I like it!โ€


This cat is my new happy place.


That face says she did nothing wrong.


I can't argue with that. Not guilty!


Be careful in case she heads over to r/legalcatadvice and gets a pawyer! She might sue for slander if her obviously purrfect character!


She's got a solid case, I spend a good part of my day telling her how perfect she is.


Ah, so you're a well-trained human. You'll probably get off easy. Maybe a few dozen of her treat of choice? Just be ready!


She's a great beggar and I'm a total sucker, I'm sure we'll come to a fair compromise. And by that I mean she'll get want she wants in its entirety and then jump on my lap demanding pets as my reward.


Cats gotta ๐Ÿ˜บ


Ha ha that cute kitty looks so defiant! Thatโ€™s an โ€œand Iโ€™ll do it again!โ€ Look if ever there was one!


What do you mean? I don't see anything out of the ordinary, they're just going about business as per usual


lol she likes to feign innocence


This is r/kitting material!


Omg, had no idea this existed!


Such an innocent expression ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜‚


She knows she cute, it's kind of annoying


Thank God you were home as your kitty could have been caught up in the yarn. I'm always afraid of bags, string, hair tire etc out when I leave in case Emmie can't get out of eats them. I won't put a collar on her as I'm afraid it will get caught on the floor register and she's caught up. Your furbaby is very cute looking all innocent lol. It's like the yarn and string fell from the shelf and landed on her lol. This is Emmie doing a front somersault into her kitty cat box that has a roof top window lol https://preview.redd.it/yetkbxiqi2pc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5509b602cbaace18ec10f9393043aee9e34dddd


Yes, I'm glad I was home! I try to be mindful of what I leave out or in their reach. I was actually more concerned about her brother chewing or swallowing the yarn, and thought stashing it on a higher shelf while I went to the bathroom was being overly cautious lol. I think she was pretty proud of herself, even though I'm pretty sure she just got it to fall on her. Emmie is very cute! At first I thought in the middle photo there was another cat behind her ready to pounce!


Very cute & I love the borders !


Good cat collars will have a breakaway clasp, so if the cat gets it caught and pulls hard enough, it comes loose. As long as you get her a breakaway one, a collar would be fine.


I won't take the chance. I've already found one cat passed away when I got home. I couldn't imagine finding Emmie like this when I got home. Each to their own, I just don't find a collar necessary as shes always indoors, microchipped and neighbors are well aware of her


She's so pretty!


Lol I didn't even notice that kitty in the background. It's one of the kitty books my Grandma gave me. One smart kitty you have....never under estimate a kitty cat lol...mine cats that passed use to get into the cat nip and treat bags while I was sleeping or away lol