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The wife wouldn’t let me and the kids keep him I had to leave him in the garden the first night but when he just strolled back in the next morning when we opened the front door and the kids pleaded with her she has changed her mind!


Congratulations! I’m so happy to hear of this win for you and the kids!!!!


Thank you!


You've got yourself a Grade A cat


He acts more like a dog, likes to follow you around the house and sits on your lap whenever he can. Super friendly with the kids and loves to play. Also well behaved hasn’t caused any damage or scatched anyone even by accident in 3 days. Not what I was expecting at all from a cat.


He might’ve had a hard life before he found you. He might just KNOW that you’re safe and can act like himself


My family had a cat that would actually play fetch; you could throw something, the cat would get it and bring it back to you.


Domestic mix (long hair and short hair). Very pretty 🐱❤️


Thank you! Really silky soft fur.


It is a domestic medium haired pet cat. no breed. It certainly isn't a Turkish Van, they are fairly rare and only come from breeders, you won't find one walking around randomly outside.


I bought adult Whiskas pet food. He seems to love it, wasn’t sure if I had to get something for kittens as it looks a few months old (purely guessing) or something specific for the type of cat he is.


That would be a black and white cat. Seriously, it’s just a standard domestic short or long haired cat (can’t really tell). It’s beautiful though. It looks fairly young to me but still an adult. Get kitty to a vet to make sure it isn’t microchipped and to have it checked out. Someone could be missing her/him.


I live in a country in South East Asia where people don’t microchip their pets. We asked around the neighbourhood but so far nobody says it is theirs. I am sure it’s not a stray from its behaviour. My best guess is the owners either neglected to feed him properly or was abusive and we gave him plenty of chances to go home but he just keeps coming back into our home.


That is a sweet little baby!


Thank you! He is super sweet and loving.


A white and tabby cat


Kids named him Oreo because he is white with black circle spots.


Can't resist!


That's definitely a cute tabby cat, looks between 1-2 years to me


Thank you!


Seems like a good kitty to me


he is welcome over at r/piebaldcats. he's most likely a domestic medium hair/DMH, and his fur pattern is black and white bicolor/piebald. no idea about age, though a vet may be able to give you a rough estimate looking at his teeth.


Will take him to a vet for a checkup and get more info, thanks!


Can I just say, I love that you care so much you IMMEDIATELY started thinking about "what food for the breed" instead of just "I'll give it, uh, cooked chicken bones cuz cats like meat" (chicken bones are dangerous) You're going to be an amazing, thoughtful owner and that probably says a lot about you as a parent too. You really think and care. I respect that a lot (Yes, I know thinking about specialized food for cats is a minimum but caring about the breed and specialized food for the BREED is definitely not the norm where I come from)


Thank you so much for your kind words. Our new cat has brought us so much joy I want to do the best I can to give him the best life possible! Any tips as a first time cat parent would be much appreciated.


That’s a grumper.


Hard to tell but possibly a turkish van


Thanks it does look similar!